07:49 < [citation_needed]> basically, i was in school 07:49 < [citation_needed]> and then i got arrested 07:49 < [citation_needed]> and i ended up in jail 07:49 < [citation_needed]> me and this other person managed to escape 07:50 < [citation_needed]> and the jail was under an hospital 07:50 < [citation_needed]> it turned out that on the top floor of the hospital was a talk by the president of the world 07:50 < [citation_needed]> and for some reason i wanted to kill him 07:51 < [citation_needed]> basically i was the leader of the resistance or something 07:51 < [citation_needed]> so we slowly made our way up the hospital, killing all the guards etc 07:51 < [citation_needed]> then we reached the top level 07:52 < [citation_needed]> and there was a large auditorium with a lot of people 07:52 < [citation_needed]> and we sat there, pretending to be part of the audience 07:52 < [citation_needed]> our plan was to shoot the president of the world while he was giving his talk 07:53 < [citation_needed]> he eventually arrived, and everyone was cheering 07:53 < [citation_needed]> so we cheered too, to blend in with the crowd 07:53 < [citation_needed]> he got up on teh stage and was about to start talking 07:53 < [citation_needed]> when my friend got sniped through a window 07:53 < [citation_needed]> and i woke up 07:55 < [citation_needed]> before getting arrested, i was somewhere next to the sea 07:55 < [citation_needed]> and i drove a small boat 07:55 < [citation_needed]> the school was on a nearby island or something 07:55 < [citation_needed]> as i was riding the boat, i could see pengins 07:55 < [citation_needed]> and some of the penguins could fly 07:56 < [citation_needed]> there were also ducks 07:56 < [citation_needed]> and i wanted some duck eggs 07:57 < [citation_needed]> i stopped by th eschool, and in front of it were some nests 07:57 < [citation_needed]> and i could see eggs in them 07:59 < [citation_needed]> i also watched as a larger boat was sinking 07:59 < [citation_needed]> and it got put on another boat to get repaired or something