SrcSelectRule1_deprecated.seq - Source Address Selection Check Rule 1(Prefer same address) with deprecated address
Rule 1: Prefer same address. If SA = D, then prefer SA.
Source addresses used for this test are "preferred address" and "deprecated address".
SrcSelectRule1_deprecated.seq [-tooloption ...] -pkt ADDR_SELECT.def -tooloption : v6eval tool option
This TEST performs the following Check procedures for every address group defined by Check 01 - *. *Check procedure 1. Initialize : 1.1. Set IPv6 Default Route in NUT (Default Router address = <TN-Link0-LinkLocalAddress>) 1.2. Add Candidate Source Addresses (deprecated / public ) in NUT * deprecated address is added by RA(PreferredLifetime=1) (TN->NUT) 1.3. Check Candidate Source Addresses by Ping6 (TN->NUT) 2. Send Ping6 from NUT to Destination 2.1. NUT send ICMPv6 echo request (NUT->TN) 3. Judgment : if (recive packet's Destination & Source Addresses) = (expected Destination & Source Addresses), Check pass 4. Cleanup : 4.1. Delete Candidate Source Addresses in NUT 4.2. Clear prefix list & NCE & default router list in NUT
NUT TN Default Router | | | ======(INITIALIZE)======= | | | |<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+ | Set IPv6 Default Route |<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+ | Add Candidate Source Addresses | | | |<----------------------+ RA (PreferredLifetime=1) | | | |<----------------------+ Echo Request to Candidate Source Addresses 1 +---------------------->| Echo Reply | | | |<----------------------+ Echo Request to Candidate Source Addresses 2 +---------------------->| Echo Reply | | | ======(INITIALIZE)======= | | | |<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+ | Excute ping6 command | | |
GS(Unicast Global Scope), GSM(Multicast Global Scope), OSM(Multicast Organization Scope), SS(Unicast Site local Scope), SSM(Multicast Site local Scope), LS(Link local Scope) LLA(Link Local Address)
Check 01: Destination: 3ffe::NUT'sEUI64(deprecated)(GS) Candidate Source Addresses: 3ffe::NUT'sEUI64(deprecated)(GS) or fec0::1(SS) or LLA(LS) Result: 3ffe::NUT'sEUI64(deprecated)(GS)
Check 02: Destination: fec0::NUT'sEUI64(deprecated)(SS) Candidate Source fec0::NUT'sEUI64(deprecated)(SS) or Addresses: 3ffe::1(GS) or LLA(LS) Result: fec::NUT'sEUI64(deprecated)(SS)
Check 01 - 02 PASS: Don't receive Echo Request and if possible, Please check source address in ping6 command result by your eyes
e.g. target5# /sbin/ping6 -n -c 1 -i 1 -h 64 -s 2 -p 00 -I ed0 3ffe::1 PATTERN: 0x00 PING6(50=40+8+2 bytes) 3ffe::1 --> 3ffe::1 ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ if source address and destination adddress are equal, Check PASS
*Please rewrite the following file. tn.def : "RemoteLog 1"
perldoc V6evalTool
ADDR_SELECT.html "Default Address Selection for IPv6" Test Common Utility
das_rules.html "Default Address Selection for IPv6" Rules