Results for spec@arb_texture_multisample@fb-completeness@4


Result: pass

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Detail Value
Returncode 0
Time 0:00:00.201656
Testing fbo completeness for config 'single_msaa_color'
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=1
Sample 0 position 0.38 0.12
Sample 1 position 0.88 0.38
Sample 2 position 0.12 0.62
Sample 3 position 0.62 0.88
Testing fbo completeness for config 'msaa_mrt_color'
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=1
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=1
Sample 0 position 0.38 0.12
Sample 1 position 0.88 0.38
Sample 2 position 0.12 0.62
Sample 3 position 0.62 0.88
Testing fbo completeness for config 'msaa_mixed_texture_and_renderbuffer'
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=1
  Att target=GL_RENDERBUFFER att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=1
Sample 0 position 0.38 0.12
Sample 1 position 0.88 0.38
Sample 2 position 0.12 0.62
Sample 3 position 0.62 0.88
Testing fbo completeness for config 'mixed_msaa_and_plain'
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=1
  Att target=GL_RENDERBUFFER att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 samples=0 dims=64,64,1 fixed=1
Testing fbo completeness for config 'msaa_mrt_color_nofixed'
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=0
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=0
Sample 0 position 0.38 0.12
Sample 1 position 0.88 0.38
Sample 2 position 0.12 0.62
Sample 3 position 0.62 0.88
Testing fbo completeness for config 'mix_fixedmode'
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=1
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=0
Testing fbo completeness for config 'mix_fixedmode_with_renderbuffer'
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=0
  Att target=GL_RENDERBUFFER att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=1
Testing fbo completeness for config 'msaa_depth'
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE att=GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=1
Sample 0 position 0.38 0.12
Sample 1 position 0.88 0.38
Sample 2 position 0.12 0.62
Sample 3 position 0.62 0.88
Testing fbo completeness for config 'msaa_depth_stencil'
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE att=GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=1
Sample 0 position 0.38 0.12
Sample 1 position 0.88 0.38
Sample 2 position 0.12 0.62
Sample 3 position 0.62 0.88
Testing fbo completeness for config 'msaa_classic_stencil'
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=1
  Att target=GL_RENDERBUFFER att=GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT samples=4 dims=64,64,1 fixed=1
Sample 0 position 0.38 0.12
Sample 1 position 0.88 0.38
Sample 2 position 0.12 0.62
Sample 3 position 0.62 0.88
Testing fbo completeness for config 'msaa_color_layer'
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 samples=4 dims=64,64,2 fixed=1
Sample 0 position 0.38 0.12
Sample 1 position 0.88 0.38
Sample 2 position 0.12 0.62
Sample 3 position 0.62 0.88
Testing fbo completeness for config 'msaa_color_nonzero_layer'
  Att target=GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY att=GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 samples=4 dims=64,64,2 fixed=1
Sample 0 position 0.38 0.12
Sample 1 position 0.88 0.38
Sample 2 position 0.12 0.62
Sample 3 position 0.62 0.88

PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR="/usr/local/lib/piglit" PIGLIT_PLATFORM="mixed_glx_egl"
Command /usr/local/lib/piglit/bin/arb_texture_multisample-fb-completeness 4 -auto -fbo


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