Here are some instructions for building SimulAVR 1.0.0 from source on FreeBSD. These instructions have been tested on FreeBSD/amd64 10.2-RELEASE. Note that this installs simulavr under /usr/local/simulavr to keep it from conflicting with other packages. 1) You'll need to first compile and install GNU binutils, bootstrapped for AVR cross-compilation. o Download binutils 2.25.1 and unpack the source o cd /path/to/binutils-2.25.1; mkdir avr o cd avr o ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/simulavr --enable-host-shared=yes --enable-shared=yes --target=avr o gmake o gmake install 2) Unpack the simulavr-1.0.0 source code 3) cd /path/to/simulavr-1.0.0 4) set the following environment variables: setenv PYTHON_LDFLAGS "-L/usr/local/lib -lpython2.7" setenv "LDFLAGS -L/usr/local/simulavr/x86_64-unknown-freebsd10.2/avr/lib -lbfd -L/usr/local/lib -lintl -rpath /usr/local/simulavr/x86_64-unknown-freebsd10.2/avr/lib" setenv CC /usr/bin/cc setenv CXX /usr/bin/c++ 5) Run aclocal: aclocal 6) Run autoconf: autoconf 7) Run libtoolize: libtoolize --force 8) Run automake: automake -a 9) Edit configure as follows: o Change #! /bin/sh to #! /usr/local/bin/bash o Find "wish wish8.4 wish8.3 wish8.2" and add wish8.6 o Change "set dummy tclsh" to "set dummy tclsh8.6" 10) configure simulavr as follows: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/simulavr --with-bfd=/usr/local/simulavr/x86_64-unknown-freebsd10.2/avr --with-libiberty=/home/wpaul/binutils-2.25.1/avr/libiberty -with-tclconfig=/usr/local/lib/tcl8.6 --enable-shared=yes --enable-python=yes 11) Apply the supplied diffs: patch < diff1 patch < diff2 patch < diff3 patch < diff4 patch < diff5 patch < diff6 patch < diff7 patch < diff8 patch < diff9 patch < diff10 patch < diff11 11) Build and install: gmake gmake install