ReceivingBA132 - MN receives Binding Acknowledgement(error 132)




ReceivingBA132.seq [-tooloption ...] -pkt MN_Common.def
-tooloption: v6eval tool option


                                      R       TN
                                      |       |
                              --------+-------+--------------- LinkZ

                                      R2             NUT2
                                      |               |
                              --------+---------------+------- LinkY

                                      |       |
                                      HA2     R1     NUT1
                                      |       |       |
                              --------+-------+-------+------- LinkX

                          |           |
             NUT0        HA1          HA0
              |           |           |
Link0 --------+-----------+-----------+-----------------------
Link0 3ffe:501:ffff:100::/64 home link
LinkX 3ffe:501:ffff:102::/64  
LinkY 3ffe:501:ffff:103::/64  
LinkZ 3ffe:501:ffff:104::/64  
HA0(Link0) 3ffe:501:ffff:100:200:ff:fe00:a1a1/64  
HA1(Link0) 3ffe:501:ffff:100:200:ff:fe00:a2a2/64  
HA2(LinkX) 3ffe:501:ffff:102:200:ff:fe00:a3a3  
R1(LinkX) 3ffe:501:ffff:102:200:ff:fe00:a4a4  
R2(LinkY) 3ffe:501:ffff:103:200:ff:fe00:a5a5  
TN(LinkZ) 3ffe:501:ffff:104:200:ff:fe00:a6a6  


MN receives Binding Acknowledgement(error 132)

        HA0    NUT0     R1      R2
        |       |       |       | 
        | ----> |       |       | RA(H bit)
        |       |       |       | 
        |      NUT1     |       | 
        |       | <---- |       | RA
        |       |       |       | 
        | <---- |       |       | Binding Update (*1)
        | ----> |       |       | Binding Acknowledgement
        |       |       |       | 
        |      NUT2     |       |
        |       | <------------ | RA
        |       |       |       |
        | <---- |       |       | Binding Update (*2)
        | ----> |       |       | Binding Acknowledgement (w/ error=132)
        |       |       |       | * 132=home registration not supported
        |       |       |       | 
        |       |       |       | NUT SHOULD NOT send BU to HA0 (*3)
        |       |       |       | 
        |      NUT1     |       | 
        |       | <---- |       | RA
        |       |       |       | 
        |       |       |       | NUT SHOULD NOT send BU to HA0 (*4)
        |       |       |       | 


(*1) PASS: HA0 receives Binding Update
(*2) PASS: HA0 receives Binding Update
(*3) PASS: HA0 doesn't receive Binding Update
(*4) PASS: HA0 doesn't receive Binding Update


11.7.3 Receiving Binding Acknowledgements
   Upon receiving a packet carrying a Binding Acknowledgement, a mobile
   node MUST validate the packet according to the following tests:
   o  The packet meets the authentication requirements for Binding
      Acknowledgements, defined in Section 6.1.8 and Section 5.  That
      is, if the Binding Update was sent to the home agent, underlying
      IPsec protection is used.  If the Binding Update was sent to the
      MUST be present and have a valid value.
      be the last option and MUST not have trailing padding.
   o  The Sequence Number field matches the Sequence Number sent by the
      mobile node to this destination address in an outstanding Binding
   Any Binding Acknowledgement not satisfying all of these tests MUST be
   silently ignored.
   When a mobile node receives a packet carrying a valid Binding
   Acknowledgement, the mobile node MUST examine the Status field as
   o  If the Status field indicates that the Binding Update was accepted
      (the Status field is less than 128), then the mobile node MUST
      update the corresponding entry in its Binding Update List to
      indicate that the Binding Update has been acknowledged; the mobile
      node MUST then stop retransmitting the Binding Update.  In
      addition, if the value specified in the Lifetime field in the
      Binding Acknowledgement is less than the Lifetime value sent in
      the Binding Update being acknowledged, then the mobile node MUST
      subtract the difference between these two Lifetime values from the
      remaining lifetime for the binding as maintained in the
      corresponding Binding Update List entry (with a minimum value for
      the Binding Update List entry lifetime of 0).  That is, if the
      Lifetime value sent in the Binding Update was L_update, the
      Lifetime value received in the Binding Acknowledgement was L_ack,
      and the current remaining lifetime of the Binding Update List
      entry is L_remain, then the new value for the remaining lifetime
      of the Binding Update List entry should be
         max((L_remain - (L_update - L_ack)), 0)
      where max(X, Y) is the maximum of X and Y.  The effect of this
      step is to correctly manage the mobile node's view of the
      binding's remaining lifetime (as maintained in the corresponding
      Binding Update List entry) so that it correctly counts down from
      the Lifetime value given in the Binding Acknowledgement, but with
      the timer countdown beginning at the time that the Binding Update
      was sent.  Mobile nodes SHOULD send a new Binding Update well
      before the expiration of this period in order to extend the
      lifetime.  This helps to avoid disruptions in communications,
      which might otherwise be caused by network delays or clock drift.
   o  If the Status field indicates that the Binding Update was rejected
      (the Status field is greater than or equal to 128), then the
      mobile node SHOULD record in its Binding Update List that future
      Binding Updates SHOULD NOT be sent to this destination.
      Optionally, the mobile node MAY then take steps to correct the
      cause of the error and retransmit the Binding Update (with a new
      Sequence Number value), subject to the rate limiting restriction
      specified in Section 11.8.