BSNMP - mini SNMP daemon

For a couple of projects that involved controlling software on a couple of machines from a single controlling machine I decided to use SNMP. After looking at several available SNMP implementations I started to implement my own SNMP stuff, because what was available was not really what I needed (for several reasons). The result is bsnmp.

ATM stuff


P11 - a PDP-11 simulator

A couple of years ago when I still owned a PDP-11 I decided to write a simulator for that machine, because running that machine was a problem in a normal flat. The result is this simulator. It has the additional bonus of beeing more than 10 times faster than the original machine, beeing much more silent, needing less electricity and producing lesser heat. It runs on FreeBSD, Solaris and Linux, provides several different kinds of disks and tapes and an Ethernet controller. It successfully runs RSX-11M, RSX-PLUS, RT-11 and 2.11BSD. A fully system build of 2.11BSD takes just around an hour on a 1GHz host. Libbegemot is needed to build the simulator.

  • libbegemot-1.11.tar.gz
  • libbegemot-1.9.tar.gz
  • libbegemot-1.7.tar.gz