LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - net.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: coverage.lcov Lines: 195 208 93.8 %
Date: 2023-09-07 14:00:19 Functions: 42 43 97.7 %
Legend: Modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed

Not modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed
Branches: 54 58 93.1 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
#       1                 :            : // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
#       2                 :            : // Copyright (c) 2009-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
#       3                 :            : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
#       4                 :            : // file COPYING or
#       5                 :            : 
#       6                 :            : #ifndef BITCOIN_NET_H
#       7                 :            : #define BITCOIN_NET_H
#       8                 :            : 
#       9                 :            : #include <bip324.h>
#      10                 :            : #include <chainparams.h>
#      11                 :            : #include <common/bloom.h>
#      12                 :            : #include <compat/compat.h>
#      13                 :            : #include <node/connection_types.h>
#      14                 :            : #include <consensus/amount.h>
#      15                 :            : #include <crypto/siphash.h>
#      16                 :            : #include <hash.h>
#      17                 :            : #include <i2p.h>
#      18                 :            : #include <net_permissions.h>
#      19                 :            : #include <netaddress.h>
#      20                 :            : #include <netbase.h>
#      21                 :            : #include <netgroup.h>
#      22                 :            : #include <policy/feerate.h>
#      23                 :            : #include <protocol.h>
#      24                 :            : #include <random.h>
#      25                 :            : #include <span.h>
#      26                 :            : #include <streams.h>
#      27                 :            : #include <sync.h>
#      28                 :            : #include <uint256.h>
#      29                 :            : #include <util/check.h>
#      30                 :            : #include <util/sock.h>
#      31                 :            : #include <util/threadinterrupt.h>
#      32                 :            : 
#      33                 :            : #include <atomic>
#      34                 :            : #include <condition_variable>
#      35                 :            : #include <cstdint>
#      36                 :            : #include <deque>
#      37                 :            : #include <functional>
#      38                 :            : #include <list>
#      39                 :            : #include <map>
#      40                 :            : #include <memory>
#      41                 :            : #include <optional>
#      42                 :            : #include <queue>
#      43                 :            : #include <thread>
#      44                 :            : #include <unordered_set>
#      45                 :            : #include <vector>
#      46                 :            : 
#      47                 :            : class AddrMan;
#      48                 :            : class BanMan;
#      49                 :            : class CNode;
#      50                 :            : class CScheduler;
#      51                 :            : struct bilingual_str;
#      52                 :            : 
#      53                 :            : /** Default for -whitelistrelay. */
#      54                 :            : static const bool DEFAULT_WHITELISTRELAY = true;
#      55                 :            : /** Default for -whitelistforcerelay. */
#      56                 :            : static const bool DEFAULT_WHITELISTFORCERELAY = false;
#      57                 :            : 
#      58                 :            : /** Time after which to disconnect, after waiting for a ping response (or inactivity). */
#      59                 :            : static constexpr std::chrono::minutes TIMEOUT_INTERVAL{20};
#      60                 :            : /** Run the feeler connection loop once every 2 minutes. **/
#      61                 :            : static constexpr auto FEELER_INTERVAL = 2min;
#      62                 :            : /** Run the extra block-relay-only connection loop once every 5 minutes. **/
#      63                 :            : static constexpr auto EXTRA_BLOCK_RELAY_ONLY_PEER_INTERVAL = 5min;
#      64                 :            : /** Maximum length of incoming protocol messages (no message over 4 MB is currently acceptable). */
#      65                 :            : static const unsigned int MAX_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 4 * 1000 * 1000;
#      66                 :            : /** Maximum length of the user agent string in `version` message */
#      67                 :            : static const unsigned int MAX_SUBVERSION_LENGTH = 256;
#      68                 :            : /** Maximum number of automatic outgoing nodes over which we'll relay everything (blocks, tx, addrs, etc) */
#      69                 :            : static const int MAX_OUTBOUND_FULL_RELAY_CONNECTIONS = 8;
#      70                 :            : /** Maximum number of addnode outgoing nodes */
#      71                 :            : static const int MAX_ADDNODE_CONNECTIONS = 8;
#      72                 :            : /** Maximum number of block-relay-only outgoing connections */
#      73                 :            : static const int MAX_BLOCK_RELAY_ONLY_CONNECTIONS = 2;
#      74                 :            : /** Maximum number of feeler connections */
#      75                 :            : static const int MAX_FEELER_CONNECTIONS = 1;
#      76                 :            : /** -listen default */
#      77                 :            : static const bool DEFAULT_LISTEN = true;
#      78                 :            : /** The maximum number of peer connections to maintain. */
#      79                 :            : static const unsigned int DEFAULT_MAX_PEER_CONNECTIONS = 125;
#      80                 :            : /** The default for -maxuploadtarget. 0 = Unlimited */
#      81                 :            : static const std::string DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_TARGET{"0M"};
#      82                 :            : /** Default for blocks only*/
#      83                 :            : static const bool DEFAULT_BLOCKSONLY = false;
#      84                 :            : /** -peertimeout default */
#      85                 :            : static const int64_t DEFAULT_PEER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 60;
#      86                 :            : /** Number of file descriptors required for message capture **/
#      87                 :            : static const int NUM_FDS_MESSAGE_CAPTURE = 1;
#      88                 :            : 
#      89                 :            : static constexpr bool DEFAULT_FORCEDNSSEED{false};
#      90                 :            : static constexpr bool DEFAULT_DNSSEED{true};
#      91                 :            : static constexpr bool DEFAULT_FIXEDSEEDS{true};
#      92                 :            : static const size_t DEFAULT_MAXRECEIVEBUFFER = 5 * 1000;
#      93                 :            : static const size_t DEFAULT_MAXSENDBUFFER    = 1 * 1000;
#      94                 :            : 
#      95                 :            : typedef int64_t NodeId;
#      96                 :            : 
#      97                 :            : struct AddedNodeInfo
#      98                 :            : {
#      99                 :            :     std::string strAddedNode;
#     100                 :            :     CService resolvedAddress;
#     101                 :            :     bool fConnected;
#     102                 :            :     bool fInbound;
#     103                 :            : };
#     104                 :            : 
#     105                 :            : class CNodeStats;
#     106                 :            : class CClientUIInterface;
#     107                 :            : 
#     108                 :            : struct CSerializedNetMsg {
#     109                 :    2300388 :     CSerializedNetMsg() = default;
#     110                 :     500119 :     CSerializedNetMsg(CSerializedNetMsg&&) = default;
#     111                 :     191646 :     CSerializedNetMsg& operator=(CSerializedNetMsg&&) = default;
#     112                 :            :     // No implicit copying, only moves.
#     113                 :            :     CSerializedNetMsg(const CSerializedNetMsg& msg) = delete;
#     114                 :            :     CSerializedNetMsg& operator=(const CSerializedNetMsg&) = delete;
#     115                 :            : 
#     116                 :            :     CSerializedNetMsg Copy() const
#     117                 :    1475329 :     {
#     118                 :    1475329 :         CSerializedNetMsg copy;
#     119                 :    1475329 : = data;
#     120                 :    1475329 :         copy.m_type = m_type;
#     121                 :    1475329 :         return copy;
#     122                 :    1475329 :     }
#     123                 :            : 
#     124                 :            :     std::vector<unsigned char> data;
#     125                 :            :     std::string m_type;
#     126                 :            : 
#     127                 :            :     /** Compute total memory usage of this object (own memory + any dynamic memory). */
#     128                 :            :     size_t GetMemoryUsage() const noexcept;
#     129                 :            : };
#     130                 :            : 
#     131                 :            : /**
#     132                 :            :  * Look up IP addresses from all interfaces on the machine and add them to the
#     133                 :            :  * list of local addresses to self-advertise.
#     134                 :            :  * The loopback interface is skipped and only the first address from each
#     135                 :            :  * interface is used.
#     136                 :            :  */
#     137                 :            : void Discover();
#     138                 :            : 
#     139                 :            : uint16_t GetListenPort();
#     140                 :            : 
#     141                 :            : enum
#     142                 :            : {
#     143                 :            :     LOCAL_NONE,   // unknown
#     144                 :            :     LOCAL_IF,     // address a local interface listens on
#     145                 :            :     LOCAL_BIND,   // address explicit bound to
#     146                 :            :     LOCAL_MAPPED, // address reported by UPnP or NAT-PMP
#     147                 :            :     LOCAL_MANUAL, // address explicitly specified (-externalip=)
#     148                 :            : 
#     149                 :            :     LOCAL_MAX
#     150                 :            : };
#     151                 :            : 
#     152                 :            : bool IsPeerAddrLocalGood(CNode *pnode);
#     153                 :            : /** Returns a local address that we should advertise to this peer. */
#     154                 :            : std::optional<CService> GetLocalAddrForPeer(CNode& node);
#     155                 :            : 
#     156                 :            : /**
#     157                 :            :  * Mark a network as reachable or unreachable (no automatic connects to it)
#     158                 :            :  * @note Networks are reachable by default
#     159                 :            :  */
#     160                 :            : void SetReachable(enum Network net, bool reachable);
#     161                 :            : /** @returns true if the network is reachable, false otherwise */
#     162                 :            : bool IsReachable(enum Network net);
#     163                 :            : /** @returns true if the address is in a reachable network, false otherwise */
#     164                 :            : bool IsReachable(const CNetAddr& addr);
#     165                 :            : 
#     166                 :            : bool AddLocal(const CService& addr, int nScore = LOCAL_NONE);
#     167                 :            : bool AddLocal(const CNetAddr& addr, int nScore = LOCAL_NONE);
#     168                 :            : void RemoveLocal(const CService& addr);
#     169                 :            : bool SeenLocal(const CService& addr);
#     170                 :            : bool IsLocal(const CService& addr);
#     171                 :            : bool GetLocal(CService& addr, const CNode& peer);
#     172                 :            : CService GetLocalAddress(const CNode& peer);
#     173                 :            : CService MaybeFlipIPv6toCJDNS(const CService& service);
#     174                 :            : 
#     175                 :            : 
#     176                 :            : extern bool fDiscover;
#     177                 :            : extern bool fListen;
#     178                 :            : 
#     179                 :            : /** Subversion as sent to the P2P network in `version` messages */
#     180                 :            : extern std::string strSubVersion;
#     181                 :            : 
#     182                 :            : struct LocalServiceInfo {
#     183                 :            :     int nScore;
#     184                 :            :     uint16_t nPort;
#     185                 :            : };
#     186                 :            : 
#     187                 :            : extern GlobalMutex g_maplocalhost_mutex;
#     188                 :            : extern std::map<CNetAddr, LocalServiceInfo> mapLocalHost GUARDED_BY(g_maplocalhost_mutex);
#     189                 :            : 
#     190                 :            : extern const std::string NET_MESSAGE_TYPE_OTHER;
#     191                 :            : using mapMsgTypeSize = std::map</* message type */ std::string, /* total bytes */ uint64_t>;
#     192                 :            : 
#     193                 :            : class CNodeStats
#     194                 :            : {
#     195                 :            : public:
#     196                 :            :     NodeId nodeid;
#     197                 :            :     std::chrono::seconds m_last_send;
#     198                 :            :     std::chrono::seconds m_last_recv;
#     199                 :            :     std::chrono::seconds m_last_tx_time;
#     200                 :            :     std::chrono::seconds m_last_block_time;
#     201                 :            :     std::chrono::seconds m_connected;
#     202                 :            :     int64_t nTimeOffset;
#     203                 :            :     std::string m_addr_name;
#     204                 :            :     int nVersion;
#     205                 :            :     std::string cleanSubVer;
#     206                 :            :     bool fInbound;
#     207                 :            :     // We requested high bandwidth connection to peer
#     208                 :            :     bool m_bip152_highbandwidth_to;
#     209                 :            :     // Peer requested high bandwidth connection
#     210                 :            :     bool m_bip152_highbandwidth_from;
#     211                 :            :     int m_starting_height;
#     212                 :            :     uint64_t nSendBytes;
#     213                 :            :     mapMsgTypeSize mapSendBytesPerMsgType;
#     214                 :            :     uint64_t nRecvBytes;
#     215                 :            :     mapMsgTypeSize mapRecvBytesPerMsgType;
#     216                 :            :     NetPermissionFlags m_permission_flags;
#     217                 :            :     std::chrono::microseconds m_last_ping_time;
#     218                 :            :     std::chrono::microseconds m_min_ping_time;
#     219                 :            :     // Our address, as reported by the peer
#     220                 :            :     std::string addrLocal;
#     221                 :            :     // Address of this peer
#     222                 :            :     CAddress addr;
#     223                 :            :     // Bind address of our side of the connection
#     224                 :            :     CAddress addrBind;
#     225                 :            :     // Network the peer connected through
#     226                 :            :     Network m_network;
#     227                 :            :     uint32_t m_mapped_as;
#     228                 :            :     ConnectionType m_conn_type;
#     229                 :            : };
#     230                 :            : 
#     231                 :            : 
#     232                 :            : /** Transport protocol agnostic message container.
#     233                 :            :  * Ideally it should only contain receive time, payload,
#     234                 :            :  * type and size.
#     235                 :            :  */
#     236                 :            : class CNetMessage {
#     237                 :            : public:
#     238                 :            :     CDataStream m_recv;                  //!< received message data
#     239                 :            :     std::chrono::microseconds m_time{0}; //!< time of message receipt
#     240                 :            :     uint32_t m_message_size{0};          //!< size of the payload
#     241                 :            :     uint32_t m_raw_message_size{0};      //!< used wire size of the message (including header/checksum)
#     242                 :            :     std::string m_type;
#     243                 :            : 
#     244                 :     160436 :     CNetMessage(CDataStream&& recv_in) : m_recv(std::move(recv_in)) {}
#     245                 :            :     // Only one CNetMessage object will exist for the same message on either
#     246                 :            :     // the receive or processing queue. For performance reasons we therefore
#     247                 :            :     // delete the copy constructor and assignment operator to avoid the
#     248                 :            :     // possibility of copying CNetMessage objects.
#     249                 :     372664 :     CNetMessage(CNetMessage&&) = default;
#     250                 :            :     CNetMessage(const CNetMessage&) = delete;
#     251                 :            :     CNetMessage& operator=(CNetMessage&&) = default;
#     252                 :            :     CNetMessage& operator=(const CNetMessage&) = delete;
#     253                 :            : 
#     254                 :            :     void SetVersion(int nVersionIn)
#     255                 :     122445 :     {
#     256                 :     122445 :         m_recv.SetVersion(nVersionIn);
#     257                 :     122445 :     }
#     258                 :            : };
#     259                 :            : 
#     260                 :            : /** The Transport converts one connection's sent messages to wire bytes, and received bytes back. */
#     261                 :            : class Transport {
#     262                 :            : public:
#     263                 :     706488 :     virtual ~Transport() {}
#     264                 :            : 
#     265                 :            :     // 1. Receiver side functions, for decoding bytes received on the wire into transport protocol
#     266                 :            :     // agnostic CNetMessage (message type & payload) objects.
#     267                 :            : 
#     268                 :            :     /** Returns true if the current message is complete (so GetReceivedMessage can be called). */
#     269                 :            :     virtual bool ReceivedMessageComplete() const = 0;
#     270                 :            : 
#     271                 :            :     /** Feed wire bytes to the transport.
#     272                 :            :      *
#     273                 :            :      * @return false if some bytes were invalid, in which case the transport can't be used anymore.
#     274                 :            :      *
#     275                 :            :      * Consumed bytes are chopped off the front of msg_bytes.
#     276                 :            :      */
#     277                 :            :     virtual bool ReceivedBytes(Span<const uint8_t>& msg_bytes) = 0;
#     278                 :            : 
#     279                 :            :     /** Retrieve a completed message from transport.
#     280                 :            :      *
#     281                 :            :      * This can only be called when ReceivedMessageComplete() is true.
#     282                 :            :      *
#     283                 :            :      * If reject_message=true is returned the message itself is invalid, but (other than false
#     284                 :            :      * returned by ReceivedBytes) the transport is not in an inconsistent state.
#     285                 :            :      */
#     286                 :            :     virtual CNetMessage GetReceivedMessage(std::chrono::microseconds time, bool& reject_message) = 0;
#     287                 :            : 
#     288                 :            :     // 2. Sending side functions, for converting messages into bytes to be sent over the wire.
#     289                 :            : 
#     290                 :            :     /** Set the next message to send.
#     291                 :            :      *
#     292                 :            :      * If no message can currently be set (perhaps because the previous one is not yet done being
#     293                 :            :      * sent), returns false, and msg will be unmodified. Otherwise msg is enqueued (and
#     294                 :            :      * possibly moved-from) and true is returned.
#     295                 :            :      */
#     296                 :            :     virtual bool SetMessageToSend(CSerializedNetMsg& msg) noexcept = 0;
#     297                 :            : 
#     298                 :            :     /** Return type for GetBytesToSend, consisting of:
#     299                 :            :      *  - Span<const uint8_t> to_send: span of bytes to be sent over the wire (possibly empty).
#     300                 :            :      *  - bool more: whether there will be more bytes to be sent after the ones in to_send are
#     301                 :            :      *    all sent (as signaled by MarkBytesSent()).
#     302                 :            :      *  - const std::string& m_type: message type on behalf of which this is being sent
#     303                 :            :      *    ("" for bytes that are not on behalf of any message).
#     304                 :            :      */
#     305                 :            :     using BytesToSend = std::tuple<
#     306                 :            :         Span<const uint8_t> /*to_send*/,
#     307                 :            :         bool /*more*/,
#     308                 :            :         const std::string& /*m_type*/
#     309                 :            :     >;
#     310                 :            : 
#     311                 :            :     /** Get bytes to send on the wire, if any, along with other information about it.
#     312                 :            :      *
#     313                 :            :      * As a const function, it does not modify the transport's observable state, and is thus safe
#     314                 :            :      * to be called multiple times.
#     315                 :            :      *
#     316                 :            :      * @param[in] have_next_message If true, the "more" return value reports whether more will
#     317                 :            :      *            be sendable after a SetMessageToSend call. It is set by the caller when they know
#     318                 :            :      *            they have another message ready to send, and only care about what happens
#     319                 :            :      *            after that. The have_next_message argument only affects this "more" return value
#     320                 :            :      *            and nothing else.
#     321                 :            :      *
#     322                 :            :      *            Effectively, there are three possible outcomes about whether there are more bytes
#     323                 :            :      *            to send:
#     324                 :            :      *            - Yes:     the transport itself has more bytes to send later. For example, for
#     325                 :            :      *                       V1Transport this happens during the sending of the header of a
#     326                 :            :      *                       message, when there is a non-empty payload that follows.
#     327                 :            :      *            - No:      the transport itself has no more bytes to send, but will have bytes to
#     328                 :            :      *                       send if handed a message through SetMessageToSend. In V1Transport this
#     329                 :            :      *                       happens when sending the payload of a message.
#     330                 :            :      *            - Blocked: the transport itself has no more bytes to send, and is also incapable
#     331                 :            :      *                       of sending anything more at all now, if it were handed another
#     332                 :            :      *                       message to send. This occurs in V2Transport before the handshake is
#     333                 :            :      *                       complete, as the encryption ciphers are not set up for sending
#     334                 :            :      *                       messages before that point.
#     335                 :            :      *
#     336                 :            :      *            The boolean 'more' is true for Yes, false for Blocked, and have_next_message
#     337                 :            :      *            controls what is returned for No.
#     338                 :            :      *
#     339                 :            :      * @return a BytesToSend object. The to_send member returned acts as a stream which is only
#     340                 :            :      *         ever appended to. This means that with the exception of MarkBytesSent (which pops
#     341                 :            :      *         bytes off the front of later to_sends), operations on the transport can only append
#     342                 :            :      *         to what is being returned. Also note that m_type and to_send refer to data that is
#     343                 :            :      *         internal to the transport, and calling any non-const function on this object may
#     344                 :            :      *         invalidate them.
#     345                 :            :      */
#     346                 :            :     virtual BytesToSend GetBytesToSend(bool have_next_message) const noexcept = 0;
#     347                 :            : 
#     348                 :            :     /** Report how many bytes returned by the last GetBytesToSend() have been sent.
#     349                 :            :      *
#     350                 :            :      * bytes_sent cannot exceed to_send.size() of the last GetBytesToSend() result.
#     351                 :            :      *
#     352                 :            :      * If bytes_sent=0, this call has no effect.
#     353                 :            :      */
#     354                 :            :     virtual void MarkBytesSent(size_t bytes_sent) noexcept = 0;
#     355                 :            : 
#     356                 :            :     /** Return the memory usage of this transport attributable to buffered data to send. */
#     357                 :            :     virtual size_t GetSendMemoryUsage() const noexcept = 0;
#     358                 :            : };
#     359                 :            : 
#     360                 :            : class V1Transport final : public Transport
#     361                 :            : {
#     362                 :            : private:
#     363                 :            :     CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars m_magic_bytes;
#     364                 :            :     const NodeId m_node_id; // Only for logging
#     365                 :            :     mutable Mutex m_recv_mutex; //!< Lock for receive state
#     366                 :            :     mutable CHash256 hasher GUARDED_BY(m_recv_mutex);
#     367                 :            :     mutable uint256 data_hash GUARDED_BY(m_recv_mutex);
#     368                 :            :     bool in_data GUARDED_BY(m_recv_mutex); // parsing header (false) or data (true)
#     369                 :            :     CDataStream hdrbuf GUARDED_BY(m_recv_mutex); // partially received header
#     370                 :            :     CMessageHeader hdr GUARDED_BY(m_recv_mutex); // complete header
#     371                 :            :     CDataStream vRecv GUARDED_BY(m_recv_mutex); // received message data
#     372                 :            :     unsigned int nHdrPos GUARDED_BY(m_recv_mutex);
#     373                 :            :     unsigned int nDataPos GUARDED_BY(m_recv_mutex);
#     374                 :            : 
#     375                 :            :     const uint256& GetMessageHash() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_recv_mutex);
#     376                 :            :     int readHeader(Span<const uint8_t> msg_bytes) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_recv_mutex);
#     377                 :            :     int readData(Span<const uint8_t> msg_bytes) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_recv_mutex);
#     378                 :            : 
#     379                 :     520732 :     void Reset() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_recv_mutex) {
#     380                 :     520732 :         AssertLockHeld(m_recv_mutex);
#     381                 :     520732 :         vRecv.clear();
#     382                 :     520732 :         hdrbuf.clear();
#     383                 :     520732 :         hdrbuf.resize(24);
#     384                 :     520732 :         in_data = false;
#     385                 :     520732 :         nHdrPos = 0;
#     386                 :     520732 :         nDataPos = 0;
#     387                 :     520732 :         data_hash.SetNull();
#     388                 :     520732 :         hasher.Reset();
#     389                 :     520732 :     }
#     390                 :            : 
#     391                 :            :     bool CompleteInternal() const noexcept EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_recv_mutex)
#     392                 :     533010 :     {
#     393                 :     533010 :         AssertLockHeld(m_recv_mutex);
#     394         [ +  + ]:     533010 :         if (!in_data) return false;
#     395                 :     500727 :         return hdr.nMessageSize == nDataPos;
#     396                 :     533010 :     }
#     397                 :            : 
#     398                 :            :     /** Lock for sending state. */
#     399                 :            :     mutable Mutex m_send_mutex;
#     400                 :            :     /** The header of the message currently being sent. */
#     401                 :            :     std::vector<uint8_t> m_header_to_send GUARDED_BY(m_send_mutex);
#     402                 :            :     /** The data of the message currently being sent. */
#     403                 :            :     CSerializedNetMsg m_message_to_send GUARDED_BY(m_send_mutex);
#     404                 :            :     /** Whether we're currently sending header bytes or message bytes. */
#     405                 :            :     bool m_sending_header GUARDED_BY(m_send_mutex) {false};
#     406                 :            :     /** How many bytes have been sent so far (from m_header_to_send, or from */
#     407                 :            :     size_t m_bytes_sent GUARDED_BY(m_send_mutex) {0};
#     408                 :            : 
#     409                 :            : public:
#     410                 :            :     V1Transport(const NodeId node_id, int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn) noexcept;
#     411                 :            : 
#     412                 :            :     bool ReceivedMessageComplete() const override EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_recv_mutex)
#     413                 :     378569 :     {
#     414                 :     378569 :         AssertLockNotHeld(m_recv_mutex);
#     415                 :     378569 :         return WITH_LOCK(m_recv_mutex, return CompleteInternal());
#     416                 :     378569 :     }
#     417                 :            : 
#     418                 :            :     bool ReceivedBytes(Span<const uint8_t>& msg_bytes) override EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_recv_mutex)
#     419                 :     378570 :     {
#     420                 :     378570 :         AssertLockNotHeld(m_recv_mutex);
#     421                 :     378570 :         LOCK(m_recv_mutex);
#     422         [ +  + ]:     378570 :         int ret = in_data ? readData(msg_bytes) : readHeader(msg_bytes);
#     423         [ +  + ]:     378570 :         if (ret < 0) {
#     424                 :          3 :             Reset();
#     425                 :     378567 :         } else {
#     426                 :     378567 :             msg_bytes = msg_bytes.subspan(ret);
#     427                 :     378567 :         }
#     428                 :     378570 :         return ret >= 0;
#     429                 :     378570 :     }
#     430                 :            : 
#     431                 :            :     CNetMessage GetReceivedMessage(std::chrono::microseconds time, bool& reject_message) override EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_recv_mutex);
#     432                 :            : 
#     433                 :            :     bool SetMessageToSend(CSerializedNetMsg& msg) noexcept override EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_send_mutex);
#     434                 :            :     BytesToSend GetBytesToSend(bool have_next_message) const noexcept override EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_send_mutex);
#     435                 :            :     void MarkBytesSent(size_t bytes_sent) noexcept override EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_send_mutex);
#     436                 :            :     size_t GetSendMemoryUsage() const noexcept override EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_send_mutex);
#     437                 :            : };
#     438                 :            : 
#     439                 :            : class V2Transport final : public Transport
#     440                 :            : {
#     441                 :            : private:
#     442                 :            :     /** Contents of the version packet to send. BIP324 stipulates that senders should leave this
#     443                 :            :      *  empty, and receivers should ignore it. Future extensions can change what is sent as long as
#     444                 :            :      *  an empty version packet contents is interpreted as no extensions supported. */
#     445                 :            :     static constexpr std::array<std::byte, 0> VERSION_CONTENTS = {};
#     446                 :            : 
#     447                 :            :     /** The length of the V1 prefix to match bytes initially received by responders with to
#     448                 :            :      *  determine if their peer is speaking V1 or V2. */
#     449                 :            :     static constexpr size_t V1_PREFIX_LEN = 12;
#     450                 :            : 
#     451                 :            :     // The sender side and receiver side of V2Transport are state machines that are transitioned
#     452                 :            :     // through, based on what has been received. The receive state corresponds to the contents of,
#     453                 :            :     // and bytes received to, the receive buffer. The send state controls what can be appended to
#     454                 :            :     // the send buffer and what can be sent from it.
#     455                 :            : 
#     456                 :            :     /** State type that defines the current contents of the receive buffer and/or how the next
#     457                 :            :      *  received bytes added to it will be interpreted.
#     458                 :            :      *
#     459                 :            :      * Diagram:
#     460                 :            :      *
#     461                 :            :      *   start(responder)
#     462                 :            :      *        |
#     463                 :            :      *        |  start(initiator)                                       /---------\
#     464                 :            :      *        |          |                                              |         |
#     465                 :            :      *        v          v                                              v         |
#     466                 :            :      *  KEY_MAYBE_V1 -> KEY -> GARB_GARBTERM -> GARBAUTH -> VERSION -> APP -> APP_READY
#     467                 :            :      *        |
#     468                 :            :      *        \-------> V1
#     469                 :            :      */
#     470                 :            :     enum class RecvState : uint8_t {
#     471                 :            :         /** (Responder only) either v2 public key or v1 header.
#     472                 :            :          *
#     473                 :            :          * This is the initial state for responders, before data has been received to distinguish
#     474                 :            :          * v1 from v2 connections. When that happens, the state becomes either KEY (for v2) or V1
#     475                 :            :          * (for v1). */
#     476                 :            :         KEY_MAYBE_V1,
#     477                 :            : 
#     478                 :            :         /** Public key.
#     479                 :            :          *
#     480                 :            :          * This is the initial state for initiators, during which the other side's public key is
#     481                 :            :          * received. When that information arrives, the ciphers get initialized and the state
#     482                 :            :          * becomes GARB_GARBTERM. */
#     483                 :            :         KEY,
#     484                 :            : 
#     485                 :            :         /** Garbage and garbage terminator.
#     486                 :            :          *
#     487                 :            :          * Whenever a byte is received, the last 16 bytes are compared with the expected garbage
#     488                 :            :          * terminator. When that happens, the state becomes GARBAUTH. If no matching terminator is
#     489                 :            :          * received in 4111 bytes (4095 for the maximum garbage length, and 16 bytes for the
#     490                 :            :          * terminator), the connection aborts. */
#     491                 :            :         GARB_GARBTERM,
#     492                 :            : 
#     493                 :            :         /** Garbage authentication packet.
#     494                 :            :          *
#     495                 :            :          * A packet is received, and decrypted/verified with AAD set to the garbage received during
#     496                 :            :          * the GARB_GARBTERM state. If that succeeds, the state becomes VERSION. If it fails the
#     497                 :            :          * connection aborts. */
#     498                 :            :         GARBAUTH,
#     499                 :            : 
#     500                 :            :         /** Version packet.
#     501                 :            :          *
#     502                 :            :          * A packet is received, and decrypted/verified. If that succeeds, the state becomes APP,
#     503                 :            :          * and the decrypted contents is interpreted as version negotiation (currently, that means
#     504                 :            :          * ignoring it, but it can be used for negotiating future extensions). If it fails, the
#     505                 :            :          * connection aborts. */
#     506                 :            :         VERSION,
#     507                 :            : 
#     508                 :            :         /** Application packet.
#     509                 :            :          *
#     510                 :            :          * A packet is received, and decrypted/verified. If that succeeds, the state becomes
#     511                 :            :          * APP_READY and the decrypted contents is kept in m_recv_decode_buffer until it is
#     512                 :            :          * retrieved as a message by GetMessage(). */
#     513                 :            :         APP,
#     514                 :            : 
#     515                 :            :         /** Nothing (an application packet is available for GetMessage()).
#     516                 :            :          *
#     517                 :            :          * Nothing can be received in this state. When the message is retrieved by GetMessage,
#     518                 :            :          * the state becomes APP again. */
#     519                 :            :         APP_READY,
#     520                 :            : 
#     521                 :            :         /** Nothing (this transport is using v1 fallback).
#     522                 :            :          *
#     523                 :            :          * All receive operations are redirected to m_v1_fallback. */
#     524                 :            :         V1,
#     525                 :            :     };
#     526                 :            : 
#     527                 :            :     /** State type that controls the sender side.
#     528                 :            :      *
#     529                 :            :      * Diagram:
#     530                 :            :      *
#     531                 :            :      *  start(responder)
#     532                 :            :      *      |
#     533                 :            :      *      |      start(initiator)
#     534                 :            :      *      |            |
#     535                 :            :      *      v            v
#     536                 :            :      *  MAYBE_V1 -> AWAITING_KEY -> READY
#     537                 :            :      *      |
#     538                 :            :      *      \-----> V1
#     539                 :            :      */
#     540                 :            :     enum class SendState : uint8_t {
#     541                 :            :         /** (Responder only) Not sending until v1 or v2 is detected.
#     542                 :            :          *
#     543                 :            :          * This is the initial state for responders. The send buffer contains the public key to
#     544                 :            :          * send, but nothing is sent in this state yet. When the receiver determines whether this
#     545                 :            :          * is a V1 or V2 connection, the sender state becomes AWAITING_KEY (for v2) or V1 (for v1).
#     546                 :            :          */
#     547                 :            :         MAYBE_V1,
#     548                 :            : 
#     549                 :            :         /** Waiting for the other side's public key.
#     550                 :            :          *
#     551                 :            :          * This is the initial state for initiators. The public key is sent out. When the receiver
#     552                 :            :          * receives the other side's public key and transitions to GARB_GARBTERM, the sender state
#     553                 :            :          * becomes READY. */
#     554                 :            :         AWAITING_KEY,
#     555                 :            : 
#     556                 :            :         /** Normal sending state.
#     557                 :            :          *
#     558                 :            :          * In this state, the ciphers are initialized, so packets can be sent. When this state is
#     559                 :            :          * entered, the garbage, garbage terminator, garbage authentication packet, and version
#     560                 :            :          * packet are appended to the send buffer (in addition to the key which may still be
#     561                 :            :          * there). In this state a message can be provided if the send buffer is empty. */
#     562                 :            :         READY,
#     563                 :            : 
#     564                 :            :         /** This transport is using v1 fallback.
#     565                 :            :          *
#     566                 :            :          * All send operations are redirected to m_v1_fallback. */
#     567                 :            :         V1,
#     568                 :            :     };
#     569                 :            : 
#     570                 :            :     /** Cipher state. */
#     571                 :            :     BIP324Cipher m_cipher;
#     572                 :            :     /** Whether we are the initiator side. */
#     573                 :            :     const bool m_initiating;
#     574                 :            :     /** NodeId (for debug logging). */
#     575                 :            :     const NodeId m_nodeid;
#     576                 :            :     /** Encapsulate a V1Transport to fall back to. */
#     577                 :            :     V1Transport m_v1_fallback;
#     578                 :            : 
#     579                 :            :     /** Lock for receiver-side fields. */
#     580                 :            :     mutable Mutex m_recv_mutex ACQUIRED_BEFORE(m_send_mutex);
#     581                 :            :     /** In {GARBAUTH, VERSION, APP}, the decrypted packet length, if m_recv_buffer.size() >=
#     582                 :            :      *  BIP324Cipher::LENGTH_LEN. Unspecified otherwise. */
#     583                 :            :     uint32_t m_recv_len GUARDED_BY(m_recv_mutex) {0};
#     584                 :            :     /** Receive buffer; meaning is determined by m_recv_state. */
#     585                 :            :     std::vector<uint8_t> m_recv_buffer GUARDED_BY(m_recv_mutex);
#     586                 :            :     /** During GARBAUTH, the garbage received during GARB_GARBTERM. */
#     587                 :            :     std::vector<uint8_t> m_recv_garbage GUARDED_BY(m_recv_mutex);
#     588                 :            :     /** Buffer to put decrypted contents in, for converting to CNetMessage. */
#     589                 :            :     std::vector<uint8_t> m_recv_decode_buffer GUARDED_BY(m_recv_mutex);
#     590                 :            :     /** Deserialization type. */
#     591                 :            :     const int m_recv_type;
#     592                 :            :     /** Deserialization version number. */
#     593                 :            :     const int m_recv_version;
#     594                 :            :     /** Current receiver state. */
#     595                 :            :     RecvState m_recv_state GUARDED_BY(m_recv_mutex);
#     596                 :            : 
#     597                 :            :     /** Lock for sending-side fields. If both sending and receiving fields are accessed,
#     598                 :            :      *  m_recv_mutex must be acquired before m_send_mutex. */
#     599                 :            :     mutable Mutex m_send_mutex ACQUIRED_AFTER(m_recv_mutex);
#     600                 :            :     /** The send buffer; meaning is determined by m_send_state. */
#     601                 :            :     std::vector<uint8_t> m_send_buffer GUARDED_BY(m_send_mutex);
#     602                 :            :     /** How many bytes from the send buffer have been sent so far. */
#     603                 :            :     uint32_t m_send_pos GUARDED_BY(m_send_mutex) {0};
#     604                 :            :     /** Type of the message being sent. */
#     605                 :            :     std::string m_send_type GUARDED_BY(m_send_mutex);
#     606                 :            :     /** Current sender state. */
#     607                 :            :     SendState m_send_state GUARDED_BY(m_send_mutex);
#     608                 :            : 
#     609                 :            :     /** Change the receive state. */
#     610                 :            :     void SetReceiveState(RecvState recv_state) noexcept EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_recv_mutex);
#     611                 :            :     /** Change the send state. */
#     612                 :            :     void SetSendState(SendState send_state) noexcept EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_send_mutex);
#     613                 :            :     /** Given a packet's contents, find the message type (if valid), and strip it from contents. */
#     614                 :            :     static std::optional<std::string> GetMessageType(Span<const uint8_t>& contents) noexcept;
#     615                 :            :     /** Determine how many received bytes can be processed in one go (not allowed in V1 state). */
#     616                 :            :     size_t GetMaxBytesToProcess() noexcept EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_recv_mutex);
#     617                 :            :     /** Process bytes in m_recv_buffer, while in KEY_MAYBE_V1 state. */
#     618                 :            :     void ProcessReceivedMaybeV1Bytes() noexcept EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_recv_mutex, !m_send_mutex);
#     619                 :            :     /** Process bytes in m_recv_buffer, while in KEY state. */
#     620                 :            :     bool ProcessReceivedKeyBytes() noexcept EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_recv_mutex, !m_send_mutex);
#     621                 :            :     /** Process bytes in m_recv_buffer, while in GARB_GARBTERM state. */
#     622                 :            :     bool ProcessReceivedGarbageBytes() noexcept EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_recv_mutex);
#     623                 :            :     /** Process bytes in m_recv_buffer, while in GARBAUTH/VERSION/APP state. */
#     624                 :            :     bool ProcessReceivedPacketBytes() noexcept EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_recv_mutex);
#     625                 :            : 
#     626                 :            : public:
#     627                 :            :     static constexpr uint32_t MAX_GARBAGE_LEN = 4095;
#     628                 :            : 
#     629                 :            :     /** Construct a V2 transport with securely generated random keys.
#     630                 :            :      *
#     631                 :            :      * @param[in] nodeid      the node's NodeId (only for debug log output).
#     632                 :            :      * @param[in] initiating  whether we are the initiator side.
#     633                 :            :      * @param[in] type_in     the serialization type of returned CNetMessages.
#     634                 :            :      * @param[in] version_in  the serialization version of returned CNetMessages.
#     635                 :            :      */
#     636                 :            :     V2Transport(NodeId nodeid, bool initiating, int type_in, int version_in) noexcept;
#     637                 :            : 
#     638                 :            :     /** Construct a V2 transport with specified keys and garbage (test use only). */
#     639                 :            :     V2Transport(NodeId nodeid, bool initiating, int type_in, int version_in, const CKey& key, Span<const std::byte> ent32, Span<const uint8_t> garbage) noexcept;
#     640                 :            : 
#     641                 :            :     // Receive side functions.
#     642                 :            :     bool ReceivedMessageComplete() const noexcept override EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_recv_mutex);
#     643                 :            :     bool ReceivedBytes(Span<const uint8_t>& msg_bytes) noexcept override EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_recv_mutex, !m_send_mutex);
#     644                 :            :     CNetMessage GetReceivedMessage(std::chrono::microseconds time, bool& reject_message) noexcept override EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_recv_mutex);
#     645                 :            : 
#     646                 :            :     // Send side functions.
#     647                 :            :     bool SetMessageToSend(CSerializedNetMsg& msg) noexcept override EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_send_mutex);
#     648                 :            :     BytesToSend GetBytesToSend(bool have_next_message) const noexcept override EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_send_mutex);
#     649                 :            :     void MarkBytesSent(size_t bytes_sent) noexcept override EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_send_mutex);
#     650                 :            :     size_t GetSendMemoryUsage() const noexcept override EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_send_mutex);
#     651                 :            : };
#     652                 :            : 
#     653                 :            : struct CNodeOptions
#     654                 :            : {
#     655                 :            :     NetPermissionFlags permission_flags = NetPermissionFlags::None;
#     656                 :            :     std::unique_ptr<i2p::sam::Session> i2p_sam_session = nullptr;
#     657                 :            :     bool prefer_evict = false;
#     658                 :            :     size_t recv_flood_size{DEFAULT_MAXRECEIVEBUFFER * 1000};
#     659                 :            : };
#     660                 :            : 
#     661                 :            : /** Information about a peer */
#     662                 :            : class CNode
#     663                 :            : {
#     664                 :            : public:
#     665                 :            :     /** Transport serializer/deserializer. The receive side functions are only called under cs_vRecv, while
#     666                 :            :      * the sending side functions are only called under cs_vSend. */
#     667                 :            :     const std::unique_ptr<Transport> m_transport;
#     668                 :            : 
#     669                 :            :     const NetPermissionFlags m_permission_flags;
#     670                 :            : 
#     671                 :            :     /**
#     672                 :            :      * Socket used for communication with the node.
#     673                 :            :      * May not own a Sock object (after `CloseSocketDisconnect()` or during tests).
#     674                 :            :      * `shared_ptr` (instead of `unique_ptr`) is used to avoid premature close of
#     675                 :            :      * the underlying file descriptor by one thread while another thread is
#     676                 :            :      * poll(2)-ing it for activity.
#     677                 :            :      * @see for details.
#     678                 :            :      */
#     679                 :            :     std::shared_ptr<Sock> m_sock GUARDED_BY(m_sock_mutex);
#     680                 :            : 
#     681                 :            :     /** Sum of GetMemoryUsage of all vSendMsg entries. */
#     682                 :            :     size_t m_send_memusage GUARDED_BY(cs_vSend){0};
#     683                 :            :     /** Total number of bytes sent on the wire to this peer. */
#     684                 :            :     uint64_t nSendBytes GUARDED_BY(cs_vSend){0};
#     685                 :            :     /** Messages still to be fed to m_transport->SetMessageToSend. */
#     686                 :            :     std::deque<CSerializedNetMsg> vSendMsg GUARDED_BY(cs_vSend);
#     687                 :            :     Mutex cs_vSend;
#     688                 :            :     Mutex m_sock_mutex;
#     689                 :            :     Mutex cs_vRecv;
#     690                 :            : 
#     691                 :            :     uint64_t nRecvBytes GUARDED_BY(cs_vRecv){0};
#     692                 :            : 
#     693                 :            :     std::atomic<std::chrono::seconds> m_last_send{0s};
#     694                 :            :     std::atomic<std::chrono::seconds> m_last_recv{0s};
#     695                 :            :     //! Unix epoch time at peer connection
#     696                 :            :     const std::chrono::seconds m_connected;
#     697                 :            :     std::atomic<int64_t> nTimeOffset{0};
#     698                 :            :     // Address of this peer
#     699                 :            :     const CAddress addr;
#     700                 :            :     // Bind address of our side of the connection
#     701                 :            :     const CAddress addrBind;
#     702                 :            :     const std::string m_addr_name;
#     703                 :            :     //! Whether this peer is an inbound onion, i.e. connected via our Tor onion service.
#     704                 :            :     const bool m_inbound_onion;
#     705                 :            :     std::atomic<int> nVersion{0};
#     706                 :            :     Mutex m_subver_mutex;
#     707                 :            :     /**
#     708                 :            :      * cleanSubVer is a sanitized string of the user agent byte array we read
#     709                 :            :      * from the wire. This cleaned string can safely be logged or displayed.
#     710                 :            :      */
#     711                 :            :     std::string cleanSubVer GUARDED_BY(m_subver_mutex){};
#     712                 :            :     const bool m_prefer_evict{false}; // This peer is preferred for eviction.
#     713                 :     602410 :     bool HasPermission(NetPermissionFlags permission) const {
#     714                 :     602410 :         return NetPermissions::HasFlag(m_permission_flags, permission);
#     715                 :     602410 :     }
#     716                 :            :     /** fSuccessfullyConnected is set to true on receiving VERACK from the peer. */
#     717                 :            :     std::atomic_bool fSuccessfullyConnected{false};
#     718                 :            :     // Setting fDisconnect to true will cause the node to be disconnected the
#     719                 :            :     // next time DisconnectNodes() runs
#     720                 :            :     std::atomic_bool fDisconnect{false};
#     721                 :            :     CSemaphoreGrant grantOutbound;
#     722                 :            :     std::atomic<int> nRefCount{0};
#     723                 :            : 
#     724                 :            :     const uint64_t nKeyedNetGroup;
#     725                 :            :     std::atomic_bool fPauseRecv{false};
#     726                 :            :     std::atomic_bool fPauseSend{false};
#     727                 :            : 
#     728                 :            :     const ConnectionType m_conn_type;
#     729                 :            : 
#     730                 :            :     /** Move all messages from the received queue to the processing queue. */
#     731                 :            :     void MarkReceivedMsgsForProcessing()
#     732                 :            :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_msg_process_queue_mutex);
#     733                 :            : 
#     734                 :            :     /** Poll the next message from the processing queue of this connection.
#     735                 :            :      *
#     736                 :            :      * Returns std::nullopt if the processing queue is empty, or a pair
#     737                 :            :      * consisting of the message and a bool that indicates if the processing
#     738                 :            :      * queue has more entries. */
#     739                 :            :     std::optional<std::pair<CNetMessage, bool>> PollMessage()
#     740                 :            :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_msg_process_queue_mutex);
#     741                 :            : 
#     742                 :            :     /** Account for the total size of a sent message in the per msg type connection stats. */
#     743                 :            :     void AccountForSentBytes(const std::string& msg_type, size_t sent_bytes)
#     744                 :            :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_vSend)
#     745                 :     257589 :     {
#     746                 :     257589 :         mapSendBytesPerMsgType[msg_type] += sent_bytes;
#     747                 :     257589 :     }
#     748                 :            : 
#     749                 :     261321 :     bool IsOutboundOrBlockRelayConn() const {
#     750         [ -  + ]:     261321 :         switch (m_conn_type) {
#     751         [ +  + ]:       2642 :             case ConnectionType::OUTBOUND_FULL_RELAY:
#     752         [ +  + ]:       3429 :             case ConnectionType::BLOCK_RELAY:
#     753                 :       3429 :                 return true;
#     754         [ +  + ]:     142340 :             case ConnectionType::INBOUND:
#     755         [ +  + ]:     257872 :             case ConnectionType::MANUAL:
#     756         [ +  + ]:     257892 :             case ConnectionType::ADDR_FETCH:
#     757         [ -  + ]:     257892 :             case ConnectionType::FEELER:
#     758                 :     257892 :                 return false;
#     759                 :     261321 :         } // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
#     760                 :            : 
#     761                 :          0 :         assert(false);
#     762                 :          0 :     }
#     763                 :            : 
#     764                 :       7027 :     bool IsFullOutboundConn() const {
#     765                 :       7027 :         return m_conn_type == ConnectionType::OUTBOUND_FULL_RELAY;
#     766                 :       7027 :     }
#     767                 :            : 
#     768                 :        106 :     bool IsManualConn() const {
#     769                 :        106 :         return m_conn_type == ConnectionType::MANUAL;
#     770                 :        106 :     }
#     771                 :            : 
#     772                 :            :     bool IsManualOrFullOutboundConn() const
#     773                 :        892 :     {
#     774         [ -  + ]:        892 :         switch (m_conn_type) {
#     775         [ +  + ]:        338 :         case ConnectionType::INBOUND:
#     776         [ +  + ]:        342 :         case ConnectionType::FEELER:
#     777         [ +  + ]:        379 :         case ConnectionType::BLOCK_RELAY:
#     778         [ +  + ]:        385 :         case ConnectionType::ADDR_FETCH:
#     779                 :        385 :                 return false;
#     780         [ +  + ]:         80 :         case ConnectionType::OUTBOUND_FULL_RELAY:
#     781         [ +  + ]:        507 :         case ConnectionType::MANUAL:
#     782                 :        507 :                 return true;
#     783                 :        892 :         } // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
#     784                 :            : 
#     785                 :          0 :         assert(false);
#     786                 :          0 :     }
#     787                 :            : 
#     788                 :     283537 :     bool IsBlockOnlyConn() const {
#     789                 :     283537 :         return m_conn_type == ConnectionType::BLOCK_RELAY;
#     790                 :     283537 :     }
#     791                 :            : 
#     792                 :      20903 :     bool IsFeelerConn() const {
#     793                 :      20903 :         return m_conn_type == ConnectionType::FEELER;
#     794                 :      20903 :     }
#     795                 :            : 
#     796                 :     349648 :     bool IsAddrFetchConn() const {
#     797                 :     349648 :         return m_conn_type == ConnectionType::ADDR_FETCH;
#     798                 :     349648 :     }
#     799                 :            : 
#     800                 :      34521 :     bool IsInboundConn() const {
#     801                 :      34521 :         return m_conn_type == ConnectionType::INBOUND;
#     802                 :      34521 :     }
#     803                 :            : 
#     804                 :       1050 :     bool ExpectServicesFromConn() const {
#     805         [ -  + ]:       1050 :         switch (m_conn_type) {
#     806         [ +  + ]:        702 :             case ConnectionType::INBOUND:
#     807         [ +  + ]:        980 :             case ConnectionType::MANUAL:
#     808         [ +  + ]:        982 :             case ConnectionType::FEELER:
#     809                 :        982 :                 return false;
#     810         [ +  + ]:         44 :             case ConnectionType::OUTBOUND_FULL_RELAY:
#     811         [ +  + ]:         65 :             case ConnectionType::BLOCK_RELAY:
#     812         [ +  + ]:         68 :             case ConnectionType::ADDR_FETCH:
#     813                 :         68 :                 return true;
#     814                 :       1050 :         } // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
#     815                 :            : 
#     816                 :          0 :         assert(false);
#     817                 :          0 :     }
#     818                 :            : 
#     819                 :            :     /**
#     820                 :            :      * Get network the peer connected through.
#     821                 :            :      *
#     822                 :            :      * Returns Network::NET_ONION for *inbound* onion connections,
#     823                 :            :      * and CNetAddr::GetNetClass() otherwise. The latter cannot be used directly
#     824                 :            :      * because it doesn't detect the former, and it's not the responsibility of
#     825                 :            :      * the CNetAddr class to know the actual network a peer is connected through.
#     826                 :            :      *
#     827                 :            :      * @return network the peer connected through.
#     828                 :            :      */
#     829                 :            :     Network ConnectedThroughNetwork() const;
#     830                 :            : 
#     831                 :            :     // We selected peer as (compact blocks) high-bandwidth peer (BIP152)
#     832                 :            :     std::atomic<bool> m_bip152_highbandwidth_to{false};
#     833                 :            :     // Peer selected us as (compact blocks) high-bandwidth peer (BIP152)
#     834                 :            :     std::atomic<bool> m_bip152_highbandwidth_from{false};
#     835                 :            : 
#     836                 :            :     /** Whether this peer provides all services that we want. Used for eviction decisions */
#     837                 :            :     std::atomic_bool m_has_all_wanted_services{false};
#     838                 :            : 
#     839                 :            :     /** Whether we should relay transactions to this peer. This only changes
#     840                 :            :      * from false to true. It will never change back to false. */
#     841                 :            :     std::atomic_bool m_relays_txs{false};
#     842                 :            : 
#     843                 :            :     /** Whether this peer has loaded a bloom filter. Used only in inbound
#     844                 :            :      *  eviction logic. */
#     845                 :            :     std::atomic_bool m_bloom_filter_loaded{false};
#     846                 :            : 
#     847                 :            :     /** UNIX epoch time of the last block received from this peer that we had
#     848                 :            :      * not yet seen (e.g. not already received from another peer), that passed
#     849                 :            :      * preliminary validity checks and was saved to disk, even if we don't
#     850                 :            :      * connect the block or it eventually fails connection. Used as an inbound
#     851                 :            :      * peer eviction criterium in CConnman::AttemptToEvictConnection. */
#     852                 :            :     std::atomic<std::chrono::seconds> m_last_block_time{0s};
#     853                 :            : 
#     854                 :            :     /** UNIX epoch time of the last transaction received from this peer that we
#     855                 :            :      * had not yet seen (e.g. not already received from another peer) and that
#     856                 :            :      * was accepted into our mempool. Used as an inbound peer eviction criterium
#     857                 :            :      * in CConnman::AttemptToEvictConnection. */
#     858                 :            :     std::atomic<std::chrono::seconds> m_last_tx_time{0s};
#     859                 :            : 
#     860                 :            :     /** Last measured round-trip time. Used only for RPC/GUI stats/debugging.*/
#     861                 :            :     std::atomic<std::chrono::microseconds> m_last_ping_time{0us};
#     862                 :            : 
#     863                 :            :     /** Lowest measured round-trip time. Used as an inbound peer eviction
#     864                 :            :      * criterium in CConnman::AttemptToEvictConnection. */
#     865                 :            :     std::atomic<std::chrono::microseconds> m_min_ping_time{std::chrono::microseconds::max()};
#     866                 :            : 
#     867                 :            :     CNode(NodeId id,
#     868                 :            :           std::shared_ptr<Sock> sock,
#     869                 :            :           const CAddress& addrIn,
#     870                 :            :           uint64_t nKeyedNetGroupIn,
#     871                 :            :           uint64_t nLocalHostNonceIn,
#     872                 :            :           const CAddress& addrBindIn,
#     873                 :            :           const std::string& addrNameIn,
#     874                 :            :           ConnectionType conn_type_in,
#     875                 :            :           bool inbound_onion,
#     876                 :            :           CNodeOptions&& node_opts = {});
#     877                 :            :     CNode(const CNode&) = delete;
#     878                 :            :     CNode& operator=(const CNode&) = delete;
#     879                 :            : 
#     880                 :    2644234 :     NodeId GetId() const {
#     881                 :    2644234 :         return id;
#     882                 :    2644234 :     }
#     883                 :            : 
#     884                 :       1101 :     uint64_t GetLocalNonce() const {
#     885                 :       1101 :         return nLocalHostNonce;
#     886                 :       1101 :     }
#     887                 :            : 
#     888                 :            :     int GetRefCount() const
#     889                 :        495 :     {
#     890                 :        495 :         assert(nRefCount >= 0);
#     891                 :        495 :         return nRefCount;
#     892                 :        495 :     }
#     893                 :            : 
#     894                 :            :     /**
#     895                 :            :      * Receive bytes from the buffer and deserialize them into messages.
#     896                 :            :      *
#     897                 :            :      * @param[in]   msg_bytes   The raw data
#     898                 :            :      * @param[out]  complete    Set True if at least one message has been
#     899                 :            :      *                          deserialized and is ready to be processed
#     900                 :            :      * @return  True if the peer should stay connected,
#     901                 :            :      *          False if the peer should be disconnected from.
#     902                 :            :      */
#     903                 :            :     bool ReceiveMsgBytes(Span<const uint8_t> msg_bytes, bool& complete) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!cs_vRecv);
#     904                 :            : 
#     905                 :            :     void SetCommonVersion(int greatest_common_version)
#     906                 :       1085 :     {
#     907                 :       1085 :         Assume(m_greatest_common_version == INIT_PROTO_VERSION);
#     908                 :       1085 :         m_greatest_common_version = greatest_common_version;
#     909                 :       1085 :     }
#     910                 :            :     int GetCommonVersion() const
#     911                 :    1278244 :     {
#     912                 :    1278244 :         return m_greatest_common_version;
#     913                 :    1278244 :     }
#     914                 :            : 
#     915                 :            :     CService GetAddrLocal() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_addr_local_mutex);
#     916                 :            :     //! May not be called more than once
#     917                 :            :     void SetAddrLocal(const CService& addrLocalIn) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_addr_local_mutex);
#     918                 :            : 
#     919                 :            :     CNode* AddRef()
#     920                 :     648115 :     {
#     921                 :     648115 :         nRefCount++;
#     922                 :     648115 :         return this;
#     923                 :     648115 :     }
#     924                 :            : 
#     925                 :            :     void Release()
#     926                 :     647535 :     {
#     927                 :     647535 :         nRefCount--;
#     928                 :     647535 :     }
#     929                 :            : 
#     930                 :            :     void CloseSocketDisconnect() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_sock_mutex);
#     931                 :            : 
#     932                 :            :     void CopyStats(CNodeStats& stats) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_subver_mutex, !m_addr_local_mutex, !cs_vSend, !cs_vRecv);
#     933                 :            : 
#     934                 :        416 :     std::string ConnectionTypeAsString() const { return ::ConnectionTypeAsString(m_conn_type); }
#     935                 :            : 
#     936                 :            :     /** A ping-pong round trip has completed successfully. Update latest and minimum ping times. */
#     937                 :       1884 :     void PongReceived(std::chrono::microseconds ping_time) {
#     938                 :       1884 :         m_last_ping_time = ping_time;
#     939                 :       1884 :         m_min_ping_time = std::min(m_min_ping_time.load(), ping_time);
#     940                 :       1884 :     }
#     941                 :            : 
#     942                 :            : private:
#     943                 :            :     const NodeId id;
#     944                 :            :     const uint64_t nLocalHostNonce;
#     945                 :            :     std::atomic<int> m_greatest_common_version{INIT_PROTO_VERSION};
#     946                 :            : 
#     947                 :            :     const size_t m_recv_flood_size;
#     948                 :            :     std::list<CNetMessage> vRecvMsg; // Used only by SocketHandler thread
#     949                 :            : 
#     950                 :            :     Mutex m_msg_process_queue_mutex;
#     951                 :            :     std::list<CNetMessage> m_msg_process_queue GUARDED_BY(m_msg_process_queue_mutex);
#     952                 :            :     size_t m_msg_process_queue_size GUARDED_BY(m_msg_process_queue_mutex){0};
#     953                 :            : 
#     954                 :            :     // Our address, as reported by the peer
#     955                 :            :     CService addrLocal GUARDED_BY(m_addr_local_mutex);
#     956                 :            :     mutable Mutex m_addr_local_mutex;
#     957                 :            : 
#     958                 :            :     mapMsgTypeSize mapSendBytesPerMsgType GUARDED_BY(cs_vSend);
#     959                 :            :     mapMsgTypeSize mapRecvBytesPerMsgType GUARDED_BY(cs_vRecv);
#     960                 :            : 
#     961                 :            :     /**
#     962                 :            :      * If an I2P session is created per connection (for outbound transient I2P
#     963                 :            :      * connections) then it is stored here so that it can be destroyed when the
#     964                 :            :      * socket is closed. I2P sessions involve a data/transport socket (in `m_sock`)
#     965                 :            :      * and a control socket (in `m_i2p_sam_session`). For transient sessions, once
#     966                 :            :      * the data socket is closed, the control socket is not going to be used anymore
#     967                 :            :      * and is just taking up resources. So better close it as soon as `m_sock` is
#     968                 :            :      * closed.
#     969                 :            :      * Otherwise this unique_ptr is empty.
#     970                 :            :      */
#     971                 :            :     std::unique_ptr<i2p::sam::Session> m_i2p_sam_session GUARDED_BY(m_sock_mutex);
#     972                 :            : };
#     973                 :            : 
#     974                 :            : /**
#     975                 :            :  * Interface for message handling
#     976                 :            :  */
#     977                 :            : class NetEventsInterface
#     978                 :            : {
#     979                 :            : public:
#     980                 :            :     /** Mutex for anything that is only accessed via the msg processing thread */
#     981                 :            :     static Mutex g_msgproc_mutex;
#     982                 :            : 
#     983                 :            :     /** Initialize a peer (setup state, queue any initial messages) */
#     984                 :            :     virtual void InitializeNode(CNode& node, ServiceFlags our_services) = 0;
#     985                 :            : 
#     986                 :            :     /** Handle removal of a peer (clear state) */
#     987                 :            :     virtual void FinalizeNode(const CNode& node) = 0;
#     988                 :            : 
#     989                 :            :     /**
#     990                 :            :     * Process protocol messages received from a given node
#     991                 :            :     *
#     992                 :            :     * @param[in]   pnode           The node which we have received messages from.
#     993                 :            :     * @param[in]   interrupt       Interrupt condition for processing threads
#     994                 :            :     * @return                      True if there is more work to be done
#     995                 :            :     */
#     996                 :            :     virtual bool ProcessMessages(CNode* pnode, std::atomic<bool>& interrupt) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(g_msgproc_mutex) = 0;
#     997                 :            : 
#     998                 :            :     /**
#     999                 :            :     * Send queued protocol messages to a given node.
#    1000                 :            :     *
#    1001                 :            :     * @param[in]   pnode           The node which we are sending messages to.
#    1002                 :            :     * @return                      True if there is more work to be done
#    1003                 :            :     */
#    1004                 :            :     virtual bool SendMessages(CNode* pnode) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(g_msgproc_mutex) = 0;
#    1005                 :            : 
#    1006                 :            : 
#    1007                 :            : protected:
#    1008                 :            :     /**
#    1009                 :            :      * Protected destructor so that instances can only be deleted by derived classes.
#    1010                 :            :      * If that restriction is no longer desired, this should be made public and virtual.
#    1011                 :            :      */
#    1012                 :            :     ~NetEventsInterface() = default;
#    1013                 :            : };
#    1014                 :            : 
#    1015                 :            : class CConnman
#    1016                 :            : {
#    1017                 :            : public:
#    1018                 :            : 
#    1019                 :            :     struct Options
#    1020                 :            :     {
#    1021                 :            :         ServiceFlags nLocalServices = NODE_NONE;
#    1022                 :            :         int nMaxConnections = 0;
#    1023                 :            :         int m_max_outbound_full_relay = 0;
#    1024                 :            :         int m_max_outbound_block_relay = 0;
#    1025                 :            :         int nMaxAddnode = 0;
#    1026                 :            :         int nMaxFeeler = 0;
#    1027                 :            :         CClientUIInterface* uiInterface = nullptr;
#    1028                 :            :         NetEventsInterface* m_msgproc = nullptr;
#    1029                 :            :         BanMan* m_banman = nullptr;
#    1030                 :            :         unsigned int nSendBufferMaxSize = 0;
#    1031                 :            :         unsigned int nReceiveFloodSize = 0;
#    1032                 :            :         uint64_t nMaxOutboundLimit = 0;
#    1033                 :            :         int64_t m_peer_connect_timeout = DEFAULT_PEER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;
#    1034                 :            :         std::vector<std::string> vSeedNodes;
#    1035                 :            :         std::vector<NetWhitelistPermissions> vWhitelistedRange;
#    1036                 :            :         std::vector<NetWhitebindPermissions> vWhiteBinds;
#    1037                 :            :         std::vector<CService> vBinds;
#    1038                 :            :         std::vector<CService> onion_binds;
#    1039                 :            :         /// True if the user did not specify -bind= or -whitebind= and thus
#    1040                 :            :         /// we should bind on `` (IPv4) and `::` (IPv6).
#    1041                 :            :         bool bind_on_any;
#    1042                 :            :         bool m_use_addrman_outgoing = true;
#    1043                 :            :         std::vector<std::string> m_specified_outgoing;
#    1044                 :            :         std::vector<std::string> m_added_nodes;
#    1045                 :            :         bool m_i2p_accept_incoming;
#    1046                 :            :     };
#    1047                 :            : 
#    1048                 :            :     void Init(const Options& connOptions) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_added_nodes_mutex, !m_total_bytes_sent_mutex)
#    1049                 :       1863 :     {
#    1050                 :       1863 :         AssertLockNotHeld(m_total_bytes_sent_mutex);
#    1051                 :            : 
#    1052                 :       1863 :         nLocalServices = connOptions.nLocalServices;
#    1053                 :       1863 :         nMaxConnections = connOptions.nMaxConnections;
#    1054                 :       1863 :         m_max_outbound_full_relay = std::min(connOptions.m_max_outbound_full_relay, connOptions.nMaxConnections);
#    1055                 :       1863 :         m_max_outbound_block_relay = connOptions.m_max_outbound_block_relay;
#    1056                 :       1863 :         m_use_addrman_outgoing = connOptions.m_use_addrman_outgoing;
#    1057                 :       1863 :         nMaxAddnode = connOptions.nMaxAddnode;
#    1058                 :       1863 :         nMaxFeeler = connOptions.nMaxFeeler;
#    1059                 :       1863 :         m_max_outbound = m_max_outbound_full_relay + m_max_outbound_block_relay + nMaxFeeler;
#    1060                 :       1863 :         m_client_interface = connOptions.uiInterface;
#    1061                 :       1863 :         m_banman = connOptions.m_banman;
#    1062                 :       1863 :         m_msgproc = connOptions.m_msgproc;
#    1063                 :       1863 :         nSendBufferMaxSize = connOptions.nSendBufferMaxSize;
#    1064                 :       1863 :         nReceiveFloodSize = connOptions.nReceiveFloodSize;
#    1065                 :       1863 :         m_peer_connect_timeout = std::chrono::seconds{connOptions.m_peer_connect_timeout};
#    1066                 :       1863 :         {
#    1067                 :       1863 :             LOCK(m_total_bytes_sent_mutex);
#    1068                 :       1863 :             nMaxOutboundLimit = connOptions.nMaxOutboundLimit;
#    1069                 :       1863 :         }
#    1070                 :       1863 :         vWhitelistedRange = connOptions.vWhitelistedRange;
#    1071                 :       1863 :         {
#    1072                 :       1863 :             LOCK(m_added_nodes_mutex);
#    1073                 :       1863 :             m_added_nodes = connOptions.m_added_nodes;
#    1074                 :       1863 :         }
#    1075                 :       1863 :         m_onion_binds = connOptions.onion_binds;
#    1076                 :       1863 :     }
#    1077                 :            : 
#    1078                 :            :     CConnman(uint64_t seed0, uint64_t seed1, AddrMan& addrman, const NetGroupManager& netgroupman,
#    1079                 :            :              bool network_active = true);
#    1080                 :            : 
#    1081                 :            :     ~CConnman();
#    1082                 :            : 
#    1083                 :            :     bool Start(CScheduler& scheduler, const Options& options) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex, !m_added_nodes_mutex, !m_addr_fetches_mutex, !mutexMsgProc);
#    1084                 :            : 
#    1085                 :            :     void StopThreads();
#    1086                 :            :     void StopNodes();
#    1087                 :            :     void Stop()
#    1088                 :       1673 :     {
#    1089                 :       1673 :         StopThreads();
#    1090                 :       1673 :         StopNodes();
#    1091                 :       1673 :     };
#    1092                 :            : 
#    1093                 :            :     void Interrupt() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!mutexMsgProc);
#    1094                 :        114 :     bool GetNetworkActive() const { return fNetworkActive; };
#    1095                 :         33 :     bool GetUseAddrmanOutgoing() const { return m_use_addrman_outgoing; };
#    1096                 :            :     void SetNetworkActive(bool active);
#    1097                 :            :     void OpenNetworkConnection(const CAddress& addrConnect, bool fCountFailure, CSemaphoreGrant* grantOutbound, const char* strDest, ConnectionType conn_type) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_unused_i2p_sessions_mutex);
#    1098                 :            :     bool CheckIncomingNonce(uint64_t nonce);
#    1099                 :            : 
#    1100                 :            :     // alias for thread safety annotations only, not defined
#    1101                 :            :     RecursiveMutex& GetNodesMutex() const LOCK_RETURNED(m_nodes_mutex);
#    1102                 :            : 
#    1103                 :            :     bool ForNode(NodeId id, std::function<bool(CNode* pnode)> func);
#    1104                 :            : 
#    1105                 :            :     void PushMessage(CNode* pnode, CSerializedNetMsg&& msg) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex);
#    1106                 :            : 
#    1107                 :            :     using NodeFn = std::function<void(CNode*)>;
#    1108                 :            :     void ForEachNode(const NodeFn& func)
#    1109                 :      50561 :     {
#    1110                 :      50561 :         LOCK(m_nodes_mutex);
#    1111         [ +  + ]:      54274 :         for (auto&& node : m_nodes) {
#    1112         [ +  + ]:      54274 :             if (NodeFullyConnected(node))
#    1113                 :      54269 :                 func(node);
#    1114                 :      54274 :         }
#    1115                 :      50561 :     };
#    1116                 :            : 
#    1117                 :            :     void ForEachNode(const NodeFn& func) const
#    1118                 :          0 :     {
#    1119                 :          0 :         LOCK(m_nodes_mutex);
#    1120                 :          0 :         for (auto&& node : m_nodes) {
#    1121                 :          0 :             if (NodeFullyConnected(node))
#    1122                 :          0 :                 func(node);
#    1123                 :          0 :         }
#    1124                 :          0 :     };
#    1125                 :            : 
#    1126                 :            :     // Addrman functions
#    1127                 :            :     /**
#    1128                 :            :      * Return all or many randomly selected addresses, optionally by network.
#    1129                 :            :      *
#    1130                 :            :      * @param[in] max_addresses  Maximum number of addresses to return (0 = all).
#    1131                 :            :      * @param[in] max_pct        Maximum percentage of addresses to return (0 = all).
#    1132                 :            :      * @param[in] network        Select only addresses of this network (nullopt = all).
#    1133                 :            :      */
#    1134                 :            :     std::vector<CAddress> GetAddresses(size_t max_addresses, size_t max_pct, std::optional<Network> network) const;
#    1135                 :            :     /**
#    1136                 :            :      * Cache is used to minimize topology leaks, so it should
#    1137                 :            :      * be used for all non-trusted calls, for example, p2p.
#    1138                 :            :      * A non-malicious call (from RPC or a peer with addr permission) should
#    1139                 :            :      * call the function without a parameter to avoid using the cache.
#    1140                 :            :      */
#    1141                 :            :     std::vector<CAddress> GetAddresses(CNode& requestor, size_t max_addresses, size_t max_pct);
#    1142                 :            : 
#    1143                 :            :     // This allows temporarily exceeding m_max_outbound_full_relay, with the goal of finding
#    1144                 :            :     // a peer that is better than all our current peers.
#    1145                 :            :     void SetTryNewOutboundPeer(bool flag);
#    1146                 :            :     bool GetTryNewOutboundPeer() const;
#    1147                 :            : 
#    1148                 :            :     void StartExtraBlockRelayPeers();
#    1149                 :            : 
#    1150                 :            :     // Return the number of outbound peers we have in excess of our target (eg,
#    1151                 :            :     // if we previously called SetTryNewOutboundPeer(true), and have since set
#    1152                 :            :     // to false, we may have extra peers that we wish to disconnect). This may
#    1153                 :            :     // return a value less than (num_outbound_connections - num_outbound_slots)
#    1154                 :            :     // in cases where some outbound connections are not yet fully connected, or
#    1155                 :            :     // not yet fully disconnected.
#    1156                 :            :     int GetExtraFullOutboundCount() const;
#    1157                 :            :     // Count the number of block-relay-only peers we have over our limit.
#    1158                 :            :     int GetExtraBlockRelayCount() const;
#    1159                 :            : 
#    1160                 :            :     bool AddNode(const std::string& node) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_added_nodes_mutex);
#    1161                 :            :     bool RemoveAddedNode(const std::string& node) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_added_nodes_mutex);
#    1162                 :            :     std::vector<AddedNodeInfo> GetAddedNodeInfo() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_added_nodes_mutex);
#    1163                 :            : 
#    1164                 :            :     /**
#    1165                 :            :      * Attempts to open a connection. Currently only used from tests.
#    1166                 :            :      *
#    1167                 :            :      * @param[in]   address     Address of node to try connecting to
#    1168                 :            :      * @param[in]   conn_type   ConnectionType::OUTBOUND, ConnectionType::BLOCK_RELAY,
#    1169                 :            :      *                          ConnectionType::ADDR_FETCH or ConnectionType::FEELER
#    1170                 :            :      * @return      bool        Returns false if there are no available
#    1171                 :            :      *                          slots for this connection:
#    1172                 :            :      *                          - conn_type not a supported ConnectionType
#    1173                 :            :      *                          - Max total outbound connection capacity filled
#    1174                 :            :      *                          - Max connection capacity for type is filled
#    1175                 :            :      */
#    1176                 :            :     bool AddConnection(const std::string& address, ConnectionType conn_type) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_unused_i2p_sessions_mutex);
#    1177                 :            : 
#    1178                 :            :     size_t GetNodeCount(ConnectionDirection) const;
#    1179                 :            :     uint32_t GetMappedAS(const CNetAddr& addr) const;
#    1180                 :            :     void GetNodeStats(std::vector<CNodeStats>& vstats) const;
#    1181                 :            :     bool DisconnectNode(const std::string& node);
#    1182                 :            :     bool DisconnectNode(const CSubNet& subnet);
#    1183                 :            :     bool DisconnectNode(const CNetAddr& addr);
#    1184                 :            :     bool DisconnectNode(NodeId id);
#    1185                 :            : 
#    1186                 :            :     //! Used to convey which local services we are offering peers during node
#    1187                 :            :     //! connection.
#    1188                 :            :     //!
#    1189                 :            :     //! The data returned by this is used in CNode construction,
#    1190                 :            :     //! which is used to advertise which services we are offering
#    1191                 :            :     //! that peer during `net_processing.cpp:PushNodeVersion()`.
#    1192                 :            :     ServiceFlags GetLocalServices() const;
#    1193                 :            : 
#    1194                 :            :     uint64_t GetMaxOutboundTarget() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex);
#    1195                 :            :     std::chrono::seconds GetMaxOutboundTimeframe() const;
#    1196                 :            : 
#    1197                 :            :     //! check if the outbound target is reached
#    1198                 :            :     //! if param historicalBlockServingLimit is set true, the function will
#    1199                 :            :     //! response true if the limit for serving historical blocks has been reached
#    1200                 :            :     bool OutboundTargetReached(bool historicalBlockServingLimit) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex);
#    1201                 :            : 
#    1202                 :            :     //! response the bytes left in the current max outbound cycle
#    1203                 :            :     //! in case of no limit, it will always response 0
#    1204                 :            :     uint64_t GetOutboundTargetBytesLeft() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex);
#    1205                 :            : 
#    1206                 :            :     std::chrono::seconds GetMaxOutboundTimeLeftInCycle() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex);
#    1207                 :            : 
#    1208                 :            :     uint64_t GetTotalBytesRecv() const;
#    1209                 :            :     uint64_t GetTotalBytesSent() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex);
#    1210                 :            : 
#    1211                 :            :     /** Get a unique deterministic randomizer. */
#    1212                 :            :     CSipHasher GetDeterministicRandomizer(uint64_t id) const;
#    1213                 :            : 
#    1214                 :            :     void WakeMessageHandler() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!mutexMsgProc);
#    1215                 :            : 
#    1216                 :            :     /** Return true if we should disconnect the peer for failing an inactivity check. */
#    1217                 :            :     bool ShouldRunInactivityChecks(const CNode& node, std::chrono::seconds now) const;
#    1218                 :            : 
#    1219                 :            :     bool MultipleManualOrFullOutboundConns(Network net) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_nodes_mutex);
#    1220                 :            : 
#    1221                 :            : private:
#    1222                 :            :     struct ListenSocket {
#    1223                 :            :     public:
#    1224                 :            :         std::shared_ptr<Sock> sock;
#    1225                 :        707 :         inline void AddSocketPermissionFlags(NetPermissionFlags& flags) const { NetPermissions::AddFlag(flags, m_permissions); }
#    1226                 :            :         ListenSocket(std::shared_ptr<Sock> sock_, NetPermissionFlags permissions_)
#    1227                 :            :             : sock{sock_}, m_permissions{permissions_}
#    1228                 :        817 :         {
#    1229                 :        817 :         }
#    1230                 :            : 
#    1231                 :            :     private:
#    1232                 :            :         NetPermissionFlags m_permissions;
#    1233                 :            :     };
#    1234                 :            : 
#    1235                 :            :     //! returns the time left in the current max outbound cycle
#    1236                 :            :     //! in case of no limit, it will always return 0
#    1237                 :            :     std::chrono::seconds GetMaxOutboundTimeLeftInCycle_() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_total_bytes_sent_mutex);
#    1238                 :            : 
#    1239                 :            :     bool BindListenPort(const CService& bindAddr, bilingual_str& strError, NetPermissionFlags permissions);
#    1240                 :            :     bool Bind(const CService& addr, unsigned int flags, NetPermissionFlags permissions);
#    1241                 :            :     bool InitBinds(const Options& options);
#    1242                 :            : 
#    1243                 :            :     void ThreadOpenAddedConnections() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_added_nodes_mutex, !m_unused_i2p_sessions_mutex);
#    1244                 :            :     void AddAddrFetch(const std::string& strDest) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_addr_fetches_mutex);
#    1245                 :            :     void ProcessAddrFetch() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_addr_fetches_mutex, !m_unused_i2p_sessions_mutex);
#    1246                 :            :     void ThreadOpenConnections(std::vector<std::string> connect) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_addr_fetches_mutex, !m_added_nodes_mutex, !m_nodes_mutex, !m_unused_i2p_sessions_mutex);
#    1247                 :            :     void ThreadMessageHandler() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!mutexMsgProc);
#    1248                 :            :     void ThreadI2PAcceptIncoming();
#    1249                 :            :     void AcceptConnection(const ListenSocket& hListenSocket);
#    1250                 :            : 
#    1251                 :            :     /**
#    1252                 :            :      * Create a `CNode` object from a socket that has just been accepted and add the node to
#    1253                 :            :      * the `m_nodes` member.
#    1254                 :            :      * @param[in] sock Connected socket to communicate with the peer.
#    1255                 :            :      * @param[in] permission_flags The peer's permissions.
#    1256                 :            :      * @param[in] addr_bind The address and port at our side of the connection.
#    1257                 :            :      * @param[in] addr The address and port at the peer's side of the connection.
#    1258                 :            :      */
#    1259                 :            :     void CreateNodeFromAcceptedSocket(std::unique_ptr<Sock>&& sock,
#    1260                 :            :                                       NetPermissionFlags permission_flags,
#    1261                 :            :                                       const CAddress& addr_bind,
#    1262                 :            :                                       const CAddress& addr);
#    1263                 :            : 
#    1264                 :            :     void DisconnectNodes();
#    1265                 :            :     void NotifyNumConnectionsChanged();
#    1266                 :            :     /** Return true if the peer is inactive and should be disconnected. */
#    1267                 :            :     bool InactivityCheck(const CNode& node) const;
#    1268                 :            : 
#    1269                 :            :     /**
#    1270                 :            :      * Generate a collection of sockets to check for IO readiness.
#    1271                 :            :      * @param[in] nodes Select from these nodes' sockets.
#    1272                 :            :      * @return sockets to check for readiness
#    1273                 :            :      */
#    1274                 :            :     Sock::EventsPerSock GenerateWaitSockets(Span<CNode* const> nodes);
#    1275                 :            : 
#    1276                 :            :     /**
#    1277                 :            :      * Check connected and listening sockets for IO readiness and process them accordingly.
#    1278                 :            :      */
#    1279                 :            :     void SocketHandler() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex, !mutexMsgProc);
#    1280                 :            : 
#    1281                 :            :     /**
#    1282                 :            :      * Do the read/write for connected sockets that are ready for IO.
#    1283                 :            :      * @param[in] nodes Nodes to process. The socket of each node is checked against `what`.
#    1284                 :            :      * @param[in] events_per_sock Sockets that are ready for IO.
#    1285                 :            :      */
#    1286                 :            :     void SocketHandlerConnected(const std::vector<CNode*>& nodes,
#    1287                 :            :                                 const Sock::EventsPerSock& events_per_sock)
#    1288                 :            :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex, !mutexMsgProc);
#    1289                 :            : 
#    1290                 :            :     /**
#    1291                 :            :      * Accept incoming connections, one from each read-ready listening socket.
#    1292                 :            :      * @param[in] events_per_sock Sockets that are ready for IO.
#    1293                 :            :      */
#    1294                 :            :     void SocketHandlerListening(const Sock::EventsPerSock& events_per_sock);
#    1295                 :            : 
#    1296                 :            :     void ThreadSocketHandler() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex, !mutexMsgProc);
#    1297                 :            :     void ThreadDNSAddressSeed() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_addr_fetches_mutex, !m_nodes_mutex);
#    1298                 :            : 
#    1299                 :            :     uint64_t CalculateKeyedNetGroup(const CAddress& ad) const;
#    1300                 :            : 
#    1301                 :            :     CNode* FindNode(const CNetAddr& ip);
#    1302                 :            :     CNode* FindNode(const CSubNet& subNet);
#    1303                 :            :     CNode* FindNode(const std::string& addrName);
#    1304                 :            :     CNode* FindNode(const CService& addr);
#    1305                 :            : 
#    1306                 :            :     /**
#    1307                 :            :      * Determine whether we're already connected to a given address, in order to
#    1308                 :            :      * avoid initiating duplicate connections.
#    1309                 :            :      */
#    1310                 :            :     bool AlreadyConnectedToAddress(const CAddress& addr);
#    1311                 :            : 
#    1312                 :            :     bool AttemptToEvictConnection();
#    1313                 :            :     CNode* ConnectNode(CAddress addrConnect, const char *pszDest, bool fCountFailure, ConnectionType conn_type) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_unused_i2p_sessions_mutex);
#    1314                 :            :     void AddWhitelistPermissionFlags(NetPermissionFlags& flags, const CNetAddr &addr) const;
#    1315                 :            : 
#    1316                 :            :     void DeleteNode(CNode* pnode);
#    1317                 :            : 
#    1318                 :            :     NodeId GetNewNodeId();
#    1319                 :            : 
#    1320                 :            :     /** (Try to) send data from node's vSendMsg. Returns (bytes_sent, data_left). */
#    1321                 :            :     std::pair<size_t, bool> SocketSendData(CNode& node) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(node.cs_vSend);
#    1322                 :            : 
#    1323                 :            :     void DumpAddresses();
#    1324                 :            : 
#    1325                 :            :     // Network stats
#    1326                 :            :     void RecordBytesRecv(uint64_t bytes);
#    1327                 :            :     void RecordBytesSent(uint64_t bytes) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex);
#    1328                 :            : 
#    1329                 :            :     /**
#    1330                 :            :      Return reachable networks for which we have no addresses in addrman and therefore
#    1331                 :            :      may require loading fixed seeds.
#    1332                 :            :      */
#    1333                 :            :     std::unordered_set<Network> GetReachableEmptyNetworks() const;
#    1334                 :            : 
#    1335                 :            :     /**
#    1336                 :            :      * Return vector of current BLOCK_RELAY peers.
#    1337                 :            :      */
#    1338                 :            :     std::vector<CAddress> GetCurrentBlockRelayOnlyConns() const;
#    1339                 :            : 
#    1340                 :            :     /**
#    1341                 :            :      * Search for a "preferred" network, a reachable network to which we
#    1342                 :            :      * currently don't have any OUTBOUND_FULL_RELAY or MANUAL connections.
#    1343                 :            :      * There needs to be at least one address in AddrMan for a preferred
#    1344                 :            :      * network to be picked.
#    1345                 :            :      *
#    1346                 :            :      * @param[out]    network        Preferred network, if found.
#    1347                 :            :      *
#    1348                 :            :      * @return           bool        Whether a preferred network was found.
#    1349                 :            :      */
#    1350                 :            :     bool MaybePickPreferredNetwork(std::optional<Network>& network);
#    1351                 :            : 
#    1352                 :            :     // Whether the node should be passed out in ForEach* callbacks
#    1353                 :            :     static bool NodeFullyConnected(const CNode* pnode);
#    1354                 :            : 
#    1355                 :            :     // Network usage totals
#    1356                 :            :     mutable Mutex m_total_bytes_sent_mutex;
#    1357                 :            :     std::atomic<uint64_t> nTotalBytesRecv{0};
#    1358                 :            :     uint64_t nTotalBytesSent GUARDED_BY(m_total_bytes_sent_mutex) {0};
#    1359                 :            : 
#    1360                 :            :     // outbound limit & stats
#    1361                 :            :     uint64_t nMaxOutboundTotalBytesSentInCycle GUARDED_BY(m_total_bytes_sent_mutex) {0};
#    1362                 :            :     std::chrono::seconds nMaxOutboundCycleStartTime GUARDED_BY(m_total_bytes_sent_mutex) {0};
#    1363                 :            :     uint64_t nMaxOutboundLimit GUARDED_BY(m_total_bytes_sent_mutex);
#    1364                 :            : 
#    1365                 :            :     // P2P timeout in seconds
#    1366                 :            :     std::chrono::seconds m_peer_connect_timeout;
#    1367                 :            : 
#    1368                 :            :     // Whitelisted ranges. Any node connecting from these is automatically
#    1369                 :            :     // whitelisted (as well as those connecting to whitelisted binds).
#    1370                 :            :     std::vector<NetWhitelistPermissions> vWhitelistedRange;
#    1371                 :            : 
#    1372                 :            :     unsigned int nSendBufferMaxSize{0};
#    1373                 :            :     unsigned int nReceiveFloodSize{0};
#    1374                 :            : 
#    1375                 :            :     std::vector<ListenSocket> vhListenSocket;
#    1376                 :            :     std::atomic<bool> fNetworkActive{true};
#    1377                 :            :     bool fAddressesInitialized{false};
#    1378                 :            :     AddrMan& addrman;
#    1379                 :            :     const NetGroupManager& m_netgroupman;
#    1380                 :            :     std::deque<std::string> m_addr_fetches GUARDED_BY(m_addr_fetches_mutex);
#    1381                 :            :     Mutex m_addr_fetches_mutex;
#    1382                 :            :     std::vector<std::string> m_added_nodes GUARDED_BY(m_added_nodes_mutex);
#    1383                 :            :     mutable Mutex m_added_nodes_mutex;
#    1384                 :            :     std::vector<CNode*> m_nodes GUARDED_BY(m_nodes_mutex);
#    1385                 :            :     std::list<CNode*> m_nodes_disconnected;
#    1386                 :            :     mutable RecursiveMutex m_nodes_mutex;
#    1387                 :            :     std::atomic<NodeId> nLastNodeId{0};
#    1388                 :            :     unsigned int nPrevNodeCount{0};
#    1389                 :            : 
#    1390                 :            :     // Stores number of full-tx connections (outbound and manual) per network
#    1391                 :            :     std::array<unsigned int, Network::NET_MAX> m_network_conn_counts GUARDED_BY(m_nodes_mutex) = {};
#    1392                 :            : 
#    1393                 :            :     /**
#    1394                 :            :      * Cache responses to addr requests to minimize privacy leak.
#    1395                 :            :      * Attack example: scraping addrs in real-time may allow an attacker
#    1396                 :            :      * to infer new connections of the victim by detecting new records
#    1397                 :            :      * with fresh timestamps (per self-announcement).
#    1398                 :            :      */
#    1399                 :            :     struct CachedAddrResponse {
#    1400                 :            :         std::vector<CAddress> m_addrs_response_cache;
#    1401                 :            :         std::chrono::microseconds m_cache_entry_expiration{0};
#    1402                 :            :     };
#    1403                 :            : 
#    1404                 :            :     /**
#    1405                 :            :      * Addr responses stored in different caches
#    1406                 :            :      * per (network, local socket) prevent cross-network node identification.
#    1407                 :            :      * If a node for example is multi-homed under Tor and IPv6,
#    1408                 :            :      * a single cache (or no cache at all) would let an attacker
#    1409                 :            :      * to easily detect that it is the same node by comparing responses.
#    1410                 :            :      * Indexing by local socket prevents leakage when a node has multiple
#    1411                 :            :      * listening addresses on the same network.
#    1412                 :            :      *
#    1413                 :            :      * The used memory equals to 1000 CAddress records (or around 40 bytes) per
#    1414                 :            :      * distinct Network (up to 5) we have/had an inbound peer from,
#    1415                 :            :      * resulting in at most ~196 KB. Every separate local socket may
#    1416                 :            :      * add up to ~196 KB extra.
#    1417                 :            :      */
#    1418                 :            :     std::map<uint64_t, CachedAddrResponse> m_addr_response_caches;
#    1419                 :            : 
#    1420                 :            :     /**
#    1421                 :            :      * Services this node offers.
#    1422                 :            :      *
#    1423                 :            :      * This data is replicated in each Peer instance we create.
#    1424                 :            :      *
#    1425                 :            :      * This data is not marked const, but after being set it should not
#    1426                 :            :      * change.
#    1427                 :            :      *
#    1428                 :            :      * \sa Peer::our_services
#    1429                 :            :      */
#    1430                 :            :     ServiceFlags nLocalServices;
#    1431                 :            : 
#    1432                 :            :     std::unique_ptr<CSemaphore> semOutbound;
#    1433                 :            :     std::unique_ptr<CSemaphore> semAddnode;
#    1434                 :            :     int nMaxConnections;
#    1435                 :            : 
#    1436                 :            :     // How many full-relay (tx, block, addr) outbound peers we want
#    1437                 :            :     int m_max_outbound_full_relay;
#    1438                 :            : 
#    1439                 :            :     // How many block-relay only outbound peers we want
#    1440                 :            :     // We do not relay tx or addr messages with these peers
#    1441                 :            :     int m_max_outbound_block_relay;
#    1442                 :            : 
#    1443                 :            :     int nMaxAddnode;
#    1444                 :            :     int nMaxFeeler;
#    1445                 :            :     int m_max_outbound;
#    1446                 :            :     bool m_use_addrman_outgoing;
#    1447                 :            :     CClientUIInterface* m_client_interface;
#    1448                 :            :     NetEventsInterface* m_msgproc;
#    1449                 :            :     /** Pointer to this node's banman. May be nullptr - check existence before dereferencing. */
#    1450                 :            :     BanMan* m_banman;
#    1451                 :            : 
#    1452                 :            :     /**
#    1453                 :            :      * Addresses that were saved during the previous clean shutdown. We'll
#    1454                 :            :      * attempt to make block-relay-only connections to them.
#    1455                 :            :      */
#    1456                 :            :     std::vector<CAddress> m_anchors;
#    1457                 :            : 
#    1458                 :            :     /** SipHasher seeds for deterministic randomness */
#    1459                 :            :     const uint64_t nSeed0, nSeed1;
#    1460                 :            : 
#    1461                 :            :     /** flag for waking the message processor. */
#    1462                 :            :     bool fMsgProcWake GUARDED_BY(mutexMsgProc);
#    1463                 :            : 
#    1464                 :            :     std::condition_variable condMsgProc;
#    1465                 :            :     Mutex mutexMsgProc;
#    1466                 :            :     std::atomic<bool> flagInterruptMsgProc{false};
#    1467                 :            : 
#    1468                 :            :     /**
#    1469                 :            :      * This is signaled when network activity should cease.
#    1470                 :            :      * A pointer to it is saved in `m_i2p_sam_session`, so make sure that
#    1471                 :            :      * the lifetime of `interruptNet` is not shorter than
#    1472                 :            :      * the lifetime of `m_i2p_sam_session`.
#    1473                 :            :      */
#    1474                 :            :     CThreadInterrupt interruptNet;
#    1475                 :            : 
#    1476                 :            :     /**
#    1477                 :            :      * I2P SAM session.
#    1478                 :            :      * Used to accept incoming and make outgoing I2P connections from a persistent
#    1479                 :            :      * address.
#    1480                 :            :      */
#    1481                 :            :     std::unique_ptr<i2p::sam::Session> m_i2p_sam_session;
#    1482                 :            : 
#    1483                 :            :     std::thread threadDNSAddressSeed;
#    1484                 :            :     std::thread threadSocketHandler;
#    1485                 :            :     std::thread threadOpenAddedConnections;
#    1486                 :            :     std::thread threadOpenConnections;
#    1487                 :            :     std::thread threadMessageHandler;
#    1488                 :            :     std::thread threadI2PAcceptIncoming;
#    1489                 :            : 
#    1490                 :            :     /** flag for deciding to connect to an extra outbound peer,
#    1491                 :            :      *  in excess of m_max_outbound_full_relay
#    1492                 :            :      *  This takes the place of a feeler connection */
#    1493                 :            :     std::atomic_bool m_try_another_outbound_peer;
#    1494                 :            : 
#    1495                 :            :     /** flag for initiating extra block-relay-only peer connections.
#    1496                 :            :      *  this should only be enabled after initial chain sync has occurred,
#    1497                 :            :      *  as these connections are intended to be short-lived and low-bandwidth.
#    1498                 :            :      */
#    1499                 :            :     std::atomic_bool m_start_extra_block_relay_peers{false};
#    1500                 :            : 
#    1501                 :            :     /**
#    1502                 :            :      * A vector of -bind=<address>:<port>=onion arguments each of which is
#    1503                 :            :      * an address and port that are designated for incoming Tor connections.
#    1504                 :            :      */
#    1505                 :            :     std::vector<CService> m_onion_binds;
#    1506                 :            : 
#    1507                 :            :     /**
#    1508                 :            :      * Mutex protecting m_i2p_sam_sessions.
#    1509                 :            :      */
#    1510                 :            :     Mutex m_unused_i2p_sessions_mutex;
#    1511                 :            : 
#    1512                 :            :     /**
#    1513                 :            :      * A pool of created I2P SAM transient sessions that should be used instead
#    1514                 :            :      * of creating new ones in order to reduce the load on the I2P network.
#    1515                 :            :      * Creating a session in I2P is not cheap, thus if this is not empty, then
#    1516                 :            :      * pick an entry from it instead of creating a new session. If connecting to
#    1517                 :            :      * a host fails, then the created session is put to this pool for reuse.
#    1518                 :            :      */
#    1519                 :            :     std::queue<std::unique_ptr<i2p::sam::Session>> m_unused_i2p_sessions GUARDED_BY(m_unused_i2p_sessions_mutex);
#    1520                 :            : 
#    1521                 :            :     /**
#    1522                 :            :      * Cap on the size of `m_unused_i2p_sessions`, to ensure it does not
#    1523                 :            :      * unexpectedly use too much memory.
#    1524                 :            :      */
#    1525                 :            :     static constexpr size_t MAX_UNUSED_I2P_SESSIONS_SIZE{10};
#    1526                 :            : 
#    1527                 :            :     /**
#    1528                 :            :      * RAII helper to atomically create a copy of `m_nodes` and add a reference
#    1529                 :            :      * to each of the nodes. The nodes are released when this object is destroyed.
#    1530                 :            :      */
#    1531                 :            :     class NodesSnapshot
#    1532                 :            :     {
#    1533                 :            :     public:
#    1534                 :            :         explicit NodesSnapshot(const CConnman& connman, bool shuffle)
#    1535                 :     382918 :         {
#    1536                 :     382918 :             {
#    1537                 :     382918 :                 LOCK(connman.m_nodes_mutex);
#    1538                 :     382918 :                 m_nodes_copy = connman.m_nodes;
#    1539         [ +  + ]:     647043 :                 for (auto& node : m_nodes_copy) {
#    1540                 :     647043 :                     node->AddRef();
#    1541                 :     647043 :                 }
#    1542                 :     382918 :             }
#    1543         [ +  + ]:     382918 :             if (shuffle) {
#    1544                 :     165528 :                 Shuffle(m_nodes_copy.begin(), m_nodes_copy.end(), FastRandomContext{});
#    1545                 :     165528 :             }
#    1546                 :     382918 :         }
#    1547                 :            : 
#    1548                 :            :         ~NodesSnapshot()
#    1549                 :     382918 :         {
#    1550         [ +  + ]:     647043 :             for (auto& node : m_nodes_copy) {
#    1551                 :     647043 :                 node->Release();
#    1552                 :     647043 :             }
#    1553                 :     382918 :         }
#    1554                 :            : 
#    1555                 :            :         const std::vector<CNode*>& Nodes() const
#    1556                 :     600297 :         {
#    1557                 :     600297 :             return m_nodes_copy;
#    1558                 :     600297 :         }
#    1559                 :            : 
#    1560                 :            :     private:
#    1561                 :            :         std::vector<CNode*> m_nodes_copy;
#    1562                 :            :     };
#    1563                 :            : 
#    1564                 :            :     friend struct ConnmanTestMsg;
#    1565                 :            : };
#    1566                 :            : 
#    1567                 :            : /** Dump binary message to file, with timestamp */
#    1568                 :            : void CaptureMessageToFile(const CAddress& addr,
#    1569                 :            :                           const std::string& msg_type,
#    1570                 :            :                           Span<const unsigned char> data,
#    1571                 :            :                           bool is_incoming);
#    1572                 :            : 
#    1573                 :            : /** Defaults to `CaptureMessageToFile()`, but can be overridden by unit tests. */
#    1574                 :            : extern std::function<void(const CAddress& addr,
#    1575                 :            :                           const std::string& msg_type,
#    1576                 :            :                           Span<const unsigned char> data,
#    1577                 :            :                           bool is_incoming)>
#    1578                 :            :     CaptureMessage;
#    1579                 :            : 
#    1580                 :            : #endif // BITCOIN_NET_H

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