LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/wallet - coinselection.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: coverage.lcov Lines: 23 28 82.1 %
Date: 2021-06-29 14:35:33 Functions: 11 12 91.7 %
Legend: Modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed

Not modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed
Branches: 2 4 50.0 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
#       1                 :            : // Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
#       2                 :            : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
#       3                 :            : // file COPYING or
#       4                 :            : 
#       5                 :            : #ifndef BITCOIN_WALLET_COINSELECTION_H
#       6                 :            : #define BITCOIN_WALLET_COINSELECTION_H
#       7                 :            : 
#       8                 :            : #include <amount.h>
#       9                 :            : #include <policy/feerate.h>
#      10                 :            : #include <primitives/transaction.h>
#      11                 :            : #include <random.h>
#      12                 :            : 
#      13                 :            : //! target minimum change amount
#      14                 :            : static constexpr CAmount MIN_CHANGE{COIN / 100};
#      15                 :            : //! final minimum change amount after paying for fees
#      16                 :            : static const CAmount MIN_FINAL_CHANGE = MIN_CHANGE/2;
#      17                 :            : 
#      18                 :            : /** A UTXO under consideration for use in funding a new transaction. */
#      19                 :            : class CInputCoin {
#      20                 :            : public:
#      21                 :            :     CInputCoin(const CTransactionRef& tx, unsigned int i)
#      22                 :    2016490 :     {
#      23         [ -  + ]:    2016490 :         if (!tx)
#      24                 :          0 :             throw std::invalid_argument("tx should not be null");
#      25         [ -  + ]:    2016490 :         if (i >= tx->vout.size())
#      26                 :          0 :             throw std::out_of_range("The output index is out of range");
#      27                 :            : 
#      28                 :    2016490 :         outpoint = COutPoint(tx->GetHash(), i);
#      29                 :    2016490 :         txout = tx->vout[i];
#      30                 :    2016490 :         effective_value = txout.nValue;
#      31                 :    2016490 :     }
#      32                 :            : 
#      33                 :            :     CInputCoin(const CTransactionRef& tx, unsigned int i, int input_bytes) : CInputCoin(tx, i)
#      34                 :    1966386 :     {
#      35                 :    1966386 :         m_input_bytes = input_bytes;
#      36                 :    1966386 :     }
#      37                 :            : 
#      38                 :            :     COutPoint outpoint;
#      39                 :            :     CTxOut txout;
#      40                 :            :     CAmount effective_value;
#      41                 :            :     CAmount m_fee{0};
#      42                 :            :     CAmount m_long_term_fee{0};
#      43                 :            : 
#      44                 :            :     /** Pre-computed estimated size of this output as a fully-signed input in a transaction. Can be -1 if it could not be calculated */
#      45                 :            :     int m_input_bytes{-1};
#      46                 :            : 
#      47                 :    1442412 :     bool operator<(const CInputCoin& rhs) const {
#      48                 :    1442412 :         return outpoint < rhs.outpoint;
#      49                 :    1442412 :     }
#      50                 :            : 
#      51                 :          0 :     bool operator!=(const CInputCoin& rhs) const {
#      52                 :          0 :         return outpoint != rhs.outpoint;
#      53                 :          0 :     }
#      54                 :            : 
#      55                 :       1144 :     bool operator==(const CInputCoin& rhs) const {
#      56                 :       1144 :         return outpoint == rhs.outpoint;
#      57                 :       1144 :     }
#      58                 :            : };
#      59                 :            : 
#      60                 :            : /** Parameters for one iteration of Coin Selection. */
#      61                 :            : struct CoinSelectionParams
#      62                 :            : {
#      63                 :            :     /** Size of a change output in bytes, determined by the output type. */
#      64                 :            :     size_t change_output_size = 0;
#      65                 :            :     /** Size of the input to spend a change output in virtual bytes. */
#      66                 :            :     size_t change_spend_size = 0;
#      67                 :            :     /** Cost of creating the change output. */
#      68                 :            :     CAmount m_change_fee{0};
#      69                 :            :     /** Cost of creating the change output + cost of spending the change output in the future. */
#      70                 :            :     CAmount m_cost_of_change{0};
#      71                 :            :     /** The targeted feerate of the transaction being built. */
#      72                 :            :     CFeeRate m_effective_feerate;
#      73                 :            :     /** The feerate estimate used to estimate an upper bound on what should be sufficient to spend
#      74                 :            :      * the change output sometime in the future. */
#      75                 :            :     CFeeRate m_long_term_feerate;
#      76                 :            :     /** If the cost to spend a change output at the discard feerate exceeds its value, drop it to fees. */
#      77                 :            :     CFeeRate m_discard_feerate;
#      78                 :            :     /** Size of the transaction before coin selection, consisting of the header and recipient
#      79                 :            :      * output(s), excluding the inputs and change output(s). */
#      80                 :            :     size_t tx_noinputs_size = 0;
#      81                 :            :     /** Indicate that we are subtracting the fee from outputs */
#      82                 :            :     bool m_subtract_fee_outputs = false;
#      83                 :            :     /** When true, always spend all (up to OUTPUT_GROUP_MAX_ENTRIES) or none of the outputs
#      84                 :            :      * associated with the same address. This helps reduce privacy leaks resulting from address
#      85                 :            :      * reuse. Dust outputs are not eligible to be added to output groups and thus not considered. */
#      86                 :            :     bool m_avoid_partial_spends = false;
#      87                 :            : 
#      88                 :            :     CoinSelectionParams(size_t change_output_size, size_t change_spend_size, CFeeRate effective_feerate,
#      89                 :            :                         CFeeRate long_term_feerate, CFeeRate discard_feerate, size_t tx_noinputs_size, bool avoid_partial) :
#      90                 :            :         change_output_size(change_output_size),
#      91                 :            :         change_spend_size(change_spend_size),
#      92                 :            :         m_effective_feerate(effective_feerate),
#      93                 :            :         m_long_term_feerate(long_term_feerate),
#      94                 :            :         m_discard_feerate(discard_feerate),
#      95                 :            :         tx_noinputs_size(tx_noinputs_size),
#      96                 :            :         m_avoid_partial_spends(avoid_partial)
#      97                 :        103 :     {}
#      98                 :       5009 :     CoinSelectionParams() {}
#      99                 :            : };
#     100                 :            : 
#     101                 :            : /** Parameters for filtering which OutputGroups we may use in coin selection.
#     102                 :            :  * We start by being very selective and requiring multiple confirmations and
#     103                 :            :  * then get more permissive if we cannot fund the transaction. */
#     104                 :            : struct CoinEligibilityFilter
#     105                 :            : {
#     106                 :            :     /** Minimum number of confirmations for outputs that we sent to ourselves.
#     107                 :            :      * We may use unconfirmed UTXOs sent from ourselves, e.g. change outputs. */
#     108                 :            :     const int conf_mine;
#     109                 :            :     /** Minimum number of confirmations for outputs received from a different wallet. */
#     110                 :            :     const int conf_theirs;
#     111                 :            :     /** Maximum number of unconfirmed ancestors aggregated across all UTXOs in an OutputGroup. */
#     112                 :            :     const uint64_t max_ancestors;
#     113                 :            :     /** Maximum number of descendants that a single UTXO in the OutputGroup may have. */
#     114                 :            :     const uint64_t max_descendants;
#     115                 :            :     /** When avoid_reuse=true and there are full groups (OUTPUT_GROUP_MAX_ENTRIES), whether or not to use any partial groups.*/
#     116                 :            :     const bool m_include_partial_groups{false};
#     117                 :            : 
#     118                 :       6922 :     CoinEligibilityFilter(int conf_mine, int conf_theirs, uint64_t max_ancestors) : conf_mine(conf_mine), conf_theirs(conf_theirs), max_ancestors(max_ancestors), max_descendants(max_ancestors) {}
#     119                 :        244 :     CoinEligibilityFilter(int conf_mine, int conf_theirs, uint64_t max_ancestors, uint64_t max_descendants) : conf_mine(conf_mine), conf_theirs(conf_theirs), max_ancestors(max_ancestors), max_descendants(max_descendants) {}
#     120                 :        118 :     CoinEligibilityFilter(int conf_mine, int conf_theirs, uint64_t max_ancestors, uint64_t max_descendants, bool include_partial) : conf_mine(conf_mine), conf_theirs(conf_theirs), max_ancestors(max_ancestors), max_descendants(max_descendants), m_include_partial_groups(include_partial) {}
#     121                 :            : };
#     122                 :            : 
#     123                 :            : /** A group of UTXOs paid to the same output script. */
#     124                 :            : struct OutputGroup
#     125                 :            : {
#     126                 :            :     /** The list of UTXOs contained in this output group. */
#     127                 :            :     std::vector<CInputCoin> m_outputs;
#     128                 :            :     /** Whether the UTXOs were sent by the wallet to itself. This is relevant because we may want at
#     129                 :            :      * least a certain number of confirmations on UTXOs received from outside wallets while trusting
#     130                 :            :      * our own UTXOs more. */
#     131                 :            :     bool m_from_me{true};
#     132                 :            :     /** The total value of the UTXOs in sum. */
#     133                 :            :     CAmount m_value{0};
#     134                 :            :     /** The minimum number of confirmations the UTXOs in the group have. Unconfirmed is 0. */
#     135                 :            :     int m_depth{999};
#     136                 :            :     /** The aggregated count of unconfirmed ancestors of all UTXOs in this
#     137                 :            :      * group. Not deduplicated and may overestimate when ancestors are shared. */
#     138                 :            :     size_t m_ancestors{0};
#     139                 :            :     /** The maximum count of descendants of a single UTXO in this output group. */
#     140                 :            :     size_t m_descendants{0};
#     141                 :            :     /** The value of the UTXOs after deducting the cost of spending them at the effective feerate. */
#     142                 :            :     CAmount effective_value{0};
#     143                 :            :     /** The fee to spend these UTXOs at the effective feerate. */
#     144                 :            :     CAmount fee{0};
#     145                 :            :     /** The target feerate of the transaction we're trying to build. */
#     146                 :            :     CFeeRate m_effective_feerate{0};
#     147                 :            :     /** The fee to spend these UTXOs at the long term feerate. */
#     148                 :            :     CAmount long_term_fee{0};
#     149                 :            :     /** The feerate for spending a created change output eventually (i.e. not urgently, and thus at
#     150                 :            :      * a lower feerate). Calculated using long term fee estimate. This is used to decide whether
#     151                 :            :      * it could be economical to create a change output. */
#     152                 :            :     CFeeRate m_long_term_feerate{0};
#     153                 :            :     /** Indicate that we are subtracting the fee from outputs.
#     154                 :            :      * When true, the value that is used for coin selection is the UTXO's real value rather than effective value */
#     155                 :            :     bool m_subtract_fee_outputs{false};
#     156                 :            : 
#     157                 :     276706 :     OutputGroup() {}
#     158                 :            :     OutputGroup(const CoinSelectionParams& params) :
#     159                 :            :         m_effective_feerate(params.m_effective_feerate),
#     160                 :            :         m_long_term_feerate(params.m_long_term_feerate),
#     161                 :            :         m_subtract_fee_outputs(params.m_subtract_fee_outputs)
#     162                 :    1460352 :     {}
#     163                 :            : 
#     164                 :            :     void Insert(const CInputCoin& output, int depth, bool from_me, size_t ancestors, size_t descendants, bool positive_only);
#     165                 :            :     bool EligibleForSpending(const CoinEligibilityFilter& eligibility_filter) const;
#     166                 :            :     CAmount GetSelectionAmount() const;
#     167                 :            : };
#     168                 :            : 
#     169                 :            : bool SelectCoinsBnB(std::vector<OutputGroup>& utxo_pool, const CAmount& selection_target, const CAmount& cost_of_change, std::set<CInputCoin>& out_set, CAmount& value_ret);
#     170                 :            : 
#     171                 :            : // Original coin selection algorithm as a fallback
#     172                 :            : bool KnapsackSolver(const CAmount& nTargetValue, std::vector<OutputGroup>& groups, std::set<CInputCoin>& setCoinsRet, CAmount& nValueRet);
#     173                 :            : 
#     174                 :            : #endif // BITCOIN_WALLET_COINSELECTION_H

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14