/* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Sean Chittenden * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, * modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * This is a test program for the memcache C API. Note to developers * who would otherwise use this code as base place to start for future * projects/work: MCM_CSTRLEN() uses sizeof(). Only use MCM_CSTRLEN() * on const strings. For variable length strings, use strlen() * instead. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void test_add(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t); void test_aget(struct memcache *mc, const char *key, const u_int32_t); void test_decr(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t); void test_delete(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t); void test_incr(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t); void test_loop(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t); void test_multi_get(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t); void test_multi_get_loop(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t); void test_long_poisoned_get(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t, const u_int32_t); void validate_long_poisoned_response(struct memcache_res *res, const u_int32_t); void test_set(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t); void test_stats(struct memcache *mc, int out); void test_replace(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t); void test_callback(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t); static u_int32_t num_times_my_callback_called = 0; static u_int32_t num_attempted = 0; static u_int32_t num_found = 0; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct memcache *mc = NULL; u_int32_t num_tests = 0; u_int32_t i; u_int32_t long_string_size = 9000; char *long_string; if (argc > 1) num_tests = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10); if (num_tests == 0) num_tests = 10; mc = mc_new(); mc_err_filter_del(MCM_ERR_LVL_INFO); mc_err_filter_del(MCM_ERR_LVL_NOTICE); if (mc == NULL) err(EX_OSERR, "Unable to allocate a new memcache object"); mc_server_add(mc, "", "11211"); mc_server_add4(mc, ""); mc_server_add4(mc, ""); mc_server_add4(mc, "localhost:11214"); mc_set(mc, "foo", MCM_CSTRLEN("foo"), "test", MCM_CSTRLEN("test"), 0, 0); /* Long string of all \r\n, this is to test that we will not fail * regardless of what is in the data stored */ long_string = malloc(long_string_size); for (i = 0; i < long_string_size; ++i) long_string[i] = i % 2 == 0 ? '\r' : '\n'; if (mc_set(mc, "long_poisoned_string", MCM_CSTRLEN("long_poisoned_string"), long_string, long_string_size, 0, 0) != 0) warnx("set for long poisoned string failed"); warnx("starting long_poisoned_get test"); test_long_poisoned_get(mc, num_tests, long_string_size); warnx("starting multi_get test"); test_multi_get(mc, num_tests); warnx("starting incr test"); test_incr(mc, num_tests); warnx("starting decr test"); test_decr(mc, num_tests); warnx("starting add test"); test_add(mc, num_tests); warnx("starting replace test"); test_replace(mc, num_tests); warnx("starting delete test"); test_delete(mc, num_tests); warnx("starting set test"); test_set(mc, num_tests); warnx("starting multi_get loop test"); test_multi_get_loop(mc, num_tests); warnx("starting aget loop test"); test_loop(mc, num_tests); warnx("starting aget miss test"); test_aget(mc, "frob", num_tests); warnx("starting stats run"); test_stats(mc, 1); warnx("starting callback test"); test_callback(mc, num_tests); warnx("Disconnecting from all servers"); mc_server_disconnect_all(mc); for (i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) { test_multi_get_loop(mc, i); test_set(mc, i); test_loop(mc, i); test_replace(mc, i); test_aget(mc, "frob", i); test_stats(mc, 0); test_callback(mc, i); } test_stats(mc, 1); free(long_string); mc_free(mc); warnx("Callback stats:"); warnx("\tnum times callback called:\t%u", num_times_my_callback_called); warnx("\tnum attempted:\t%u", num_attempted); warnx("\tnum found:\t%u", num_found); return EX_OK; } void test_stats(struct memcache *mc, int out) { struct memcache_server_stats *s; s = mc_stats(mc); if (s == NULL) warnx("Unable to get stats"); else { if (out) { printf("pid:\t\t\t%u\n", s->pid); printf("uptime:\t\t\t%llu\n", (u_int64_t)s->uptime); printf("time:\t\t\t%llu\n", (u_int64_t)s->time); printf("version:\t\t%s\n", s->version); printf("rusage_user:\t\t%llu.%llus\n", (u_int64_t)s->rusage_user.tv_sec, (u_int64_t)s->rusage_user.tv_usec); printf("rusage_system:\t\t%llu.%llus\n", (u_int64_t)s->rusage_system.tv_sec, (u_int64_t)s->rusage_system.tv_usec); printf("curr_items:\t\t%u\n", s->curr_items); printf("total_items:\t\t%llu\n", s->total_items); printf("bytes:\t\t\t%llu\n", s->bytes); printf("curr_connections:\t%u\n", s->curr_connections); printf("total_connections:\t%llu\n", s->total_connections); printf("connection_structures:\t%u\n", s->connection_structures); printf("cmd_get:\t\t%llu\n", s->cmd_get); printf("cmd_set:\t\t%llu\n", s->cmd_set); printf("get_hits:\t\t%llu\n", s->get_hits); printf("get_misses:\t\t%llu\n", s->get_misses); printf("bytes_read:\t\t%llu\n", s->bytes_read); printf("bytes_written:\t\t%llu\n", s->bytes_written); printf("limit_maxbytes:\t\t%llu\n", s->limit_maxbytes); } } mc_server_stats_free(s); } void test_add(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t count) { size_t left, len; char buf[50]; char *cp; int ret; u_int32_t i; bzero(&buf, (size_t)50); memcpy(&buf, "testing_key", MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key")); cp = &buf[MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key")]; left = 50 - MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key"); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { len = snprintf(cp, left, "%d", i); if (len > 0) { ret = mc_add(mc, buf, len + MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key"), "test", (size_t)4, 0, 0); if (ret == 0) { /* Worked */ } else { /* Skunk fucked */ warnx("Unable to add a key %d", ret); } } } } void test_aget(struct memcache *mc, const char *key, const u_int32_t count) { void *val; u_int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { val = mc_aget(mc, key, strlen(key)); if (val != NULL) { free(val); } } } void test_loop(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t count) { const char *key = "foo"; void *val; u_int32_t i; size_t len; len = strlen(key); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { val = mc_aget(mc, key, len); if (val != NULL) free(val); } } void test_long_poisoned_get(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t count, const u_int32_t longstrlen) { struct memcache_req *req; struct memcache_res *res1, *res2, *res3; u_int32_t i; req = mc_req_new(); res1 = mc_req_add(req, "long_poisoned_string", MCM_CSTRLEN("long_poisoned_string")); /* First just test a single get of the long string, see if thats good */ mc_get(mc, req); validate_long_poisoned_response(res1, longstrlen); mc_req_free(req); req = mc_req_new(); res1 = mc_req_add(req, "long_poisoned_string", MCM_CSTRLEN("long_poisoned_string")); res2 = mc_req_add(req, "foo", MCM_CSTRLEN("foo")); res3 = mc_req_add(req, "long_poisoned_string", MCM_CSTRLEN("long_poisoned_string")); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { mc_get(mc, req); } validate_long_poisoned_response(res1, longstrlen); validate_long_poisoned_response(res3, longstrlen); mc_req_free(req); } void validate_long_poisoned_response(struct memcache_res *res, const u_int32_t longstrlen) { char *cp; u_int32_t i; /* Check that the last value we got out matched the expected string. */ if (res->size != longstrlen) { warnx("Bad size for long poisoned response: %d %d %d %p", res->bytes, res->size, longstrlen, &res->val); } else { cp = (char *)res->val; for (i = 0; i < res->size; ++i) { if (i % 2 == 0) { if (cp[i] != '\r') { warnx("%d\tExpected \\r in response, found '%d'", i, cp[i]); } } else { if (cp[i] != '\n') { warnx("%d\tExpected \\n in response, found '%d'", i, cp[i]); } } } } } void test_multi_get(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t count) { struct memcache_req *req; struct memcache_res *res; u_int32_t i; req = mc_req_new(); mc_req_add(req, "foo", MCM_CSTRLEN("foo")); mc_req_add(req, "frob", MCM_CSTRLEN("frob")); res = mc_req_add(req, "foo", MCM_CSTRLEN("foo")); res->size = 1024; res->val = malloc(res->size); mc_res_free_on_delete(res, 1); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) mc_get(mc, req); mc_req_free(req); } void test_multi_get_loop(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t count) { struct memcache_req *req; struct memcache_res *res; u_int32_t i; req = mc_req_new(); res = mc_req_add(req, "foo", MCM_CSTRLEN("foo")); res->size = 1024; res->val = malloc(res->size); mc_res_free_on_delete(res, 1); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) mc_get(mc, req); mc_req_free(req); } void test_replace(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t count) { size_t left, len ; char buf[50]; char *cp; u_int32_t i; bzero(&buf, (size_t)50); memcpy(&buf, "testing_key", MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key")); cp = &buf[MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key")]; left = 50 - MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key"); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { len = snprintf(cp, left, "%d", i); if (len > 0) { if (mc_replace(mc, buf, len + MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key"), "test", (size_t)MCM_CSTRLEN("test2"), 0, 0) == 0) { /* Worked */ } else { /* Skunk fucked */ warnx("Unable to replace a key"); } } } } void test_set(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t count) { size_t left, len ; char buf[50]; char *cp; u_int32_t i; bzero(&buf, (size_t)50); memcpy(&buf, "testing_key", MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key")); cp = &buf[MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key")]; left = 50 - MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key"); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { len = snprintf(cp, left, "%d", i); if (len > 0) { if (mc_set(mc, buf, len + MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key"), "foobar", (size_t)MCM_CSTRLEN("foobar"), 0, 0) == 0) { /* Worked */ } else { /* Skunk fucked */ warnx("Unable to set a key"); } } } } void test_delete(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t count) { size_t left, len ; char buf[50]; char *cp; u_int32_t i; bzero(&buf, (size_t)50); memcpy(&buf, "testing_key", MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key")); cp = &buf[MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key")]; left = 50 - MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key"); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { len = snprintf(cp, left, "%d", i); if (len > 0) { if (mc_delete(mc, buf, len + MCM_CSTRLEN("testing_key"), 0) == 0) { /* Worked */ } else { /* Skunk fucked */ warnx("Unable to remove a key"); } } } } void test_incr(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t count) { u_int32_t i, val; mc_set(mc, "atop_key", MCM_CSTRLEN("atop_key"), "0", (size_t)MCM_CSTRLEN("0"), 0, 0); for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { val = mc_incr(mc, "atop_key", MCM_CSTRLEN("atop_key"), 1); if (val == i) { /* Worked */ } else { /* Skunk fucked */ warnx("Unable to incr a key"); } } } void test_decr(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t count) { u_int32_t i, val; char buf[10]; snprintf(buf, (size_t)10, "%u", count); mc_set(mc, "atop_key", MCM_CSTRLEN("atop_key"), buf, (size_t)strlen(buf), 0, 0); for (i = count; i > 0; i--) { val = mc_decr(mc, "atop_key", MCM_CSTRLEN("atop_key"), 1); if (val == i - 1) { /* Worked */ } else { /* Skunk fucked */ warnx("Unable to decr a key"); } } if (mc_decr(mc, "atop_key", MCM_CSTRLEN("atop_key"), 1) != 0) warnx("underflow"); } static void my_callback(MCM_CALLBACK_SIG); static void my_callback(MCM_CALLBACK_FUNC) { struct memcache_res *res = MCM_CALLBACK_RES; num_times_my_callback_called++; if (mc_res_attempted(res) == 1) num_attempted++; if (mc_res_found(res) == 1) num_found++; } void test_callback(struct memcache *mc, const u_int32_t count) { struct memcache_res *res1, *res2; struct memcache_req *req; u_int32_t i; mc_set(mc, "callback", MCM_CSTRLEN("callback"), "foobar", (size_t)MCM_CSTRLEN("foobar"), 0, 0); req = mc_req_new(); res1 = mc_req_add(req, "callback", MCM_CSTRLEN("callback")); res1->size = MCM_CSTRLEN("foobar"); res1->val = malloc(res1->size); mc_res_free_on_delete(res1, 1); mc_res_register_fetch_cb(req, res1, my_callback, NULL); res2 = mc_req_add(req, "does_not_exist", MCM_CSTRLEN("does_not_exist")); mc_res_register_fetch_cb(req, res2, my_callback, NULL); for (i = count; i > 0; i--) { mc_get(mc, req); } mc_req_free(req); }