I want ssh to automatically multiplex connections. When I open a second connection to a host, it should automatically be done over the first TCP session. I want easy persistence configurability. Moreover, I want to be able to type "@remotehost echo 123" to execute any command on a remote host. Persistent connections should survive reboots. By default the need for persistence should be determined by how much I frequent some host.\n\nI want easy forwarding to handle situations where I can only have one outgoing TCP session. It looks like another topic, but if the solution is centered around OpenSSH, it goes here all the same. I want to be able to forward X11 through several SSH hops.
grzip and oscpack lack it
"a piece of myself"
If I were a fan of wallpapers, I'd want some dynamic background - changing just enough to be called dynamic, but never calling for attention. You know, most quality video content, like TV news, have something moving in the background sometimes. Same goes for lots of graphical filler content. Flash- or SVG-based, I want some gradients changing in the background all the time - wouldn't that be nice?..\n\nMusic is another thing. What I want is a dynamic soundtrack, parametrized by some instrument set and dynamic range, things like that, adapting to whatever I do at the moment. If I'm browsing - some lounge-like stuff, if I'm typing - a bit more structured/active texture, if I'm watching a movie, or listening to a podcast/music - fade out. It should also adapt to my sleeping pattern, waking me up when I've slept enough based on previous nights :-)
I want to be able to define trust relationships like "I trust user fred on host mx.cenkes.org to create and/or use up to one database in the main instance of Postgres running on host db.cenkes.org". Instances can have site-wide names. More relationships:\n* I trust user marie to login on host testbed.cenkes.org with SSH v2 DSA password-protected key (is it possible to check that?) and use command top(1), that's it. Implies sh(1) must be limited or unavailable, her login shell must be a special wrapper.\n* I trust user nick to manage (create/delete/change) trust relationships between services on host srv.cenkes.org and users logged in via SSH on host vpn.cenkes.org\n* I trust Postfix on host mx.cenkes.org to have read-only access to table mail_users in database dbmail in Postgres on host db.cenkes.org.\nRelationships may be crypto-signed, it may be required by some entities. Relationships may be transferable, between hosts, services, users or any entities. Relationships can have embedded relationships, permitting some users to operate on them, e.g. revoke (delete/disable) them.\nThe whole thing introduces much room to shoot oneself in the foot, but it's inevitable on the way to better manageability.\nPkgs can have default relationships.
Textbook and Other Readings\n\n * Operating System Concepts, 7th Ed., A. Silberschatz, P. Galvin and G. Gagne. John Wiley & Sons, 2005. (Textbook).\n * Supplemental Reading. A set of papers I will make available providing a deeper historical perspective of operating systems, in-depth treatment of some of the topics I can only briefly cover in class, and some useful practical advice in designing and implementing complex systems. You will not be responsible for this; it is only intended for those specially interested in the given topic.\n * Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment, R. Stevens, Addison-Wesley, 1992. A basic book for anyone writing programs that run under Unix (Highly recommended).\n * The C Programming Language, 2nd Ed., B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie, Prentice Hall, 1988. ``The'' reference book (Recommended).\n * The Practice of Programming, Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike. Addison-Wesley, 1999. There is more to writing a program than getting the syntax right, fixing the bugs you have noticed, and making it run fast enough. Programs are read not only by computers but also by programmers. A well-written program is easier to understand, grade, and modify than a poorly-written one. This book is packed with great practical advice on style, design, interfaces, testing and debugging, maintenance, ...; all issues that programmers must deal with in the real world (Recommended).\n * I am collecting some pointers on C/Unix resources.\n\nOptional Readings\n\n * OS Structure - Edsger W. Dijkstra, The Structure of the "THE" Multiprogramming System, Communications of the ACM, 11(5), May 1968.\n * Multics and the "computer utility" - F.J. Corbató and V. A. Vyssotsky, Introduction and Overview of the Multics System, In Proc. of the AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference 27, 1965.\n * UNIX History - Peter H. Salus, UNIX at 25, Byte, 19, October 1994.\n * Priority inversion and what really happend on Mars? - Mike Jones' nicely written article on priority inversion and its part in the Mars Pathfinder mission What really happend on Mars?, December 1997.\n
Inspired by (snatched from) bsdtalk.blogspot.com:\n# http://gnook.org - openbsd (Inactive)\n# http://metawire.org - openbsd (Inactive)\n# http://arbornet.org - freebsd\n# http://freeshell.org - netbsd\n# HP Testdrive - FreeBSD, NetBSD, Tru64, OpenVMS, Linux\n# http://polarhome.com/ - FreeBSD\n# http://nullshells.net/ - *nix
Not that I'm very tired of typing my root password a hundred times a day, I just can't see any security in that. People are using things like sudo and calife. I want something like ssh-agent/ssh-add: type my root password somewhere after I login as user, then type "root@ echo 123" - and voila! After some time of inactivity, or after reboot or a special command - I lose the power to impersonate root.\n\nI want more - intelligence. If I have the root@ power, I want to be able to anyuser@. If I don't I want to be able to get the credentials for anyuser@ (by typing their passwords or easier - by using ssh keys). Hmm, how do I get an idea through a parenthesis... So why don't I really use ssh keys for that. True, some hacking lies ahead to bind it all to ssh-agent, but it's possible. Moreover, I want to be able to anyuser@anyhost (including root@anyhost which should go through current_local_user@anyhost) - that could be possible with ssh keys.\n\nIf my environment gets notion of local/remote mounts and how they match, it would be cool if some I/O-hungry tasks could be run remotely automatically. E.g. I have lot's of music mounted via NFS - a converter program should run remotely if started inside the mounted directory tree and installed on the remote host.
I've seen tiddlywiki before, but it was after that when I acknowledged a need for a blog-like wiki. Now that I come back, I seem to find exactly what I need. Well, not a perfect solution, but it will do for now.
So far so good. I finally got access yesterday after days of trying to sort out some problems with payment. Google Checkout is still too picky to accept my credit cards, and to pay directly you have to fax dreamhost an approval to charge your card. So I had to print out their PDF form, fill it in, rub a crayon against the form with my card under it, scan it on a Windoze PC (I'm lucky to have people in my family still using it, or you can say I'm unlucky enough to have enough patience to get any of my scanners to work with FreeBSD), transfer back to my PC, enhace the rubbing in GIMP, recompress and export it back to raster PDF and fax it via a trial account at fax1.com (I only learned about TPC fax service later).\n\nA few days later they processed my fax and approved me to pay directly, but also reset my account so I lost the $50 discount I got by using one of those promo codes. Reluctant to pay the full $119.40, I had to go back to support and spend another couple of days trying to convince them that I'm entitled to the discount. Apparently they didn't care what promo code I used during the signup process, so they gave me the full $97 discount (robbing some poor soul of $47, but in my favor) and I got a full year of their most basic hosting plan (200Gb space, 2Tb transfer and a nice pack of features) for just $22.40.\n\nI'm not that greedy, so I donated $50 to MIT OpenCourseWare through my Dreamhost account - which they matched to a nice total of $100.\n\n!What's wrong with Dreamhost\nYou can get so many results for "dreamhost sucks" in any search engine that it rightfully makes you wonder - what can be possibly so wrong with it so as to provoke such mass hatred. The fact is, dreamhost is provokes much more love and affection than disgust, but as it often happens, bad news is the more popular one.\n\nI chose dreamhost because I don't require 99.99% uptime. I'm quite content with next-business day replies to my support inquiries and I'm not easily aggravated with most annoying bugs and quirks. I guess my life in the Open Source community has taught me not to expect much from people and be understanding about any problems.\n\nAs far as I can tell from my immediate and very short-lived experience, the most impeding thing about the whole web-hosting industry for me is web-based control. One of the reasons I need hosting in the first place is e-mail. My primary MUA is Gmail right now and one thing I learned using it is web-based interfaces can only go so far. They don't grow with you. They make choices for you, most of which are fine for a starter, but get more and more annoying once you get the hold of whatever technology you're using through a web-interface.\n\nSo I decided I need a good IMAP server. Apart from the usual nine yards of e-mail services, I want to streamline the process of importing the archives of any mailing list I want to subscribe to - in order to centralize the info I want to search through all in one place. I still have to discover how well Dreamhost will handle a dozen gigabytes of plain text messages, though.\n\n!!!Control panel\nAnd I end up with the Dreamhost proprietary control panel, which is roughly in the same bucket with cPanel and a hundred of other web-hosting-for-dummies solutions. You know you can host unlimited domains and subdomains with Dreamhost? Even if you do, what you don't know is that you'll probably never get through the first hundred of them. You'll get too tired of pointing and clicking and clicking and pointing and... With only two fully-hosted domains I already yawned scrolling through the pages, enabling some basic functions I needed.\n\nAnd all for what? To make life easier for somebody who doesn't know a thing about hosting? Or to give you hell of an experience if you know your way around but don't appreciate an eye-candied half-AJAXed interface getting into your way through a not-so-fast https service backed by a not-that-fast php interpreter.\n\n!!!DNS\nYou have to delegate the (sub)domains you want to host with Dreamhost to them. I understand they've got many servers and IP subnets and may need to change them often, but why not just give me (www|mx|ftp|ssh|whatever).mylogin.dreamhost.com cnames and save me from the pain of importing my zone files through their super-feature-full DNS administration interface one record at a time.\n\n\nAll in all, I'm satisfied, but they could do better if you ask me. I'll probably be updating this page with my experiences as a dreamhoster.
[[about|a piece of myself]]\n[[this page]]\n[[RSS]]
Another movie which leaves you wondering how someone can take it and turn into a piece of something next to worthless, and I'm talking about the remakes we start getting some 60-odd years later... Too bad Jean Arthur has exactly the same looks as in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, but the two movies are almost the same, too. That's how you make a remake - you paint the story in other colors, not mix it with crap.
This whole tiddleroie still doesn't resemble a blog, but there's an RSS feed and I'm announcing the switch from Blogger to the 100% FreeBSD-hosted solution.
I want to be able, at any time, to view the complete stack of long-lived processes. Lifetime threshold and metric (wall-clock/user/system time) should be configurable.\n\nDuring long make-driven builds it's sometimes interesting to view what's going on. Especially if we're building a port with many dependencies, it would be nice to know exactly at which in the tree we are.
I spent a freaking hour to figure out how to print RFC docs the way I like...\n!healing\n* Remove all leading newlines except one (manually)\n* {{{perl -i -0pe 's/^L\sn*/^L/g' rfc959.txt}}}\n** ^L is literal\n!enscripting\n{{{\nenscript \s-\s-margins=15:5:5:15 -f Courier@13/13 -B rfc959.txt -p rfc959.2up.ps -U 2\n}}}\n!printing\n{{{\n/usr/local/bin/lpr rfc959.2up.ps\n}}}\n!in the end\nThe output postscript file is larger then the preenscripted ones available at http://rfc.net, but my eyes like them better for a slightly larger font.\n!eReader\n{{{\ncat rfc1034.txt|unexpand -a|expand -t2|perl -0pe 's/\sn*.*\sn^L\sn.*\sn*/\sn/g;s/^ //mg'|fmt -52|unix2dos > /mnt/1034.txt\niconv -c -t US file.txt|sed -e '/mospagebreak/d;/Mambo Generated/d'|fmt -52|perl -0pe 's/\sn{3,}/\sn\sn/'>/mnt/sorrys.txt\nfor i in *;do mv $i `echo $i|sed -Ee 's/rfc(..txt)/rfc000\s1/;s/rfc(...txt)/rfc00\s1/;s/rfc(....txt)/rfc0\s1/'`;done\nfor i in *;do dir=`echo $i|cut -c-4`/`echo $i|cut -c-5`;install -d $dir;mv $i $dir;done\n}}}
Available here: http://people.FreeBSD.org/~sat/index.xml
The following options are available = Имеются следующие опции\nforce =\nlocale =\ncolorized = colored\nargument =\nparameter =\noperand = операнд\nlowercase = строчной\nuppercase = прописной\n\nСледить за лицом:\ndoes = делает\ndo = сделать (чаще совершенный вид)\n\nПеред "и"/"или" в перечислениях запятой нет!
It's kinda interesting what's going to happen first: vector graphics will take over the web or Gecko will learn how to display SVG well.
Money makes one poor\nPower makes one helpless\nKnowledge makes one clueless\nIt's important not to let the unnatural part of our environment get vital enough for us to control us
riding on a tricycle
infofofarmer tiddleroie
How hard it is for those webmasters to earn their dough and add some excerpts to the headlines? Freshmeat does an excellent job at it, most other "new software released" sites do, but not the leading platform for FOSS development.
Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Third Edition\nBovet and Cesati, Understanding the Linux Kernel, 3rd Ed.\nBrinch Hansen, Classic Operating Systems \nBrooks, The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering \nCorbató, "On Building Systems That Will Fail" \nDeitel et al, Operating Systems, 3rd Ed.\nDijkstra, "My Recollections of Operating System Design"\nIEEE, Information TechnologyPortable Operating System Interface (POSIX), Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) [C Language]\nLampson, "Hints for Computer System Design"\nLewine, POSIX Programmer's Guide\nMcKusick and Neville-Neil, The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System\nMilojicic, "Operating Systems: Now and in the Future,"\nRay and Ray, Visual Quickstart Guide: UNIX, 2nd Ed\nRussinovich and Solomon, Microsoft Windows Internals, 4th Ed.\nSilberschatz et al, Operating System Concepts, 7th Ed.\nStallings, Operating Systems, 5th Ed.\nStevens and Rago, Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, 2nd Ed. \n
6.2. Alphabetical Bibliography\n\nANDERSON, T. E., BERSHAD, B. N., LAZOWSKA, E. D., and LEVY, H. M.: "Scheduler Activations: Effective Kernel Support for the User-Level Management of Parallelism," ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, vol. 10, pp. 53-79, Feb. 1992.\n\nANDREWS, G. R., and SCHNEIDER, F. B.: "Concepts and Notations for Concurrent Programming," Computing Surveys, vol. 15, pp. 3-43, March 1983.\n\nAYCOCK, J., and BARKER, K.: "Viruses 101," Proc. Tech. Symp. on Comp. Sci. Education, ACM, pp. 152-156, 2005.\n\nBACH, M. J.: The Design of the UNIX Operating System, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1987.\n\nBALA, K., KAASHOEK, M. F., and WEIHL, W.: "Software Prefetching and Caching for Translation Lookaside Buffers," Proc. First Symp. on Oper. Syst. Design and Implementation, USENIX, pp. 243-254, 1994.\n\nBASILI, V. R., and PERRICONE, B. T.: "Software errors and Complexity: An Empirical Investigation," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 27, pp. 43-52, Jan. 1984.\n\nBAYS, C.: "A Comparison of Next-Fit, First-Fit, and Best-Fit," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 20, pp. 191-192, March 1977.\n\nBEN-ARI, M: Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1990.\n\nBIC, L. F., and SHAW, A. C.: Operating System Principles, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003.\n\nBOEHM, H. -J.: "Threads Cannot be Implemented as a Library," Proc. 2004 ACM SIG-PLAN Conf. on Prog. Lang. Design and Impl., ACM, pp. 261-268, 2005.\n\nBOVET, D. P., and CESATI, M.: Understanding the Linux Kernel, 2nd Ed., Sebastopol, CA, O'Reilly, 2002.\n\nBRINCH HANSEN, P.: Operating System Principles Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1973.\n\nBRINCH HANSEN, P.: Classic Operating Systems, New York: Springer-Verlag, 2001.\n\nBROOKS, F. P., Jr.: The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Ed., Boston: Addison-Wesley, 1995.\n\nCERF, V. G.: "Spam, Spim, and Spit," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 48, pp. 39-43, April 2005.\n\nCHEN, H, WAGNER, D., and DEAN, D.: "Setuid Demystified," Proc. 11th USENIX Security Symposium, pp. 171-190, 2002.\n\nCHEN, P. M., LEE, E. K., GIBSON, G. A., KATZ, R. H., and PATTERSON, D. A.: "RAID: High Performance Reliable Secondary Storage," Computing Surveys, vol. 26, pp. 145-185, June 1994.\n[Page 619]\n\nCHERITON, D. R.: "An Experiment Using Registers for Fast Message-Based Interprocess Communication," Operating Systems Review, vol. 18, pp. 12-20, Oct. 1984.\n\nCHERVENAK, A., VELLANSKI, V., and KURMAS, Z.: "Protecting File Systems: A Survey of Backup Techniques," Proc. 15th Symp. on Mass Storage Systems, IEEE, 1998\n\nCHOU, A., YANG, J. -F., CHELF, B., and HALLEM, S.: "An Empirical Study of Operating System Errors," Proc. 18th Symp. on Oper. Syst. Prin., ACM, pp. 73-88, 2001.\n\nCOFFMAN, E. G., ELPHICK, M. J., and SHOSHANI, A.: "System Deadlocks," Computing Surveys, vol. 3, pp. 67-78, June 1971.\n\nCORBATO', F. J.: "On Building Systems That Will Fail," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 34, pp. 72-81, Sept. 1991.\n\nCORBATO', F. J., MERWIN-DAGGETT, M., and DALEY, R. C: "An Experimental Time-Sharing System," Proc. AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conf., AFIPS, pp. 335-344, 1962.\n\nCORBATO', F. J., SALTZER, J. H., and CLINGEN, C. T.: "MULTICSThe First Seven Years," Proc. AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conf., AFIPS, pp. 571-583, 1972.\n\nCORBATO', F. J., and VYSSOTSKY, V. A.: "Introduction and Overview of the MULTICS System," Proc. AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conf., AFIPS, pp. 185-196, 1965.\n\nCORBET, J., RUBINI, A., and KROAH-HARTMAN, G.: Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Ed. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2005.\n\nCOURTOIS, P. J., HEYMANS, F., and PARNAS, D. L.: "Concurrent Control with Readers and Writers," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 10, pp. 667-668, Oct. 1971.\n\nDALEY, R. C., and DENNIS, J. B.: "Virtual Memory, Processes, and Sharing in MULTICS," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 11, pp. 306-312, May 1968.\n\nDEITEL, H. M., DEITEL, P. J., and CHOFFNES, D. R.: Operating Systems, 3rd Ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2004.\n\nDENNING, D.: "The United states vs. Craig Neidorf," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 34, pp. 22-43, March 1991.\n\nDENNING, P. J.: "The Working Set Model for Program Behavior," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 11, pp. 323-333, 1968a.\n\nDENNING, P. J.: "Thrashing: Its Causes and Prevention," Proc. AFIPS National Computer Conf., AFIPS, pp. 915-922, 1968b.\n\nDENNING, P. J.: "Virtual Memory," Computing Surveys, vol. 2, pp. 153-189, Sept. 1970.\n\nDENNING, P. J.: "Working Sets Past and Present," IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, vol. SE-6, pp. 64-84, Jan. 1980.\n\nDENNING, P. J.: "The Locality Principle," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 48, pp. 19-24, July 2005.\n[Page 620]\n\nDENNIS, J. B., and VAN HORN, E. C.: "Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 9, pp. 143-155, March 1966.\n\nDIBONA, C., OCKMAN, S., and STONE, M. eds.: Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution, Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 1999.\n\nDIJKSTRA, E. W.: "Co-operating Sequential Processes," in Programming Languages, Genuys, F. (Ed.), London: Academic Press, 1965.\n\nDIJKSTRA, E. W.: "The Structure of THE Multiprogramming System," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 11, pp. 341-346, May 1968.\n\nDIJKSTRA, E. W.: "My Recollections of Operating System Design," Operating Systems Review, vol. 39, pp. 4-40, April 2005.\n\nDODGE, C., IRVINE, C., and NGUYEN, T.: "A Study of Initialization in Linux and OpenBSD," Operating Systems Review, vol. 39, pp. 79-93 April 2005.\n\nENGLER, D., CHEN, D. Y., and CHOU, A.: "Bugs as Inconsistent Behavior: A General Approach to Inferring Errors in Systems Code," Proc. 18th Symp. on Oper. Syst. Prin., ACM, pp. 57-72, 2001.\n\nENGLER, D. R., KAASHOEK, M. F., and O'TOOLE, J. Jr.: "Exokernel: An Operating System Architecture for Application-Level Resource Management," Proc. 15th Symp. on Oper. Syst. Prin., ACM, pp. 251-266, 1995.\n\nFABRY, R. S.: "Capability-Based Addressing," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 17, pp. 403-412, July 1974.\n\nFEELEY, M. J., MORGAN, W. E., PIGHIN, F. H., KARLIN, A. R., LEVY, H. M., and THEKKATH, C. A.: "Implementing Global Memory Management in a Workstation CLuster," Proc. 15th Symp. on Oper. Syst. Prin., ACM, pp. 201-212, 1995.\n\nFEUSTAL, E. A.: "The Rice Research ComputerA Tagged Architecture," Proc. AFIPS Conf. 1972.\n\nFOTHERINGHAM, J.: "Dynamic Storage Allocation in the Atlas Including an Automatic Use of a Backing Store," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 4, pp. 435-436, Oct. 1961.\n\nGARFINKEL, S. L., and SHELAT, A.: "Remembrance of Data Passed: A Study of Disk Sanitization Practices," IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 1, pp. 17-27, Jan.-Feb. 2003.\n\nGEIST, R., and DANIEL, S.: "A Continuum of Disk Scheduling Algorithms," ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, vol. 5, pp. 77-92, Feb. 1987.\n\nGHEMAWAT, S., GOBIOFF, H., and LEUNG., S.-T.: "The Google File System," Proc. 19th Symp. on Oper. Syst. Prin., ACM, pp. 29-43, 2003.\n\nGRAHAM, R.: "Use of High-Level Languages for System Programming," Project MAC Report TM-13, M.I.T., Sept. 1970.\n\nHAFNER, K., and MARKOFF, J.: Cyberpunk: Outlaws and Hackers on the Computer Frontier, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991.\n[Page 621]\n\nHALPERN, M.: "VIM: Taming Software with Hardware," IEEE Computer, vol. 36, pp. 21-25, Oct. 2003.\n\nHARBRON, T. R.: File Systems: Structures and Algorithms, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988.\n\nHARRIS, S., HARPER, A., EAGLE, C., NESS, J., and LESTER, M.: Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker's Handbook, New York: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 2004.\n\nHAUSER, C., JACOBI, C., THEIMER, M., WELCH, B., and WEISER, M.: "Using Threads in Interactive Systems: A Case Study," Proc. 14th Symp. on Oper. Syst. Prin., ACM, pp. 94-105, 1993.\n\nHEBBARD, B. et al.: "A Penetration Analysis of the Michigan Terminal System," Operating Systems Review, vol. 14, pp. 7-20, Jan. 1980.\n\nHERBORTH, C.: UNIX Advanced: Visual Quickpro Guide, Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press, 2005\n\nHERDER, J. N.: "Towards a True Microkernel Operating System," M.S. Thesis, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Feb. 2005.\n\nHOARE, C. A.R.: "Monitors, An Operating System Structuring Concept," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 17, pp. 549-557, Oct. 1974; Erratum in Commun. of the ACM, vol. 18, p. 95, Feb. 1975.\n\nHOLT, R. C: "Some Deadlock Properties of Computer Systems," Computing Surveys, vol. 4, pp. 179-196, Sept. 1972.\n\nHUCK, J., and HAYS, J.: "Architectural Support for Translation Table Management in Large Address Space Machines," Proc. 20th Annual Int'l Symp. on Computer Arch., ACM, pp. 39-50, 1993.\n\nHUTCHINSON, N. C., MANLEY, S., FEDERWISCH, M., HARRIS, G., HITZ, D, KLEIMAN, S, and O'MALLEY, S.: "Logical vs. Physical File System Backup," Proc. Third USENIX Symp. on Oper. Syst. Design and Implementation, USENIX, pp. 239-249, 1999.\n\nIEEE: Information technologyPortable Operating System Interface (POSIX), Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) [C Language], New York: IEEE, 1990.\n\nJACOB, B., and MUDGE, T.: "Virtual Memory: Issues of Implementation," IEEE Computer, vol. 31, pp. 33-43, June 1998.\n\nJOHANSSON, J., and RILEY, S: Protect Your Windows Network: From Perimeter to Data, Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2005.\n\nKERNIGHAN, B. W., and RITCHIE, D. M.: The C Programming Language, 2nd Ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988.\n\nKLEIN, D. V.: "Foiling the Cracker: A Survey of, and Improvements to, Password Security," Proc. UNIX Security Workshop II, USENIX, Aug. 1990.\n[Page 622]\n\nKLEINROCK, L.: Queueing Systems, vol. 1, New York: John Wiley, 1975.\n\nKNUTH, D. E.: The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms, 3rd Ed., Boston: Addison-Wesley, 1997.\n\nLAMPSON, B. W.: "A Scheduling Philosophy for Multiprogramming Systems," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 11, pp. 347-360, May 1968.\n\nLAMPSON, B. W.: "A Note on the Confinement Problem," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 10, pp. 613-615, Oct. 1973.\n\nLAMPSON, B. W.: "Hints for Computer System Design," IEEE Software, vol. 1, pp. 11-28, Jan. 1984.\n\nLEDIN, G., Jr.: "Not Teaching Viruses and Worms is Harmful," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 48, p. 144, Jan. 2005.\n\nLESCHKE, T.: "Achieving Speed and Flexibility by Separating Management from Protection: Embracing the Exokernel Operating System," Operating Systems Review, vol. 38, pp. 5-19, Oct. 2004.\n\nLEVINE, G. N.: "Defining Deadlocks," Operating Systems Review vol. 37, pp. 54-64, Jan. 2003a.\n\nLEVINE, G. N.: "Defining Deadlock with Fungible Resources," Operating Systems Review, vol. 37, pp. 5-11, July 2003b.\n\nLEVINE, G. N.: "The Classification of Deadlock Prevention and Avoidance is Erroneous," Operating Systems Review, vol. 39, 47-50, April 2005.\n\nLEWINE, D.: POSIX Programmer's Guide, Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, 1991.\n\nLI, K., and HUDAK, P.: "Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory Systems," ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, vol. 7, pp. 321-359, Nov. 1989.\n\nLINDE, R. R.: "Operating System Penetration," Proc. AFIPS National Computer Conf., AFIPS, pp. 361-368, 1975.\n\nLIONS, J.: Lions' Commentary on Unix 6th Edition, with Source Code, San Jose, CA: Peer-to-Peer Communications, 1996.\n\nMARSH, B. D., SCOTT, M. L., LEBLANC, T. J., and MARKATOS, E. P.: "First-Class User-Level Threads," Proc. 13th Symp. on Oper. Syst. Prin., ACM, pp. 110-121, 1991.\n\nMCHUGH, J. A.M., and DEEK, F. P.: "An Incentive System for Reducing Malware Attacks," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 48, pp. 94-99, June 2005.\n\nMCKUSICK, M. K., JOY, W. N., LEFFLER, S. J., and FABRY, R. S.: "A Fast File System for UNIX," ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, vol. 2, pp. 181-197, Aug. 1984.\n\nMCKUSICK, M. K., and NEVILLE-NEIL, G. V.: The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Addison-Wesley: Boston, 2005.\n[Page 623]\n\nMILO, D., DOUGLIS, F., PAINDAVEINE, Y, WHEELER, R., and ZHOU, S.: "Process Migration," ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 32, pp. 241-299, July-Sept. 2000.\n\nMILOJICIC, D.: "Operating Systems: Now and in the Future," IEEE Concurrency, vol. 7, pp. 12-21, Jan.-March 1999.\n\nMOODY, G.: Rebel Code Cambridge, MA: Perseus, 2001.\n\nMORRIS, R., and THOMPSON, K.: "Password Security: A Case History," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 22, pp. 594-597, Nov. 1979.\n\nMULLENDER, S. J., and TANENBAUM, A. S.: "Immediate Files," SoftwarePractice and Experience, vol. 14, pp. 365-368, April 1984.\n\nNAUGHTON, J.: A Brief History of the Future, Woodstock, NY: Overlook Books, 2000.\n\nNEMETH, E., SNYDER, G., SEEBASS, S., and HEIN, T. R.: UNIX System Administation, 3rd Ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall, 2000.\n\nORGANICK, E. I.: The Multics System, Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press, 1972.\n\nOSTRAND, T. J., WEYUKER, E. J., and BELL, R. M.: "Where the Bugs Are," Proc. 2004 ACM Symp. on Softw. Testing and Analysis, ACM, 86-96, 2004.\n\nPETERSON, G. L.: "Myths about the Mutual Exclusion Problem," Information Processing Letters, vol. 12, pp. 115-116, June 1981.\n\nPRECHELT, L.: "An Empirical Comparison of Seven Programming Languages," IEEE Computer, vol. 33, pp. 23-29, Oct. 2000.\n\nRAY, D. S., and RAY, E. J.: Visual Quickstart Guide: UNIX, 2nd Ed., Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press, 2003.\n\nROSENBLUM, M., and OUSTERHOUT, J. K.: "The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System," Proc. 13th Symp. on Oper. Syst. Prin., ACM, pp. 1-15, 1991.\n\nRUSSINOVICH, M. E., and SOLOMON, D. A.: Microsoft Windows Internals, 4th Ed., Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 2005.\n\nSALTZER, J. H.: "Protection and Control of Information Sharing in MULTICS," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 17, pp. 388-402, July 1974.\n\nSALTZER, J. H., and SCHROEDER, M. D.: "The Protection of Information in Computer Systems," Proc. IEEE, vol. 63, pp. 1278-1308, Sept. 1975.\n\nSALUS, P. H.: A Quarter Century of UNIX, Boston: Addison-Wesley, 1994.\n\nSANDHU, R. S.: "Lattice-Based Access Control Models," Computer, vol. 26, pp. 9-19, Nov. 1993.\n\nSATYANARAYANAN, M.: "The Evolution of Coda," ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, vol. 20, pp. 85-124, May 2002.\n\nSEAWRIGHT, L. H., and MACKINNON, R. A.: "VM/370A Study of Multiplicity and Usefulness," IBM Systems Journal, vol. 18, pp. 4-17, 1979.\n[Page 624]\n\nSILBERSCHATZ, A., GALVIN, P. B., and GAGNE, G.: Operating System Concepts, 7th Ed., New York: John Wiley, 2004.\n\nSTALLINGS, W.: Operating Systems, 5th Ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2005.\n\nSTEVENS, W. R., and RAGO, S. A.: Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, 2nd Ed., Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2005.\n\nSTOLL, C.: The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy through the Maze of Computer Espionage, New York: Doubleday, 1989.\n\nSWIFT, M. M., ANNAMALAI, M., BERSHAD, B. N., and LEVY, H. M.: "Recovering Device Drivers," Proc. Sixth Symp. on Oper. Syst. Design and Implementation, USENIX, pp. 1-16, 2004.\n\nTAI, K. C., and CARVER, R. H.: "VP: A New Operation for Semaphores," Operating Systems Review, vol. 30, pp. 5-11, July 1996.\n\nTALLURI, M., and HILL, M. D.: "Surpassing the TLB Performance of Superpages with Less Operating System Support," Proc. Sixth Int'l Conf. on Architectural Support for Progr. Lang. and Operating Systems, ACM, pp. 171-182, 1994.\n\nTALLURI, M., HILL, M. D., and KHALIDI, Y. A.: "A New Page Table for 64-bit Address Spaces," Proc. 15th Symp. on Oper. Syst. Prin., ACM, pp. 184-200, 1995.\n\nTANENBAUM, A. S.: Modern Operating Systems, 2nd Ed., Upper Saddle River: NJ, Prentice Hall, 2001\n\nTANENBAUM, A. S., VAN RENESSE, R., STAVEREN, H. VAN, SHARP, G.J., MULLENDER, S. J., JANSEN, J., and ROSSUM, G. VAN: "Experiences with the Amoeba Distributed Operating System," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 33, pp. 46-63, Dec. 1990.\n\nTANENBAUM, A. S., and VAN STEEN, M. R.: Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall, 2002.\n\nTEORY, T. J.: "Properties of Disk Scheduling Policies in Multiprogrammed Computer Systems," Proc. AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conf., AFIPS, pp. 1-11, 1972.\n\nTHOMPSON, K.: "UNIX Implementation," Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 57, pp. 1931-1946, July-Aug. 1978.\n\nTREESE, W.: "The State of Security on the Internet," NetWorker, vol. 8, pp. 13-15, Sept. 2004.\n\nTSEGAYE, M., and FOSS, R.: "A Comparison of the Linux and Windows Device Driver Architectures," Operating Systems Review, vol. 38, pp. 8-33, April 2004.\n\nUHLIG, R., NAGLE, D., STANLEY, T, MUDGE, T., SECREST, S., and BROWN, R: "Design Tradeoffs for Software-Managed TLBs," ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, vol. 12, pp. 175-205, Aug. 1994.\n[Page 625]\n\nUPPULURI, P., JOSHI, U., and RAY, A.: "Preventing Race Condition Attacks on File Systems," Proc. 2005 ACM Symp. on Applied Computing, ACM, pp. 346-353, 2005.\n\nVAHALIA, U.: UNIX InternalsThe New Frontiers, 2nd Ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996.\n\nVOGELS, W.: "File System Usage in Windows NT 4.0," Proc. ACM Symp. on Operating System Principles, ACM, pp. 93-109, 1999.\n\nWALDSPURGER, C. A., and WEIHL, W. E.: "Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management," Proc. First Symp. on Oper. Syst. Design and Implementation, USENIX, pp. 1-11, 1994.\n\nWEISS, A.: "Spyware Be Gone," NetWorker, vol. 9, pp. 18-25, March 2005.\n\nWILKES, J., GOLDING, R., STAELIN, C, abd SULLIVAN, T.: "The HP AutoRAID Hierarchical Storage System," ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, vol. 14, pp. 108-136, Feb. 1996.\n\nWULF, W. A., COHEN, E. S., CORWIN, W. M., JONES, A. K., LEVIN, R., PIERSON, C., and POLLACK, F. J.: "HYDRA: The Kernel of a Multiprocessor Operating System," Commun. of the ACM, vol. 17, pp. 337-345, June 1974.\n\nYANG, J., TWOHEY, P., ENGLER, D. and MUSUVATHI, M.: "Using Model Checking to Find Serious File System Errors," Proc. Sixth Symp. on Oper. Syst. Design and Implementation, USENIX, 2004.\n\nZEKAUSKAS, M. J., SAWDON, W. A., and BERSHAD, B. N.: "Software Write Detection for a Distributed Shared Memory," Proc. First Symp. on Oper. Syst. Design and Implementation, USENIX, pp. 87-100, 1994.\n\nZWICKY, E. D.: "Torture-Testing Backup and Archive Programs: Things You Ought to Know but Probably Would Rather Not," Prof. Fifth Conf. on Large Installation Systems Admin., USENIX, pp. 181-190, 1991.
6.1. Suggestions for Further Reading\nBelow is a list of suggested readings keyed by chapter. \n6.1.1. Introduction and General Works\nBovet and Cesati, Understanding the Linux Kernel, 3rd Ed. \nFor anyone wishing to understand how the Linux kernel works internally, this book is probably your best bet. \n\n[Page 612]\n\nBrinch Hansen, Classic Operating Systems \nOperating system have been around long enough now that some of them can be considered classic: systems that changed how the world looked at computers. This book is a collection of 24 papers about seminal operating systems, categorized as open shop, batch, multiprogramming, timesharing, personal computer, and distributed operating systems. Anyone interested in the history of operating systems should read this book. \nBrooks, The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering \nA witty, amusing, and informative book on how not to write an operating system by someone who learned the hard way. Full of good advice. \nCorbató, "On Building Systems That Will Fail" \nIn his Turing Award lecture, the father of timesharing addresses many of the same concerns that Brooks does in the Mythical Man-Month. His conclusion is that all complex systems will ultimately fail, and that to have any chance for success at all, it is absolutely essential to avoid complexity and strive for simplicity and elegance in design. \nDeitel et al, Operating Systems, 3rd Ed. \nA general textbook on operating systems. In addition to the standard material, it contains detailed case studies of Linux and Windows XP. \nDijkstra, "My Recollections of Operating System Design" \nReminiscences by one of the pioneers of operating system design, starting back in the days when the term "operating system" was not yet known. \nIEEE, Information TechnologyPortable Operating System Interface (POSIX), Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) [C Language] \nThis is the standard. Some parts are actually quite readable, especially Annex B, "Rationale and Notes," which sheds light on why things are done as they are. One advantage of referring to the standard document is that, by definition, there are no errors. If a typographical error in a macro name makes it through the editing process it is no longer an error, it is official. \nLampson, "Hints for Computer System Design" \nButler Lampson, one of the world's leading designers of innovative operating systems, has collected many hints, suggestions, and guidelines from his years of experience and put them together in this entertaining and informative article. Like Brooks' book, this is required reading for every aspiring operating system designer. \n\n[Page 613]\n\nLewine, POSIX Programmer's Guide \nThis book describes the POSIX standard in a much more readable way than the standards document itself, and includes discussions on how to convert older programs to POSIX and how to develop new programs for the POSIX environment. There are numerous examples of code, including several complete programs. All POSIX-required library functions and header files are described. \nMcKusick and Neville-Neil, The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System \nFor a thorough explanation of how a modern version of UNIX, in this case FreeBSD, works inside, this is the place to look. It covers processes, I/O, memory management, networking, and just about everything else. \nMilojicic, "Operating Systems: Now and in the Future," \nSuppose you were to ask six of the world's leading experts in operating systems a series of questions about the field and where it was going. Would you get the same answers? Hint: No. Find out what they said here. \nRay and Ray, Visual Quickstart Guide: UNIX, 2nd Ed. \nIt will help you understand examples in this book if you are comfortable as a UNIX user. This is just one of a number of available beginners' guides to working with the UNIX operating system. Although implemented differently, MINIX looks like UNIX to a user, and this or a similar book will also be helpful in your work with MINIX. \nRussinovich and Solomon, Microsoft Windows Internals, 4th Ed. \nEver wondered how Windows works inside? Wonder no more. This book tells you everything you conceivably wanted to know about processes, memory management, I/O, networking, security, and a great deal more. \nSilberschatz et al, Operating System Concepts, 7th Ed. \nAnother textbook on operating systems. It covers processes, storage management, files, and distributed systems. Two case studies are given: Linux and Windows XP. \nStallings, Operating Systems, 5th Ed. \nStill another textbook on operating systems. It covers all the usual topics, and also includes a small amount of material on distributed systems, plus an appendix on queueing theory. \nStevens and Rago, Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, 2nd Ed. \nThis book tells how to write C programs that use the UNIX system call interface and the standard C library. Examples have been tested on FreeBSD 5.2.1, Linux 2.4.22 kernel; Solaris 9; and Darwin 7.4.0, and the FreeBSD/Mach base of Mac OS X 10.3. The relationship of these implementations to POSIX is described in detail.\n\n[Page 614]\n\n6.1.2. Processes\nAndrews and Schneider, "Concepts and Notations for Concurrent Programming" \nA tutorial and survey of processes and interprocess communication, including busy waiting, semaphores, monitors, message passing, and other techniques. The article also shows how these concepts are embedded in various programming languages. \nBen-Ari, Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming \nThis book consists of three parts; the first has chapters on mutual exclusion, semaphores, monitors, and the dining philosophers problem, among others. The second part discusses distributed programming and languages useful for distributed programming. The third part is on principles of implementation of concurrency. \nBic and Shaw, Operating System Principles \nThis operating systems textbook has four chapters on processes, including not only the usual principles, but also quite a bit of material on implementation. \nMilo et al., "Process Migration" \nAs clusters of PCs gradually replace supercomputers, the issue of moving processes from one machine to another (e.g., for load balancing) is becoming more relevant. In this survey, the authors discuss how process migration works, along with its benefits and pitfalls. \nSilberschatz et al, Operating System Concepts, 7th Ed. \nChapters 3 through 7 cover processes and interprocess communication, including scheduling, critical sections, semaphores, monitors, and classical interprocess communication problems. \n6.1.3. Input/Output\nChen et al., "RAID: High Performance Reliable Secondary Storage" \nThe use of multiple disk drives in parallel for fast I/O is a trend in high end systems. The authors discuss this idea and examine different organizations in terms of performance, cost, and reliability. \nCoffman et al., "System Deadlocks" \nA short introduction to deadlocks, what causes them, and how they can be prevented or detected. \n\n[Page 615]\n\nCorbet et al., Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Ed. \nIf you really really really want to know how I/O works, try writing a device driver. This book tells you how to do it for Linux. \nGeist and Daniel, "A Continuum of Disk Scheduling Algorithms" \nA generalized disk arm scheduling algorithm is presented. Extensive simulation and experimental results are given. \nHolt, "Some Deadlock Properties of Computer Systems" \nA discussion of deadlocks. Holt introduces a directed graph model that can be used to analyze some deadlock situations. \nIEEE Computer Magazine, March 1994 \nThis issue of Computer contains eight articles on advanced I/O, and covers simulation, high performance storage, caching, I/O for parallel computers, and multimedia. \nLevine, "Defining Deadlocks" \nIn this short article, Levine raises interesting questions about conventional definitions and examples of deadlock. \nSwift et al., "Recovering Device Drivers" \nDevice drivers have an error rate an order of magnitude higher than other operating system code. Is there anything that can be done to improve reliability then? This paper describes how shadow drivers can be used to achieve this goal. \nTsegaye and Foss, "A Comparison of the Linux and Windows Device Driver Architecture" \nLinux and Windows have quite different architectures for their device drivers. This papers discusses both of them and shows how they are similar and how they are different. \nWilkes et al., "The HP AutoRAID Hierarchical Storage System" \nAn important new development in high-performance disk systems is RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks), in which an array of small disks work together to produce a high-bandwidth system. In this paper, the authors describe in some detail the system they built at HP Labs. \n6.1.4. Memory Management\nBic and Shaw, Operating System Principles \nThree chapters of this book are devoted to memory management, physical memory, virtual memory, and shared memory. \n\n[Page 616]\n\nDenning, "Virtual Memory" \nA classic paper on many aspects of virtual memory. Denning was one of the pioneers in this field, and was the inventor of the working set concept. \nDenning, "Working Sets Past and Present" \nA good overview of numerous memory management and paging algorithms. A comprehensive bibliography is included. \nDenning, "The Locality Principle" \nA recent look back at the history of the locality principle and a discussion of its applicability to a number of problems beyond memory paging issues. \nHalpern, "VIM: Taming Software with Hardware" \nIn this provocative article, Halpern argues that a tremendous amount of money is being spent to produce, debug, and maintain software that deals with memory optimization, not only in operating systems, but also in compilers and other software. He argues that seen macro-economically, it would be better to spend this money just buying more memory and having simple straightforward, more reliable software. \nKnuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 1 \nFirst fit, best fit, and other memory management algorithms are discussed and compared in this book. \nSilberschatz et al, Operating System Concepts, 7th Ed. \nChapters 8 and 9 deal with memory management, including swapping, paging, and segmentation. A variety of paging algorithms are mentioned. \n6.1.5. File Systems\nDenning, "The United States vs. Craig Neidorf" \nWhen a young hacker discovered and published information about how the telephone system works, he was indicted for computer fraud. This article describes the case, which involved many fundamental issues, including freedom of speech. The article is followed by some dissenting views and a rebuttal by Denning. \nGhemawat et al., "The Google File System" \nSuppose you decided you wanted to store the entire Internet at home so you could find things really quickly. How would you go about it? Step 1 would be to buy, say, 200,000 PCs. Ordinary garden-variety PCs will do. Nothing fancy needed. Step 2 would be to read this paper to find out how Google does it. \n\n[Page 617]\n\nHafner and Markoff, Cyberpunk: Outlaws and Hackers on the Computer Frontier \nThree compelling tales of young hackers breaking into computers around the world are told here by the New York Times computer reporter who broke the Internet worm story and his coauthor. \nHarbron, File Systems: Structures and Algorithms \nA book on file system design, applications, and performance. Both structure and algorithms are covered. \nHarris et al., Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker's Handbook \nThis book discusses legal and ethical aspects of testing computer systems for vulnerabilities, as well as providing technical information about how they are created and how they can be detected. \nMcKusick et al., "A Fast File System for UNIX" \nThe UNIX file system was completely reimplemented for 4.2 BSD. This paper describes the design of the new file system, and discusses its performance. \nSatyanarayanan, "The Evolution of Coda" \nAs mobile computing becomes more common, the need to integrate and synchronize mobile and fixed file systems becomes more urgent. Coda was a pioneer in this area. Its evolution and operation is described in this paper. \nSilberschatz et al Operating System Concepts, 7th Ed. \nChapters 10 and 11 are about file systems. They cover file operations, access methods, consistency semantics, directories, and protection, and implementation, among other topics. \nStallings, Operating Systems, 5th Ed. \nChapter 16 contains a fair amount of material about the security environment especially about hackers, viruses and other threats. \nUppuluri et al., "Preventing Race Condition Attacks on File Systems" \nSituations exist in which a process assumes that two operations will be performed atomically, with no intervening operations. If another process manages to sneak in and perform an operation between them, security may be breached. This paper discusses the problem and proposes a solution. \nYang et al., "Using Model Checking to Find Serious File System Errors" \nFile system errors can lead to lost data, so getting them debugged is very important. This paper describes a formal technique that helps detect file system errors before they can do any damage. The results of using the model checker on actual file system code is presented.
My thinking is multi-threaded, recursive process with fuzzy stack. I can rarely make myself think solo, as is required by linear representations, such as a monologue or traditional prose. You can't serialize a symphony into a violin solo, and people often think in much more complicated ways than any orchestra could perform in.
I need to figure out how to keep tiddly on a remote box, which I only have ssh access to. Fusefs-sshfs comes to my mind. Scripted automatic scp backup, maybe. Hmm.
This is my wikiblog. You are encouraged to browse through entries by clicking on the timeline to the right. You're also welcome to subscribe to our RSS feed. Here's my micro-factsheet:\n\n* My name is Andrew Pantyukhin; in Russian it looks like Андрей Пантюхин.\n* Sat is short for satellite. "[[Satellite one|satellite.one.s3m]]" is my micro-hymn.\n* I am more widely known as [[in|http://google.com/search?q=infofarmer]][[fo|http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=infofarmer]][[far|http://www.rambler.ru/srch?words=infofarmer]][[mer|http://www.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=infofarmer]].\n* [[Some of my notes related to FreeBSD|http://www.google.com/notebook/public/15659474557226148644/BDRdQSwoQouyVubQh]]\n* [[Some of my patches related to FreeBSD|diffs/]]\n* [[My FreeBSD Wiki homepage|http://wiki.freebsd.org/AndrewPantyukhin]]\n* [[My ports in fenner's survey|http://people.freebsd.org/~fenner/portsurvey/infofarmer@freebsd.org.html]]\n* [[My ports at portscout|http://beta.inerd.com/portscout/infofarmer@freebsd.org.html]]\n* [[My ports at portsmon|http://portsmon.freebsd.org/portsconcordanceformaintainer.py?maintainer=infofarmer]]\n* [[Open PR's assigned to me|http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr-summary.cgi?responsible=sat]]\n* [[Open PR's with infofarmer in multitext|http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr-summary.cgi?multitext=infofarmer]]\n* [[Pav's PR stats|http://oook.cz/bsd/prstats/]]
!!!Overview\n* Keep it simple\n!!!Model\n* A group of a big number of interconnected objects\n* Each object vibrates in vacuum\n* Connected through some resonance\n!!!Implementing on a pc\n* Integers for objects\n* Arithmetic for connection\n** Overflowing multiplication?\n* Left-fixed right-traversal\n* Randomization to prevent statics?\n** Too unstable/unpredictable?\n* Randomized initialization?
* sub_files processing in wrkdir/subfiles to avoid name clashes when port untars into portname\n* remove advice about not setting portdocs when noportdocs is defined\n* grep -v compat/linux in LIB_DEPENDS processing (compat6x, ...)\n* install_{www,example,...}, install_*_dir
!!!very random stuff\nnetstiff
oyranos\nicc examin\nelektra\nargyll\nftgl\nxcalib
* raggle\n* rss2email - mutt - needs to be ported from NetBSD\n* wnews\n* snownews
!!!stupid schema\nlineid - line\nfileid - filename - rev - date\nfileid - filelineno - lineid\nfileid - wc-l\nfileid - checksums\n\n!!!linked lists and overlays\nthey might help, but that's rocket science.\nwe can introduce a notion of a history unit - like a file with a tree of revisions, but with more powerful cherry-picking functionality. In principle, a history unit can even be split into multiple units, each representing a separate file history - and with cherries traversing between them - and other units. Imagine dragging #include's out of a .c file into a header - along with all the history of headers. That's possible thanks to a line-oriented design.\n\nThe question is, how to implement the whole thing: history units, revisions, cherries, changesets, etc.\n\n!!!any types of objects\nlines, text chunks, files, paragraphs, all kinds of blobs, all kinds of diffs (binary, text, ...)\nstored and derived: you can get a diff between a file's versions and you can base a file's versioning on diffs\nunlimited flexibility\ntyped referencing - a file can consist of lines and paragraphs, interspersed\nbetter space efficiency - a new line in the middle of a long file built with small paragraphs triggers only a new paragraph and a reference in the file replaced\nparagraphs can be language-specific syntactical elements, like functions - it can lead to enhanced cherry picking and code reusage in general\n\n!!!tagging\nwhat about tagging every lineid with fileid's?\n\n!!!footnotes\nid's are probably 32 or 64-bit. lineid's are probably at least 64-bit.\n\n!!!pro's and con's\nmajor cons: line based\ncons: considerable overhead\n\npros: O(1) retrieval of any rev
With just a few posts I'm already getting lost browsing around this page. Need to think of some structure to stick to.
I haven't printed out a single page since I bought my ebook reader. Not one. Not that I wasn't tempted to, but now that stacks of paper are rapidly vanishing from my desk, I learned to value being paperless.
Can you imagine how long it would take to invent the wheel if we tried to study gravity, friction, etc. first? Can you imagine how long it would take to figure out when to sow and to harvest if we went through biology and genetics? Because that's what rocket science is all about...
mutt\napparix/cdargs - http://dryice.name/blog/freebsd/faster_cd.html\nmultitail\nzsh\nzssh\nautossh\nchainssh\nscanssh\nsudo\npar (a mighty fmt replacement)\n* macros\ne-mail\n* trying to use dreamhost mysql and local dbmail\n** too slow, no indexing\n** very slow import\n* search\n** mairix\n** nmzmail\n** something clucene-based\nhttp://culot.org/calcurse/index.html
- gabor SoC mentorship\n- beech mentorship\n- dayjob (www migration)\n- ports police\n- usual oss monitoring\n- yandex
I usually set brightness and contrast on my LCD monitors to a minimum. It seems the text is harder to see this way, but the fact is weaker backlight can save your eyes a whole lot of strain. Still, when direct sunlight gets through my window the displays become almost unreadable. So yesterday I tried setting my laptop and my big display to a medium level of brightness. It took me a whole day to realize why my eyes were so sore (I thought I just had too little sleep). Turns out the backlight really is the killer.\n\nMy e-book reader doesn't have any backlight and you can read it 24 hours straight without getting your eyes tired.\n\nAnother thing to remember is that usually white text on dark background is easier for your eyes to read. It's a pity that way too many web sites are so overdesigned that you can't override their color scheme without losing a significant chunk of usability.
You can't really find a good book on laziness. The people who know much about it are just to lazy to write anything. Anyways, I can look like a mighty lazy guy from the outside. Without saying how I feel about it, I'd like to look at the reasons for my inactivity and ways to become more active. Again, I'm not saying that's what I want to do and I'm not saying that's not, but a tiny bit of research wouldn't hurt.\n!Pursuit of perfection\nI've already written some bits about this. Of course, I'm too lazy to import the bits into this wiki, nor do I think this wiki enough is good enough to serve me for long enough to be bothered about collecting all my prior musings here. And that's what the pursuit of perfection is all about.\n!!We'll be able to do it an easier way later\nIf you're reading the news regularly, you probably know most of your work is in vain. In just a little while people will be able to do your 8 hour's work in under 5 minutes. So why do it now? It's vastly inefficient anyways. Do you want to make our planet more inefficient than it is today?\n!!Automation\nYou have to type 40 similar commands 40 times a day. So either you say "this can be done with a script" and start planning to write it (for good), or you say "f*ck it!" and continue typing the commands. You're lazy either way, but the second one doesn't look like you're lazy.\n!!Why bother at all?\nIf you're not enslaved by a mortgage, or a family of your own, or anything else requiring a shitload of money, you start asking yourself questions like "what is this all about?"
Imagine a planet where beings only do what's best for others. A terribly unnatural situation comes where at least one of them must die, but they may choose who. They all choose to die. Life ends. They lose. Or do they?
I'm a bit tired of fluxbox. I like the idea of no window decoration except for a thin 1-2 px border, no tabs, no slits, no docks - perfect for screen-based workflows. Plowing through the x11-wm category is really not as easy as it may seem. Still, there are some decent candidates:\n* fluxbox (try to reconfigure it), black-/open-/hackedbox\n* icewm\n* ion\n* ratpoison\n* evilwm/badwm/evilpoison\n* dwm\n* weewm\n* wmii\n\nI'm trying out wmii 3.6-rc2. It looks nice. Window titlebars are still there, the initial tutorial suggests using mouse for moving and resizing windows, Alt-{l,h} moves between columns of windows, but it selects the last used window in a column, not the closest to the previous one, which is not quite ergonomic. I'll try to get used to it for a bit and maybe try other wm's.
!The Manual\nI've just printed out the html version of [[mutt's manual|http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.html]]. 67 A4 pages riddled with ~6pt font. My eyes start moaning today (well, actually, I don't think they ever stopped since I got my first video console).
The problem is my brain has not been doing much for quite a while now. To compare with physical tasks, I guess it's been walking a lot, so it's not completely stalled, but it used to be in better shape when I did some weight-lifting in maths. Now I'm not a fan of a big brain, thorough logic can ruin the most brilliant of ideas, but it might make some sense to try and do something once in a while.\n\nI've been thinking about a whole lot of things since I was a child, it must have introverted me a bit (I've always considered myself an outgoing person, though). I still read, professionally mostly; to tell the truth I'm starting to find fiction tasteless. Well, technical docs are tasteless, too, no doubt about that, but as far as reading is considered to be talking to the author, I find this talking more to-the-point and even more entertaining. I'm doing what I like after all.
These are neither strict nor exclusive\n\nSoftware:\n|!Param|!Value|\n|desktop os|FreeBSD-CURRENT|\n|server os|FreeBSD-RELEASE/-STABLE|\n|shell|zsh, tcsh|\n|web mua|gmail|\n|text mua|mutt|\n|mta|postfix|\n|gui browser|firefox|\n|text browser|links|\n|www server|lighttpd|\n|editor|vim|\n|pager|less|\n|locale|en_US.UTF-8|\n|wm|wmii|\n|multiheading|synergy/x2x|\n|wIki|twiki|\n|wikiblog|tiddlywiki|\n|web search|surfraw|\n|term|rxvt-unicode|\n|hoster|dreamhost|\n|music player|cmus|\n|video player|mplayer|\n|graphics editor|gimp|\n\nOverused gadgets:\n|ebook reader|LBook/Jinke v8|\n|cell phone|Panasonic x700|\n|laptop|Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo Pa 1510|\n\nPreferred brands:\n|consumer electronics|Panasonic|\n|cpu|AMD|\n|gpu|ATI|\n|server mb|Tyan|\n|desktop mb|Gigabyte|\n|hdd|Seagate|\n|keyboard|Logitech|\n|mouse|Logitech|\n|tft monitor|NEC|\n|printer|HP|\n|music production|Yamaha|\n\nFormats:\n|video container|mkv|\n|video codec|x264|\n|movie audio codec|dts|\n|music audio codec|flac, ogg|\n\nPersonal:\n|music|Roxette|\n|movie director|Kurosawa|\n|movie|Ikiru|
Unplanned vegan diet can be dangerous. This note might help me lighten the risks.\n\ncurrent:\n- buckwheat - staple; Mn, Trp, Mg, fiber\n- parsley - vit(K,C,A)\n- dill - Fe,Mn,Ca\ncurrent supplement:\n- Ferrosan Multi-tabs Intensive\n- vit(A=800ug,D=10ug,E=30mg,B1=B2=B6=5mg,B12=7ug,PP=30mg,B5=10mg,B9=400ug,C=200mg)\n- CaCO3=200mg,MgO=100mg,ZnO=15mg,CuSO4=2mg,MnSO4=2.5mg,CrCl3=50ug,KI=150ug\n- ferrous fumarate = 5mg\n- natrium selenite = 50ug\n- contains gelatine :-(\nplanned:\n- spinach - additional\n- sesame seeds - calcium, zinc\n- crimini mushroom
|Asus M2A-VM|2100|http://www.ultracomp.ru/common/good_ex.php?site_id=1&small=1&id=121940|\n|Acer 22"|7610|http://www.ultracomp.ru/common/good_ex.php?site_id=1&small=1&id=118182|\n|AMD x2 4200+ EE|2650|http://www.ultracomp.ru/common/good_ex.php?site_id=1&small=1&id=107483|\n|...|...|...|
I'm running pdnsd on and named listening on all interfaces with forwarders set to pdnsd. This way (it seems) I get all the functionality of BIND with persistent disk-backed caching.\n\nI've been thinking about sharing caches between regular BIND 9.x servers. Each server can have a view for all the other servers with no forwarders and a view for clients with forwarders set to all the other servers. This way, with two servers the cache is fully replicated. If one of the servers loses its cache, it's still able to resolve very quickly using the other server's cache.
I now have 3-6+ virtual desktops, each populated with 3-4 xterm windows, plain zsh running in each of them. What I want is to limit my console work to one virtual desktop with 4 xterm windows all directly connected to a single local screen session. Every command I run should start in a new window, and screen should switch to it immediately. When the command finishes, the window should be killed and screen should switch to the last window I was in, so that execution of short-lived programs looks exactly like no new windows were started at all.\n\nThere should be window groups and I should be able to switch to another group, effecting every xterm window, with a single keypress, emulating multiple virtual desktops with 4xN xterms.\n\nBasically each window should be fully logged with some security-wise exceptions.\n\nI hope to thus reduce RAM usage dramatically. Keeping long-lived non-daemonized processes in separate windows should save me from wasting another xterm+zsh. I can set xterm's buffers to a small value and 4 xterms are not too fat a load compared to 10-20. The number of zsh sessions will not decrease much, but I'm looking at zsh built-in (or plugged-in) solutions which can help me improve my shell/console experience.\n\nWhat I would really appreciate is 4 xterm windows and 1 zsh session, full emulation of unlimited xterm+zsh windows. How's that possible? Well, I only have two hands, so I'm only truly interactive in one window at each point in time, so zsh really needs only one stdin from me. When I start programs, zsh should run them in the background and reassign stdin to them. Or something like a single zsh server managing cache and jobs and lightweight clients.\n\nActually, I can imagine how I can make that happen. BTW, I might settle for two rxvt windows (display split in two by a vertical border) and have screen split each one in two or more by horizontal borders. I know screen can be patched to have vertical internal borders, and I know that different ways to move left-right and up-down can slow me down, but I'm willing to try, I think, and with the large resident footprint of all-included rxvt-unicode it's always nice to cut down on the number of separate windows. So. I need some kick-ass wrappers. Basically, if zsh itself (with all jobs in the backround or none running at all) is visible in several places on screen, only one of the places should accept any input and produce any output. These zsh-windows can be implemented in several ways. There's only one active zsh-window at any time. The easy logic to select a new active zsh-window can be based on keyboard input - i.e. whichever zsh-window receives input becomes active immediately. Saving/restoring states of zsh-windows crossing active-nonactive states with non-empty input buffers can be very difficult. It probably should be implementation-defined.\n\nOff-hand, I'd say these zsh-windows can be implemented through lightweight sh or C wrappers, or using zsh modules for output on multiple TTY's. The real solution is probably to write a zsh module, but that can take time.\n\nAnother nice feature would be survival of reboots to some extent. Processes like zsh and top should be restarted. Programs like vim should be restarted with restore options. Copy buffers should be restored (by replaying window logs?)\n\n!Layers of key-bindings\nOnly now do I recognize how many layers of key-bindings I have to keep in mind at all times...\n* xorg\n* wmii\n* rxvt\n* screen\n* zsh\n* applications\n\n!Xmodmap\n"Please release the following keysum in 2 seconds" - says xmodmap from time to time when I try to rebind Caps Lock to Mod4 (I use it as the MOD key in wmii). "sleep 2" helps, but I'll have to read xmodmap's code to learn why bother. Or maybe it's worked arouned in X.org 7.x somehow.\n\n!Screen\nMuch as it is vital, screen is a real pita to configure right. If I start it in a text-based console terminal and then reattach in rxvt, control sequences (like Backspace and Home) get totally crazy. And that's just one issue of a thousand. Lot's of work is to be done.
|>|!general queue|\n|horde|some pita|\n|zenoss|a number of deps|\n|typespeed|in progress|\n|zabbix|maintained, not used|\n|zabbix-devel|planned, not used|\n|htop|dumps core|\n|cutmp3|http://www.puchalla-online.de/cutmp3.html|\n|pinger|http://aa.vslib.cz/silk/projekty/pinger/index.php|\n|listen|http://www.listen-project.org/|\n|lbxproxy|X.org|\n|amaya|maintained, but stale|\n|dstat|http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/dstat/ our linprocfs is not complete enough|\n|gosposhlina|http://sourceforge.net/projects/gosposhlina/|\n|groundwork|http://www.groundworkopensource.com/ - integration of nagios and co.|\n|cutoggvorbis|http://www.puchalla-online.de/cutoggvorbis/cutoggvorbis.html|\n|veejay|waiting for new ffmpeg to work on amd64|\n|gaphor|our python stuff sucks|\n|drawpile|http://sourceforge.net/projects/drawpile/|\n|bundleman|http://public.dev.nuxeo.com/~ben/bundleman/|\n|flrec|http://www.matteolucarelli.net/flrec/index_en.htm|\n|fsvs|http://fsvs.tigris.org/|\n|borewiki|http://www.guru-group.fi/~too/sw/borewiki/Readme.html|\n|pssh|http://www.theether.org/pssh/|\n|schnolgo|http://schnolgo.sourceforge.net/|\n|obm|http://obm.aliasource.org/ - a great example of external glue we should support|\n|maildirtree|http://triplehelix.org/~joshk/maildirtree/ - obsolete?|\n|fms|http://fmsynth.sourceforge.net/|\n|clonezilla|...|\n|arp-scan|http://www.nta-monitor.com/tools/arp-scan/|\n|exactimage|http://www.exactcode.de/site/open_source/exactimage/|\n|TWS-ASCII|http://freshmeat.net/projects/tws-ascii/|\n|djvu2pdf|too beta|\n|moreutils|http://kitenet.net/~joey/code/moreutils/ - ts conflicts sysutils/ts and ifdata does not compile|\n|coolreader|http://coolreader.org/downloads/ dumps core in crengine|\n|crengine|compiles fine|\n|go6/freenet6|http://www.go6.net/4105/download.asp|\n|pdsh|http://www.llnl.gov/linux/pdsh/pdsh.html|\n|unicap|compiles, but not tested|\n|rss2email|almost there thanks to pkgsrc|\n|shunit2|http://www.forestent.com/wiki/ShUnit2:Main_Page|\n|Video Contact Sheet|http://p.outlyer.net/vcs/ some linuxisms left|\n|synscan|whatever|\n|gogglesmm|gb build system, look at goggles|\n|nanoblogger|killed by vee?|\n|txt2pdf|http://www.sanface.com/txt2pdf.html|\n|burncenter|http://alx14.free.fr/burncenter/|\n|clfswm|http://hocwp.free.fr/clfswm/|\n|mical|http://www.0x1.org/d/projects/mical/ - iCal|\n|radare|http://radare.nopcode.org/ - hex editor|\n|docfrac|almost ready|\n|dtrx|http://www.brettcsmith.org/2007/dtrx/|\n|driftnet|http://www.ex-parrot.com/~chris/driftnet/|\n|tinyuml|http://www.tinyuml.org/Wikka/HomePage|\n|mlocate|http://carolina.mff.cuni.cz/~trmac/blog/mlocate/|\n|pdfread|http://pdfread.sourceforge.net/|\n|copyfs|http://invaders.mars-attacks.org/~boklm/copyfs/|\n|vertris|http://vertris.googlepages.com/|\n|lcdtest|http://www.brouhaha.com/~eric/software/lcdtest/|\n|alpine|http://www.washington.edu/alpine/ - almost ready, from pkgsrc|\n|djv|http://djv.sourceforge.net/|\n|mozilla2ps|http://djv.sourceforge.net/|\n|mathmap|http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/schani/mathmap/|\n|umibozu|http://umibozu.org/|\n|arahpaint|http://www.arahne.si/openApaint4.html|\n|hpodder|http://software.complete.org/hpodder|\n|buzztard|http://www.buzztard.org/index.php/Main_Page|\n|fdclone|http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA012337/soft/fd/README.eng.txt|\n|ktoon|almost ready, fscked up bashisms/linuxisms|\n|quazip|ready, testing pending|\n|dzen|http://gotmor.googlepages.com/dzen|\n|skulker|scary packaging|\n|mapivi|http://mapivi.sourceforge.net/mapivi.shtml|\n\n|!updates|\n|http://www.antcom.de/gtick/|\n|workrave|\n|freeciv|\n|tkcvs|\n|zabbix|\n\n|!collections|\n|http://www.ex-parrot.com/~chris/software.html|\n|http://www.billposer.org/software.html|\n|http://nullwebmail.sourceforge.net/|\n|http://www.vanheusden.com/Linux/|\n|http://mysite.verizon.net/jforys/jeffware.html|\n\n|!fast readers|\n|http://www.minezone.org/wiki/Main/RSVPReaderComparison|\n|http://wordflashreader.sourceforge.net/|\n|http://fastreader.sourceforge.net/|\n|http://dictator.kieranholland.com/dictator.html|\n|http://www.nongnu.org/hopify/|\n|http://www.icebreaker.net/mindfire|\n\n|advene|http://liris.cnrs.fr/advene/|\n|dockboard|http://dockboard.sourceforge.net/|\n|nightfall|http://www.hs.uni-hamburg.de/DE/Ins/Per/Wichmann/Nightfall.html|\n\n|!zenoss|http://zenoss.com/|\n|pdis xpath|http://pdis.hiit.fi/pdis/download/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdis-xpath/|\n|yapps2|http://theory.stanford.edu/~amitp/yapps/#yapps2|\n|pysnpp|http://sourceforge.net/projects/pysnpp/|\n|twill|http://twill.idyll.org/ ugly bundle, unbundling in progress; showforms doesn't work|\n|winexe|http://eol.ovh.org/winexe/|\n|testgen-0.0-r3649|zenoss-local?|\n|sendpage|http://www.sendpage.org/|\n|to be continued...||\n\n|!java-tainted|\n|freewrl|\n|mailster|\n|freemind|\n|datacrow|\n|mediasort|\n|claros *|\n|tigase|\n|IridiumFlares|\n\n|!updates|\n|http://gnofract4d.sourceforge.net/gallery.html|\n\n|!dance|\n|http://sourceforge.net/projects/ultrastar-ng/|\n|http://sourceforge.net/projects/stepmania|\n\n|!just links|\n|http://sourceforge.net/projects/ocsinventory|\n|http://boxtream.unice.fr/|\n\n|!sound|\n|http://freshmeat.net/projects/oss/|\n|http://lv2plug.in/spec/|\n|http://wiki.drobilla.net/SLV2|\n|http://www.traverso-daw.org/|
{{{\n--mandir=${PREFIX}\n!defined(WITHOUT\ndir/\ngratuitious ()\nlegal portversion\ncd kkk/dirabc&©tree_share \s* nnn/dirabc => cd kkk&©tree_share dirabc nnn/\ndetect unneeded for loops somehow\n"cp -r" => "cp -R"\nchown in Makefile => chown in plist (for dirs)\ntrailing slashes in plist\nplist: empty dirs check\nplist: dir not-in-mtree check\n:= in depends is legal\nbdeps=${rdeps} => bdeps:=${rdeps} if right after rdeps=something\ns/.sh// in use_rc_subr\nnon-ascii everywhere\nmore than one consecutive blank lines everywhere\ntrailing whitespace everywhere\nmore bsd.sites.mk checks\ntarget consolidation: pre-x+do-x+post-x=>do-x\ndupes in _ARGS, _LIST, _ENV, etc.\nunroll simple for loops: only one command with only one iterator instance\ndistname/wrksrc should be based on distversion\ndistversionprefix/suffix where appropriate\ndon't += non-user-tunables outside of loops (only first time they turn up in a Makefile)\nproper indentation, esp. continuation lines\n@FreeBSD.org\nshell built-in's vs. separate commands\nsig in pkg-descr\nportname in comment\nmake variable defs in targets\nrerolled distfiles\nfreebsd.org/local in master sites\ncategory vs current subdir\n}}}
|>|>|!RFCs|\n|!##|!vol|!status|\n|rfc20 - ASCII|9|read|\n|rfc678 - File formats|8|read|\n|rfc732,1043 - Telnet data entry|.|.|\n|rfc734,736 - supdup|.|.|\n|rfc768 - UDP|.|read|\n|rfc791 - IP|.|read|\n|rfc792 - ICMP|.|read|\n|rfc793 - TCP|.|read|\n|rfc813 - Window/ACK|.|.|\n|rfc814 - Name, addresses, ...|.|.|\n|rfc815 - IP reassembly|.|.|\n|rfc816 - Fault isolation|.|.|\n|rfc817 - Modularity|.|.|\n|rfc826 - ARP|.|read|\n|rfc854 - Telnet spec|15|read|\n|rfc855 - Telnet options|3|read|\n|rfc856 - Telnet binary|4|read|\n|rfc857 - Telnet echo|5|read|\n|rfc858 - Telnet supress-GA|2|read|\n|rfc859 - Telnet status|3|read|\n|rfc860 - Telnet timing-mark|4|read|\n|rfc861 - Telnet exopl|2|read|\n|rfc862 - Echo|1|read|\n|rfc863 - Discard|1|read|\n|rfc864 - Chargen|3|read|\n|rfc865 - QotD|1|read|\n|rfc866 - Active users|1|read|\n|rfc867 - Daytime|2|read|\n|rfc868 - Time|2|read|\n|rfc1073,1079,1080,1091,1184 - Telnet|.|.|\n|rfc879 - TCP MSS|.|read|\n|rfc893 - Ethernet trailer|.|.|\n|rfc894 - IP over Eth|.|.|\n|rfc896 - IP/TCP congestion|.|.|\n|rfc903 - rarp|.|.|\n|rfc906 - Bootstrap over tftp|.|.|\n|rfc922 - Bcast in subnets|.|.|\n|rfc950 - Subnetting|.|.|\n|rfc951 - bootp|.|.|\n|rfc952 - DoD host table|.|.|\n|rfc953 - Hostname server|.|.|\n|rfc959 - FTP|.|reading|\n|rfc963 - IP problems|.|.|\n|rfc980 - Document order|.|.|\n|rfc1016 - Quench/SQuID|.|.|\n|rfc1032 - Domain admin guide|.|.|\n|rfc1033 - Domain admin opguide|.|.|\n|rfc1034 - DNS concepts|55|read|\n|rfc1035 - DNS spec|55|read|\n|rfc1042 - IP over 802|.|.|\n|rfc1047 - SMTP dups|.|.|\n|rfc1049 - Content-type header|.|.|\n|rfc1071 - Checksum|.|.|\n|rfc1091 - Telnet term-type|7|read|\n|rfc1108 - IP secopts|.|.|\n|rfc1112 - Multicasting|.|.|\n|rfc1122 - inet hosts comm|116|read|\n|rfc1123 - inet hosts app|.|.|\n|rfc1155 - tcp/ip mgmt info|.|.|\n|rfc1180 - IP tutorial|.|read|\n|rfc1191 - PMTU|19|read|\n|rfc1305 - ntpv3|.|.|\n|rfc1321 - MD5|.|read|\n|rfc1323 - TCP hiperf|37|read|\n|rfc1350 - tftp|.|.|\n|rfc1421+ - Email security|.|.|\n|rfc1518 - CIDR arch|27|read|\n|rfc1519 - CIDR strategy|24|read|\n|rfc1542 - bootp extensions|.|.|\n|rfc1546 - Anycast|9|read|\n|rfc1652 - SMTP 8bit|.|.|\n|rfc1812 - IPv4 routers|.|.|\n|rfc1847 - MIME multipart/signed|.|.|\n|rfc1848 - MIME MOSS|.|.|\n|rfc1874 - MIME sgml types|.|.|\n|rfc1881 - IPv6 addr alloc|.|.|\n|rfc1896 - MIME text/enriched|.|.|\n|rfc1991 - PGP msg exchg fmts|.|.|\n|rfc2015 - MIME+PGP|.|.|\n|rfc2018 - TCP sack|12|read|\n|rfc2033 - LMTP|.|read|\n|rfc2045 - MIME/1 format|31|read|\n|rfc2046 - MIME/2 media types|44|read|\n|rfc2047 - MIME/3 non-ascii headers|.|read|\n|rfc2049 - MIME/5 conformance|24|read|\n|rfc2077 - MIME model type|.|.|\n|rfc2088 - IMAP literal+|.|read|\n|rfc2119 - RFC key words|.|read|\n|rfc2152 - UTF-7|.|read|\n|rfc2177 - IMAP idle|.|read|\n|rfc2183 - Content-disposition|.|.|\n|rfc2231 - MIME charset extns|.|.|\n|rfc2317 - Classless in-addr|10|read|\n|rfc2440 - OpenPGP msg fmt|.|.|\n|rfc2460 - IPv6|39|read|\n|rfc2461 - IPv6 ND|93|read|\n|rfc2462 - IPv6 addrconf|25|read|\n|rfc2464 - IPv6 over Eth|7|read|\n|rfc2526 - IPv6 reserved anycast|7|read|\n|rfc2581 - TCP congestion|14|read|\n|rfc2616 - HTTP/1.1|176|read|\n|rfc2617 - HTTP auth|.|read|\n|rfc2675 - IPv6 jumbograms|9|read|\n|rfc2683 - IMAP recommendations|.|read|\n|rfc2817 - HTTP+TLS|.|.|\n|rfc2821 - SMTP|.|read|\n|rfc2822 - IMAL|.|read|\n|rfc2988 - TCP RTO|8|read|\n|rfc3023 - MIME xml types|.|.|\n|rfc3028 - Sieve|.|read|\n|rfc3156 - MIME+OpenPGP|.|.|\n|rfc3174 - SHA1|.|read|\n|rfc3284 - vcdiff|.|.|\n|rfc3390 - TCP initial wnd|15|.|\n|rfc3431 - Sieve relational|.|read|\n|rfc3461 - SMTP DSN|.|.|\n|rfc3501 - IMAP|.|read|\n|rfc3598 - Sieve subaddress|.|read|\n|rfc3676 - MIME text/plain format|.|.|\n|rfc3685 - Sieve spam/virustest|.|read|\n|rfc3798 - MIME msg disposition|.|.|\n|rfc3849 - IPv6 doc prefix|.|.|\n|rfc3885 - SMTP msg tracking|.|.|\n|rfc3894 - Sieve copy|.|read|\n|rfc3986 - URI syntax|.|.|\n|rfc4193 - IPv6 unique|.|.|\n|rfc4234 - ABNF|.|.|\n|rfc4288 - MIME media type rgstr|.|read|\n|rfc4289 - MIME/4 rgstr|.|read|\n|rfc4291 - IPv6 addrarch|.|read|\n|rfc4422 - SASL|.|read|\n|rfc4301 - IP SA|101|read|\n|rfc4302 - IP AH|34|read|\n|rfc4303 - IP ESP|44|reading|\n|rfc4304 - IP ESN|5|.|\n|rfc4305 - IP ESP crypto|9|.|\n|rfc4306 - IKEv2|99|.|\n|rfc4307 - IKEv2 crypto|6|.|\n|rfc4346 - TLS 1.1|87|read|\n|rfc4347 - DTLS 1.1|25|read|\n|rfc4443 - ICMPv6|24|read|\n|rfc4634 - SHA|.|.|\n\n|!name|!vol|!status|\n|>|>|!docs|\n|>|>|!articles|\n|"A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication", V. Cerf and R. Kahn|.|read|\n|http://aharp.ittns.northwestern.edu/papers/k5-anycast/index.html|.|.|\n|http://www.isc.org/index.pl?/pubs/tn/?tn=isc-tn-2003-1.html|.|.|\n|http://www.lpthe.jussieu.fr/~talon/freebsdports.html|.|.|\n|>|>|!books|\n|D&I of FreeBSD|.|.|\n|OS, Tanenbaum|.|.|\n|termcap and terminfo|.|.|\n|!manuals|>|>|\n|mutt|.|.|\n|termcap(5)|.|.|\n|infotocap(1m)|.|.|\n|captoinfo(1m)|.|.|\n|resize(1)|.|.|\n|terminfo(5)|.|.|\n|infocmp(1m)|.|.|\n|tack(1)|.|.|\n|tic(1m)|.|.|\n|toe(1m)|.|.|\n|tput(1), reset(1)|.|.|\n|!EOF|>|>|
As a developer I have to recursively grep through /usr/src, /usr/ports and even /usr/local often enough to be concerned about how much time I spend waiting. I use simple queries as well as very complicated ones. Littles research has been done on indexing for fast regex searches (there's is a well-known paper though). All I have to resort to for now is conventional indexing.\n\nRight now I'm looking at:\n- gonzui\n- clucene\n- hyperestraier\n- xapian\n\nInterestingly enough, there are few tools that provide convenient CLI, most of them are GUI-oriented. The other sad thing is that most provide very fuzzy results, nothing close to grep. gonzui is cool, but it is quite limited. The search for the right searching tools continues.\n\nSadly, Google Code Search is next to unusable at this point of development.\n\nTo port:\nstrigi\nhttp://main.linuxfocus.org/~guido/#whichman
When it's after midnight and well into the new day, you know there's not much time left for your precious sleep - and you have to set an alarm up. The problem is when you're trying to do this, usually you're almost asleep. Yesterday, I left my earplugs plugged-in in my laptop. I was lucky enough to have slept for 6 hours before I barely heard them tweet - I wouldn't wake up if I was too sleepy.\n\nSometimes I just make a typo when configuring an at(1) job. Sometimes I'm off by a few hours, especially when my fingers are dreaming already. More often than not - I forget to turn the volume up a bit, after I turn it off or very quiet working in the night. Whatever.
This is a fat piece of Javascript called tiddlywiki. I tried to compress it, but it's not trivial without some deep hacks, so excuse me for wasting your bandwidth and CPU time. I'm not a big fan of technology that gets in your way.
!!!detecting leaf ports\n{{{\nsat@amilo:/var/db/pkg% for i in *;do if test \s! -f $i/+REQUIRED_BY;then echo $i;fi;done|less\n}}}\n\n!!!cheeseshop into bsd.sites.mk\n{{{\nsat@amilo:/usr/ports% grep -r cheeseshop . | less -S\nsat@amilo:/usr/ports% grep -rl cheeseshop . | sed -e 's/Makefile/distinfo/'|xargs grep SIZE\nCHEESESHOP:source/${DISTNAME:C/(.).*/\s1/}/${DISTNAME:C/(.*)-[0-9].*/\s1/}\n}}}\n!!!de-ed2kify\n{{{\nfor i in \s[*\s]*;do mv $i ${(S)i/\s[*\s]./};done\n}}}\n!!!post current-update\n{{{\nsat@tyl:/usr/src# make delete-old delete-old-libs\nsat@tyl:/usr/local/bin# for i in *;if [ "`ldd $i 2>&- |grep found`" ];then echo $i;fi|xargs pkg_info -W\nsat@tyl:/usr/local/lib# for i in *so.[0-9];if [ "`ldd $i 2>&- |grep found`" ];then echo $i;fi|xargs pkg_info -W\nsat@amilo:/usr/local/bin# for i in *;if [ "`ldd $i 2>&- |grep found`" ];then echo $i;fi|xargs pkg_info -W|cut -f6 -d" "|sort -u|xargs portupgrade -f\n}}}
!!!Tech\n\n* script/tail - braindead\n* screen - buggy\nto try:\n* splitvm\n* dtach - update port to cvs\n* twin - much too cocky\n* clusterssh\n* mussh
In my search for a more efficient environment I couldn't not have a look at alternative terminal emulators. I currently use xterm, but being quite happy with it I can't say there are no features I dream about. rxvt-unicode, compiled with support for all encodings, has a larger footprint (almost twice the resident size of xterm, but I haven't done any tuning) - but it does a great job displaying all those exotic unicode characters. Moreover, it has a daemon mode, the thing I always wanted. Now that I plan switching to a 2 or 4 terminals in total, it's not as critical as it used to be. I sure wish zsh and many other highly parallel tools had a daemon mode.\n\nThanks to Thierry Thomas, rxvt-unicode port is in wonderful condition: no dialog-style options, but fully customizable and up-to-date. I'll give it a shot.
Don't tell me p2p is evil (in the bad sense, that is). How else was I gonna hear the new Pirates' soundtrack right now? It's flabbergastingly cool, almost unbelievable. Zimmer said that the second Pirates had crappy soundtrack because he was too busy working on the third movie. Well, he's redeemed. Almost no of his own cliches, only a solid, but terrifyingly beautiful wall of sound, the very best money can buy. I could rate the movie 8/10 without even watching it.