SendingBUtoCN - Sending Binding Update (wo/ A bit) to CN




SendingBUtoCN.seq [-tooloption ...] -pkt MN_Common.def
-tooloption: v6eval tool option


                                      R       TN
                                      |       |
                              --------+-------+--------------- LinkZ

                                      R2             NUT2
                                      |               |
                              --------+---------------+------- LinkY

                                      |       |
                                      HA2     R1     NUT1
                                      |       |       |
                              --------+-------+-------+------- LinkX

                          |           |
             NUT0        HA1          HA0
              |           |           |
Link0 --------+-----------+-----------+-----------------------
Link0 3ffe:501:ffff:100::/64 home link
LinkX 3ffe:501:ffff:102::/64  
LinkY 3ffe:501:ffff:103::/64  
LinkZ 3ffe:501:ffff:104::/64  
HA0(Link0) 3ffe:501:ffff:100:200:ff:fe00:a1a1/64  
HA1(Link0) 3ffe:501:ffff:100:200:ff:fe00:a2a2/64  
HA2(LinkX) 3ffe:501:ffff:102:200:ff:fe00:a3a3  
R1(LinkX) 3ffe:501:ffff:102:200:ff:fe00:a4a4  
R2(LinkY) 3ffe:501:ffff:103:200:ff:fe00:a5a5  
TN(LinkZ) 3ffe:501:ffff:104:200:ff:fe00:a6a6  


Sending Binding Update (wo/ A bit) to CN

        HA0    NUT1     R1      TN
        |       |       |       |
        |       | <---- |       | RA
        |       |       |       |
        | <---- |       |       | Binding Update (*1)
        | ----> |       |       | Binding Acknowledgement
        |       |       |       |
        |       | <------------ | Echo Request (out: HA0->NUT1, in: TN->NUT0)
        | <==== |       | ----> | Home Test Init(HoTI)
        |       | ------------> | Care-of Test Init(CoTI)
        | ====> |       | <---- | Home Test (HoT)
        |       | <------------ | Care-of Test (CoTI)
        | <==== |       | ----> | reversed tunneled Echo Reply (out:NUT1->HA0, in:NUT0->TN)
        |       | ------------> | Binding Update
        |       |       |       |


(*1) PASS: HA0 receives Binding Update
(*2) PASS: TN receives Echo Reply (Binding Update wo/ Abit)


11.7.2 Correspondent Binding Procedure
   When the mobile node is assured that its home address is valid, it
   can initiate a correspondent binding procedure with the purpose of
   allowing the correspondent node to cache the mobile node's current
   care-of address.  This procedure consists of the return routability
   procedure followed by a binding procedure.
   This section defines when to initiate the correspondent binding
   procedure, and rules to follow when performing it.
   After the mobile node has sent a Binding Update to its home agent to
   register a new primary care-of address (as described in Section
   11.7.1), the mobile node SHOULD initiate a correspondent binding
   procedure for each node that already appears in the mobile node's
   Binding Update List.  This is necessary in order to ensure that
   correspondent nodes do not have invalid information about the current
   location of the mobile node.  The initiated procedures can be used to
   either update or delete binding information in the correspondent