LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/test - merkle_tests.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: coverage.lcov Lines: 259 263 98.5 %
Date: 2022-04-21 14:51:19 Functions: 13 13 100.0 %
Legend: Modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed

Not modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed
Branches: 96 110 87.3 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
#       1                 :            : // Copyright (c) 2015-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
#       2                 :            : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
#       3                 :            : // file COPYING or
#       4                 :            : 
#       5                 :            : #include <consensus/merkle.h>
#       6                 :            : #include <test/util/setup_common.h>
#       7                 :            : 
#       8                 :            : #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#       9                 :            : 
#      10                 :            : BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(merkle_tests, TestingSetup)
#      11                 :            : 
#      12                 :        752 : static uint256 ComputeMerkleRootFromBranch(const uint256& leaf, const std::vector<uint256>& vMerkleBranch, uint32_t nIndex) {
#      13                 :        752 :     uint256 hash = leaf;
#      14         [ +  + ]:       6860 :     for (std::vector<uint256>::const_iterator it = vMerkleBranch.begin(); it != vMerkleBranch.end(); ++it) {
#      15         [ +  + ]:       6108 :         if (nIndex & 1) {
#      16                 :       2754 :             hash = Hash(*it, hash);
#      17                 :       3354 :         } else {
#      18                 :       3354 :             hash = Hash(hash, *it);
#      19                 :       3354 :         }
#      20                 :       6108 :         nIndex >>= 1;
#      21                 :       6108 :     }
#      22                 :        752 :     return hash;
#      23                 :        752 : }
#      24                 :            : 
#      25                 :            : /* This implements a constant-space merkle root/path calculator, limited to 2^32 leaves. */
#      26                 :        752 : static void MerkleComputation(const std::vector<uint256>& leaves, uint256* proot, bool* pmutated, uint32_t branchpos, std::vector<uint256>* pbranch) {
#      27         [ +  - ]:        752 :     if (pbranch) pbranch->clear();
#      28         [ -  + ]:        752 :     if (leaves.size() == 0) {
#      29         [ #  # ]:          0 :         if (pmutated) *pmutated = false;
#      30         [ #  # ]:          0 :         if (proot) *proot = uint256();
#      31                 :          0 :         return;
#      32                 :          0 :     }
#      33                 :        752 :     bool mutated = false;
#      34                 :            :     // count is the number of leaves processed so far.
#      35                 :        752 :     uint32_t count = 0;
#      36                 :            :     // inner is an array of eagerly computed subtree hashes, indexed by tree
#      37                 :            :     // level (0 being the leaves).
#      38                 :            :     // For example, when count is 25 (11001 in binary), inner[4] is the hash of
#      39                 :            :     // the first 16 leaves, inner[3] of the next 8 leaves, and inner[0] equal to
#      40                 :            :     // the last leaf. The other inner entries are undefined.
#      41                 :        752 :     uint256 inner[32];
#      42                 :            :     // Which position in inner is a hash that depends on the matching leaf.
#      43                 :        752 :     int matchlevel = -1;
#      44                 :            :     // First process all leaves into 'inner' values.
#      45         [ +  + ]:     745024 :     while (count < leaves.size()) {
#      46                 :     744272 :         uint256 h = leaves[count];
#      47                 :     744272 :         bool matchh = count == branchpos;
#      48                 :     744272 :         count++;
#      49                 :     744272 :         int level;
#      50                 :            :         // For each of the lower bits in count that are 0, do 1 step. Each
#      51                 :            :         // corresponds to an inner value that existed before processing the
#      52                 :            :         // current leaf, and each needs a hash to combine it.
#      53         [ +  + ]:    1485128 :         for (level = 0; !(count & (((uint32_t)1) << level)); level++) {
#      54         [ +  - ]:     740856 :             if (pbranch) {
#      55         [ +  + ]:     740856 :                 if (matchh) {
#      56                 :       2452 :                     pbranch->push_back(inner[level]);
#      57         [ +  + ]:     738404 :                 } else if (matchlevel == level) {
#      58                 :       2550 :                     pbranch->push_back(h);
#      59                 :       2550 :                     matchh = true;
#      60                 :       2550 :                 }
#      61                 :     740856 :             }
#      62                 :     740856 :             mutated |= (inner[level] == h);
#      63                 :     740856 :             CHash256().Write(inner[level]).Write(h).Finalize(h);
#      64                 :     740856 :         }
#      65                 :            :         // Store the resulting hash at inner position level.
#      66                 :     744272 :         inner[level] = h;
#      67         [ +  + ]:     744272 :         if (matchh) {
#      68                 :       3302 :             matchlevel = level;
#      69                 :       3302 :         }
#      70                 :     744272 :     }
#      71                 :            :     // Do a final 'sweep' over the rightmost branch of the tree to process
#      72                 :            :     // odd levels, and reduce everything to a single top value.
#      73                 :            :     // Level is the level (counted from the bottom) up to which we've sweeped.
#      74                 :        752 :     int level = 0;
#      75                 :            :     // As long as bit number level in count is zero, skip it. It means there
#      76                 :            :     // is nothing left at this level.
#      77         [ +  + ]:       1472 :     while (!(count & (((uint32_t)1) << level))) {
#      78                 :        720 :         level++;
#      79                 :        720 :     }
#      80                 :        752 :     uint256 h = inner[level];
#      81                 :        752 :     bool matchh = matchlevel == level;
#      82         [ +  + ]:       3476 :     while (count != (((uint32_t)1) << level)) {
#      83                 :            :         // If we reach this point, h is an inner value that is not the top.
#      84                 :            :         // We combine it with itself (Bitcoin's special rule for odd levels in
#      85                 :            :         // the tree) to produce a higher level one.
#      86 [ +  - ][ +  + ]:       2724 :         if (pbranch && matchh) {
#      87                 :        152 :             pbranch->push_back(h);
#      88                 :        152 :         }
#      89                 :       2724 :         CHash256().Write(h).Write(h).Finalize(h);
#      90                 :            :         // Increment count to the value it would have if two entries at this
#      91                 :            :         // level had existed.
#      92                 :       2724 :         count += (((uint32_t)1) << level);
#      93                 :       2724 :         level++;
#      94                 :            :         // And propagate the result upwards accordingly.
#      95         [ +  + ]:       5388 :         while (!(count & (((uint32_t)1) << level))) {
#      96         [ +  - ]:       2664 :             if (pbranch) {
#      97         [ +  + ]:       2664 :                 if (matchh) {
#      98                 :        302 :                     pbranch->push_back(inner[level]);
#      99         [ +  + ]:       2362 :                 } else if (matchlevel == level) {
#     100                 :        652 :                     pbranch->push_back(h);
#     101                 :        652 :                     matchh = true;
#     102                 :        652 :                 }
#     103                 :       2664 :             }
#     104                 :       2664 :             CHash256().Write(inner[level]).Write(h).Finalize(h);
#     105                 :       2664 :             level++;
#     106                 :       2664 :         }
#     107                 :       2724 :     }
#     108                 :            :     // Return result.
#     109         [ -  + ]:        752 :     if (pmutated) *pmutated = mutated;
#     110         [ -  + ]:        752 :     if (proot) *proot = h;
#     111                 :        752 : }
#     112                 :            : 
#     113                 :        752 : static std::vector<uint256> ComputeMerkleBranch(const std::vector<uint256>& leaves, uint32_t position) {
#     114                 :        752 :     std::vector<uint256> ret;
#     115                 :        752 :     MerkleComputation(leaves, nullptr, nullptr, position, &ret);
#     116                 :        752 :     return ret;
#     117                 :        752 : }
#     118                 :            : 
#     119                 :            : static std::vector<uint256> BlockMerkleBranch(const CBlock& block, uint32_t position)
#     120                 :        752 : {
#     121                 :        752 :     std::vector<uint256> leaves;
#     122                 :        752 :     leaves.resize(block.vtx.size());
#     123         [ +  + ]:     745024 :     for (size_t s = 0; s < block.vtx.size(); s++) {
#     124                 :     744272 :         leaves[s] = block.vtx[s]->GetHash();
#     125                 :     744272 :     }
#     126                 :        752 :     return ComputeMerkleBranch(leaves, position);
#     127                 :        752 : }
#     128                 :            : 
#     129                 :            : // Older version of the merkle root computation code, for comparison.
#     130                 :            : static uint256 BlockBuildMerkleTree(const CBlock& block, bool* fMutated, std::vector<uint256>& vMerkleTree)
#     131                 :        184 : {
#     132                 :        184 :     vMerkleTree.clear();
#     133                 :        184 :     vMerkleTree.reserve(block.vtx.size() * 2 + 16); // Safe upper bound for the number of total nodes.
#     134         [ +  + ]:     189754 :     for (std::vector<CTransactionRef>::const_iterator it(block.vtx.begin()); it != block.vtx.end(); ++it)
#     135                 :     189570 :         vMerkleTree.push_back((*it)->GetHash());
#     136                 :        184 :     int j = 0;
#     137                 :        184 :     bool mutated = false;
#     138         [ +  + ]:       1672 :     for (int nSize = block.vtx.size(); nSize > 1; nSize = (nSize + 1) / 2)
#     139                 :       1488 :     {
#     140         [ +  + ]:     191344 :         for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i += 2)
#     141                 :     189856 :         {
#     142                 :     189856 :             int i2 = std::min(i+1, nSize-1);
#     143 [ +  + ][ +  + ]:     189856 :             if (i2 == i + 1 && i2 + 1 == nSize && vMerkleTree[j+i] == vMerkleTree[j+i2]) {
#                 [ +  + ]
#     144                 :            :                 // Two identical hashes at the end of the list at a particular level.
#     145                 :        222 :                 mutated = true;
#     146                 :        222 :             }
#     147                 :     189856 :             vMerkleTree.push_back(Hash(vMerkleTree[j+i], vMerkleTree[j+i2]));
#     148                 :     189856 :         }
#     149                 :       1488 :         j += nSize;
#     150                 :       1488 :     }
#     151         [ +  - ]:        184 :     if (fMutated) {
#     152                 :        184 :         *fMutated = mutated;
#     153                 :        184 :     }
#     154         [ -  + ]:        184 :     return (vMerkleTree.empty() ? uint256() : vMerkleTree.back());
#     155                 :        184 : }
#     156                 :            : 
#     157                 :            : // Older version of the merkle branch computation code, for comparison.
#     158                 :            : static std::vector<uint256> BlockGetMerkleBranch(const CBlock& block, const std::vector<uint256>& vMerkleTree, int nIndex)
#     159                 :        752 : {
#     160                 :        752 :     std::vector<uint256> vMerkleBranch;
#     161                 :        752 :     int j = 0;
#     162         [ +  + ]:       6860 :     for (int nSize = block.vtx.size(); nSize > 1; nSize = (nSize + 1) / 2)
#     163                 :       6108 :     {
#     164                 :       6108 :         int i = std::min(nIndex^1, nSize-1);
#     165                 :       6108 :         vMerkleBranch.push_back(vMerkleTree[j+i]);
#     166                 :       6108 :         nIndex >>= 1;
#     167                 :       6108 :         j += nSize;
#     168                 :       6108 :     }
#     169                 :        752 :     return vMerkleBranch;
#     170                 :        752 : }
#     171                 :            : 
#     172                 :        286 : static inline int ctz(uint32_t i) {
#     173         [ -  + ]:        286 :     if (i == 0) return 0;
#     174                 :        286 :     int j = 0;
#     175         [ +  + ]:        808 :     while (!(i & 1)) {
#     176                 :        522 :         j++;
#     177                 :        522 :         i >>= 1;
#     178                 :        522 :     }
#     179                 :        286 :     return j;
#     180                 :        286 : }
#     181                 :            : 
#     182                 :            : BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(merkle_test)
#     183                 :          2 : {
#     184         [ +  + ]:         66 :     for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
#     185                 :            :         // Try 32 block sizes: all sizes from 0 to 16 inclusive, and then 15 random sizes.
#     186         [ +  + ]:         64 :         int ntx = (i <= 16) ? i : 17 + (InsecureRandRange(4000));
#     187                 :            :         // Try up to 3 mutations.
#     188         [ +  + ]:        248 :         for (int mutate = 0; mutate <= 3; mutate++) {
#     189         [ +  + ]:        218 :             int duplicate1 = mutate >= 1 ? 1 << ctz(ntx) : 0; // The last how many transactions to duplicate first.
#     190         [ +  + ]:        218 :             if (duplicate1 >= ntx) break; // Duplication of the entire tree results in a different root (it adds a level).
#     191                 :        206 :             int ntx1 = ntx + duplicate1; // The resulting number of transactions after the first duplication.
#     192         [ +  + ]:        206 :             int duplicate2 = mutate >= 2 ? 1 << ctz(ntx1) : 0; // Likewise for the second mutation.
#     193         [ +  + ]:        206 :             if (duplicate2 >= ntx1) break;
#     194                 :        194 :             int ntx2 = ntx1 + duplicate2;
#     195         [ +  + ]:        194 :             int duplicate3 = mutate >= 3 ? 1 << ctz(ntx2) : 0; // And for the third mutation.
#     196         [ +  + ]:        194 :             if (duplicate3 >= ntx2) break;
#     197                 :        184 :             int ntx3 = ntx2 + duplicate3;
#     198                 :            :             // Build a block with ntx different transactions.
#     199                 :        184 :             CBlock block;
#     200                 :        184 :             block.vtx.resize(ntx);
#     201         [ +  + ]:     185864 :             for (int j = 0; j < ntx; j++) {
#     202                 :     185680 :                 CMutableTransaction mtx;
#     203                 :     185680 :                 mtx.nLockTime = j;
#     204                 :     185680 :                 block.vtx[j] = MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx));
#     205                 :     185680 :             }
#     206                 :            :             // Compute the root of the block before mutating it.
#     207                 :        184 :             bool unmutatedMutated = false;
#     208                 :        184 :             uint256 unmutatedRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(block, &unmutatedMutated);
#     209                 :        184 :             BOOST_CHECK(unmutatedMutated == false);
#     210                 :            :             // Optionally mutate by duplicating the last transactions, resulting in the same merkle root.
#     211                 :        184 :             block.vtx.resize(ntx3);
#     212         [ +  + ]:        474 :             for (int j = 0; j < duplicate1; j++) {
#     213                 :        290 :                 block.vtx[ntx + j] = block.vtx[ntx + j - duplicate1];
#     214                 :        290 :             }
#     215         [ +  + ]:       1104 :             for (int j = 0; j < duplicate2; j++) {
#     216                 :        920 :                 block.vtx[ntx1 + j] = block.vtx[ntx1 + j - duplicate2];
#     217                 :        920 :             }
#     218         [ +  + ]:       2864 :             for (int j = 0; j < duplicate3; j++) {
#     219                 :       2680 :                 block.vtx[ntx2 + j] = block.vtx[ntx2 + j - duplicate3];
#     220                 :       2680 :             }
#     221                 :            :             // Compute the merkle root and merkle tree using the old mechanism.
#     222                 :        184 :             bool oldMutated = false;
#     223                 :        184 :             std::vector<uint256> merkleTree;
#     224                 :        184 :             uint256 oldRoot = BlockBuildMerkleTree(block, &oldMutated, merkleTree);
#     225                 :            :             // Compute the merkle root using the new mechanism.
#     226                 :        184 :             bool newMutated = false;
#     227                 :        184 :             uint256 newRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(block, &newMutated);
#     228                 :        184 :             BOOST_CHECK(oldRoot == newRoot);
#     229                 :        184 :             BOOST_CHECK(newRoot == unmutatedRoot);
#     230                 :        184 :             BOOST_CHECK((newRoot == uint256()) == (ntx == 0));
#     231                 :        184 :             BOOST_CHECK(oldMutated == newMutated);
#     232                 :        184 :             BOOST_CHECK(newMutated == !!mutate);
#     233                 :            :             // If no mutation was done (once for every ntx value), try up to 16 branches.
#     234         [ +  + ]:        184 :             if (mutate == 0) {
#     235         [ +  + ]:        814 :                 for (int loop = 0; loop < std::min(ntx, 16); loop++) {
#     236                 :            :                     // If ntx <= 16, try all branches. Otherwise, try 16 random ones.
#     237                 :        752 :                     int mtx = loop;
#     238         [ +  + ]:        752 :                     if (ntx > 16) {
#     239                 :        480 :                         mtx = InsecureRandRange(ntx);
#     240                 :        480 :                     }
#     241                 :        752 :                     std::vector<uint256> newBranch = BlockMerkleBranch(block, mtx);
#     242                 :        752 :                     std::vector<uint256> oldBranch = BlockGetMerkleBranch(block, merkleTree, mtx);
#     243                 :        752 :                     BOOST_CHECK(oldBranch == newBranch);
#     244                 :        752 :                     BOOST_CHECK(ComputeMerkleRootFromBranch(block.vtx[mtx]->GetHash(), newBranch, mtx) == oldRoot);
#     245                 :        752 :                 }
#     246                 :         62 :             }
#     247                 :        184 :         }
#     248                 :         64 :     }
#     249                 :          2 : }
#     250                 :            : 
#     251                 :            : 
#     252                 :            : BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(merkle_test_empty_block)
#     253                 :          2 : {
#     254                 :          2 :     bool mutated = false;
#     255                 :          2 :     CBlock block;
#     256                 :          2 :     uint256 root = BlockMerkleRoot(block, &mutated);
#     257                 :            : 
#     258                 :          2 :     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(root.IsNull(), true);
#     259                 :          2 :     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mutated, false);
#     260                 :          2 : }
#     261                 :            : 
#     262                 :            : BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(merkle_test_oneTx_block)
#     263                 :          2 : {
#     264                 :          2 :     bool mutated = false;
#     265                 :          2 :     CBlock block;
#     266                 :            : 
#     267                 :          2 :     block.vtx.resize(1);
#     268                 :          2 :     CMutableTransaction mtx;
#     269                 :          2 :     mtx.nLockTime = 0;
#     270                 :          2 :     block.vtx[0] = MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx));
#     271                 :          2 :     uint256 root = BlockMerkleRoot(block, &mutated);
#     272                 :          2 :     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(root, block.vtx[0]->GetHash());
#     273                 :          2 :     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mutated, false);
#     274                 :          2 : }
#     275                 :            : 
#     276                 :            : BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(merkle_test_OddTxWithRepeatedLastTx_block)
#     277                 :          2 : {
#     278                 :          2 :     bool mutated;
#     279                 :          2 :     CBlock block, blockWithRepeatedLastTx;
#     280                 :            : 
#     281                 :          2 :     block.vtx.resize(3);
#     282                 :            : 
#     283         [ +  + ]:          8 :     for (std::size_t pos = 0; pos < block.vtx.size(); pos++) {
#     284                 :          6 :         CMutableTransaction mtx;
#     285                 :          6 :         mtx.nLockTime = pos;
#     286                 :          6 :         block.vtx[pos] = MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx));
#     287                 :          6 :     }
#     288                 :            : 
#     289                 :          2 :     blockWithRepeatedLastTx = block;
#     290                 :          2 :     blockWithRepeatedLastTx.vtx.push_back(blockWithRepeatedLastTx.vtx.back());
#     291                 :            : 
#     292                 :          2 :     uint256 rootofBlock = BlockMerkleRoot(block, &mutated);
#     293                 :          2 :     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mutated, false);
#     294                 :            : 
#     295                 :          2 :     uint256 rootofBlockWithRepeatedLastTx = BlockMerkleRoot(blockWithRepeatedLastTx, &mutated);
#     296                 :          2 :     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(rootofBlock, rootofBlockWithRepeatedLastTx);
#     297                 :          2 :     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mutated, true);
#     298                 :          2 : }
#     299                 :            : 
#     300                 :            : BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(merkle_test_LeftSubtreeRightSubtree)
#     301                 :          2 : {
#     302                 :          2 :     CBlock block, leftSubtreeBlock, rightSubtreeBlock;
#     303                 :            : 
#     304                 :          2 :     block.vtx.resize(4);
#     305                 :          2 :     std::size_t pos;
#     306         [ +  + ]:         10 :     for (pos = 0; pos < block.vtx.size(); pos++) {
#     307                 :          8 :         CMutableTransaction mtx;
#     308                 :          8 :         mtx.nLockTime = pos;
#     309                 :          8 :         block.vtx[pos] = MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx));
#     310                 :          8 :     }
#     311                 :            : 
#     312         [ +  + ]:          6 :     for (pos = 0; pos < block.vtx.size() / 2; pos++)
#     313                 :          4 :         leftSubtreeBlock.vtx.push_back(block.vtx[pos]);
#     314                 :            : 
#     315         [ +  + ]:          6 :     for (pos = block.vtx.size() / 2; pos < block.vtx.size(); pos++)
#     316                 :          4 :         rightSubtreeBlock.vtx.push_back(block.vtx[pos]);
#     317                 :            : 
#     318                 :          2 :     uint256 root = BlockMerkleRoot(block);
#     319                 :          2 :     uint256 rootOfLeftSubtree = BlockMerkleRoot(leftSubtreeBlock);
#     320                 :          2 :     uint256 rootOfRightSubtree = BlockMerkleRoot(rightSubtreeBlock);
#     321                 :          2 :     std::vector<uint256> leftRight;
#     322                 :          2 :     leftRight.push_back(rootOfLeftSubtree);
#     323                 :          2 :     leftRight.push_back(rootOfRightSubtree);
#     324                 :          2 :     uint256 rootOfLR = ComputeMerkleRoot(leftRight);
#     325                 :            : 
#     326                 :          2 :     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(root, rootOfLR);
#     327                 :          2 : }
#     328                 :            : 
#     329                 :            : BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(merkle_test_BlockWitness)
#     330                 :          2 : {
#     331                 :          2 :     CBlock block;
#     332                 :            : 
#     333                 :          2 :     block.vtx.resize(2);
#     334         [ +  + ]:          6 :     for (std::size_t pos = 0; pos < block.vtx.size(); pos++) {
#     335                 :          4 :         CMutableTransaction mtx;
#     336                 :          4 :         mtx.nLockTime = pos;
#     337                 :          4 :         block.vtx[pos] = MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx));
#     338                 :          4 :     }
#     339                 :            : 
#     340                 :          2 :     uint256 blockWitness = BlockWitnessMerkleRoot(block);
#     341                 :            : 
#     342                 :          2 :     std::vector<uint256> hashes;
#     343                 :          2 :     hashes.resize(block.vtx.size());
#     344                 :          2 :     hashes[0].SetNull();
#     345                 :          2 :     hashes[1] = block.vtx[1]->GetHash();
#     346                 :            : 
#     347                 :          2 :     uint256 merkleRootofHashes = ComputeMerkleRoot(hashes);
#     348                 :            : 
#     349                 :          2 :     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(merkleRootofHashes, blockWitness);
#     350                 :          2 : }
#     351                 :            : BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END()

Generated by: LCOV version 0-eol-96201-ge66f56f4af6a