LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/policy - policy.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: coverage.lcov Lines: 6 6 100.0 %
Date: 2022-04-21 14:51:19 Functions: 10 272 3.7 %
Legend: Modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed

Not modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed
Branches: 0 0 -

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
#       1                 :            : // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
#       2                 :            : // Copyright (c) 2009-2021 The Bitcoin Core developers
#       3                 :            : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
#       4                 :            : // file COPYING or
#       5                 :            : 
#       6                 :            : #ifndef BITCOIN_POLICY_POLICY_H
#       7                 :            : #define BITCOIN_POLICY_POLICY_H
#       8                 :            : 
#       9                 :            : #include <consensus/consensus.h>
#      10                 :            : #include <policy/feerate.h>
#      11                 :            : #include <script/interpreter.h>
#      12                 :            : #include <script/standard.h>
#      13                 :            : 
#      14                 :            : #include <string>
#      15                 :            : 
#      16                 :            : class CCoinsViewCache;
#      17                 :            : class CTxOut;
#      18                 :            : 
#      19                 :            : /** Default for -blockmaxweight, which controls the range of block weights the mining code will create **/
#      20                 :            : static const unsigned int DEFAULT_BLOCK_MAX_WEIGHT = MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT - 4000;
#      21                 :            : /** Default for -blockmintxfee, which sets the minimum feerate for a transaction in blocks created by mining code **/
#      22                 :            : static const unsigned int DEFAULT_BLOCK_MIN_TX_FEE = 1000;
#      23                 :            : /** The maximum weight for transactions we're willing to relay/mine */
#      24                 :            : static const unsigned int MAX_STANDARD_TX_WEIGHT = 400000;
#      25                 :            : /** The minimum non-witness size for transactions we're willing to relay/mine (1 segwit input + 1 P2WPKH output = 82 bytes) */
#      26                 :            : static const unsigned int MIN_STANDARD_TX_NONWITNESS_SIZE = 82;
#      27                 :            : /** Maximum number of signature check operations in an IsStandard() P2SH script */
#      28                 :            : static const unsigned int MAX_P2SH_SIGOPS = 15;
#      29                 :            : /** The maximum number of sigops we're willing to relay/mine in a single tx */
#      30                 :            : static const unsigned int MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIGOPS_COST = MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_COST/5;
#      31                 :            : /** Default for -maxmempool, maximum megabytes of mempool memory usage */
#      32                 :            : static const unsigned int DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE = 300;
#      33                 :            : /** Default for -incrementalrelayfee, which sets the minimum feerate increase for mempool limiting or BIP 125 replacement **/
#      34                 :            : static const unsigned int DEFAULT_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE = 1000;
#      35                 :            : /** Default for -bytespersigop */
#      36                 :            : static const unsigned int DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_SIGOP = 20;
#      37                 :            : /** Default for -permitbaremultisig */
#      38                 :            : static const bool DEFAULT_PERMIT_BAREMULTISIG = true;
#      39                 :            : /** The maximum number of witness stack items in a standard P2WSH script */
#      40                 :            : static const unsigned int MAX_STANDARD_P2WSH_STACK_ITEMS = 100;
#      41                 :            : /** The maximum size in bytes of each witness stack item in a standard P2WSH script */
#      42                 :            : static const unsigned int MAX_STANDARD_P2WSH_STACK_ITEM_SIZE = 80;
#      43                 :            : /** The maximum size in bytes of each witness stack item in a standard BIP 342 script (Taproot, leaf version 0xc0) */
#      44                 :            : static const unsigned int MAX_STANDARD_TAPSCRIPT_STACK_ITEM_SIZE = 80;
#      45                 :            : /** The maximum size in bytes of a standard witnessScript */
#      46                 :            : static const unsigned int MAX_STANDARD_P2WSH_SCRIPT_SIZE = 3600;
#      47                 :            : /** The maximum size of a standard ScriptSig */
#      48                 :            : static const unsigned int MAX_STANDARD_SCRIPTSIG_SIZE = 1650;
#      49                 :            : /** Min feerate for defining dust. Historically this has been based on the
#      50                 :            :  * minRelayTxFee, however changing the dust limit changes which transactions are
#      51                 :            :  * standard and should be done with care and ideally rarely. It makes sense to
#      52                 :            :  * only increase the dust limit after prior releases were already not creating
#      53                 :            :  * outputs below the new threshold */
#      54                 :            : static const unsigned int DUST_RELAY_TX_FEE = 3000;
#      55                 :            : /**
#      56                 :            :  * Standard script verification flags that standard transactions will comply
#      57                 :            :  * with. However scripts violating these flags may still be present in valid
#      58                 :            :  * blocks and we must accept those blocks.
#      59                 :            :  */
#      60                 :            : static constexpr unsigned int STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS = MANDATORY_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS |
#      61                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_DERSIG |
#      62                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC |
#      63                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_MINIMALDATA |
#      64                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_NULLDUMMY |
#      65                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_DISCOURAGE_UPGRADABLE_NOPS |
#      66                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_CLEANSTACK |
#      67                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_MINIMALIF |
#      68                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_NULLFAIL |
#      69                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY |
#      70                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY |
#      71                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_LOW_S |
#      72                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_WITNESS |
#      73                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_DISCOURAGE_UPGRADABLE_WITNESS_PROGRAM |
#      74                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_WITNESS_PUBKEYTYPE |
#      75                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_CONST_SCRIPTCODE |
#      76                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_TAPROOT |
#      77                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_DISCOURAGE_UPGRADABLE_TAPROOT_VERSION |
#      78                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_DISCOURAGE_OP_SUCCESS |
#      79                 :            :                                                              SCRIPT_VERIFY_DISCOURAGE_UPGRADABLE_PUBKEYTYPE;
#      80                 :            : 
#      81                 :            : /** For convenience, standard but not mandatory verify flags. */
#      82                 :            : static constexpr unsigned int STANDARD_NOT_MANDATORY_VERIFY_FLAGS = STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS & ~MANDATORY_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS;
#      83                 :            : 
#      84                 :            : /** Used as the flags parameter to sequence and nLocktime checks in non-consensus code. */
#      85                 :            : static constexpr unsigned int STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS = LOCKTIME_VERIFY_SEQUENCE |
#      86                 :            :                                                                LOCKTIME_MEDIAN_TIME_PAST;
#      87                 :            : 
#      88                 :            : CAmount GetDustThreshold(const CTxOut& txout, const CFeeRate& dustRelayFee);
#      89                 :            : 
#      90                 :            : bool IsDust(const CTxOut& txout, const CFeeRate& dustRelayFee);
#      91                 :            : 
#      92                 :            : bool IsStandard(const CScript& scriptPubKey, TxoutType& whichType);
#      93                 :            : 
#      94                 :            : 
#      95                 :            : // Changing the default transaction version requires a two step process: first
#      96                 :            : // adapting relay policy by bumping TX_MAX_STANDARD_VERSION, and then later
#      97                 :            : // allowing the new transaction version in the wallet/RPC.
#      98                 :            : static constexpr decltype(CTransaction::nVersion) TX_MAX_STANDARD_VERSION{2};
#      99                 :            : 
#     100                 :            : /**
#     101                 :            : * Check for standard transaction types
#     102                 :            : * @return True if all outputs (scriptPubKeys) use only standard transaction forms
#     103                 :            : */
#     104                 :            : bool IsStandardTx(const CTransaction& tx, bool permit_bare_multisig, const CFeeRate& dust_relay_fee, std::string& reason);
#     105                 :            : /**
#     106                 :            : * Check for standard transaction types
#     107                 :            : * @param[in] mapInputs       Map of previous transactions that have outputs we're spending
#     108                 :            : * @return True if all inputs (scriptSigs) use only standard transaction forms
#     109                 :            : */
#     110                 :            : bool AreInputsStandard(const CTransaction& tx, const CCoinsViewCache& mapInputs);
#     111                 :            : /**
#     112                 :            : * Check if the transaction is over standard P2WSH resources limit:
#     113                 :            : * 3600bytes witnessScript size, 80bytes per witness stack element, 100 witness stack elements
#     114                 :            : * These limits are adequate for multisignatures up to n-of-100 using OP_CHECKSIG, OP_ADD, and OP_EQUAL.
#     115                 :            : *
#     116                 :            : * Also enforce a maximum stack item size limit and no annexes for tapscript spends.
#     117                 :            : */
#     118                 :            : bool IsWitnessStandard(const CTransaction& tx, const CCoinsViewCache& mapInputs);
#     119                 :            : 
#     120                 :            : /** Compute the virtual transaction size (weight reinterpreted as bytes). */
#     121                 :            : int64_t GetVirtualTransactionSize(int64_t nWeight, int64_t nSigOpCost, unsigned int bytes_per_sigop);
#     122                 :            : int64_t GetVirtualTransactionSize(const CTransaction& tx, int64_t nSigOpCost, unsigned int bytes_per_sigop);
#     123                 :            : int64_t GetVirtualTransactionInputSize(const CTxIn& tx, int64_t nSigOpCost, unsigned int bytes_per_sigop);
#     124                 :            : 
#     125                 :            : static inline int64_t GetVirtualTransactionSize(const CTransaction& tx)
#     126                 :      18299 : {
#     127                 :      18299 :     return GetVirtualTransactionSize(tx, 0, 0);
#     128                 :      18299 : }
#     129                 :            : 
#     130                 :            : static inline int64_t GetVirtualTransactionInputSize(const CTxIn& tx)
#     131                 :     349116 : {
#     132                 :     349116 :     return GetVirtualTransactionInputSize(tx, 0, 0);
#     133                 :     349116 : }
#     134                 :            : 
#     135                 :            : #endif // BITCOIN_POLICY_POLICY_H

Generated by: LCOV version 0-eol-96201-ge66f56f4af6a