Portscout is an automated distfile check utility for the FreeBSD Ports Collection, described in detail in Section 14.5, “Portscout: the FreeBSD Ports Distfile Scanner”.
defines special
conditions within which the Portscout
distfile scanner is restricted.
Situations where PORTSCOUT
is set include:
When distfiles have to be ignored, whether for specific
versions, or specific minor revisions. For example, to
exclude version 8.2
from distfile
version checks because it is known to be broken, add:
PORTSCOUT= ignore:8.2
When specific versions or specific major and minor
revisions of a distfile must be checked. For example, if
only version 0.6.4
must be
monitored because newer versions have compatibility issues
with FreeBSD, add:
PORTSCOUT= limit:^0\.6\.4
When URLs listing the available versions differ from the download URLs. For example, to limit distfile version checks to the download page for the databases/pgtune port, add:
PORTSCOUT= site:http://pgfoundry.org/frs/?group_id=1000416
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