LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/minisketch/include - minisketch.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: coverage.lcov Lines: 34 69 49.3 %
Date: 2022-04-21 14:51:19 Functions: 11 24 45.8 %
Legend: Modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed

Not modified by patch:
Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed
Branches: 1 2 50.0 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
#       1                 :            : #ifndef _MINISKETCH_H_
#       2                 :            : #define _MINISKETCH_H_ 1
#       3                 :            : 
#       4                 :            : #include <stdint.h>
#       5                 :            : #include <stdlib.h>
#       6                 :            : 
#       7                 :            : #ifdef _MSC_VER
#       8                 :            : #  include <compat.h>
#       9                 :            : #else
#      10                 :            : #  include <unistd.h>
#      11                 :            : #endif
#      12                 :            : 
#      13                 :            : #ifndef MINISKETCH_API
#      14                 :            : # if defined(_WIN32)
#      15                 :            : #  ifdef MINISKETCH_BUILD
#      16                 :            : #   define MINISKETCH_API __declspec(dllexport)
#      17                 :            : #  else
#      18                 :            : #   define MINISKETCH_API
#      19                 :            : #  endif
#      20                 :            : # elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) && defined(MINISKETCH_BUILD)
#      21                 :            : #  define MINISKETCH_API __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
#      22                 :            : # else
#      23                 :            : #  define MINISKETCH_API
#      24                 :            : # endif
#      25                 :            : #endif
#      26                 :            : 
#      27                 :            : #ifdef __cplusplus
#      28                 :            : #  if __cplusplus >= 201103L
#      29                 :            : #    include <memory>
#      30                 :            : #    include <vector>
#      31                 :            : #    include <cassert>
#      32                 :            : #    if __cplusplus >= 201703L
#      33                 :            : #      include <optional>
#      34                 :            : #    endif // __cplusplus >= 201703L
#      35                 :            : #  endif // __cplusplus >= 201103L
#      36                 :            : extern "C" {
#      37                 :            : #endif // __cplusplus
#      38                 :            : 
#      39                 :            : /** Opaque type for decoded sketches. */
#      40                 :            : typedef struct minisketch minisketch;
#      41                 :            : 
#      42                 :            : /** Determine whether support for elements of `bits` bits was compiled in. */
#      43                 :            : MINISKETCH_API int minisketch_bits_supported(uint32_t bits);
#      44                 :            : 
#      45                 :            : /** Determine the maximum number of implementations available.
#      46                 :            :  *
#      47                 :            :  * Multiple implementations may be available for a given element size, with
#      48                 :            :  * different performance characteristics on different hardware.
#      49                 :            :  *
#      50                 :            :  * Each implementation is identified by a number from 0 to the output of this
#      51                 :            :  * function call, inclusive. Note that not every combination of implementation
#      52                 :            :  * and element size may exist (see further).
#      53                 :            : */
#      54                 :            : MINISKETCH_API uint32_t minisketch_implementation_max(void);
#      55                 :            : 
#      56                 :            : /** Determine if the a combination of bits and implementation number is available.
#      57                 :            :  *
#      58                 :            :  * Returns 1 if it is, 0 otherwise.
#      59                 :            :  */
#      60                 :            : MINISKETCH_API int minisketch_implementation_supported(uint32_t bits, uint32_t implementation);
#      61                 :            : 
#      62                 :            : /** Construct a sketch for a given element size, implementation and capacity.
#      63                 :            :  *
#      64                 :            :  * If the combination of `bits` and `implementation` is unavailable, or when
#      65                 :            :  * OOM occurs, NULL is returned. If minisketch_implementation_supported
#      66                 :            :  * returns 1 for the specified bits and implementation, this will always succeed
#      67                 :            :  * (except when allocation fails).
#      68                 :            :  *
#      69                 :            :  * If the result is not NULL, it must be destroyed using minisketch_destroy.
#      70                 :            :  */
#      71                 :            : MINISKETCH_API minisketch* minisketch_create(uint32_t bits, uint32_t implementation, size_t capacity);
#      72                 :            : 
#      73                 :            : /** Get the element size of a sketch in bits. */
#      74                 :            : MINISKETCH_API uint32_t minisketch_bits(const minisketch* sketch);
#      75                 :            : 
#      76                 :            : /** Get the capacity of a sketch. */
#      77                 :            : MINISKETCH_API size_t minisketch_capacity(const minisketch* sketch);
#      78                 :            : 
#      79                 :            : /** Get the implementation of a sketch. */
#      80                 :            : MINISKETCH_API uint32_t minisketch_implementation(const minisketch* sketch);
#      81                 :            : 
#      82                 :            : /** Set the seed for randomizing algorithm choices to a fixed value.
#      83                 :            :  *
#      84                 :            :  * By default, sketches are initialized with a random seed. This is important
#      85                 :            :  * to avoid scenarios where an attacker could force worst-case behavior.
#      86                 :            :  *
#      87                 :            :  * This function initializes the seed to a user-provided value (any 64-bit
#      88                 :            :  * integer is acceptable, regardless of field size).
#      89                 :            :  *
#      90                 :            :  * When seed is -1, a fixed internal value with predictable behavior is
#      91                 :            :  * used. It is only intended for testing.
#      92                 :            :  */
#      93                 :            : MINISKETCH_API void minisketch_set_seed(minisketch* sketch, uint64_t seed);
#      94                 :            : 
#      95                 :            : /** Clone a sketch.
#      96                 :            :  *
#      97                 :            :  * The result must be destroyed using minisketch_destroy.
#      98                 :            :  */
#      99                 :            : MINISKETCH_API minisketch* minisketch_clone(const minisketch* sketch);
#     100                 :            : 
#     101                 :            : /** Destroy a sketch.
#     102                 :            :  *
#     103                 :            :  * The pointer that was passed in may not be used anymore afterwards.
#     104                 :            :  */
#     105                 :            : MINISKETCH_API void minisketch_destroy(minisketch* sketch);
#     106                 :            : 
#     107                 :            : /** Compute the size in bytes for serializing a given sketch. */
#     108                 :            : MINISKETCH_API size_t minisketch_serialized_size(const minisketch* sketch);
#     109                 :            : 
#     110                 :            : /** Serialize a sketch to bytes. */
#     111                 :            : MINISKETCH_API void minisketch_serialize(const minisketch* sketch, unsigned char* output);
#     112                 :            : 
#     113                 :            : /** Deserialize a sketch from bytes. */
#     114                 :            : MINISKETCH_API void minisketch_deserialize(minisketch* sketch, const unsigned char* input);
#     115                 :            : 
#     116                 :            : /** Add an element to a sketch.
#     117                 :            :  * 
#     118                 :            :  * If the element to be added is too large for the sketch, the most significant
#     119                 :            :  * bits of the element are dropped. More precisely, if the element size of
#     120                 :            :  * `sketch` is b bits, then this function adds the unsigned integer represented
#     121                 :            :  * by the b least significant bits of `element` to `sketch`.
#     122                 :            :  * 
#     123                 :            :  * If the element to be added is 0 (after potentially dropping the most significant
#     124                 :            :  * bits), then this function is a no-op. Sketches cannot contain an element with
#     125                 :            :  * the value 0.
#     126                 :            :  *
#     127                 :            :  * Note that adding the same element a second time removes it again.
#     128                 :            :  */
#     129                 :            : MINISKETCH_API void minisketch_add_uint64(minisketch* sketch, uint64_t element);
#     130                 :            : 
#     131                 :            : /** Merge the elements of another sketch into this sketch.
#     132                 :            :  *
#     133                 :            :  * After merging, `sketch` will contain every element that existed in one but not
#     134                 :            :  * both of the input sketches. It can be seen as an exclusive or operation on
#     135                 :            :  * the set elements.  If the capacity of `other_sketch` is lower than `sketch`'s,
#     136                 :            :  * merging reduces the capacity of `sketch` to that of `other_sketch`.
#     137                 :            :  *
#     138                 :            :  * This function returns the capacity of `sketch` after merging has been performed
#     139                 :            :  * (where this capacity is at least 1), or 0 to indicate that merging has failed because
#     140                 :            :  * the two input sketches differ in their element size or implementation. If 0 is
#     141                 :            :  * returned, `sketch` (and its capacity) have not been modified.
#     142                 :            :  *
#     143                 :            :  * It is also possible to perform this operation directly on the serializations
#     144                 :            :  * of two sketches with the same element size and capacity by performing a bitwise XOR
#     145                 :            :  * of the serializations.
#     146                 :            :  */
#     147                 :            : MINISKETCH_API size_t minisketch_merge(minisketch* sketch, const minisketch* other_sketch);
#     148                 :            : 
#     149                 :            : /** Decode a sketch.
#     150                 :            :  *
#     151                 :            :  * `output` is a pointer to an array of `max_element` uint64_t's, which will be
#     152                 :            :  * filled with the elements in this sketch.
#     153                 :            :  *
#     154                 :            :  * The return value is the number of decoded elements, or -1 if decoding failed.
#     155                 :            :  */
#     156                 :            : MINISKETCH_API ssize_t minisketch_decode(const minisketch* sketch, size_t max_elements, uint64_t* output);
#     157                 :            : 
#     158                 :            : /** Compute the capacity needed to achieve a certain rate of false positives.
#     159                 :            :  *
#     160                 :            :  * A sketch with capacity c and no more than c elements can always be decoded
#     161                 :            :  * correctly. However, if it has more than c elements, or contains just random
#     162                 :            :  * bytes, it is possible that it will still decode, but the result will be
#     163                 :            :  * nonsense. This can be counteracted by increasing the capacity slightly.
#     164                 :            :  *
#     165                 :            :  * Given a field size bits, an intended number of elements that can be decoded
#     166                 :            :  * max_elements, and a false positive probability of 1 in 2**fpbits, this
#     167                 :            :  * function computes the necessary capacity. It is only guaranteed to be
#     168                 :            :  * accurate up to fpbits=256.
#     169                 :            :  */
#     170                 :            : MINISKETCH_API size_t minisketch_compute_capacity(uint32_t bits, size_t max_elements, uint32_t fpbits);
#     171                 :            : 
#     172                 :            : /** Compute what max_elements can be decoded for a certain rate of false positives.
#     173                 :            :  *
#     174                 :            :  * This is the inverse operation of minisketch_compute_capacity. It determines,
#     175                 :            :  * given a field size bits, a capacity of a sketch, and an acceptable false
#     176                 :            :  * positive probability of 1 in 2**fpbits, what the maximum allowed
#     177                 :            :  * max_elements value is. If no value of max_elements would give the desired
#     178                 :            :  * false positive probability, 0 is returned.
#     179                 :            :  *
#     180                 :            :  * Note that this is not an exact inverse of minisketch_compute_capacity. For
#     181                 :            :  * example, with bits=32, fpbits=16, and max_elements=8,
#     182                 :            :  * minisketch_compute_capacity will return 9, as capacity 8 would only have a
#     183                 :            :  * false positive chance of 1 in 2^15.3. Increasing the capacity to 9 however
#     184                 :            :  * decreases the fp chance to 1 in 2^47.3, enough for max_elements=9 (with fp
#     185                 :            :  * chance of 1 in 2^18.5). Therefore, minisketch_compute_max_elements with
#     186                 :            :  * capacity=9 will return 9.
#     187                 :            :  */
#     188                 :            : MINISKETCH_API size_t minisketch_compute_max_elements(uint32_t bits, size_t capacity, uint32_t fpbits);
#     189                 :            : 
#     190                 :            : #ifdef __cplusplus
#     191                 :            : }
#     192                 :            : 
#     193                 :            : #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
#     194                 :            : /** Simple RAII C++11 wrapper around the minisketch API. */
#     195                 :            : class Minisketch
#     196                 :            : {
#     197                 :            :     struct Deleter
#     198                 :            :     {
#     199                 :            :         void operator()(minisketch* ptr) const
#     200                 :        844 :         {
#     201                 :        844 :             minisketch_destroy(ptr);
#     202                 :        844 :         }
#     203                 :            :     };
#     204                 :            : 
#     205                 :            :     std::unique_ptr<minisketch, Deleter> m_minisketch;
#     206                 :            : 
#     207                 :            : public:
#     208                 :            :     /** Check whether the library supports fields of the given size. */
#     209                 :          0 :     static bool BitsSupported(uint32_t bits) noexcept { return minisketch_bits_supported(bits); }
#     210                 :            : 
#     211                 :            :     /** Get the highest supported implementation number. */
#     212                 :          2 :     static uint32_t MaxImplementation() noexcept { return minisketch_implementation_max(); }
#     213                 :            : 
#     214                 :            :     /** Check whether the library supports fields with a given size and implementation number.
#     215                 :            :      *  If a particular field size `bits` is supported, implementation 0 is always supported for it.
#     216                 :            :      *  Higher implementation numbers may or may not be available as well, up to MaxImplementation().
#     217                 :            :      */
#     218                 :         46 :     static bool ImplementationSupported(uint32_t bits, uint32_t implementation) noexcept { return minisketch_implementation_supported(bits, implementation); }
#     219                 :            : 
#     220                 :            :     /** Given field size and a maximum number of decodable elements n, compute what capacity c to
#     221                 :            :      *  use so that sketches with more elements than n have a chance no higher than 2^-fpbits of
#     222                 :            :      *  being decoded incorrectly (and will instead fail when decoding for up to n elements).
#     223                 :            :      *
#     224                 :            :      *  See minisketch_compute_capacity for more details. */
#     225                 :          0 :     static size_t ComputeCapacity(uint32_t bits, size_t max_elements, uint32_t fpbits) noexcept { return minisketch_compute_capacity(bits, max_elements, fpbits); }
#     226                 :            : 
#     227                 :            :     /** Reverse operation of ComputeCapacity. See minisketch_compute_max_elements. */
#     228                 :          0 :     static size_t ComputeMaxElements(uint32_t bits, size_t capacity, uint32_t fpbits) noexcept { return minisketch_compute_max_elements(bits, capacity, fpbits); }
#     229                 :            : 
#     230                 :            :     /** Construct a clone of the specified sketch. */
#     231                 :            :     Minisketch(const Minisketch& sketch) noexcept
#     232                 :          0 :     {
#     233                 :          0 :         if (sketch.m_minisketch) {
#     234                 :          0 :             m_minisketch = std::unique_ptr<minisketch, Deleter>(minisketch_clone(sketch.m_minisketch.get()));
#     235                 :          0 :         }
#     236                 :          0 :     }
#     237                 :            : 
#     238                 :            :     /** Make this Minisketch a clone of the specified one. */
#     239                 :            :     Minisketch& operator=(const Minisketch& sketch) noexcept
#     240                 :          0 :     {
#     241                 :          0 :         if (sketch.m_minisketch) {
#     242                 :          0 :             m_minisketch = std::unique_ptr<minisketch, Deleter>(minisketch_clone(sketch.m_minisketch.get()));
#     243                 :          0 :         }
#     244                 :          0 :         return *this;
#     245                 :          0 :     }
#     246                 :            : 
#     247                 :            :     /** Check whether this Minisketch object is valid. */
#     248                 :          0 :     explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return bool{m_minisketch}; }
#     249                 :            : 
#     250                 :            :     /** Construct an (invalid) Minisketch object. */
#     251                 :            :     Minisketch() noexcept = default;
#     252                 :            : 
#     253                 :            :     /** Move constructor. */
#     254                 :        200 :     Minisketch(Minisketch&&) noexcept = default;
#     255                 :            : 
#     256                 :            :     /** Move assignment. */
#     257                 :            :     Minisketch& operator=(Minisketch&&) noexcept = default;
#     258                 :            : 
#     259                 :            :     /** Construct a Minisketch object with the specified parameters.
#     260                 :            :      *
#     261                 :            :      * If bits is not BitsSupported(), or the combination of bits and capacity is not
#     262                 :            :      * ImplementationSupported(), or OOM occurs internally, an invalid Minisketch
#     263                 :            :      * object will be constructed. Use operator bool() to check that this isn't the
#     264                 :            :      * case before performing any other operations. */
#     265                 :            :     Minisketch(uint32_t bits, uint32_t implementation, size_t capacity) noexcept
#     266                 :        844 :     {
#     267                 :        844 :         m_minisketch = std::unique_ptr<minisketch, Deleter>(minisketch_create(bits, implementation, capacity));
#     268                 :        844 :     }
#     269                 :            : 
#     270                 :            :     /** Create a Minisketch object sufficiently large for the specified number of elements at given fpbits.
#     271                 :            :      *  It may construct an invalid object, which you may need to check for. */
#     272                 :            :     static Minisketch CreateFP(uint32_t bits, uint32_t implementation, size_t max_elements, uint32_t fpbits) noexcept
#     273                 :          0 :     {
#     274                 :          0 :         return Minisketch(bits, implementation, ComputeCapacity(bits, max_elements, fpbits));
#     275                 :          0 :     }
#     276                 :            : 
#     277                 :            :     /** Return the field size for a (valid) Minisketch object. */
#     278                 :          0 :     uint32_t GetBits() const noexcept { return minisketch_bits(m_minisketch.get()); }
#     279                 :            : 
#     280                 :            :     /** Return the capacity for a (valid) Minisketch object. */
#     281                 :          0 :     size_t GetCapacity() const noexcept { return minisketch_capacity(m_minisketch.get()); }
#     282                 :            : 
#     283                 :            :     /** Return the implementation number for a (valid) Minisketch object. */
#     284                 :          0 :     uint32_t GetImplementation() const noexcept { return minisketch_implementation(m_minisketch.get()); }
#     285                 :            : 
#     286                 :            :     /** Set the seed for a (valid) Minisketch object. See minisketch_set_seed(). */
#     287                 :            :     Minisketch& SetSeed(uint64_t seed) noexcept
#     288                 :          0 :     {
#     289                 :          0 :         minisketch_set_seed(m_minisketch.get(), seed);
#     290                 :          0 :         return *this;
#     291                 :          0 :     }
#     292                 :            : 
#     293                 :            :     /** Add (or remove, if already present) an element to a (valid) Minisketch object.
#     294                 :            :      *  See minisketch_add_uint64(). */
#     295                 :            :     Minisketch& Add(uint64_t element) noexcept
#     296                 :    1957072 :     {
#     297                 :    1957072 :         minisketch_add_uint64(m_minisketch.get(), element);
#     298                 :    1957072 :         return *this;
#     299                 :    1957072 :     }
#     300                 :            : 
#     301                 :            :     /** Merge sketch into *this; both have to be valid Minisketch objects.
#     302                 :            :      *  See minisketch_merge for details. */
#     303                 :            :     Minisketch& Merge(const Minisketch& sketch) noexcept
#     304                 :        200 :     {
#     305                 :        200 :         minisketch_merge(m_minisketch.get(), sketch.m_minisketch.get());
#     306                 :        200 :         return *this;
#     307                 :        200 :     }
#     308                 :            : 
#     309                 :            :     /** Decode this (valid) Minisketch object into the result vector, up to as many elements as the
#     310                 :            :      *  vector's size permits. */
#     311                 :            :     bool Decode(std::vector<uint64_t>& result) const
#     312                 :          0 :     {
#     313                 :          0 :         ssize_t ret = minisketch_decode(m_minisketch.get(), result.size(),;
#     314                 :          0 :         if (ret == -1) return false;
#     315                 :          0 :         result.resize(ret);
#     316                 :          0 :         return true;
#     317                 :          0 :     }
#     318                 :            : 
#     319                 :            :     /** Get the serialized size in bytes for this (valid) Minisketch object.. */
#     320                 :        800 :     size_t GetSerializedSize() const noexcept { return minisketch_serialized_size(m_minisketch.get()); }
#     321                 :            : 
#     322                 :            :     /** Serialize this (valid) Minisketch object as a byte vector. */
#     323                 :            :     std::vector<unsigned char> Serialize() const
#     324                 :        400 :     {
#     325                 :        400 :         std::vector<unsigned char> result(GetSerializedSize());
#     326                 :        400 :         minisketch_serialize(m_minisketch.get(),;
#     327                 :        400 :         return result;
#     328                 :        400 :     }
#     329                 :            : 
#     330                 :            :     /** Deserialize into this (valid) Minisketch from an object containing its bytes (which has data()
#     331                 :            :      *  and size() members). */
#     332                 :            :     template<typename T>
#     333                 :            :     Minisketch& Deserialize(
#     334                 :            :         const T& obj,
#     335                 :            :         typename std::enable_if<
#     336                 :            :             std::is_convertible<typename std::remove_pointer<decltype(>::type (*)[], const unsigned char (*)[]>::value &&
#     337                 :            :             std::is_convertible<decltype(obj.size()), std::size_t>::value,
#     338                 :            :             std::nullptr_t
#     339                 :            :         >::type = nullptr) noexcept
#     340                 :        400 :     {
#     341                 :        400 :         assert(GetSerializedSize() == obj.size());
#     342                 :          0 :         minisketch_deserialize(m_minisketch.get(),;
#     343                 :        400 :         return *this;
#     344                 :        400 :     }
#     345                 :            : 
#     346                 :            : #if __cplusplus >= 201703L
#     347                 :            :     /** C++17 only: like Decode(), but up to a specified number of elements into an optional vector. */
#     348                 :            :     std::optional<std::vector<uint64_t>> Decode(size_t max_elements) const
#     349                 :        244 :     {
#     350                 :        244 :         std::vector<uint64_t> result(max_elements);
#     351                 :        244 :         ssize_t ret = minisketch_decode(m_minisketch.get(), max_elements,;
#     352         [ -  + ]:        244 :         if (ret == -1) return {};
#     353                 :        244 :         result.resize(ret);
#     354                 :        244 :         return result;
#     355                 :        244 :     }
#     356                 :            : 
#     357                 :            :     /** C++17 only: similar to Decode(), but with specified false positive probability. */
#     358                 :            :     std::optional<std::vector<uint64_t>> DecodeFP(uint32_t fpbits) const
#     359                 :          0 :     {
#     360                 :          0 :         return Decode(ComputeMaxElements(GetBits(), GetCapacity(), fpbits));
#     361                 :          0 :     }
#     362                 :            : #endif // __cplusplus >= 201703L
#     363                 :            : };
#     364                 :            : #endif // __cplusplus >= 201103L
#     365                 :            : #endif // __cplusplus
#     366                 :            : 
#     367                 :            : #endif  // _MINISKETCH_H_

Generated by: LCOV version 0-eol-96201-ge66f56f4af6a