Newsflash: New releases, drivers, committers, security announcements, and other news.
Press Releases: Press releases from the project and other related organizations.
Press articles: FreeBSD appearing in the regular press.
Status reports: FreeBSD bi-monthly development status reports.
BSD DevCenter: The'Reilly Network's clearing house for BSD articles, news, tutorials, or generally community information. Active online forums and news community site dedicated to FreeBSD and other BSDs.
BSD Freak: A site dedicated to delivering BSD-related articles and tutorials from a user's perspective. An online magazine dedicated to all BSDs.
BSD Vault: A user-supported web portal dedicated to the proliferation of BSD operating systems.
DaemonNews ( Monthly articles and daily discussion about all things BSD.
FreeBSD Diary: One man's record of his trials and triumphs with FreeBSD.
Kerneltrap: Daily articles and current kernel news, about BSD and Linux kernels.
OSNews: Daily articles and news about Linux, BSD and other operating systems.
Slashdot's BSD section: Pointers and discussion about BSD news, not just FreeBSD.