Stephen Hurd’s Blog

The adventures of W8BSD

GLA-1000 500W Amplifier

At Hamvention in 2016 or so, I picked up a Dentron GLA-1000 amp. It’s a old, low-cost amp which struggles to get 500W out with 100W in, but it’s nice to have a bit extra and it was pretty cheap. I did some mods to make it safer, but it’s still not nearly up to modern standards.

While I was modding it, I also created a schematic.

GLA-1000 Schematic

I don’t remember which bits are original and which bits are mods anymore, but there it is. I’ve reconfigured it for 240V since I drew the schematic… basically, just hot to pins 1 and 4 on the transformer with pins 2 and 3 tied together.