Title | Address Resolution Queue (more then one entry for an address ?) |
CommandLine | ./adrsolvQueuTwo.seq -pkt ./adrsolvQueuTwo.def -log 11.html -ti Address Resolution Queue (more then one entry for an address ?) |
TestVersion | REL_2_1_1 |
ToolVersion | REL_3_3_2 |
Start | 2011/10/23 23:20:55 |
Tn | .//tn.def |
Nu | /usr/local/v6eval//etc//nut.def |
Pkt | ./adrsolvQueuTwo.def |
System | freebsd-i386 |
TargetName | freebsd-head |
HostName | ipv6-conf |
Type | host |
23:20:55 | Start |
Initialization |
23:20:55 | Start Capturing Packets (Link0) |
New LLA of TN: 00:00:00:00:01:06 Test |
23:20:55 |
vSend(Link0,echo_request_a) Send an echo-request A (TN ==> NUT) |
23:20:55 |
vSend(Link0,echo_request_b) Send an echo-request B (TN ==> NUT) |
23:20:55 | vRecv(Link0,multicast_ns) timeout:3 cntLimit:1 seektime:0 Got multicast NS (TN <== NUT), then INCOMPLETE |
23:20:55 |
vSend(Link0,na) Send NA (TN ==> NUT) |
Wait for echo-reply |
23:20:55 | vRecv(Link0,echo_reply_a echo_reply_b) timeout:2 cntLimit:1 seektime:1319437255.980274 Got echo-reply B (TN <== NUT), then REACHABLE |
Wait for echo-reply |
23:20:56 | vRecv(Link0,echo_reply_a echo_reply_b) timeout:2 cntLimit:1 seektime:0 vRecv() return status=1 |
The queue can hold a packet OK |
23:20:58 | End |
Frame_Ether (length:72) | Hdr_Ether (length:14) | | DestinationAddress = 00:1c:23:09:f4:e8 | | SourceAddress = 00:00:00:00:01:06 | | Type = 34525 | Packet_IPv6 (length:58) | | Hdr_IPv6 (length:40) | | | Version = 6 | | | TrafficClass = 0 | | | FlowLabel = 0 | | | PayloadLength = 18 | | | NextHeader = 58 | | | HopLimit = 64 | | | SourceAddress = fe80::200:ff:fe00:106 | | | DestinationAddress = fe80::21c:23ff:fe09:f4e8 | | ICMPv6_EchoRequest (length:18) | | | Type = 128 | | | Code = 0 | | | Checksum = 45629 calc(45629) | | | Identifier = 24576 | | | SequenceNumber = 10 | | | Payload (length:10) | | | | data = 11111111 11111111 1111
Frame_Ether (length:72) | Hdr_Ether (length:14) | | DestinationAddress = 00:1c:23:09:f4:e8 | | SourceAddress = 00:00:00:00:01:06 | | Type = 34525 | Packet_IPv6 (length:58) | | Hdr_IPv6 (length:40) | | | Version = 6 | | | TrafficClass = 0 | | | FlowLabel = 0 | | | PayloadLength = 18 | | | NextHeader = 58 | | | HopLimit = 64 | | | SourceAddress = fe80::200:ff:fe00:106 | | | DestinationAddress = fe80::21c:23ff:fe09:f4e8 | | ICMPv6_EchoRequest (length:18) | | | Type = 128 | | | Code = 0 | | | Checksum = 19678 calc(19678) | | | Identifier = 28672 | | | SequenceNumber = 20 | | | Payload (length:10) | | | | data = 22222222 22222222 2222
Frame_Ether (length:86) | Hdr_Ether (length:14) | | DestinationAddress = 33:33:ff:00:01:06 | | SourceAddress = 00:1c:23:09:f4:e8 | | Type = 34525 | Packet_IPv6 (length:72) | | Hdr_IPv6 (length:40) | | | Version = 6 | | | TrafficClass = 0 | | | FlowLabel = 0 | | | PayloadLength = 32 | | | NextHeader = 58 | | | HopLimit = 255 | | | SourceAddress = fe80::21c:23ff:fe09:f4e8 | | | DestinationAddress = ff02::1:ff00:106 | | ICMPv6_NS (length:32) | | | Type = 135 | | | Code = 0 | | | Checksum = 18549 calc(18549) | | | Reserved = 0 | | | TargetAddress = fe80::200:ff:fe00:106 | | | Opt_ICMPv6_SLL (length:8) | | | | Type = 1 | | | | Length = 1 | | | | LinkLayerAddress = 00:1c:23:09:f4:e8 ===multicast_ns=================================
Frame_Ether (length:86) | Hdr_Ether (length:14) | | DestinationAddress = 00:1c:23:09:f4:e8 | | SourceAddress = 00:00:00:00:01:06 | | Type = 34525 | Packet_IPv6 (length:72) | | Hdr_IPv6 (length:40) | | | Version = 6 | | | TrafficClass = 0 | | | FlowLabel = 0 | | | PayloadLength = 32 | | | NextHeader = 58 | | | HopLimit = 255 | | | SourceAddress = fe80::200:ff:fe00:106 | | | DestinationAddress = fe80::21c:23ff:fe09:f4e8 | | ICMPv6_NA (length:32) | | | Type = 136 | | | Code = 0 | | | Checksum = 64512 calc(64512) | | | RFlag = 0 | | | SFlag = 1 | | | OFlag = 1 | | | Reserved = 0 | | | TargetAddress = fe80::200:ff:fe00:106 | | | Opt_ICMPv6_TLL (length:8) | | | | Type = 2 | | | | Length = 1 | | | | LinkLayerAddress = 00:00:00:00:01:06
Frame_Ether (length:72) | Hdr_Ether (length:14) | | DestinationAddress = 00:00:00:00:01:06 | | SourceAddress = 00:1c:23:09:f4:e8 | | Type = 34525 | Packet_IPv6 (length:58) | | Hdr_IPv6 (length:40) | | | Version = 6 | | | TrafficClass = 0 | | | FlowLabel = 0 | | | PayloadLength = 18 | | | NextHeader = 58 | | | HopLimit = 64 | | | SourceAddress = fe80::21c:23ff:fe09:f4e8 | | | DestinationAddress = fe80::200:ff:fe00:106 | | ICMPv6_EchoReply (length:18) | | | Type = 129 | | | Code = 0 | | | Checksum = 19422 calc(19422) | | | Identifier = 28672 | | | SequenceNumber = 20 | | | Payload (length:10) | | | | data = 22222222 22222222 2222 ===echo_reply_a================================= ng compare _ICMPV6_echo_reply_a.Identifier received:28672 = 24576 ng compare _ICMPV6_echo_reply_a.SequenceNumber received:20 = 10 ng compare echo_data_a.data received:22222222 22222222 2222 = 11111111 11111111 1111 ===echo_reply_b=================================