08:12 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> i dreamt that i got a job offer at facebook 08:12 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and i accepted it 08:12 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> it was my first day of work 08:12 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and i was walking to the office with my cousin 08:13 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> in the middle of a city 08:13 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> we made it to the place 08:13 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and there was no sign that said "facebook" 08:14 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> there was just a guy at the entrance 08:14 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> my cousin had to use the bathroom so we asked him where the bathroom was 08:14 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> while i waited, i started talking to him 08:14 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> he was pretty cool 08:15 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> then my cousin came out 08:15 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and said she might have clogged up the toilet 08:15 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and the guy was like "no problem" and picked up the phone and got someone to come 08:16 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> then, i finally went upstairs 08:16 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> (after i told the guy i would hang out with him in the future) 08:16 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> it was really strange 08:16 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> it seemed like no one was working 08:17 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> i couldn't find my desk 08:17 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and i didn't know who my manager was 08:17 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> then it was lunch time 08:17 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and the line was really really long 08:17 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and the lunch only went from 11am to 1pm 08:18 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> so i decided to skip 08:18 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> then at one point, there was an announcement 08:18 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> that said that the office would be moved 08:18 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> into the atlantic ocean 08:19 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> because apparently the building was really a boat 08:19 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and we were in the mediterranean sea 08:19 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and there was a countdown for the ETA to the next waypoint 08:20 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> which was like 5 hours away 08:20 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> then 08:20 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> in another part of the dream 08:20 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> i was in a car with some cow-orkers 08:20 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> apparently we were still inside the boat 08:20 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> but there were roads 08:20 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and vegetation 08:20 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and shit 08:21 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> anyway, we were riding the car 08:21 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> like 5 people 08:21 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> 2 guys in front 08:21 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> me and 2 girls in the back 08:21 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> we were on a road surrounded by bushes 08:21 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and at one point 08:21 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> they caught fire 08:22 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> really fast 08:22 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> because apparently they were artificial 08:22 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> everybody in the car started panicking 08:22 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> but i was still pretty calm 08:22 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and told them to call 911 08:22 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> which was really the boat's security 08:23 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> immediately after the call, the fire went out on its own 08:23 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and apparently the guy sitting on the passenger seat in front puked out of the window 08:23 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and said it was because he was too old 08:24 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and the girl next to me started holding my hand 08:24 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> which i thought was pretty strange 08:25 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> that's it i guess 08:25 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> oh 08:25 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> while i was looking for my desk 08:25 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> i met one of my old cow-orkers 08:25 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> who aparently started working there a few weeks before me 08:26 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and he said he wasn't too happy about his new job 08:30 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> people were playing ping pong, etc in the office 08:30 <%[]][]_OjE_P[_oP]]E_[][__[o_Or> and you had to get a ticket like when you go buy meat, for lunch