LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - hash.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: coverage.lcov Lines: 84 99 84.8 %
Date: 2020-06-05 16:23:38 Functions: 71 91 78.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit, modifiedhit, not modified not hit, modifiednot hit, not modified

          Line data    Source code
#       1             : // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
#       2             : // Copyright (c) 2009-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
#       3             : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
#       4             : // file COPYING or
#       5             : 
#       6             : #ifndef BITCOIN_HASH_H
#       7             : #define BITCOIN_HASH_H
#       8             : 
#       9             : #include <crypto/common.h>
#      10             : #include <crypto/ripemd160.h>
#      11             : #include <crypto/sha256.h>
#      12             : #include <prevector.h>
#      13             : #include <serialize.h>
#      14             : #include <uint256.h>
#      15             : #include <version.h>
#      16             : 
#      17             : #include <vector>
#      18             : 
#      19             : typedef uint256 ChainCode;
#      20             : 
#      21             : /** A hasher class for Bitcoin's 256-bit hash (double SHA-256). */
#      22             : class CHash256 {
#      23             : private:
#      24             :     CSHA256 sha;
#      25             : public:
#      26             :     static const size_t OUTPUT_SIZE = CSHA256::OUTPUT_SIZE;
#      27             : 
#      28     4470280 :     void Finalize(unsigned char hash[OUTPUT_SIZE]) {
#      29     4470280 :         unsigned char buf[CSHA256::OUTPUT_SIZE];
#      30     4470280 :         sha.Finalize(buf);
#      31     4470280 :         sha.Reset().Write(buf, CSHA256::OUTPUT_SIZE).Finalize(hash);
#      32     4470280 :     }
#      33             : 
#      34   204980357 :     CHash256& Write(const unsigned char *data, size_t len) {
#      35   204980357 :         sha.Write(data, len);
#      36   204980357 :         return *this;
#      37   204980357 :     }
#      38             : 
#      39          34 :     CHash256& Reset() {
#      40          34 :         sha.Reset();
#      41          34 :         return *this;
#      42          34 :     }
#      43             : };
#      44             : 
#      45             : /** A hasher class for Bitcoin's 160-bit hash (SHA-256 + RIPEMD-160). */
#      46             : class CHash160 {
#      47             : private:
#      48             :     CSHA256 sha;
#      49             : public:
#      50             :     static const size_t OUTPUT_SIZE = CRIPEMD160::OUTPUT_SIZE;
#      51             : 
#      52      295043 :     void Finalize(unsigned char hash[OUTPUT_SIZE]) {
#      53      295043 :         unsigned char buf[CSHA256::OUTPUT_SIZE];
#      54      295043 :         sha.Finalize(buf);
#      55      295043 :         CRIPEMD160().Write(buf, CSHA256::OUTPUT_SIZE).Finalize(hash);
#      56      295043 :     }
#      57             : 
#      58      295041 :     CHash160& Write(const unsigned char *data, size_t len) {
#      59      295041 :         sha.Write(data, len);
#      60      295041 :         return *this;
#      61      295041 :     }
#      62             : 
#      63           0 :     CHash160& Reset() {
#      64           0 :         sha.Reset();
#      65           0 :         return *this;
#      66           0 :     }
#      67             : };
#      68             : 
#      69             : /** Compute the 256-bit hash of an object. */
#      70             : template<typename T1>
#      71             : inline uint256 Hash(const T1 pbegin, const T1 pend)
#      72       15408 : {
#      73       15408 :     static const unsigned char pblank[1] = {};
#      74       15408 :     uint256 result;
#      75       15408 :     CHash256().Write(pbegin == pend ? pblank : (const unsigned char*)&pbegin[0], (pend - pbegin) * sizeof(pbegin[0]))
#      76       15408 :               .Finalize((unsigned char*)&result);
#      77       15408 :     return result;
#      78       15408 : }
#      79             : 
#      80             : /** Compute the 256-bit hash of the concatenation of two objects. */
#      81             : template<typename T1, typename T2>
#      82             : inline uint256 Hash(const T1 p1begin, const T1 p1end,
#      83      712666 :                     const T2 p2begin, const T2 p2end) {
#      84      712666 :     static const unsigned char pblank[1] = {};
#      85      712666 :     uint256 result;
#      86      712666 :     CHash256().Write(p1begin == p1end ? pblank : (const unsigned char*)&p1begin[0], (p1end - p1begin) * sizeof(p1begin[0]))
#      87      712666 :               .Write(p2begin == p2end ? pblank : (const unsigned char*)&p2begin[0], (p2end - p2begin) * sizeof(p2begin[0]))
#      88      712666 :               .Finalize((unsigned char*)&result);
#      89      712666 :     return result;
#      90      712666 : }
#      91             : 
#      92             : /** Compute the 160-bit hash an object. */
#      93             : template<typename T1>
#      94             : inline uint160 Hash160(const T1 pbegin, const T1 pend)
#      95      105184 : {
#      96      105184 :     static unsigned char pblank[1] = {};
#      97      105184 :     uint160 result;
#      98      105184 :     CHash160().Write(pbegin == pend ? pblank : (const unsigned char*)&pbegin[0], (pend - pbegin) * sizeof(pbegin[0]))
#      99      105184 :               .Finalize((unsigned char*)&result);
#     100      105184 :     return result;
#     101      105184 : }
#     102             : 
#     103             : /** Compute the 160-bit hash of a vector. */
#     104             : inline uint160 Hash160(const std::vector<unsigned char>& vch)
#     105           0 : {
#     106           0 :     return Hash160(vch.begin(), vch.end());
#     107           0 : }
#     108             : 
#     109             : /** Compute the 160-bit hash of a vector. */
#     110             : template<unsigned int N>
#     111             : inline uint160 Hash160(const prevector<N, unsigned char>& vch)
#     112          26 : {
#     113          26 :     return Hash160(vch.begin(), vch.end());
#     114          26 : }
#     115             : 
#     116             : /** A writer stream (for serialization) that computes a 256-bit hash. */
#     117             : class CHashWriter
#     118             : {
#     119             : private:
#     120             :     CHash256 ctx;
#     121             : 
#     122             :     const int nType;
#     123             :     int nVersion;
#     124             : public:
#     125             : 
#     126     2853808 :     CHashWriter(int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn) : nType(nTypeIn), nVersion(nVersionIn) {}
#     127             : 
#     128          18 :     int GetType() const { return nType; }
#     129     1101969 :     int GetVersion() const { return nVersion; }
#     130           4 :     void SetVersion(int n) { nVersion = n; }
#     131             : 
#     132   201736501 :     void write(const char *pch, size_t size) {
#     133   201736501 :         ctx.Write((const unsigned char*)pch, size);
#     134   201736501 :     }
#     135             : 
#     136             :     // invalidates the object
#     137     1572808 :     uint256 GetHash() {
#     138     1572808 :         uint256 result;
#     139     1572808 :         ctx.Finalize((unsigned char*)&result);
#     140     1572808 :         return result;
#     141     1572808 :     }
#     142             : 
#     143             :     /**
#     144             :      * Returns the first 64 bits from the resulting hash.
#     145             :      */
#     146     1281056 :     inline uint64_t GetCheapHash() {
#     147     1281056 :         unsigned char result[CHash256::OUTPUT_SIZE];
#     148     1281056 :         ctx.Finalize(result);
#     149     1281056 :         return ReadLE64(result);
#     150     1281056 :     }
#     151             : 
#     152             :     template<typename T>
#     153    93230267 :     CHashWriter& operator<<(const T& obj) {
#     154    93230267 :         // Serialize to this stream
#     155    93230267 :         ::Serialize(*this, obj);
#     156    93230267 :         return (*this);
#     157    93230267 :     }
#     158             : };
#     159             : 
#     160             : /** Reads data from an underlying stream, while hashing the read data. */
#     161             : template<typename Source>
#     162             : class CHashVerifier : public CHashWriter
#     163             : {
#     164             : private:
#     165             :     Source* source;
#     166             : 
#     167             : public:
#     168         884 :     explicit CHashVerifier(Source* source_) : CHashWriter(source_->GetType(), source_->GetVersion()), source(source_) {}
#     169             : 
#     170             :     void read(char* pch, size_t nSize)
#     171        3078 :     {
#     172        3078 :         source->read(pch, nSize);
#     173        3078 :         this->write(pch, nSize);
#     174        3078 :     }
#     175             : 
#     176             :     void ignore(size_t nSize)
#     177           0 :     {
#     178           0 :         char data[1024];
#     179           0 :         while (nSize > 0) {
#     180           0 :             size_t now = std::min<size_t>(nSize, 1024);
#     181           0 :             read(data, now);
#     182           0 :             nSize -= now;
#     183           0 :         }
#     184           0 :     }
#     185             : 
#     186             :     template<typename T>
#     187             :     CHashVerifier<Source>& operator>>(T&& obj)
#     188        3024 :     {
#     189        3024 :         // Unserialize from this stream
#     190        3024 :         ::Unserialize(*this, obj);
#     191        3024 :         return (*this);
#     192        3024 :     }
#     193             : };
#     194             : 
#     195             : /** Compute the 256-bit hash of an object's serialization. */
#     196             : template<typename T>
#     197             : uint256 SerializeHash(const T& obj, int nType=SER_GETHASH, int nVersion=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
#     198     1097741 : {
#     199     1097741 :     CHashWriter ss(nType, nVersion);
#     200     1097741 :     ss << obj;
#     201     1097741 :     return ss.GetHash();
#     202     1097741 : }
#     203             : 
#     204             : unsigned int MurmurHash3(unsigned int nHashSeed, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vDataToHash);
#     205             : 
#     206             : void BIP32Hash(const ChainCode &chainCode, unsigned int nChild, unsigned char header, const unsigned char data[32], unsigned char output[64]);
#     207             : 
#     208             : #endif // BITCOIN_HASH_H

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14