LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - headerssync.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: coverage.lcov Lines: 144 166 86.7 %
Date: 2022-08-30 15:50:09 Functions: 8 8 100.0 %
Legend: Modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed

Not modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed
Branches: 68 106 64.2 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
#       1                 :            : // Copyright (c) 2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
#       2                 :            : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
#       3                 :            : // file COPYING or
#       4                 :            : 
#       5                 :            : #include <headerssync.h>
#       6                 :            : #include <logging.h>
#       7                 :            : #include <pow.h>
#       8                 :            : #include <timedata.h>
#       9                 :            : #include <util/check.h>
#      10                 :            : 
#      11                 :            : // The two constants below are computed using the simulation script on
#      12                 :            : //
#      13                 :            : 
#      14                 :            : //! Store a commitment to a header every HEADER_COMMITMENT_PERIOD blocks.
#      15                 :            : constexpr size_t HEADER_COMMITMENT_PERIOD{584};
#      16                 :            : 
#      17                 :            : //! Only feed headers to validation once this many headers on top have been
#      18                 :            : //! received and validated against commitments.
#      19                 :            : constexpr size_t REDOWNLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE{13959}; // 13959/584 = ~23.9 commitments
#      20                 :            : 
#      21                 :            : // Our memory analysis assumes 48 bytes for a CompressedHeader (so we should
#      22                 :            : // re-calculate parameters if we compress further)
#      23                 :            : static_assert(sizeof(CompressedHeader) == 48);
#      24                 :            : 
#      25                 :            : HeadersSyncState::HeadersSyncState(NodeId id, const Consensus::Params& consensus_params,
#      26                 :            :         const CBlockIndex* chain_start, const arith_uint256& minimum_required_work) :
#      27                 :            :     m_id(id), m_consensus_params(consensus_params),
#      28                 :            :     m_chain_start(chain_start),
#      29                 :            :     m_minimum_required_work(minimum_required_work),
#      30                 :            :     m_current_chain_work(chain_start->nChainWork),
#      31                 :            :     m_commit_offset(GetRand<unsigned>(HEADER_COMMITMENT_PERIOD)),
#      32                 :            :     m_last_header_received(m_chain_start->GetBlockHeader()),
#      33                 :            :     m_current_height(chain_start->nHeight)
#      34                 :         15 : {
#      35                 :            :     // Estimate the number of blocks that could possibly exist on the peer's
#      36                 :            :     // chain *right now* using 6 blocks/second (fastest blockrate given the MTP
#      37                 :            :     // rule) times the number of seconds from the last allowed block until
#      38                 :            :     // today. This serves as a memory bound on how many commitments we might
#      39                 :            :     // store from this peer, and we can safely give up syncing if the peer
#      40                 :            :     // exceeds this bound, because it's not possible for a consensus-valid
#      41                 :            :     // chain to be longer than this (at the current time -- in the future we
#      42                 :            :     // could try again, if necessary, to sync a longer chain).
#      43                 :         15 :     m_max_commitments = 6*(Ticks<std::chrono::seconds>(GetAdjustedTime() - NodeSeconds{std::chrono::seconds{chain_start->GetMedianTimePast()}}) + MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME) / HEADER_COMMITMENT_PERIOD;
#      44                 :            : 
#      45         [ +  - ]:         15 :     LogPrint(BCLog::HEADERSSYNC, "Initial headers sync started with peer=%d: height=%i, max_commitments=%i, min_work=%s\n", m_id, m_current_height, m_max_commitments, m_minimum_required_work.ToString());
#      46                 :         15 : }
#      47                 :            : 
#      48                 :            : /** Free any memory in use, and mark this object as no longer usable. This is
#      49                 :            :  * required to guarantee that we won't reuse this object with the same
#      50                 :            :  * SaltedTxidHasher for another sync. */
#      51                 :            : void HeadersSyncState::Finalize()
#      52                 :         14 : {
#      53                 :         14 :     Assume(m_download_state != State::FINAL);
#      54                 :         14 :     m_header_commitments = {};
#      55                 :         14 :     m_last_header_received.SetNull();
#      56                 :         14 :     m_redownloaded_headers = {};
#      57                 :         14 :     m_redownload_buffer_last_hash.SetNull();
#      58                 :         14 :     m_redownload_buffer_first_prev_hash.SetNull();
#      59                 :         14 :     m_process_all_remaining_headers = false;
#      60                 :         14 :     m_current_height = 0;
#      61                 :            : 
#      62                 :         14 :     m_download_state = State::FINAL;
#      63                 :         14 : }
#      64                 :            : 
#      65                 :            : /** Process the next batch of headers received from our peer.
#      66                 :            :  *  Validate and store commitments, and compare total chainwork to our target to
#      67                 :            :  *  see if we can switch to REDOWNLOAD mode.  */
#      68                 :            : HeadersSyncState::ProcessingResult HeadersSyncState::ProcessNextHeaders(const
#      69                 :            :         std::vector<CBlockHeader>& received_headers, const bool full_headers_message)
#      70                 :         41 : {
#      71                 :         41 :     ProcessingResult ret;
#      72                 :            : 
#      73                 :         41 :     Assume(!received_headers.empty());
#      74         [ -  + ]:         41 :     if (received_headers.empty()) return ret;
#      75                 :            : 
#      76                 :         41 :     Assume(m_download_state != State::FINAL);
#      77         [ -  + ]:         41 :     if (m_download_state == State::FINAL) return ret;
#      78                 :            : 
#      79         [ +  + ]:         41 :     if (m_download_state == State::PRESYNC) {
#      80                 :            :         // During PRESYNC, we minimally validate block headers and
#      81                 :            :         // occasionally add commitments to them, until we reach our work
#      82                 :            :         // threshold (at which point m_download_state is updated to REDOWNLOAD).
#      83                 :         29 :         ret.success = ValidateAndStoreHeadersCommitments(received_headers);
#      84         [ +  - ]:         29 :         if (ret.success) {
#      85 [ +  + ][ +  + ]:         29 :             if (full_headers_message || m_download_state == State::REDOWNLOAD) {
#      86                 :            :                 // A full headers message means the peer may have more to give us;
#      87                 :            :                 // also if we just switched to REDOWNLOAD then we need to re-request
#      88                 :            :                 // headers from the beginning.
#      89                 :         22 :                 ret.request_more = true;
#      90                 :         22 :             } else {
#      91                 :          7 :                 Assume(m_download_state == State::PRESYNC);
#      92                 :            :                 // If we're in PRESYNC and we get a non-full headers
#      93                 :            :                 // message, then the peer's chain has ended and definitely doesn't
#      94                 :            :                 // have enough work, so we can stop our sync.
#      95         [ +  - ]:          7 :                 LogPrint(BCLog::HEADERSSYNC, "Initial headers sync aborted with peer=%d: incomplete headers message at height=%i (presync phase)\n", m_id, m_current_height);
#      96                 :          7 :             }
#      97                 :         29 :         }
#      98         [ +  - ]:         29 :     } else if (m_download_state == State::REDOWNLOAD) {
#      99                 :            :         // During REDOWNLOAD, we compare our stored commitments to what we
#     100                 :            :         // receive, and add headers to our redownload buffer. When the buffer
#     101                 :            :         // gets big enough (meaning that we've checked enough commitments),
#     102                 :            :         // we'll return a batch of headers to the caller for processing.
#     103                 :         12 :         ret.success = true;
#     104         [ +  + ]:      40557 :         for (const auto& hdr : received_headers) {
#     105         [ +  + ]:      40557 :             if (!ValidateAndStoreRedownloadedHeader(hdr)) {
#     106                 :            :                 // Something went wrong -- the peer gave us an unexpected chain.
#     107                 :            :                 // We could consider looking at the reason for failure and
#     108                 :            :                 // punishing the peer, but for now just give up on sync.
#     109                 :          2 :                 ret.success = false;
#     110                 :          2 :                 break;
#     111                 :          2 :             }
#     112                 :      40557 :         }
#     113                 :            : 
#     114         [ +  + ]:         12 :         if (ret.success) {
#     115                 :            :             // Return any headers that are ready for acceptance.
#     116                 :         10 :             ret.pow_validated_headers = PopHeadersReadyForAcceptance();
#     117                 :            : 
#     118                 :            :             // If we hit our target blockhash, then all remaining headers will be
#     119                 :            :             // returned and we can clear any leftover internal state.
#     120 [ +  + ][ +  - ]:         10 :             if (m_redownloaded_headers.empty() && m_process_all_remaining_headers) {
#     121         [ +  - ]:          5 :                 LogPrint(BCLog::HEADERSSYNC, "Initial headers sync complete with peer=%d: releasing all at height=%i (redownload phase)\n", m_id, m_redownload_buffer_last_height);
#     122         [ +  - ]:          5 :             } else if (full_headers_message) {
#     123                 :            :                 // If the headers message is full, we need to request more.
#     124                 :          5 :                 ret.request_more = true;
#     125                 :          5 :             } else {
#     126                 :            :                 // For some reason our peer gave us a high-work chain, but is now
#     127                 :            :                 // declining to serve us that full chain again. Give up.
#     128                 :            :                 // Note that there's no more processing to be done with these
#     129                 :            :                 // headers, so we can still return success.
#     130         [ #  # ]:          0 :                 LogPrint(BCLog::HEADERSSYNC, "Initial headers sync aborted with peer=%d: incomplete headers message at height=%i (redownload phase)\n", m_id, m_redownload_buffer_last_height);
#     131                 :          0 :             }
#     132                 :         10 :         }
#     133                 :         12 :     }
#     134                 :            : 
#     135 [ +  + ][ +  + ]:         41 :     if (!(ret.success && ret.request_more)) Finalize();
#     136                 :         41 :     return ret;
#     137                 :         41 : }
#     138                 :            : 
#     139                 :            : bool HeadersSyncState::ValidateAndStoreHeadersCommitments(const std::vector<CBlockHeader>& headers)
#     140                 :         29 : {
#     141                 :            :     // The caller should not give us an empty set of headers.
#     142                 :         29 :     Assume(headers.size() > 0);
#     143         [ -  + ]:         29 :     if (headers.size() == 0) return true;
#     144                 :            : 
#     145                 :         29 :     Assume(m_download_state == State::PRESYNC);
#     146         [ -  + ]:         29 :     if (m_download_state != State::PRESYNC) return false;
#     147                 :            : 
#     148         [ -  + ]:         29 :     if (headers[0].hashPrevBlock != m_last_header_received.GetHash()) {
#     149                 :            :         // Somehow our peer gave us a header that doesn't connect.
#     150                 :            :         // This might be benign -- perhaps our peer reorged away from the chain
#     151                 :            :         // they were on. Give up on this sync for now (likely we will start a
#     152                 :            :         // new sync with a new starting point).
#     153         [ #  # ]:          0 :         LogPrint(BCLog::HEADERSSYNC, "Initial headers sync aborted with peer=%d: non-continuous headers at height=%i (presync phase)\n", m_id, m_current_height);
#     154                 :          0 :         return false;
#     155                 :          0 :     }
#     156                 :            : 
#     157                 :            :     // If it does connect, (minimally) validate and occasionally store
#     158                 :            :     // commitments.
#     159         [ +  + ]:     112486 :     for (const auto& hdr : headers) {
#     160         [ -  + ]:     112486 :         if (!ValidateAndProcessSingleHeader(hdr)) {
#     161                 :          0 :             return false;
#     162                 :          0 :         }
#     163                 :     112486 :     }
#     164                 :            : 
#     165         [ +  + ]:         29 :     if (m_current_chain_work >= m_minimum_required_work) {
#     166                 :          7 :         m_redownloaded_headers.clear();
#     167                 :          7 :         m_redownload_buffer_last_height = m_chain_start->nHeight;
#     168                 :          7 :         m_redownload_buffer_first_prev_hash = m_chain_start->GetBlockHash();
#     169                 :          7 :         m_redownload_buffer_last_hash = m_chain_start->GetBlockHash();
#     170                 :          7 :         m_redownload_chain_work = m_chain_start->nChainWork;
#     171                 :          7 :         m_download_state = State::REDOWNLOAD;
#     172         [ +  - ]:          7 :         LogPrint(BCLog::HEADERSSYNC, "Initial headers sync transition with peer=%d: reached sufficient work at height=%i, redownloading from height=%i\n", m_id, m_current_height, m_redownload_buffer_last_height);
#     173                 :          7 :     }
#     174                 :         29 :     return true;
#     175                 :         29 : }
#     176                 :            : 
#     177                 :            : bool HeadersSyncState::ValidateAndProcessSingleHeader(const CBlockHeader& current)
#     178                 :     112486 : {
#     179                 :     112486 :     Assume(m_download_state == State::PRESYNC);
#     180         [ -  + ]:     112486 :     if (m_download_state != State::PRESYNC) return false;
#     181                 :            : 
#     182                 :     112486 :     int next_height = m_current_height + 1;
#     183                 :            : 
#     184                 :            :     // Verify that the difficulty isn't growing too fast; an adversary with
#     185                 :            :     // limited hashing capability has a greater chance of producing a high
#     186                 :            :     // work chain if they compress the work into as few blocks as possible,
#     187                 :            :     // so don't let anyone give a chain that would violate the difficulty
#     188                 :            :     // adjustment maximum.
#     189         [ -  + ]:     112486 :     if (!PermittedDifficultyTransition(m_consensus_params, next_height,
#     190                 :     112486 :                 m_last_header_received.nBits, current.nBits)) {
#     191         [ #  # ]:          0 :         LogPrint(BCLog::HEADERSSYNC, "Initial headers sync aborted with peer=%d: invalid difficulty transition at height=%i (presync phase)\n", m_id, next_height);
#     192                 :          0 :         return false;
#     193                 :          0 :     }
#     194                 :            : 
#     195         [ +  + ]:     112486 :     if (next_height % HEADER_COMMITMENT_PERIOD == m_commit_offset) {
#     196                 :            :         // Add a commitment.
#     197                 :        197 :         m_header_commitments.push_back(m_hasher(current.GetHash()) & 1);
#     198         [ -  + ]:        197 :         if (m_header_commitments.size() > m_max_commitments) {
#     199                 :            :             // The peer's chain is too long; give up.
#     200                 :            :             // It's possible the chain grew since we started the sync; so
#     201                 :            :             // potentially we could succeed in syncing the peer's chain if we
#     202                 :            :             // try again later.
#     203         [ #  # ]:          0 :             LogPrint(BCLog::HEADERSSYNC, "Initial headers sync aborted with peer=%d: exceeded max commitments at height=%i (presync phase)\n", m_id, next_height);
#     204                 :          0 :             return false;
#     205                 :          0 :         }
#     206                 :        197 :     }
#     207                 :            : 
#     208                 :     112486 :     m_current_chain_work += GetBlockProof(CBlockIndex(current));
#     209                 :     112486 :     m_last_header_received = current;
#     210                 :     112486 :     m_current_height = next_height;
#     211                 :            : 
#     212                 :     112486 :     return true;
#     213                 :     112486 : }
#     214                 :            : 
#     215                 :            : bool HeadersSyncState::ValidateAndStoreRedownloadedHeader(const CBlockHeader& header)
#     216                 :      40557 : {
#     217                 :      40557 :     Assume(m_download_state == State::REDOWNLOAD);
#     218         [ -  + ]:      40557 :     if (m_download_state != State::REDOWNLOAD) return false;
#     219                 :            : 
#     220                 :      40557 :     int64_t next_height = m_redownload_buffer_last_height + 1;
#     221                 :            : 
#     222                 :            :     // Ensure that we're working on a header that connects to the chain we're
#     223                 :            :     // downloading.
#     224         [ -  + ]:      40557 :     if (header.hashPrevBlock != m_redownload_buffer_last_hash) {
#     225         [ #  # ]:          0 :         LogPrint(BCLog::HEADERSSYNC, "Initial headers sync aborted with peer=%d: non-continuous headers at height=%i (redownload phase)\n", m_id, next_height);
#     226                 :          0 :         return false;
#     227                 :          0 :     }
#     228                 :            : 
#     229                 :            :     // Check that the difficulty adjustments are within our tolerance:
#     230                 :      40557 :     uint32_t previous_nBits{0};
#     231         [ +  + ]:      40557 :     if (!m_redownloaded_headers.empty()) {
#     232                 :      40550 :         previous_nBits = m_redownloaded_headers.back().nBits;
#     233                 :      40550 :     } else {
#     234                 :          7 :         previous_nBits = m_chain_start->nBits;
#     235                 :          7 :     }
#     236                 :            : 
#     237         [ -  + ]:      40557 :     if (!PermittedDifficultyTransition(m_consensus_params, next_height,
#     238                 :      40557 :                 previous_nBits, header.nBits)) {
#     239         [ #  # ]:          0 :         LogPrint(BCLog::HEADERSSYNC, "Initial headers sync aborted with peer=%d: invalid difficulty transition at height=%i (redownload phase)\n", m_id, next_height);
#     240                 :          0 :         return false;
#     241                 :          0 :     }
#     242                 :            : 
#     243                 :            :     // Track work on the redownloaded chain
#     244                 :      40557 :     m_redownload_chain_work += GetBlockProof(CBlockIndex(header));
#     245                 :            : 
#     246         [ +  + ]:      40557 :     if (m_redownload_chain_work >= m_minimum_required_work) {
#     247                 :        293 :         m_process_all_remaining_headers = true;
#     248                 :        293 :     }
#     249                 :            : 
#     250                 :            :     // If we're at a header for which we previously stored a commitment, verify
#     251                 :            :     // it is correct. Failure will result in aborting download.
#     252                 :            :     // Also, don't check commitments once we've gotten to our target blockhash;
#     253                 :            :     // it's possible our peer has extended its chain between our first sync and
#     254                 :            :     // our second, and we don't want to return failure after we've seen our
#     255                 :            :     // target blockhash just because we ran out of commitments.
#     256 [ +  + ][ +  + ]:      40557 :     if (!m_process_all_remaining_headers && next_height % HEADER_COMMITMENT_PERIOD == m_commit_offset) {
#     257         [ -  + ]:         72 :         if (m_header_commitments.size() == 0) {
#     258         [ #  # ]:          0 :             LogPrint(BCLog::HEADERSSYNC, "Initial headers sync aborted with peer=%d: commitment overrun at height=%i (redownload phase)\n", m_id, next_height);
#     259                 :            :             // Somehow our peer managed to feed us a different chain and
#     260                 :            :             // we've run out of commitments.
#     261                 :          0 :             return false;
#     262                 :          0 :         }
#     263                 :         72 :         bool commitment = m_hasher(header.GetHash()) & 1;
#     264                 :         72 :         bool expected_commitment = m_header_commitments.front();
#     265                 :         72 :         m_header_commitments.pop_front();
#     266         [ +  + ]:         72 :         if (commitment != expected_commitment) {
#     267         [ +  - ]:          2 :             LogPrint(BCLog::HEADERSSYNC, "Initial headers sync aborted with peer=%d: commitment mismatch at height=%i (redownload phase)\n", m_id, next_height);
#     268                 :          2 :             return false;
#     269                 :          2 :         }
#     270                 :         72 :     }
#     271                 :            : 
#     272                 :            :     // Store this header for later processing.
#     273                 :      40555 :     m_redownloaded_headers.push_back(header);
#     274                 :      40555 :     m_redownload_buffer_last_height = next_height;
#     275                 :      40555 :     m_redownload_buffer_last_hash = header.GetHash();
#     276                 :            : 
#     277                 :      40555 :     return true;
#     278                 :      40557 : }
#     279                 :            : 
#     280                 :            : std::vector<CBlockHeader> HeadersSyncState::PopHeadersReadyForAcceptance()
#     281                 :         10 : {
#     282                 :         10 :     std::vector<CBlockHeader> ret;
#     283                 :            : 
#     284                 :         10 :     Assume(m_download_state == State::REDOWNLOAD);
#     285         [ -  + ]:         10 :     if (m_download_state != State::REDOWNLOAD) return ret;
#     286                 :            : 
#     287         [ +  + ]:      40371 :     while (m_redownloaded_headers.size() > REDOWNLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE ||
#     288 [ +  + ][ +  + ]:      40371 :             (m_redownloaded_headers.size() > 0 && m_process_all_remaining_headers)) {
#     289                 :      40361 :         ret.emplace_back(m_redownloaded_headers.front().GetFullHeader(m_redownload_buffer_first_prev_hash));
#     290                 :      40361 :         m_redownloaded_headers.pop_front();
#     291                 :      40361 :         m_redownload_buffer_first_prev_hash = ret.back().GetHash();
#     292                 :      40361 :     }
#     293                 :         10 :     return ret;
#     294                 :         10 : }
#     295                 :            : 
#     296                 :            : CBlockLocator HeadersSyncState::NextHeadersRequestLocator() const
#     297                 :         19 : {
#     298                 :         19 :     Assume(m_download_state != State::FINAL);
#     299         [ -  + ]:         19 :     if (m_download_state == State::FINAL) return {};
#     300                 :            : 
#     301                 :         19 :     auto chain_start_locator = LocatorEntries(m_chain_start);
#     302                 :         19 :     std::vector<uint256> locator;
#     303                 :            : 
#     304         [ +  + ]:         19 :     if (m_download_state == State::PRESYNC) {
#     305                 :            :         // During pre-synchronization, we continue from the last header received.
#     306                 :         11 :         locator.push_back(m_last_header_received.GetHash());
#     307                 :         11 :     }
#     308                 :            : 
#     309         [ +  + ]:         19 :     if (m_download_state == State::REDOWNLOAD) {
#     310                 :            :         // During redownload, we will download from the last received header that we stored.
#     311                 :          8 :         locator.push_back(m_redownload_buffer_last_hash);
#     312                 :          8 :     }
#     313                 :            : 
#     314                 :         19 :     locator.insert(locator.end(), chain_start_locator.begin(), chain_start_locator.end());
#     315                 :            : 
#     316                 :         19 :     return CBlockLocator{std::move(locator)};
#     317                 :         19 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 0-eol-96201-ge66f56f4af6a