LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/node - blockstorage.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: coverage.lcov Lines: 3 3 100.0 %
Date: 2022-04-21 14:51:19 Functions: 1 1 100.0 %
Legend: Modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed

Not modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed
Branches: 0 0 -

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
#       1                 :            : // Copyright (c) 2011-2021 The Bitcoin Core developers
#       2                 :            : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
#       3                 :            : // file COPYING or
#       4                 :            : 
#       5                 :            : #ifndef BITCOIN_NODE_BLOCKSTORAGE_H
#       6                 :            : #define BITCOIN_NODE_BLOCKSTORAGE_H
#       7                 :            : 
#       8                 :            : #include <chain.h>
#       9                 :            : #include <fs.h>
#      10                 :            : #include <protocol.h> // For CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars
#      11                 :            : #include <sync.h>
#      12                 :            : #include <txdb.h>
#      13                 :            : 
#      14                 :            : #include <atomic>
#      15                 :            : #include <cstdint>
#      16                 :            : #include <vector>
#      17                 :            : 
#      18                 :            : extern RecursiveMutex cs_main;
#      19                 :            : 
#      20                 :            : class ArgsManager;
#      21                 :            : class BlockValidationState;
#      22                 :            : class CBlock;
#      23                 :            : class CBlockFileInfo;
#      24                 :            : class CBlockUndo;
#      25                 :            : class CChain;
#      26                 :            : class CChainParams;
#      27                 :            : class CChainState;
#      28                 :            : class ChainstateManager;
#      29                 :            : struct CCheckpointData;
#      30                 :            : struct FlatFilePos;
#      31                 :            : namespace Consensus {
#      32                 :            : struct Params;
#      33                 :            : }
#      34                 :            : 
#      35                 :            : namespace node {
#      36                 :            : static constexpr bool DEFAULT_STOPAFTERBLOCKIMPORT{false};
#      37                 :            : 
#      38                 :            : /** The pre-allocation chunk size for blk?????.dat files (since 0.8) */
#      39                 :            : static const unsigned int BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE = 0x1000000; // 16 MiB
#      40                 :            : /** The pre-allocation chunk size for rev?????.dat files (since 0.8) */
#      41                 :            : static const unsigned int UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE = 0x100000; // 1 MiB
#      42                 :            : /** The maximum size of a blk?????.dat file (since 0.8) */
#      43                 :            : static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCKFILE_SIZE = 0x8000000; // 128 MiB
#      44                 :            : 
#      45                 :            : extern std::atomic_bool fImporting;
#      46                 :            : extern std::atomic_bool fReindex;
#      47                 :            : /** Pruning-related variables and constants */
#      48                 :            : /** True if any block files have ever been pruned. */
#      49                 :            : extern bool fHavePruned;
#      50                 :            : /** True if we're running in -prune mode. */
#      51                 :            : extern bool fPruneMode;
#      52                 :            : /** Number of MiB of block files that we're trying to stay below. */
#      53                 :            : extern uint64_t nPruneTarget;
#      54                 :            : 
#      55                 :            : // Because validation code takes pointers to the map's CBlockIndex objects, if
#      56                 :            : // we ever switch to another associative container, we need to either use a
#      57                 :            : // container that has stable addressing (true of all std associative
#      58                 :            : // containers), or make the key a `std::unique_ptr<CBlockIndex>`
#      59                 :            : using BlockMap = std::unordered_map<uint256, CBlockIndex, BlockHasher>;
#      60                 :            : 
#      61                 :            : struct CBlockIndexWorkComparator {
#      62                 :            :     bool operator()(const CBlockIndex* pa, const CBlockIndex* pb) const;
#      63                 :            : };
#      64                 :            : 
#      65                 :            : struct CBlockIndexHeightOnlyComparator {
#      66                 :            :     /* Only compares the height of two block indices, doesn't try to tie-break */
#      67                 :            :     bool operator()(const CBlockIndex* pa, const CBlockIndex* pb) const;
#      68                 :            : };
#      69                 :            : 
#      70                 :            : /**
#      71                 :            :  * Maintains a tree of blocks (stored in `m_block_index`) which is consulted
#      72                 :            :  * to determine where the most-work tip is.
#      73                 :            :  *
#      74                 :            :  * This data is used mostly in `CChainState` - information about, e.g.,
#      75                 :            :  * candidate tips is not maintained here.
#      76                 :            :  */
#      77                 :            : class BlockManager
#      78                 :            : {
#      79                 :            :     friend CChainState;
#      80                 :            :     friend ChainstateManager;
#      81                 :            : 
#      82                 :            : private:
#      83                 :            :     void FlushBlockFile(bool fFinalize = false, bool finalize_undo = false);
#      84                 :            :     void FlushUndoFile(int block_file, bool finalize = false);
#      85                 :            :     bool FindBlockPos(FlatFilePos& pos, unsigned int nAddSize, unsigned int nHeight, CChain& active_chain, uint64_t nTime, bool fKnown);
#      86                 :            :     bool FindUndoPos(BlockValidationState& state, int nFile, FlatFilePos& pos, unsigned int nAddSize);
#      87                 :            : 
#      88                 :            :     /* Calculate the block/rev files to delete based on height specified by user with RPC command pruneblockchain */
#      89                 :            :     void FindFilesToPruneManual(std::set<int>& setFilesToPrune, int nManualPruneHeight, int chain_tip_height);
#      90                 :            : 
#      91                 :            :     /**
#      92                 :            :      * Prune block and undo files (blk???.dat and rev???.dat) so that the disk space used is less than a user-defined target.
#      93                 :            :      * The user sets the target (in MB) on the command line or in config file.  This will be run on startup and whenever new
#      94                 :            :      * space is allocated in a block or undo file, staying below the target. Changing back to unpruned requires a reindex
#      95                 :            :      * (which in this case means the blockchain must be re-downloaded.)
#      96                 :            :      *
#      97                 :            :      * Pruning functions are called from FlushStateToDisk when the m_check_for_pruning flag has been set.
#      98                 :            :      * Block and undo files are deleted in lock-step (when blk00003.dat is deleted, so is rev00003.dat.)
#      99                 :            :      * Pruning cannot take place until the longest chain is at least a certain length (CChainParams::nPruneAfterHeight).
#     100                 :            :      * Pruning will never delete a block within a defined distance (currently 288) from the active chain's tip.
#     101                 :            :      * The block index is updated by unsetting HAVE_DATA and HAVE_UNDO for any blocks that were stored in the deleted files.
#     102                 :            :      * A db flag records the fact that at least some block files have been pruned.
#     103                 :            :      *
#     104                 :            :      * @param[out]   setFilesToPrune   The set of file indices that can be unlinked will be returned
#     105                 :            :      */
#     106                 :            :     void FindFilesToPrune(std::set<int>& setFilesToPrune, uint64_t nPruneAfterHeight, int chain_tip_height, int prune_height, bool is_ibd);
#     107                 :            : 
#     108                 :            :     RecursiveMutex cs_LastBlockFile;
#     109                 :            :     std::vector<CBlockFileInfo> m_blockfile_info;
#     110                 :            :     int m_last_blockfile = 0;
#     111                 :            :     /** Global flag to indicate we should check to see if there are
#     112                 :            :      *  block/undo files that should be deleted.  Set on startup
#     113                 :            :      *  or if we allocate more file space when we're in prune mode
#     114                 :            :      */
#     115                 :            :     bool m_check_for_pruning = false;
#     116                 :            : 
#     117                 :            :     /** Dirty block index entries. */
#     118                 :            :     std::set<CBlockIndex*> m_dirty_blockindex;
#     119                 :            : 
#     120                 :            :     /** Dirty block file entries. */
#     121                 :            :     std::set<int> m_dirty_fileinfo;
#     122                 :            : 
#     123                 :            : public:
#     124                 :            :     BlockMap m_block_index GUARDED_BY(cs_main);
#     125                 :            : 
#     126                 :            :     std::vector<CBlockIndex*> GetAllBlockIndices() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main);
#     127                 :            : 
#     128                 :            :     /**
#     129                 :            :      * All pairs A->B, where A (or one of its ancestors) misses transactions, but B has transactions.
#     130                 :            :      * Pruned nodes may have entries where B is missing data.
#     131                 :            :      */
#     132                 :            :     std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*> m_blocks_unlinked;
#     133                 :            : 
#     134                 :            :     std::unique_ptr<CBlockTreeDB> m_block_tree_db GUARDED_BY(::cs_main);
#     135                 :            : 
#     136                 :            :     bool WriteBlockIndexDB() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main);
#     137                 :            :     bool LoadBlockIndexDB() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main);
#     138                 :            : 
#     139                 :            :     /**
#     140                 :            :      * Load the blocktree off disk and into memory. Populate certain metadata
#     141                 :            :      * per index entry (nStatus, nChainWork, nTimeMax, etc.) as well as peripheral
#     142                 :            :      * collections like m_dirty_blockindex.
#     143                 :            :      */
#     144                 :            :     bool LoadBlockIndex(const Consensus::Params& consensus_params)
#     145                 :            :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
#     146                 :            : 
#     147                 :            :     /** Clear all data members. */
#     148                 :            :     void Unload() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
#     149                 :            : 
#     150                 :            :     CBlockIndex* AddToBlockIndex(const CBlockHeader& block) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
#     151                 :            :     /** Create a new block index entry for a given block hash */
#     152                 :            :     CBlockIndex* InsertBlockIndex(const uint256& hash) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
#     153                 :            : 
#     154                 :            :     //! Mark one block file as pruned (modify associated database entries)
#     155                 :            :     void PruneOneBlockFile(const int fileNumber) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
#     156                 :            : 
#     157                 :            :     CBlockIndex* LookupBlockIndex(const uint256& hash) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
#     158                 :            :     const CBlockIndex* LookupBlockIndex(const uint256& hash) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
#     159                 :            : 
#     160                 :            :     /** Get block file info entry for one block file */
#     161                 :            :     CBlockFileInfo* GetBlockFileInfo(size_t n);
#     162                 :            : 
#     163                 :            :     bool WriteUndoDataForBlock(const CBlockUndo& blockundo, BlockValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex, const CChainParams& chainparams)
#     164                 :            :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main);
#     165                 :            : 
#     166                 :            :     FlatFilePos SaveBlockToDisk(const CBlock& block, int nHeight, CChain& active_chain, const CChainParams& chainparams, const FlatFilePos* dbp);
#     167                 :            : 
#     168                 :            :     /** Calculate the amount of disk space the block & undo files currently use */
#     169                 :            :     uint64_t CalculateCurrentUsage();
#     170                 :            : 
#     171                 :            :     //! Returns last CBlockIndex* that is a checkpoint
#     172                 :            :     const CBlockIndex* GetLastCheckpoint(const CCheckpointData& data) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
#     173                 :            : 
#     174                 :            :     ~BlockManager()
#     175                 :        963 :     {
#     176                 :        963 :         Unload();
#     177                 :        963 :     }
#     178                 :            : };
#     179                 :            : 
#     180                 :            : //! Check whether the block associated with this index entry is pruned or not.
#     181                 :            : bool IsBlockPruned(const CBlockIndex* pblockindex) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main);
#     182                 :            : 
#     183                 :            : void CleanupBlockRevFiles();
#     184                 :            : 
#     185                 :            : /** Open a block file (blk?????.dat) */
#     186                 :            : FILE* OpenBlockFile(const FlatFilePos& pos, bool fReadOnly = false);
#     187                 :            : /** Translation to a filesystem path */
#     188                 :            : fs::path GetBlockPosFilename(const FlatFilePos& pos);
#     189                 :            : 
#     190                 :            : /**
#     191                 :            :  *  Actually unlink the specified files
#     192                 :            :  */
#     193                 :            : void UnlinkPrunedFiles(const std::set<int>& setFilesToPrune);
#     194                 :            : 
#     195                 :            : /** Functions for disk access for blocks */
#     196                 :            : bool ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock& block, const FlatFilePos& pos, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams);
#     197                 :            : bool ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* pindex, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams);
#     198                 :            : bool ReadRawBlockFromDisk(std::vector<uint8_t>& block, const FlatFilePos& pos, const CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars& message_start);
#     199                 :            : 
#     200                 :            : bool UndoReadFromDisk(CBlockUndo& blockundo, const CBlockIndex* pindex);
#     201                 :            : 
#     202                 :            : void ThreadImport(ChainstateManager& chainman, std::vector<fs::path> vImportFiles, const ArgsManager& args);
#     203                 :            : } // namespace node
#     204                 :            : 
#     205                 :            : #endif // BITCOIN_NODE_BLOCKSTORAGE_H

Generated by: LCOV version 0-eol-96201-ge66f56f4af6a