LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - random.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: coverage.lcov Lines: 54 58 93.1 %
Date: 2022-04-21 14:51:19 Functions: 24 26 92.3 %
Legend: Modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed

Not modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed
Branches: 67 68 98.5 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
#       1                 :            : // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
#       2                 :            : // Copyright (c) 2009-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
#       3                 :            : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
#       4                 :            : // file COPYING or
#       5                 :            : 
#       6                 :            : #ifndef BITCOIN_RANDOM_H
#       7                 :            : #define BITCOIN_RANDOM_H
#       8                 :            : 
#       9                 :            : #include <crypto/chacha20.h>
#      10                 :            : #include <crypto/common.h>
#      11                 :            : #include <uint256.h>
#      12                 :            : 
#      13                 :            : #include <chrono>
#      14                 :            : #include <cstdint>
#      15                 :            : #include <limits>
#      16                 :            : 
#      17                 :            : /**
#      18                 :            :  * Overall design of the RNG and entropy sources.
#      19                 :            :  *
#      20                 :            :  * We maintain a single global 256-bit RNG state for all high-quality randomness.
#      21                 :            :  * The following (classes of) functions interact with that state by mixing in new
#      22                 :            :  * entropy, and optionally extracting random output from it:
#      23                 :            :  *
#      24                 :            :  * - The GetRand*() class of functions, as well as construction of FastRandomContext objects,
#      25                 :            :  *   perform 'fast' seeding, consisting of mixing in:
#      26                 :            :  *   - A stack pointer (indirectly committing to calling thread and call stack)
#      27                 :            :  *   - A high-precision timestamp (rdtsc when available, c++ high_resolution_clock otherwise)
#      28                 :            :  *   - 64 bits from the hardware RNG (rdrand) when available.
#      29                 :            :  *   These entropy sources are very fast, and only designed to protect against situations
#      30                 :            :  *   where a VM state restore/copy results in multiple systems with the same randomness.
#      31                 :            :  *   FastRandomContext on the other hand does not protect against this once created, but
#      32                 :            :  *   is even faster (and acceptable to use inside tight loops).
#      33                 :            :  *
#      34                 :            :  * - The GetStrongRand*() class of function perform 'slow' seeding, including everything
#      35                 :            :  *   that fast seeding includes, but additionally:
#      36                 :            :  *   - OS entropy (/dev/urandom, getrandom(), ...). The application will terminate if
#      37                 :            :  *     this entropy source fails.
#      38                 :            :  *   - Another high-precision timestamp (indirectly committing to a benchmark of all the
#      39                 :            :  *     previous sources).
#      40                 :            :  *   These entropy sources are slower, but designed to make sure the RNG state contains
#      41                 :            :  *   fresh data that is unpredictable to attackers.
#      42                 :            :  *
#      43                 :            :  * - RandAddPeriodic() seeds everything that fast seeding includes, but additionally:
#      44                 :            :  *   - A high-precision timestamp
#      45                 :            :  *   - Dynamic environment data (performance monitoring, ...)
#      46                 :            :  *   - Strengthen the entropy for 10 ms using repeated SHA512.
#      47                 :            :  *   This is run once every minute.
#      48                 :            :  *
#      49                 :            :  * On first use of the RNG (regardless of what function is called first), all entropy
#      50                 :            :  * sources used in the 'slow' seeder are included, but also:
#      51                 :            :  * - 256 bits from the hardware RNG (rdseed or rdrand) when available.
#      52                 :            :  * - Dynamic environment data (performance monitoring, ...)
#      53                 :            :  * - Static environment data
#      54                 :            :  * - Strengthen the entropy for 100 ms using repeated SHA512.
#      55                 :            :  *
#      56                 :            :  * When mixing in new entropy, H = SHA512(entropy || old_rng_state) is computed, and
#      57                 :            :  * (up to) the first 32 bytes of H are produced as output, while the last 32 bytes
#      58                 :            :  * become the new RNG state.
#      59                 :            : */
#      60                 :            : 
#      61                 :            : /**
#      62                 :            :  * Generate random data via the internal PRNG.
#      63                 :            :  *
#      64                 :            :  * These functions are designed to be fast (sub microsecond), but do not necessarily
#      65                 :            :  * meaningfully add entropy to the PRNG state.
#      66                 :            :  *
#      67                 :            :  * Thread-safe.
#      68                 :            :  */
#      69                 :            : void GetRandBytes(unsigned char* buf, int num) noexcept;
#      70                 :            : /** Generate a uniform random integer in the range [0..range). Precondition: range > 0 */
#      71                 :            : uint64_t GetRand(uint64_t nMax) noexcept;
#      72                 :            : /** Generate a uniform random duration in the range [0..max). Precondition: max.count() > 0 */
#      73                 :            : template <typename D>
#      74                 :            : D GetRandomDuration(typename std::common_type<D>::type max) noexcept
#      75                 :            : // Having the compiler infer the template argument from the function argument
#      76                 :            : // is dangerous, because the desired return value generally has a different
#      77                 :            : // type than the function argument. So std::common_type is used to force the
#      78                 :            : // call site to specify the type of the return value.
#      79                 :       2110 : {
#      80                 :       2110 :     assert(max.count() > 0);
#      81                 :          0 :     return D{GetRand(max.count())};
#      82                 :       2110 : };
#      83                 :            : constexpr auto GetRandMicros = GetRandomDuration<std::chrono::microseconds>;
#      84                 :            : constexpr auto GetRandMillis = GetRandomDuration<std::chrono::milliseconds>;
#      85                 :            : 
#      86                 :            : /**
#      87                 :            :  * Return a timestamp in the future sampled from an exponential distribution
#      88                 :            :  * ( This distribution
#      89                 :            :  * is memoryless and should be used for repeated network events (e.g. sending a
#      90                 :            :  * certain type of message) to minimize leaking information to observers.
#      91                 :            :  *
#      92                 :            :  * The probability of an event occurring before time x is 1 - e^-(x/a) where a
#      93                 :            :  * is the average interval between events.
#      94                 :            :  * */
#      95                 :            : std::chrono::microseconds GetExponentialRand(std::chrono::microseconds now, std::chrono::seconds average_interval);
#      96                 :            : 
#      97                 :            : int GetRandInt(int nMax) noexcept;
#      98                 :            : uint256 GetRandHash() noexcept;
#      99                 :            : 
#     100                 :            : /**
#     101                 :            :  * Gather entropy from various sources, feed it into the internal PRNG, and
#     102                 :            :  * generate random data using it.
#     103                 :            :  *
#     104                 :            :  * This function will cause failure whenever the OS RNG fails.
#     105                 :            :  *
#     106                 :            :  * Thread-safe.
#     107                 :            :  */
#     108                 :            : void GetStrongRandBytes(unsigned char* buf, int num) noexcept;
#     109                 :            : 
#     110                 :            : /**
#     111                 :            :  * Gather entropy from various expensive sources, and feed them to the PRNG state.
#     112                 :            :  *
#     113                 :            :  * Thread-safe.
#     114                 :            :  */
#     115                 :            : void RandAddPeriodic() noexcept;
#     116                 :            : 
#     117                 :            : /**
#     118                 :            :  * Gathers entropy from the low bits of the time at which events occur. Should
#     119                 :            :  * be called with a uint32_t describing the event at the time an event occurs.
#     120                 :            :  *
#     121                 :            :  * Thread-safe.
#     122                 :            :  */
#     123                 :            : void RandAddEvent(const uint32_t event_info) noexcept;
#     124                 :            : 
#     125                 :            : /**
#     126                 :            :  * Fast randomness source. This is seeded once with secure random data, but
#     127                 :            :  * is completely deterministic and does not gather more entropy after that.
#     128                 :            :  *
#     129                 :            :  * This class is not thread-safe.
#     130                 :            :  */
#     131                 :            : class FastRandomContext
#     132                 :            : {
#     133                 :            : private:
#     134                 :            :     bool requires_seed;
#     135                 :            :     ChaCha20 rng;
#     136                 :            : 
#     137                 :            :     unsigned char bytebuf[64];
#     138                 :            :     int bytebuf_size;
#     139                 :            : 
#     140                 :            :     uint64_t bitbuf;
#     141                 :            :     int bitbuf_size;
#     142                 :            : 
#     143                 :            :     void RandomSeed();
#     144                 :            : 
#     145                 :            :     void FillByteBuffer()
#     146                 :    5593697 :     {
#     147         [ +  + ]:    5593697 :         if (requires_seed) {
#     148                 :    1454465 :             RandomSeed();
#     149                 :    1454465 :         }
#     150                 :    5593697 :         rng.Keystream(bytebuf, sizeof(bytebuf));
#     151                 :    5593697 :         bytebuf_size = sizeof(bytebuf);
#     152                 :    5593697 :     }
#     153                 :            : 
#     154                 :            :     void FillBitBuffer()
#     155                 :   25254324 :     {
#     156                 :   25254324 :         bitbuf = rand64();
#     157                 :   25254324 :         bitbuf_size = 64;
#     158                 :   25254324 :     }
#     159                 :            : 
#     160                 :            : public:
#     161                 :            :     explicit FastRandomContext(bool fDeterministic = false) noexcept;
#     162                 :            : 
#     163                 :            :     /** Initialize with explicit seed (only for testing) */
#     164                 :            :     explicit FastRandomContext(const uint256& seed) noexcept;
#     165                 :            : 
#     166                 :            :     // Do not permit copying a FastRandomContext (move it, or create a new one to get reseeded).
#     167                 :            :     FastRandomContext(const FastRandomContext&) = delete;
#     168                 :            :     FastRandomContext(FastRandomContext&&) = delete;
#     169                 :            :     FastRandomContext& operator=(const FastRandomContext&) = delete;
#     170                 :            : 
#     171                 :            :     /** Move a FastRandomContext. If the original one is used again, it will be reseeded. */
#     172                 :            :     FastRandomContext& operator=(FastRandomContext&& from) noexcept;
#     173                 :            : 
#     174                 :            :     /** Generate a random 64-bit integer. */
#     175                 :            :     uint64_t rand64() noexcept
#     176                 :   27858369 :     {
#     177         [ +  + ]:   27858369 :         if (bytebuf_size < 8) FillByteBuffer();
#     178                 :   27858369 :         uint64_t ret = ReadLE64(bytebuf + 64 - bytebuf_size);
#     179                 :   27858369 :         bytebuf_size -= 8;
#     180                 :   27858369 :         return ret;
#     181                 :   27858369 :     }
#     182                 :            : 
#     183                 :            :     /** Generate a random (bits)-bit integer. */
#     184                 :            :     uint64_t randbits(int bits) noexcept
#     185                 :  445537442 :     {
#     186         [ +  + ]:  445537442 :         if (bits == 0) {
#     187                 :     450160 :             return 0;
#     188         [ +  + ]:  445087282 :         } else if (bits > 32) {
#     189                 :    2592060 :             return rand64() >> (64 - bits);
#     190                 :  442495222 :         } else {
#     191         [ +  + ]:  442495222 :             if (bitbuf_size < bits) FillBitBuffer();
#     192                 :  442495222 :             uint64_t ret = bitbuf & (~(uint64_t)0 >> (64 - bits));
#     193                 :  442495222 :             bitbuf >>= bits;
#     194                 :  442495222 :             bitbuf_size -= bits;
#     195                 :  442495222 :             return ret;
#     196                 :  442495222 :         }
#     197                 :  445537442 :     }
#     198                 :            : 
#     199                 :            :     /** Generate a random integer in the range [0..range).
#     200                 :            :      * Precondition: range > 0.
#     201                 :            :      */
#     202                 :            :     uint64_t randrange(uint64_t range) noexcept
#     203                 :   17067258 :     {
#     204                 :   17067258 :         assert(range);
#     205                 :          0 :         --range;
#     206                 :   17067258 :         int bits = CountBits(range);
#     207                 :   24682942 :         while (true) {
#     208                 :   24682942 :             uint64_t ret = randbits(bits);
#     209         [ +  + ]:   24682942 :             if (ret <= range) return ret;
#     210                 :   24682942 :         }
#     211                 :   17067258 :     }
#     212                 :            : 
#     213                 :            :     /** Generate random bytes. */
#     214                 :            :     std::vector<unsigned char> randbytes(size_t len);
#     215                 :            : 
#     216                 :            :     /** Generate a random 32-bit integer. */
#     217                 :   33068920 :     uint32_t rand32() noexcept { return randbits(32); }
#     218                 :            : 
#     219                 :            :     /** generate a random uint256. */
#     220                 :            :     uint256 rand256() noexcept;
#     221                 :            : 
#     222                 :            :     /** Generate a random boolean. */
#     223                 :  380877835 :     bool randbool() noexcept { return randbits(1); }
#     224                 :            : 
#     225                 :            :     // Compatibility with the C++11 UniformRandomBitGenerator concept
#     226                 :            :     typedef uint64_t result_type;
#     227                 :          0 :     static constexpr uint64_t min() { return 0; }
#     228                 :          0 :     static constexpr uint64_t max() { return std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(); }
#     229                 :      11913 :     inline uint64_t operator()() noexcept { return rand64(); }
#     230                 :            : };
#     231                 :            : 
#     232                 :            : /** More efficient than using std::shuffle on a FastRandomContext.
#     233                 :            :  *
#     234                 :            :  * This is more efficient as std::shuffle will consume entropy in groups of
#     235                 :            :  * 64 bits at the time and throw away most.
#     236                 :            :  *
#     237                 :            :  * This also works around a bug in libstdc++ std::shuffle that may cause
#     238                 :            :  * type::operator=(type&&) to be invoked on itself, which the library's
#     239                 :            :  * debug mode detects and panics on. This is a known issue, see
#     240                 :            :  *
#     241                 :            :  */
#     242                 :            : template <typename I, typename R>
#     243                 :            : void Shuffle(I first, I last, R&& rng)
#     244                 :     264240 : {
#     245 [ +  + ][ +  + ]:    2176411 :     while (first != last) {
#         [ +  + ][ +  + ]
#         [ +  + ][ +  + ]
#         [ +  + ][ +  + ]
#         [ +  + ][ +  + ]
#         [ +  + ][ +  + ]
#         [ +  + ][ +  + ]
#     246                 :    1912171 :         size_t j = rng.randrange(last - first);
#     247 [ +  + ][ +  + ]:    1912171 :         if (j) {
#         [ +  + ][ +  + ]
#         [ +  + ][ +  + ]
#         [ +  + ][ -  + ]
#         [ +  + ][ +  + ]
#         [ +  + ][ +  + ]
#         [ +  + ][ +  + ]
#     248                 :    1534253 :             using std::swap;
#     249                 :    1534253 :             swap(*first, *(first + j));
#     250                 :    1534253 :         }
#     251                 :    1912171 :         ++first;
#     252                 :    1912171 :     }
#     253                 :     264240 : }
#     254                 :            : 
#     255                 :            : /* Number of random bytes returned by GetOSRand.
#     256                 :            :  * When changing this constant make sure to change all call sites, and make
#     257                 :            :  * sure that the underlying OS APIs for all platforms support the number.
#     258                 :            :  * (many cap out at 256 bytes).
#     259                 :            :  */
#     260                 :            : static const int NUM_OS_RANDOM_BYTES = 32;
#     261                 :            : 
#     262                 :            : /** Get 32 bytes of system entropy. Do not use this in application code: use
#     263                 :            :  * GetStrongRandBytes instead.
#     264                 :            :  */
#     265                 :            : void GetOSRand(unsigned char* ent32);
#     266                 :            : 
#     267                 :            : /** Check that OS randomness is available and returning the requested number
#     268                 :            :  * of bytes.
#     269                 :            :  */
#     270                 :            : bool Random_SanityCheck();
#     271                 :            : 
#     272                 :            : /**
#     273                 :            :  * Initialize global RNG state and log any CPU features that are used.
#     274                 :            :  *
#     275                 :            :  * Calling this function is optional. RNG state will be initialized when first
#     276                 :            :  * needed if it is not called.
#     277                 :            :  */
#     278                 :            : void RandomInit();
#     279                 :            : 
#     280                 :            : #endif // BITCOIN_RANDOM_H

Generated by: LCOV version 0-eol-96201-ge66f56f4af6a