libzmq  master
ZeroMQ C++ Core Engine (LIBZMQ)
zmq Namespace Reference


struct  address_t
class  array_item_t
class  array_t
class  atomic_counter_t
class  atomic_ptr_t
class  c_single_allocator
class  client_t
class  clock_t
struct  command_t
class  condition_variable_t
class  ctx_t
class  dbuffer_t
class  dbuffer_t< msg_t >
class  dealer_t
class  decoder_base_t
class  dish_session_t
class  dish_t
class  dist_t
class  encoder_base_t
struct  endpoint_t
class  fq_t
class  gather_t
class  i_decoder
struct  i_encoder
struct  i_engine
class  i_mailbox
struct  i_pipe_events
struct  i_poll_events
class  io_object_t
class  io_thread_t
class  ipc_address_t
class  ipc_connecter_t
class  ipc_listener_t
class  lb_t
class  mailbox_safe_t
class  mailbox_t
class  mechanism_t
class  metadata_t
class  msg_t
class  mtrie_t
class  mutex_t
class  null_mechanism_t
class  object_t
struct  options_t
class  own_t
class  pair_t
class  pipe_t
class  plain_client_t
class  plain_server_t
class  poller_base_t
class  pub_t
class  pull_t
class  push_t
class  radio_session_t
class  radio_t
class  raw_decoder_t
class  raw_encoder_t
class  reaper_t
class  rep_t
class  req_session_t
class  req_t
class  router_t
class  scatter_t
struct  scoped_lock_t
class  server_t
class  session_base_t
class  shared_message_memory_allocator
class  signaler_t
class  socket_base_t
class  socket_poller_t
class  socks_choice_decoder_t
struct  socks_choice_t
class  socks_connecter_t
class  socks_greeting_encoder_t
struct  socks_greeting_t
class  socks_request_encoder_t
struct  socks_request_t
class  socks_response_decoder_t
struct  socks_response_t
class  stream_engine_t
class  stream_t
class  sub_t
class  tcp_address_mask_t
class  tcp_address_t
class  tcp_connecter_t
class  tcp_listener_t
class  thread_t
class  timers_t
class  trie_t
class  udp_address_t
class  udp_engine_t
class  v1_decoder_t
class  v1_encoder_t
class  v2_decoder_t
class  v2_encoder_t
class  v2_protocol_t
class  xpub_t
class  xsub_t
class  ypipe_base_t
class  ypipe_conflate_t
class  ypipe_t
class  yqueue_t


typedef std::basic_string< unsigned char > blob_t
typedef int fd_t
typedef void( thread_fn) (void *)
typedef void( timers_timer_fn) (int timer_id, void *arg)


enum  {
  message_pipe_granularity = 256, command_pipe_granularity = 16, inbound_poll_rate = 100, in_batch_size = 8192,
  out_batch_size = 8192, max_wm_delta = 1024, max_io_events = 256, max_command_delay = 3000000,
  clock_precision = 1000000, signaler_port = 0
enum  { retired_fd = -1 }
enum  { ZMTP_1_0 = 0, ZMTP_2_0 = 1 }


struct zmq::command_t __attribute__ ((aligned(64)))
void enable_ipv4_mapping (fd_t s_)
const char * errno_to_string (int errno_)
uint32_t generate_random ()
int get_peer_ip_address (fd_t sockfd_, std::string &ip_addr_)
uint16_t get_uint16 (const unsigned char *buffer_)
uint32_t get_uint32 (const unsigned char *buffer_)
uint64_t get_uint64 (const unsigned char *buffer_)
uint8_t get_uint8 (const unsigned char *buffer_)
fd_t open_socket (int domain_, int type_, int protocol_)
int pipepair (zmq::object_t *parents_[2], zmq::pipe_t *pipes_[2], int hwms_[2], bool conflate_[2])
void print_backtrace (void)
int proxy (class socket_base_t *frontend_, class socket_base_t *backend_, class socket_base_t *capture_, class socket_base_t *control_=NULL)
void put_uint16 (unsigned char *buffer_, uint16_t value)
void put_uint32 (unsigned char *buffer_, uint32_t value)
void put_uint64 (unsigned char *buffer_, uint64_t value)
void put_uint8 (unsigned char *buffer_, uint8_t value)
void seed_random ()
void set_ip_type_of_service (fd_t s_, int iptos)
void set_tcp_receive_buffer (fd_t sockfd_, int bufsize_)
void set_tcp_send_buffer (fd_t sockfd_, int bufsize_)
int tcp_read (fd_t s_, void *data_, size_t size_)
int tcp_write (fd_t s_, const void *data_, size_t size_)
void tune_tcp_keepalives (fd_t s_, int keepalive_, int keepalive_cnt_, int keepalive_idle_, int keepalive_intvl_)
void tune_tcp_maxrt (fd_t sockfd_, int timeout_)
void tune_tcp_socket (fd_t s_)
void unblock_socket (fd_t s_)
void zmq_abort (const char *errmsg_)

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::basic_string<unsigned char> zmq::blob_t

Definition at line 134 of file blob.hpp.

typedef int zmq::fd_t

Definition at line 50 of file fd.hpp.

typedef void( zmq::thread_fn) (void *)

Definition at line 44 of file thread.hpp.

typedef void( zmq::timers_timer_fn) (int timer_id, void *arg)

Definition at line 41 of file timers.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 38 of file config.hpp.

anonymous enum

Definition at line 51 of file fd.hpp.

anonymous enum

Definition at line 48 of file stream_engine.hpp.

Function Documentation

struct zmq::command_t zmq::__attribute__ ( (aligned(64))  )
void zmq::enable_ipv4_mapping ( fd_t  s_)

Definition at line 103 of file ip.cpp.

References errno_assert.

Referenced by zmq::socks_connecter_t::connect_to_proxy(), zmq::tcp_connecter_t::open(), and zmq::tcp_listener_t::set_address().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const char * zmq::errno_to_string ( int  errno_)

Definition at line 33 of file err.cpp.


Referenced by zmq_strerror().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

uint32_t zmq::generate_random ( )
int zmq::get_peer_ip_address ( fd_t  sockfd_,
std::string &  ip_addr_ 

Definition at line 123 of file ip.cpp.

References ENOTSOCK, and errno_assert.

Referenced by zmq::stream_engine_t::stream_engine_t().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

uint16_t zmq::get_uint16 ( const unsigned char *  buffer_)

Definition at line 57 of file wire.hpp.

uint32_t zmq::get_uint32 ( const unsigned char *  buffer_)

Definition at line 72 of file wire.hpp.

Referenced by zmq::mechanism_t::parse_metadata().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

uint64_t zmq::get_uint64 ( const unsigned char *  buffer_)

Definition at line 93 of file wire.hpp.

Referenced by zmq::v1_decoder_t::eight_byte_size_ready(), and zmq::v2_decoder_t::eight_byte_size_ready().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

uint8_t zmq::get_uint8 ( const unsigned char *  buffer_)

Definition at line 46 of file wire.hpp.

zmq::fd_t zmq::open_socket ( int  domain_,
int  type_,
int  protocol_ 
int zmq::pipepair ( zmq::object_t parents_[2],
zmq::pipe_t pipes_[2],
int  hwms_[2],
bool  conflate_[2] 

Definition at line 41 of file pipe.cpp.

References alloc_assert, and zmq::pipe_t::set_peer().

Referenced by zmq::socket_base_t::connect(), zmq::session_base_t::process_attach(), and zmq::session_base_t::zap_connect().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void zmq::print_backtrace ( void  )

Definition at line 441 of file err.cpp.

Referenced by zmq_abort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int zmq::proxy ( class socket_base_t frontend_,
class socket_base_t backend_,
class socket_base_t capture_,
class socket_base_t control_ = NULL 

Definition at line 105 of file proxy.cpp.

References capture(), zmq::msg_t::data, forward(), zmq::socket_base_t::getsockopt(), zmq::msg_t::init(), zmq::socket_base_t::recv(), zmq::msg_t::size, unlikely, zmq_assert, zmq_poll(), ZMQ_POLLIN, ZMQ_POLLOUT, and ZMQ_RCVMORE.

Referenced by zmq_device(), zmq_proxy(), and zmq_proxy_steerable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void zmq::put_uint16 ( unsigned char *  buffer_,
uint16_t  value 

Definition at line 51 of file wire.hpp.

void zmq::put_uint32 ( unsigned char *  buffer_,
uint32_t  value 

Definition at line 64 of file wire.hpp.

Referenced by zmq::mechanism_t::add_property(), zmq::stream_t::identify_peer(), and zmq::router_t::identify_peer().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void zmq::put_uint64 ( unsigned char *  buffer_,
uint64_t  value 

Definition at line 81 of file wire.hpp.

Referenced by zmq::v1_encoder_t::message_ready(), zmq::v2_encoder_t::message_ready(), and zmq::stream_engine_t::plug().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void zmq::put_uint8 ( unsigned char *  buffer_,
uint8_t  value 

Definition at line 41 of file wire.hpp.

void zmq::seed_random ( )

Definition at line 44 of file random.cpp.

void zmq::set_ip_type_of_service ( fd_t  s_,
int  iptos 

Definition at line 169 of file ip.cpp.

References errno_assert.

Referenced by zmq::tcp_listener_t::accept(), zmq::socks_connecter_t::connect_to_proxy(), zmq::tcp_connecter_t::open(), and zmq::tcp_listener_t::set_address().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void zmq::set_tcp_receive_buffer ( fd_t  sockfd_,
int  bufsize_ 

Definition at line 85 of file tcp.cpp.

References errno_assert.

Referenced by zmq::socks_connecter_t::connect_to_proxy(), zmq::tcp_connecter_t::open(), and zmq::tcp_listener_t::set_address().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void zmq::set_tcp_send_buffer ( fd_t  sockfd_,
int  bufsize_ 

Definition at line 74 of file tcp.cpp.

References errno_assert.

Referenced by zmq::socks_connecter_t::connect_to_proxy(), zmq::tcp_connecter_t::open(), and zmq::tcp_listener_t::set_address().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int zmq::tcp_read ( fd_t  s_,
void *  data_,
size_t  size_ 

Definition at line 248 of file tcp.cpp.

References ENOTSOCK, and errno_assert.

Referenced by zmq::stream_engine_t::handshake(), zmq::stream_engine_t::in_event(), zmq::socks_choice_decoder_t::input(), and zmq::socks_response_decoder_t::input().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int zmq::tcp_write ( fd_t  s_,
const void *  data_,
size_t  size_ 

Definition at line 187 of file tcp.cpp.

References EMSGSIZE, ENOTSOCK, and errno_assert.

Referenced by zmq::stream_engine_t::out_event(), zmq::socks_greeting_encoder_t::output(), and zmq::socks_request_encoder_t::output().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void zmq::tune_tcp_keepalives ( fd_t  s_,
int  keepalive_,
int  keepalive_cnt_,
int  keepalive_idle_,
int  keepalive_intvl_ 

Definition at line 96 of file tcp.cpp.

References errno_assert, and LIBZMQ_UNUSED.

Referenced by zmq::socks_connecter_t::check_proxy_connection(), zmq::tcp_listener_t::in_event(), and zmq::tcp_connecter_t::out_event().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void zmq::tune_tcp_maxrt ( fd_t  sockfd_,
int  timeout_ 

Definition at line 166 of file tcp.cpp.

References errno_assert, and LIBZMQ_UNUSED.

Referenced by zmq::tcp_listener_t::in_event(), and zmq::tcp_connecter_t::out_event().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void zmq::tune_tcp_socket ( fd_t  s_)

Definition at line 51 of file tcp.cpp.

References errno_assert.

Referenced by zmq::socks_connecter_t::check_proxy_connection(), zmq::tcp_listener_t::in_event(), and zmq::tcp_connecter_t::out_event().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void zmq::unblock_socket ( fd_t  s_)
void zmq::zmq_abort ( const char *  errmsg_)