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FreeBSD Java™ Project: JDK™ 1.1

The latest version is jdk1.1.8_ELF.V1999-11-9.tar.gz. for ELF (FreeBSD versions 3 or 4) or for older 2.2 releases you can grab jdk1.1.8_AOUT.V1099-11-9.tar.gz. Patches which were used to build both releases are available here. These are only useful if you have the actual Java source code.

In addition, the appropriate internationalized JRE™ releases are also available.

You might trying getting it from a site that is a bit closer to you, or you might be http impaired. Try to get it from one of these mirrors.:

These releases do not require a Motif license as they are compiled against a Motif library which allows public distribution of the JDK libraries and binaries.


JDK1.1.8 for FreeBSD
Fixed in this release:
- Printing from the JDK should now work reliably.
- Updated to now use the assembly version of the interpreter.  Performance
  should be increased.
- Better handling of signals like DIVIDE and SIGFPE which are trapped and
  handled correctly now.
- The ELF version should work better with AWT/Swing applications.  The
  FreeBSD project donated a more modern copy of Motif that should avoid
  some weird X errors that occurred previously.

For best results, we suggest you run the most recent releases of FreeBSD,
which are 2.2.8 for the a.out releases, and FreeBSD 3.2R, to take advantage
of the fixes in those releases.

If you find bug or have bug-fixes you'd like to see integrated, please send
email to '' so we can make future releases even better.

Known Bugs/Limitations:
The number of sockets that can be used at any one time is hard-coded ahead
of time (at this time, it's 2000).  This is not necessarily a limitation of
the FreeBSD kernel, but coming up with a 'dynamic' scheme is non-trivial so
none of the developers has written the code, and no-one else has
provided any patches to the development team.  If this is important to you,
we welcome any patches to provide a more 'dynamic' scheme that doesn't limit
the number of file descriptors (sockets).
To make a distribution that works without X *and* with X, two binaries
are provided. The first is linked without X, and is the standard binary.
 The second binary is linked against a static version of X, and against
the shared X libraries.  The version used is controlled by the setting
of the DISPLAY environment variable, which is used by X to determine
where to send the output.