libdjbdns - libraries from the djbdns package

Description | Download | Installation


libdjbdns is a way to use the libraries developed by Prof. Daniel J. Bernstein as part of his excellent djbdns package of DNS-related tools and servers. Its purpose is to allow other developers to make use of Prof. Bernstein's code without having to duplicate it in their own projects.

Downloading libdjbdns

The libdjbdns homepage is here, with a mirror here. libdjbdns is currently distributed as a patch against the latest djbdns sources, defining Makefile targets for the build and installation of the libraries and header files only, without the djbdns command-line utilities.

The current version - libdjbdns 1.05-pre1 - is available here, with a detached PGP signature.

There is a FreeBSD port of libdjbdns, available as net/libdjbdns in recent versions of the FreeBSD Ports Collection.

Installing libdjbdns

To install libdjbdns, you need to download the djbdns sources first, from Prof. Bernstein's distribution site. After that, apply the libdjbdns-1.05-pre1.patch patch to the sources. This will modify the it Makefile target, and add two new targets, setup-lib and check-lib, similar to the setup and check targets in the stock djbdns distribution. Modify the conf-cc, conf-ld, and conf-home files just as you would do for djbdns itself, then issue a

make setup-lib check-lib
command, and you are done!

The FreeBSD port of libdjbdns, available as net/libdjbdns in recent versions of the FreeBSD Ports Collection, should facilitate this process for FreeBSD users.

Description | Download | Installation

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Contacts: Peter Pentchev