Router for DHCP client
TN TN1 | | ISP site --+----+-------+------- Link0 | NUT Host | | Customer site -------+-------+------- Link1 3ffe:501:fffc:XXXX::/64
TN Link-local fe80::200:ff:fe00:a0a0 Ether 00:00:00:00:a0:a0 Delegate Prefix 3ffe:501:fffc:: Prefix Length 48 TN1 (other server) Link-local fe80::200:ff:fe00:a1a1 Ether 00:00:00:00:a1:a1 Delegate Prefix 3ffe:501:fffc:: Prefix Length 48 Host Link-local fe80::200:ff:fe00:101 ether 00:00:00:00:01:01
Tester as Server Target as Client Tester as Host | | | |<--------------------------| | | DHCP Solicit message | | | | |
1. Wait DHCP Solicit message
AddresseSolicit messagesUDP Ports
Src NUT link-local address Dst All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers
All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers FF02::1:2
Clients listen for DHCP messages on UDP port 546 Server listen for DHCP messages on UDP port 547
DHCP MessageDHCP Solicit message
msg-type SOLICIT(1) transaction-id The transaction ID for this message exchange options Client Identifier Option (MUST) IA_PD Option (MUST) Code 33 (TBD) IAID The unique identifier which client specified T1 ANY T2 ANY Elapsed Time Option (MUST) elapsed-time ANY Option Request Option (Optional)
Tester as Server Target as Client Tester as Host | | | |-------------------------->| | | DHCP Advertise message | | | w/ Status Code option | | | NoPrefixAvail | | | | | |<--------------------------| | | Judgment #1 | | | DHCP Solicit message | | | | | |-------------------------->| | | DHCP Advertise message | | | from other server | | | | | |<--------------------------| | | Judgment #2 | | | DHCP Request message | | | to other server | | | | | |-------------------------->| | | DHCP Reply message | | | from other server | | | | | v v v
1. Send DHCP Advertise message with Status Code option NoPrefixAvail 2. Wait DHCP Solicit message again 3. Send DHCP Advertise message from other server 4. Wait DHCP Request message sending to other server 5. Send DHCP Reply message from other server
AddressesSolicit, Request messagesUDP Ports
Src NUT link-local address Dst All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers
All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers FF02::1:2
Advertise message
Src fe80::200:ff:fe00:a0a0 Dst NUT link-local address
Advertise, Reply message from other server
Src fe80::200:ff:fe00:a1a1 Dst NUT link-local address
Clients listen for DHCP messages on UDP port 546 Server listen for DHCP messages on UDP port 547
DHCP MessagesDHCP Advertise message with Status Code option including NoPrefixAvail
msg-type ADVERTISE(2) transaction-id The same transaction ID previous message options Client Identifier Option Server Identifier Option DUID Contents type 1 Link-layer address plus time hardware type 1 Ether time Time which the server included link-layer address 00:00:00:00:a0:a0 Status Code Option status-code 6 NoPrefixAvail (TBD) status-message 0x56, 0x56, 0x56, 0x56, 0x56, 0x56, 0x56, 0x56
DHCP Solicit message
Same above
DHCP Advertise message from other server
msg-type ADVERTISE(2) transaction-id The same transaction ID previous message options Client Identifier Option Server Identifier Option DUID Contents type 1 Link-layer address plus time hardware type 1 Ether time Time which the server included link-layer address 00:00:00:00:a1:a1 Preference Option pref-value 255 IA_PD Option Code 33 (TBD) IAID Unique identifier which client specified T1 300 T2 480 IA_PD Prefix Option Code 34 (TBD) preferred-lifetime 600 valid-lifetime 1200 prefix-length 48 IPv6 prefix 3ffe:501:fffc::
DHCP Request message to other server
msg-type REQUEST(3) transaction-id The transaction ID for this message exchange options Client Identifier Option (MUST) Server Identifier Option (MUST) DUID Contents type 1 Link-layer address plus time hardware type 1 Ether time Time which the server included link-layer address 00:00:00:00:a1:a1 IA_PD Option (MUST) Code 33 (TBD) IAID Unique identifier which client specified T1 ANY T2 ANY IA_PD Prefix Option (Optional) Code 34 (TBD) preferred-lifetime ANY valid-lifetime ANY prefix-length 48 IPv6 prefix 3ffe:501:fffc:: Elapsed Time Option (MUST) elapsed-time ANY Option Request Option (Optional)
DHCP Reply message from other server
msg-type REPLY(7) transaction-id The same transaction ID previous message options Client Identifier Option Server Identifier Option DUID Contents type 1 Link-layer address plus time hardware type 1 Ether time Time which the server included link-layer address 00:00:00:00:a1:a1 IA_PD Option Code 33 (TBD) IAID Unique identifier which client specified T1 300 T2 480 IA_PD Prefix Option Code 34 (TBD) preferred-lifetime 600 valid-lifetime 1200 prefix-length 48 IPv6 prefix 3ffe:501:fffc::
1. NUT ignore DHCP Advertise message with Status Code option NoPrefixAvail. DHCP Solicit message is recieved again. 2. DHCP Request message is recieved sending to other server.
10. Delegating Router Solicitation
10.1 Requesting router behaviour
The requesting router creates and transmits a Solicit message as described in sections "Creation of Solicit Messages" and "Transmission of Solicit Messages" of the DHCP specification [6]. The requesting router creates an IA_PD and assigns it an IAID. The requesting router MUST include the IA_PD option in the Solicit message.
The requesting router processes any received Advertise messages as described in section "Receipt of Advertise Messages" in the DHCP specification [6]. The requesting router MAY choose to consider the presence of advertised prefixes in its decision about which delegating router to respond to.
The requesting router MUST ignore any Advertise message that includes a Status Code option containing the value NoPrefixAvail, with the exception that the requesting router MAY display the associated status message to the user.
15. IANA Considerations
IANA is requested to assign option codes to these options from the option-code space as defined in section "DHCPv6 Options" of the DHCPv6 specification [6].
IANA is requested to assign a status code to the NoPrefixAvail status code from the status-code space as defined in section "Status Codes" of the DHCPv6 specification [6].
17. DHCP Server Solicitation
17.1. Client Behavior
17.1.3. Receipt of Advertise Messages
The client MUST ignore any Advertise message that includes a Status Code option containing the value NoAddrsAvail, with the exception that the client MAY display the associated status message to the user.
Upon receipt of one or more valid Advertise messages, the client selects one or more Advertise messages based upon the following criteria.
- Those Advertise messages with the highest server preference value are preferred over all other Advertise messages.
- Within a group of Advertise messages with the same server preference value, a client MAY select those servers whose Advertise messages advertise information of interest to the client. For example, the client may choose a server that returned an advertisement with configuration options of interest to the client.
- The client MAY choose a less-preferred server if that server has a better set of advertised parameters, such as the available addresses advertised in IAs.
Once a client has selected Advertise message(s), the client will typically store information about each server, such as server preference value, addresses advertised, when the advertisement was received, and so on.
If the client needs to select an alternate server in the case that a chosen server does not respond, the client chooses the next server according to the criteria given above.
A. Appearance of Options in Message Types
The following table indicates with a "*" the options are allowed in each DHCP message type:
Client Server IA_NA Option Pref Time Relay Auth. Server ID ID IA_TA Request Msg. Unica. Solicit * * * * * Advert. * * * * * * Request * * * * * * Reply * * * * * * *
Status Rap. User Vendor Vendor Inter. Recon. Recon. Code Comm. Class Class Spec. ID Msg. Accept Solicit * * * * * Advert. * * * * * Request * * * * Reply * * * * * *
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