Results for spec@arb_framebuffer_object@fbo-blit-stretch


Result: fail

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Detail Value
Returncode 1
Time 0:00:00.150517
45x79 (13, 33)-(30, 44) => 200x150 (19, 23)-(36, 34) nearest
45x79 (13, 33)-(30, 44) => 200x150 (19, 23)-(36, 34) linear
45x79 (30, 44)-(13, 33) => 200x150 (36, 34)-(19, 23) flip_src_x flip_src_y flip_dst_x flip_dst_y nearest
45x79 (30, 44)-(13, 33) => 200x150 (36, 34)-(19, 23) flip_src_x flip_src_y flip_dst_x flip_dst_y linear
45x79 (30, 33)-(13, 44) => 200x150 (19, 34)-(36, 23) flip_src_x flip_dst_y nearest
45x79 (30, 33)-(13, 44) => 200x150 (19, 34)-(36, 23) flip_src_x flip_dst_y linear
45x79 (13, 44)-(30, 33) => 200x150 (36, 23)-(19, 34) flip_src_y flip_dst_x nearest
45x79 (13, 44)-(30, 33) => 200x150 (36, 23)-(19, 34) flip_src_y flip_dst_x linear
45x79 (13, 33)-(30, 44) => 200x150 (19, 23)-(87, 67) stretch_x stretch_y nearest
45x79 (13, 33)-(30, 44) => 200x150 (19, 23)-(87, 67) stretch_x stretch_y linear
45x79 (13, 33)-(30, 44) => 200x150 (19, 23)-(87, 67) stretch_x stretch_y nearest
45x79 (13, 33)-(30, 44) => 200x150 (19, 23)-(87, 67) stretch_x stretch_y linear
45x79 (13, 33)-(14, 34) => 200x150 (19, 23)-(26, 30) stretch_x stretch_y nearest
45x79 (13, 33)-(14, 34) => 200x150 (19, 23)-(26, 30) stretch_x stretch_y linear
45x79 (13, 33)-(30, 44) => 200x150 (-8, -5)-(9, 6) clamp_dst_x clamp_dst_y nearest
45x79 (13, 33)-(30, 44) => 200x150 (-8, -5)-(9, 6) clamp_dst_x clamp_dst_y linear
45x79 (13, 33)-(30, 44) => 200x150 (192, 145)-(209, 156) clamp_dst_x clamp_dst_y nearest
45x79 (13, 33)-(30, 44) => 200x150 (192, 145)-(209, 156) clamp_dst_x clamp_dst_y linear
45x79 (-8, -5)-(9, 6) => 200x150 (19, 23)-(36, 34) clamp_src_x clamp_src_y nearest
45x79 (-8, -5)-(9, 6) => 200x150 (19, 23)-(36, 34) clamp_src_x clamp_src_y linear
45x79 (37, 74)-(54, 85) => 200x150 (19, 23)-(36, 34) clamp_src_x clamp_src_y nearest
45x79 (37, 74)-(54, 85) => 200x150 (19, 23)-(36, 34) clamp_src_x clamp_src_y linear
45x79 (0, 0)-(45, 79) => 200x150 (0, 0)-(200, 150) stretch_x stretch_y nearest
45x79 (0, 0)-(45, 79) => 200x150 (0, 0)-(200, 150) stretch_x stretch_y linear
Probe at (99,0)
  Expected: 0.112499 0.887501 0.000000
  Observed: 0.125490 0.874510 0.000000

PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR="/usr/local/lib/piglit" PIGLIT_PLATFORM="mixed_glx_egl"
Command /usr/local/lib/piglit/bin/fbo-blit-stretch -auto


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