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4.3 そして XIJ 未遂事件が勃発

  1. もともとの意味は,「危険,障害などを取り除く,回避する.を未然に防ぐ」ということ.実際にjail(8)に追加した内容は↓のとおり
            Jailed processes may access /dev/kmem and similar devices
            (e.g. io, dri) if they have sufficient permission (via
            the usual file permissions).  Note that the device files
            must exist within the jail for this parameter to be of
            any use; the default devfs ruleset for jails does not
            include any such devices.  Giving a jail access to kernel
            memory obviates much of the security that jails offer,
            but can still be useful for other purposes.  For example,
            this would allow the Xorg server to run inside a jail.