FH_Flood - Many Fragment packets (last packet only)
Host and Router
FH_Flood.seq [-tooloption ...] -pkt FH_Flood.def -tooloption: v6eval tool option
1. Check Link0 Link Local address Reachability 2. Check support of Fragment Header
1. Send many fragment packets. 2. Wait 5 sec. 3. Send Echo Request 4. If NS received then send NA, and wait Echo Reply again 5. Receive Echo Reply
last fragment packets is:
IPv6 Header Version = 6 Traffic Class = 0 FlowLabel = 0 PayloadLength = 16 NextHeader = 44 (Fragment Header) HopLimit = 64 SourceAddress = Tester Link Local Address DestinationAddress = Target Link Local Address
Fragment Header NextHeader = 58 (ICMPv6) Reserved1 = 0 FragmentOffset = 8125 Reserved2 = 0 MFlag = 0 Identification = $base, $base + 1, $base + 2, ... (be increased for each packets, and $base is generated by current system time.) Payload data = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
PASS : echo reply packet received. FAIL : don't received echo reply packet.
perldoc V6evalTool