/* mswindows-specific glyph objects. Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 Andy Piper. This file is part of XEmacs. XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* Synched up with: Not in FSF. */ /* written by Andy Piper plagiarising bits from glyphs-x.c */ #include #include "lisp.h" #include "lstream.h" #define OEMRESOURCE /* Define OCR_ and friend constants */ #include "console-msw.h" #include "glyphs-msw.h" #include "objects-msw.h" #include "window.h" #include "elhash.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "frame.h" #include "insdel.h" #include "opaque.h" #include "sysfile.h" #include "faces.h" #include "imgproc.h" #ifdef FILE_CODING #include "file-coding.h" #endif #include #include #ifdef HAVE_XFACE #include #endif #define WIDGET_GLYPH_SLOT 0 DECLARE_IMAGE_INSTANTIATOR_FORMAT (nothing); DECLARE_IMAGE_INSTANTIATOR_FORMAT (string); DECLARE_IMAGE_INSTANTIATOR_FORMAT (formatted_string); DECLARE_IMAGE_INSTANTIATOR_FORMAT (inherit); #ifdef HAVE_JPEG DECLARE_IMAGE_INSTANTIATOR_FORMAT (jpeg); #endif #ifdef HAVE_TIFF DECLARE_IMAGE_INSTANTIATOR_FORMAT (tiff); #endif #ifdef HAVE_PNG DECLARE_IMAGE_INSTANTIATOR_FORMAT (png); #endif #ifdef HAVE_GIF DECLARE_IMAGE_INSTANTIATOR_FORMAT (gif); #endif #ifdef HAVE_XPM DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, xpm); DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (msprinter, xpm); #endif DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, xbm); DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (msprinter, xbm); #ifdef HAVE_XFACE DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, xface); DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (msprinter, xface); #endif DECLARE_IMAGE_INSTANTIATOR_FORMAT (layout); DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, native_layout); DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, button); DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, edit_field); DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, subwindow); DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, widget); DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, label); DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, scrollbar); DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, combo_box); DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, progress_gauge); DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, tree_view); DEFINE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, tab_control); DEFINE_IMAGE_INSTANTIATOR_FORMAT (bmp); Lisp_Object Qbmp; Lisp_Object Vmswindows_bitmap_file_path; static COLORREF transparent_color = RGB (1,1,1); DEFINE_IMAGE_INSTANTIATOR_FORMAT (mswindows_resource); Lisp_Object Q_resource_type, Q_resource_id; Lisp_Object Qmswindows_resource; static void mswindows_initialize_dibitmap_image_instance (Lisp_Image_Instance *ii, int slices, enum image_instance_type type); static void mswindows_initialize_image_instance_mask (Lisp_Image_Instance* image, HDC hcdc); /* * Given device D, retrieve compatible device context. D can be either * mswindows or an msprinter device. */ inline static HDC get_device_compdc (struct device *d) { if (DEVICE_MSWINDOWS_P (d)) return DEVICE_MSWINDOWS_HCDC (d); else return DEVICE_MSPRINTER_HCDC (d); } /* * Initialize image instance pixel sizes in II. For a display bitmap, * these will be same as real bitmap sizes. For a printer bitmap, * these will be scaled up so that the bitmap is proportionally enlarged * when output to printer. Redisplay code takes care of scaling, to * conserve memory we do not really scale bitmaps. Set the watermark * only here. * #### Add support for unscalable bitmaps. */ static void init_image_instance_geometry (Lisp_Image_Instance *ii) { struct device *d = DOMAIN_XDEVICE (ii->domain); if (/* #### Scaleable && */ DEVICE_MSPRINTER_P (d)) { HDC printer_dc = DEVICE_MSPRINTER_HCDC (d); HDC display_dc = CreateCompatibleDC (NULL); IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_WIDTH (ii) = MulDiv (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_WIDTH (ii), GetDeviceCaps (printer_dc, LOGPIXELSX), GetDeviceCaps (display_dc, LOGPIXELSX)); IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_HEIGHT (ii) = MulDiv (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_HEIGHT (ii), GetDeviceCaps (printer_dc, LOGPIXELSY), GetDeviceCaps (display_dc, LOGPIXELSY)); } else { IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_WIDTH (ii) = IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_WIDTH (ii); IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_HEIGHT (ii) = IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_HEIGHT (ii); } } #define BPLINE(width) ((int)(~3UL & (unsigned long)((width) +3))) /************************************************************************/ /* convert from a series of RGB triples to a BITMAPINFO formated for the*/ /* proper display */ /************************************************************************/ static BITMAPINFO* convert_EImage_to_DIBitmap (Lisp_Object device, int width, int height, unsigned char *pic, int *bit_count, unsigned char** bmp_data) { struct device *d = XDEVICE (device); int i,j; RGBQUAD* colortbl; int ncolors; BITMAPINFO* bmp_info; unsigned char *ip, *dp; if (GetDeviceCaps (get_device_compdc (d), BITSPIXEL) > 0) { int bpline = BPLINE(width * 3); /* FIXME: we can do this because 24bpp implies no color table, once * we start palettizing this is no longer true. The X versions of * this function quantises to 256 colors or bit masks down to a * long. Windows can actually handle rgb triples in the raw so I * don't see much point trying to optimize down to the best * structure - unless it has memory / color allocation implications * .... */ bmp_info=xnew_and_zero (BITMAPINFO); if (!bmp_info) { return NULL; } bmp_info->bmiHeader.biBitCount=24; /* just RGB triples for now */ bmp_info->bmiHeader.biCompression=BI_RGB; /* just RGB triples for now */ bmp_info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage=width*height*3; /* bitmap data needs to be in blue, green, red triples - in that order, eimage is in RGB format so we need to convert */ *bmp_data = xnew_array_and_zero (unsigned char, bpline * height); *bit_count = bpline * height; if (!bmp_data) { xfree (bmp_info); return NULL; } ip = pic; for (i = height-1; i >= 0; i--) { dp = (*bmp_data) + (i * bpline); for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { dp[2] =*ip++; dp[1] =*ip++; *dp =*ip++; dp += 3; } } } else /* scale to 256 colors */ { int rd,gr,bl; quant_table *qtable; int bpline = BPLINE (width * 3); /* Quantize the image and get a histogram while we're at it. Do this first to save memory */ qtable = build_EImage_quantable(pic, width, height, 256); if (qtable == NULL) return NULL; /* use our quantize table to allocate the colors */ ncolors = qtable->num_active_colors; bmp_info=(BITMAPINFO*)xmalloc_and_zero (sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(RGBQUAD) * ncolors); if (!bmp_info) { xfree (qtable); return NULL; } colortbl=(RGBQUAD*)(((unsigned char*)bmp_info)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); bmp_info->bmiHeader.biBitCount=8; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biCompression=BI_RGB; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage=bpline*height; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed=ncolors; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biClrImportant=ncolors; *bmp_data = (unsigned char *) xmalloc_and_zero (bpline * height); *bit_count = bpline * height; if (!*bmp_data) { xfree (qtable); xfree (bmp_info); return NULL; } /* build up an RGBQUAD colortable */ for (i = 0; i < qtable->num_active_colors; i++) { colortbl[i].rgbRed = (BYTE) qtable->rm[i]; colortbl[i].rgbGreen = (BYTE) qtable->gm[i]; colortbl[i].rgbBlue = (BYTE) qtable->bm[i]; colortbl[i].rgbReserved = 0; } /* now build up the data. picture has to be upside-down and back-to-front for msw bitmaps */ ip = pic; for (i = height-1; i >= 0; i--) { dp = (*bmp_data) + (i * bpline); for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { rd = *ip++; gr = *ip++; bl = *ip++; *dp++ = QUANT_GET_COLOR (qtable,rd,gr,bl); } } xfree (qtable); } /* fix up the standard stuff */ bmp_info->bmiHeader.biWidth=width; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biHeight=height; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biPlanes=1; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmp_info->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter=0; /* unless you know better */ bmp_info->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter=0; return bmp_info; } /* Given a pixmap filename, look through all of the "standard" places where the file might be located. Return a full pathname if found; otherwise, return Qnil. */ static Lisp_Object mswindows_locate_pixmap_file (Lisp_Object name) { /* This function can GC if IN_REDISPLAY is false */ Lisp_Object found; /* Check non-absolute pathnames with a directory component relative to the search path; that's the way Xt does it. */ if (IS_DIRECTORY_SEP(XSTRING_BYTE (name, 0)) || (XSTRING_BYTE (name, 0) == '.' && (IS_DIRECTORY_SEP(XSTRING_BYTE (name, 1)) || (XSTRING_BYTE (name, 1) == '.' && (IS_DIRECTORY_SEP(XSTRING_BYTE (name, 2))))))) { if (!NILP (Ffile_readable_p (name))) return Fexpand_file_name (name, Qnil); else return Qnil; } if (locate_file (Vmswindows_bitmap_file_path, name, Qnil, &found, R_OK) < 0) { Lisp_Object temp = list1 (Vdata_directory); struct gcpro gcpro1; GCPRO1 (temp); locate_file (temp, name, Qnil, &found, R_OK); UNGCPRO; } return found; } /* Initialize an image instance from a bitmap DEST_MASK specifies the mask of allowed image types. If this fails, signal an error. INSTANTIATOR is only used in the error message. */ static void init_image_instance_from_dibitmap (Lisp_Image_Instance *ii, BITMAPINFO *bmp_info, int dest_mask, void *bmp_data, int bmp_bits, int slices, Lisp_Object instantiator, int x_hot, int y_hot, int create_mask) { struct device *d = XDEVICE (IMAGE_INSTANCE_DEVICE (ii)); void* bmp_buf=0; enum image_instance_type type; HBITMAP bitmap; HDC hdc; if (dest_mask & IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP_MASK) type = IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP; else if (dest_mask & IMAGE_POINTER_MASK) type = IMAGE_POINTER; else incompatible_image_types (instantiator, dest_mask, IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP_MASK | IMAGE_POINTER_MASK); hdc = get_device_compdc (d); bitmap = CreateDIBSection (hdc, bmp_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &bmp_buf, 0, 0); if (!bitmap || !bmp_buf) signal_simple_error ("Unable to create bitmap", instantiator); /* copy in the actual bitmap */ memcpy (bmp_buf, bmp_data, bmp_bits); mswindows_initialize_dibitmap_image_instance (ii, slices, type); IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_FILENAME (ii) = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_file); /* Fixup a set of bitmaps. */ IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (ii) = bitmap; IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_MASK (ii) = NULL; IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_WIDTH (ii) = bmp_info->bmiHeader.biWidth; IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_HEIGHT (ii) = bmp_info->bmiHeader.biHeight; IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_DEPTH (ii) = bmp_info->bmiHeader.biBitCount; XSETINT (IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_HOTSPOT_X (ii), x_hot); XSETINT (IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_HOTSPOT_Y (ii), y_hot); init_image_instance_geometry (ii); if (create_mask) { mswindows_initialize_image_instance_mask (ii, hdc); } if (type == IMAGE_POINTER) { mswindows_initialize_image_instance_icon(ii, TRUE); } } static void image_instance_add_dibitmap (Lisp_Image_Instance *ii, BITMAPINFO *bmp_info, void *bmp_data, int bmp_bits, int slice, Lisp_Object instantiator) { struct device *d = XDEVICE (IMAGE_INSTANCE_DEVICE (ii)); void* bmp_buf=0; HBITMAP bitmap = CreateDIBSection (get_device_compdc (d), bmp_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &bmp_buf, 0,0); if (!bitmap || !bmp_buf) signal_simple_error ("Unable to create bitmap", instantiator); /* copy in the actual bitmap */ memcpy (bmp_buf, bmp_data, bmp_bits); IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_SLICE (ii, slice) = bitmap; } static void mswindows_init_image_instance_from_eimage (Lisp_Image_Instance *ii, int width, int height, int slices, unsigned char *eimage, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object domain) { Lisp_Object device = IMAGE_INSTANCE_DEVICE (ii); BITMAPINFO* bmp_info; unsigned char* bmp_data; int bmp_bits; COLORREF bkcolor; int slice; CHECK_MSGDI_DEVICE (device); /* this is a hack but MaskBlt and TransparentBlt are not supported on most windows variants */ bkcolor = COLOR_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_COLOR (XCOLOR_INSTANCE (FACE_BACKGROUND (Vdefault_face, domain))); for (slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) { /* build a bitmap from the eimage */ if (!(bmp_info=convert_EImage_to_DIBitmap (device, width, height, eimage + (width * height * 3 * slice), &bmp_bits, &bmp_data))) { signal_simple_error ("EImage to DIBitmap conversion failed", instantiator); } /* Now create the pixmap and set up the image instance */ if (slice == 0) init_image_instance_from_dibitmap (ii, bmp_info, dest_mask, bmp_data, bmp_bits, slices, instantiator, 0, 0, 0); else image_instance_add_dibitmap (ii, bmp_info, bmp_data, bmp_bits, slice, instantiator); xfree (bmp_info); xfree (bmp_data); } } inline static void set_mono_pixel (unsigned char* bits, int bpline, int height, int x, int y, int white) { int i; unsigned char bitnum; /* Find the byte on which this scanline begins */ i = (height - y - 1) * bpline; /* Find the byte containing this pixel */ i += (x >> 3); /* Which bit is it? */ bitnum = (unsigned char) (7 - (x & 7)); if (white) /* Turn it on */ bits[i] |= (1 << bitnum); else /* Turn it off */ bits[i] &= ~(1 << bitnum); } static void mswindows_initialize_image_instance_mask (Lisp_Image_Instance* image, HDC hcdc) { HBITMAP mask; HGDIOBJ old = NULL; unsigned char *dibits, *and_bits; BITMAPINFO *bmp_info = (BITMAPINFO*) xmalloc_and_zero (sizeof (BITMAPINFO) + sizeof (RGBQUAD)); int i, j; int height = IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_HEIGHT (image); int maskbpline = BPLINE ((IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_WIDTH (image) + 7) / 8); int bpline = BPLINE (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_WIDTH (image) * 3); if (!bmp_info) return; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biWidth=IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_WIDTH (image); bmp_info->bmiHeader.biHeight = height; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmp_info->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 1; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 2; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 2; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = height * maskbpline; bmp_info->bmiColors[0].rgbRed = 0; bmp_info->bmiColors[0].rgbGreen = 0; bmp_info->bmiColors[0].rgbBlue = 0; bmp_info->bmiColors[0].rgbReserved = 0; bmp_info->bmiColors[1].rgbRed = 255; bmp_info->bmiColors[1].rgbGreen = 255; bmp_info->bmiColors[1].rgbBlue = 255; bmp_info->bmiColors[0].rgbReserved = 0; if (!(mask = CreateDIBSection (hcdc, bmp_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)&and_bits, 0,0))) { xfree (bmp_info); return; } old = SelectObject (hcdc, IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (image)); /* build up an in-memory set of bits to mess with */ xzero (*bmp_info); bmp_info->bmiHeader.biWidth = IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_WIDTH (image); bmp_info->bmiHeader.biHeight = -height; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmp_info->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = height * bpline; dibits = (unsigned char*) xmalloc_and_zero (bpline * height); if (GetDIBits (hcdc, IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (image), 0, height, dibits, bmp_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS) <= 0) { xfree (bmp_info); return; } /* now set the colored bits in the mask and transparent ones to black in the original */ for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_WIDTH (image); i++) { for (j=0; j) ...) so that if an error happens we don't lose any malloc()ed data, or more importantly, leave any pixels allocated in the server. */ i = 0; LIST_LOOP (rest, color_symbol_alist) { Lisp_Object cons = XCAR (rest); Lisp_Object name = XCAR (cons); Lisp_Object value = XCDR (cons); if (NILP (value)) continue; if (STRINGP (value)) value = Fmake_color_instance (value, device, encode_error_behavior_flag (ERROR_ME_NOT)); else { assert (COLOR_SPECIFIERP (value)); value = Fspecifier_instance (value, domain, Qnil, Qnil); } if (NILP (value)) continue; results = noseeum_cons (noseeum_cons (name, value), results); i++; } UNGCPRO; /* no more evaluation */ *nsymbols=i; if (i == 0) return 0; colortbl = xnew_array_and_zero (struct color_symbol, i); for (j=0; jbfOffBits; bmp_bits = bmp_file_header->bfSize - bmp_file_header->bfOffBits; /* Now create the pixmap and set up the image instance */ init_image_instance_from_dibitmap (ii, bmp_info, dest_mask, bmp_data, bmp_bits, 1, instantiator, 0, 0, 0); } /********************************************************************** * RESOURCES * **********************************************************************/ static void mswindows_resource_validate (Lisp_Object instantiator) { if ((NILP (find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_file)) && NILP (find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_resource_id))) || NILP (find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_resource_type))) signal_simple_error ("Must supply :file, :resource-id and :resource-type", instantiator); } static Lisp_Object mswindows_resource_normalize (Lisp_Object inst, Lisp_Object console_type, Lisp_Object dest_mask) { /* This function can call lisp */ Lisp_Object file = Qnil; struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2; Lisp_Object alist = Qnil; GCPRO2 (file, alist); file = potential_pixmap_file_instantiator (inst, Q_file, Q_data, console_type); if (CONSP (file)) /* failure locating filename */ signal_double_file_error ("Opening pixmap file", "no such file or directory", Fcar (file)); if (NILP (file)) /* no conversion necessary */ RETURN_UNGCPRO (inst); alist = tagged_vector_to_alist (inst); { alist = remassq_no_quit (Q_file, alist); alist = Fcons (Fcons (Q_file, file), alist); } { Lisp_Object result = alist_to_tagged_vector (Qmswindows_resource, alist); free_alist (alist); RETURN_UNGCPRO (result); } } static int mswindows_resource_possible_dest_types (void) { return IMAGE_POINTER_MASK | IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP_MASK; } typedef struct { char *name; int resource_id; } resource_t; #ifndef OCR_ICOCUR #define OCR_ICOCUR 32647 #define OIC_SAMPLE 32512 #define OIC_HAND 32513 #define OIC_QUES 32514 #define OIC_BANG 32515 #define OIC_NOTE 32516 #define OIC_WINLOGO 32517 #if defined (CYGWIN) && CYGWIN_VERSION_DLL_MAJOR < 21 #define LR_SHARED 0x8000 #endif #endif static const resource_t bitmap_table[] = { /* bitmaps */ { "close", OBM_CLOSE }, { "uparrow", OBM_UPARROW }, { "dnarrow", OBM_DNARROW }, { "rgarrow", OBM_RGARROW }, { "lfarrow", OBM_LFARROW }, { "reduce", OBM_REDUCE }, { "zoom", OBM_ZOOM }, { "restore", OBM_RESTORE }, { "reduced", OBM_REDUCED }, { "zoomd", OBM_ZOOMD }, { "restored", OBM_RESTORED }, { "uparrowd", OBM_UPARROWD }, { "dnarrowd", OBM_DNARROWD }, { "rgarrowd", OBM_RGARROWD }, { "lfarrowd", OBM_LFARROWD }, { "mnarrow", OBM_MNARROW }, { "combo", OBM_COMBO }, { "uparrowi", OBM_UPARROWI }, { "dnarrowi", OBM_DNARROWI }, { "rgarrowi", OBM_RGARROWI }, { "lfarrowi", OBM_LFARROWI }, { "size", OBM_SIZE }, { "btsize", OBM_BTSIZE }, { "check", OBM_CHECK }, { "checkboxes", OBM_CHECKBOXES }, { "btncorners" , OBM_BTNCORNERS }, {0} }; static const resource_t cursor_table[] = { /* cursors */ { "normal", OCR_NORMAL }, { "ibeam", OCR_IBEAM }, { "wait", OCR_WAIT }, { "cross", OCR_CROSS }, { "up", OCR_UP }, /* { "icon", OCR_ICON }, */ { "sizenwse", OCR_SIZENWSE }, { "sizenesw", OCR_SIZENESW }, { "sizewe", OCR_SIZEWE }, { "sizens", OCR_SIZENS }, { "sizeall", OCR_SIZEALL }, /* { "icour", OCR_ICOCUR }, */ { "no", OCR_NO }, { 0 } }; static const resource_t icon_table[] = { /* icons */ { "sample", OIC_SAMPLE }, { "hand", OIC_HAND }, { "ques", OIC_QUES }, { "bang", OIC_BANG }, { "note", OIC_NOTE }, { "winlogo", OIC_WINLOGO }, {0} }; static int resource_name_to_resource (Lisp_Object name, int type) { const resource_t* res = (type == IMAGE_CURSOR ? cursor_table : type == IMAGE_ICON ? icon_table : bitmap_table); if (INTP (name)) { return XINT (name); } else if (!STRINGP (name)) { signal_simple_error ("invalid resource identifier", name); } do { Extbyte* nm=0; TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT (LISP_STRING, name, C_STRING_ALLOCA, nm, Qnative); if (!strcasecmp ((char*)res->name, nm)) return res->resource_id; } while ((++res)->name); return 0; } static int resource_symbol_to_type (Lisp_Object data) { if (EQ (data, Qcursor)) return IMAGE_CURSOR; else if (EQ (data, Qicon)) return IMAGE_ICON; else if (EQ (data, Qbitmap)) return IMAGE_BITMAP; else return 0; } static void mswindows_resource_instantiate (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object domain) { Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); unsigned int type = 0; HANDLE himage = NULL; LPCTSTR resid=0; HINSTANCE hinst = NULL; ICONINFO iconinfo; enum image_instance_type iitype; char* fname=0; Lisp_Object device = IMAGE_INSTANCE_DEVICE (ii); Lisp_Object file = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_file); Lisp_Object resource_type = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_resource_type); Lisp_Object resource_id = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_resource_id); xzero (iconinfo); CHECK_MSGDI_DEVICE (device); type = resource_symbol_to_type (resource_type); if (dest_mask & IMAGE_POINTER_MASK && type == IMAGE_CURSOR) iitype = IMAGE_POINTER; else if (dest_mask & IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP_MASK) iitype = IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP; else incompatible_image_types (instantiator, dest_mask, IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP_MASK | IMAGE_POINTER_MASK); /* mess with the keyword info we were provided with */ if (!NILP (file)) { Extbyte* f=0; TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT (LISP_STRING, file, C_STRING_ALLOCA, f, Qfile_name); #ifdef CYGWIN CYGWIN_WIN32_PATH (f, fname); #else fname = f; #endif if (NILP (resource_id)) resid = (LPCTSTR)fname; else { hinst = LoadLibraryEx (fname, NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); resid = MAKEINTRESOURCE (resource_name_to_resource (resource_id, type)); if (!resid) TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT (LISP_STRING, resource_id, C_STRING_ALLOCA, resid, Qnative); } } else if (!(resid = MAKEINTRESOURCE (resource_name_to_resource (resource_id, type)))) signal_simple_error ("Invalid resource identifier", resource_id); /* load the image */ if (xLoadImageA) /* not in NT 3.5 */ { if (!(himage = xLoadImageA (hinst, resid, type, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION | LR_DEFAULTSIZE | LR_SHARED | (!NILP (file) ? LR_LOADFROMFILE : 0)))) signal_simple_error ("Cannot load image", instantiator); } else { /* Is this correct? I don't really care. */ switch (type) { case IMAGE_BITMAP: himage = LoadBitmap (hinst, resid); break; case IMAGE_CURSOR: himage = LoadCursor (hinst, resid); break; case IMAGE_ICON: himage = LoadIcon (hinst, resid); break; } if (!himage) signal_simple_error ("Cannot load image", instantiator); } if (hinst) FreeLibrary (hinst); mswindows_initialize_dibitmap_image_instance (ii, 1, iitype); IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_FILENAME (ii) = file; IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_WIDTH (ii) = GetSystemMetrics (type == IMAGE_CURSOR ? SM_CXCURSOR : SM_CXICON); IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_HEIGHT (ii) = GetSystemMetrics (type == IMAGE_CURSOR ? SM_CYCURSOR : SM_CYICON); IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_DEPTH (ii) = 1; init_image_instance_geometry (ii); /* hey, we've got an icon type thing so we can reverse engineer the bitmap and mask */ if (type != IMAGE_BITMAP) { GetIconInfo ((HICON)himage, &iconinfo); IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (ii) = iconinfo.hbmColor; IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_MASK (ii) = iconinfo.hbmMask; XSETINT (IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_HOTSPOT_X (ii), iconinfo.xHotspot); XSETINT (IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_HOTSPOT_Y (ii), iconinfo.yHotspot); IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_ICON (ii) = (HICON) himage; } else { IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_ICON (ii) = NULL; IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (ii) = (HBITMAP) himage; IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_MASK (ii) = NULL; XSETINT (IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_HOTSPOT_X (ii), 0); XSETINT (IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_HOTSPOT_Y (ii), 0); } } static void check_valid_resource_symbol (Lisp_Object data) { CHECK_SYMBOL (data); if (!resource_symbol_to_type (data)) signal_simple_error ("invalid resource type", data); } static void check_valid_resource_id (Lisp_Object data) { if (!resource_name_to_resource (data, IMAGE_CURSOR) && !resource_name_to_resource (data, IMAGE_ICON) && !resource_name_to_resource (data, IMAGE_BITMAP)) signal_simple_error ("invalid resource identifier", data); } /********************************************************************** * XBM * **********************************************************************/ #ifndef HAVE_X_WINDOWS /* $XConsortium: RdBitF.c,v 1.10 94/04/17 20:16:13 kaleb Exp $ */ /* Copyright (c) 1988 X Consortium Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium. */ /* * This file contains miscellaneous utility routines and is not part of the * Xlib standard. * * Public entry points: * * XmuReadBitmapData read data from FILE descriptor * XmuReadBitmapDataFromFile read X10 or X11 format bitmap files * and return data * * Note that this file and ../X/XRdBitF.c look very similar.... Keep them * that way (but don't use common source code so that people can have one * without the other). */ /* * Based on an optimized version provided by Jim Becker, August 5, 1988. */ #ifndef BitmapSuccess #define BitmapSuccess 0 #define BitmapOpenFailed 1 #define BitmapFileInvalid 2 #define BitmapNoMemory 3 #endif #define MAX_SIZE 255 /* shared data for the image read/parse logic */ static short hexTable[256]; /* conversion value */ static int hex_initialized = FALSE; /* easier to fill in at run time */ /* * Table index for the hex values. Initialized once, first time. * Used for translation value or delimiter significance lookup. */ static void initHexTable (void) { /* * We build the table at run time for several reasons: * * 1. portable to non-ASCII machines. * 2. still reentrant since we set the init flag after setting table. * 3. easier to extend. * 4. less prone to bugs. */ hexTable['0'] = 0; hexTable['1'] = 1; hexTable['2'] = 2; hexTable['3'] = 3; hexTable['4'] = 4; hexTable['5'] = 5; hexTable['6'] = 6; hexTable['7'] = 7; hexTable['8'] = 8; hexTable['9'] = 9; hexTable['A'] = 10; hexTable['B'] = 11; hexTable['C'] = 12; hexTable['D'] = 13; hexTable['E'] = 14; hexTable['F'] = 15; hexTable['a'] = 10; hexTable['b'] = 11; hexTable['c'] = 12; hexTable['d'] = 13; hexTable['e'] = 14; hexTable['f'] = 15; /* delimiters of significance are flagged w/ negative value */ hexTable[' '] = -1; hexTable[','] = -1; hexTable['}'] = -1; hexTable['\n'] = -1; hexTable['\t'] = -1; hex_initialized = TRUE; } /* * read next hex value in the input stream, return -1 if EOF */ static int NextInt (FILE *fstream) { int ch; int value = 0; int gotone = 0; int done = 0; /* loop, accumulate hex value until find delimiter */ /* skip any initial delimiters found in read stream */ while (!done) { ch = getc(fstream); if (ch == EOF) { value = -1; done++; } else { /* trim high bits, check type and accumulate */ ch &= 0xff; if (isascii(ch) && isxdigit(ch)) { value = (value << 4) + hexTable[ch]; gotone++; } else if ((hexTable[ch]) < 0 && gotone) done++; } } return value; } /* * The data returned by the following routine is always in left-most byte * first and left-most bit first. If it doesn't return BitmapSuccess then * its arguments won't have been touched. This routine should look as much * like the Xlib routine XReadBitmapfile as possible. */ int read_bitmap_data (FILE* fstream, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height, unsigned char **datap, int *x_hot, int *y_hot) { unsigned char *data = NULL; /* working variable */ char line[MAX_SIZE]; /* input line from file */ int size; /* number of bytes of data */ char name_and_type[MAX_SIZE]; /* an input line */ char *type; /* for parsing */ int value; /* from an input line */ int version10p; /* boolean, old format */ int padding; /* to handle alignment */ int bytes_per_line; /* per scanline of data */ unsigned int ww = 0; /* width */ unsigned int hh = 0; /* height */ int hx = -1; /* x hotspot */ int hy = -1; /* y hotspot */ #define Xmalloc(size) malloc(size) /* first time initialization */ if (hex_initialized == FALSE) initHexTable(); /* error cleanup and return macro */ #define RETURN(code) { if (data) free (data); return code; } while (fgets(line, MAX_SIZE, fstream)) { if (strlen(line) == MAX_SIZE-1) { RETURN (BitmapFileInvalid); } if (sscanf(line,"#define %s %d",name_and_type,&value) == 2) { if (!(type = strrchr(name_and_type, '_'))) type = name_and_type; else type++; if (!strcmp("width", type)) ww = (unsigned int) value; if (!strcmp("height", type)) hh = (unsigned int) value; if (!strcmp("hot", type)) { if (type-- == name_and_type || type-- == name_and_type) continue; if (!strcmp("x_hot", type)) hx = value; if (!strcmp("y_hot", type)) hy = value; } continue; } if (sscanf(line, "static short %s = {", name_and_type) == 1) version10p = 1; else if (sscanf(line,"static unsigned char %s = {",name_and_type) == 1) version10p = 0; else if (sscanf(line, "static char %s = {", name_and_type) == 1) version10p = 0; else continue; if (!(type = strrchr(name_and_type, '_'))) type = name_and_type; else type++; if (strcmp("bits[]", type)) continue; if (!ww || !hh) RETURN (BitmapFileInvalid); if ((ww % 16) && ((ww % 16) < 9) && version10p) padding = 1; else padding = 0; bytes_per_line = (ww+7)/8 + padding; size = bytes_per_line * hh; data = (unsigned char *) Xmalloc ((unsigned int) size); if (!data) RETURN (BitmapNoMemory); if (version10p) { unsigned char *ptr; int bytes; for (bytes=0, ptr=data; bytes> 8; } } else { unsigned char *ptr; int bytes; for (bytes=0, ptr=data; bytes> 4]); } } /* if we want a mask invert the bits */ if (!mask) { new_offset = &new_data[height * new_width]; while (new_offset-- != new_data) { *new_offset ^= 0xff; } } bmp_info->bmiHeader.biWidth=width; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biHeight=-(LONG)height; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biPlanes=1; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmp_info->bmiHeader.biBitCount=1; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biCompression=BI_RGB; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 2; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 2; bmp_info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = height * new_width; bmp_info->bmiColors[0].rgbRed = GetRValue (fg); bmp_info->bmiColors[0].rgbGreen = GetGValue (fg); bmp_info->bmiColors[0].rgbBlue = GetBValue (fg); bmp_info->bmiColors[0].rgbReserved = 0; bmp_info->bmiColors[1].rgbRed = GetRValue (bg); bmp_info->bmiColors[1].rgbGreen = GetGValue (bg); bmp_info->bmiColors[1].rgbBlue = GetBValue (bg); bmp_info->bmiColors[1].rgbReserved = 0; bitmap = CreateDIBSection (hdc, bmp_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &bmp_buf, 0,0); xfree (bmp_info); if (!bitmap || !bmp_buf) { xfree (new_data); return NULL; } /* copy in the actual bitmap */ memcpy (bmp_buf, new_data, height * new_width); xfree (new_data); return bitmap; } /* Given inline data for a mono pixmap, initialize the given image instance accordingly. */ static void init_image_instance_from_xbm_inline (Lisp_Image_Instance *ii, int width, int height, /* Note that data is in ext-format! */ const char *bits, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, HBITMAP mask, Lisp_Object mask_filename) { Lisp_Object device = IMAGE_INSTANCE_DEVICE (ii); Lisp_Object foreground = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_foreground); Lisp_Object background = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_background); enum image_instance_type type; COLORREF black = PALETTERGB (0,0,0); COLORREF white = PALETTERGB (255,255,255); HDC hdc; CHECK_MSGDI_DEVICE (device); hdc = get_device_compdc (XDEVICE (device)); if ((dest_mask & IMAGE_MONO_PIXMAP_MASK) && (dest_mask & IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP_MASK)) { if (!NILP (foreground) || !NILP (background)) type = IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP; else type = IMAGE_MONO_PIXMAP; } else if (dest_mask & IMAGE_MONO_PIXMAP_MASK) type = IMAGE_MONO_PIXMAP; else if (dest_mask & IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP_MASK) type = IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP; else if (dest_mask & IMAGE_POINTER_MASK) type = IMAGE_POINTER; else incompatible_image_types (instantiator, dest_mask, IMAGE_MONO_PIXMAP_MASK | IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP_MASK | IMAGE_POINTER_MASK); mswindows_initialize_dibitmap_image_instance (ii, 1, type); IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_FILENAME (ii) = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_file); IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_WIDTH (ii) = width; IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_REAL_HEIGHT (ii) = height; IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_DEPTH (ii) = 1; XSETINT (IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_HOTSPOT_X (ii), 0); XSETINT (IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_HOTSPOT_Y (ii), 0); init_image_instance_geometry (ii); IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_MASK (ii) = mask ? mask : xbm_create_bitmap_from_data (hdc, (Extbyte *) bits, width, height, TRUE, black, white); switch (type) { case IMAGE_MONO_PIXMAP: IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (ii) = xbm_create_bitmap_from_data (hdc, (Extbyte *) bits, width, height, FALSE, black, black); break; case IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP: { COLORREF fg = black; COLORREF bg = white; if (!NILP (foreground) && !COLOR_INSTANCEP (foreground)) foreground = Fmake_color_instance (foreground, device, encode_error_behavior_flag (ERROR_ME)); if (COLOR_INSTANCEP (foreground)) fg = COLOR_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_COLOR (XCOLOR_INSTANCE (foreground)); if (!NILP (background) && !COLOR_INSTANCEP (background)) background = Fmake_color_instance (background, device, encode_error_behavior_flag (ERROR_ME)); if (COLOR_INSTANCEP (background)) bg = COLOR_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_COLOR (XCOLOR_INSTANCE (background)); IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_FG (ii) = foreground; IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_BG (ii) = background; IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (ii) = xbm_create_bitmap_from_data (hdc, (Extbyte *) bits, width, height, FALSE, fg, black); } break; case IMAGE_POINTER: { COLORREF fg = black; COLORREF bg = white; if (NILP (foreground)) foreground = pointer_fg; if (NILP (background)) background = pointer_bg; IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_HOTSPOT_X (ii) = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_hotspot_x); IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_HOTSPOT_Y (ii) = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_hotspot_y); IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_FG (ii) = foreground; IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_BG (ii) = background; if (COLOR_INSTANCEP (foreground)) fg = COLOR_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_COLOR (XCOLOR_INSTANCE (foreground)); if (COLOR_INSTANCEP (background)) bg = COLOR_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_COLOR (XCOLOR_INSTANCE (background)); IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (ii) = xbm_create_bitmap_from_data (hdc, (Extbyte *) bits, width, height, TRUE, fg, black); mswindows_initialize_image_instance_icon (ii, TRUE); } break; default: ABORT (); } } static void xbm_instantiate_1 (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, int width, int height, /* Note that data is in ext-format! */ const char *bits) { Lisp_Object mask_data = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_mask_data); Lisp_Object mask_file = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_mask_file); Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); HDC hdc = get_device_compdc (XDEVICE (IMAGE_INSTANCE_DEVICE (ii))); HBITMAP mask = 0; if (!NILP (mask_data)) { const char *ext_data; TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT (LISP_STRING, XCAR (XCDR (XCDR (mask_data))), C_STRING_ALLOCA, ext_data, Qbinary); mask = xbm_create_bitmap_from_data (hdc, (unsigned char *) ext_data, XINT (XCAR (mask_data)), XINT (XCAR (XCDR (mask_data))), FALSE, PALETTERGB (0,0,0), PALETTERGB (255,255,255)); } init_image_instance_from_xbm_inline (ii, width, height, bits, instantiator, pointer_fg, pointer_bg, dest_mask, mask, mask_file); } /* Instantiate method for XBM's. */ static void mswindows_xbm_instantiate (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object domain) { Lisp_Object data = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_data); const char *ext_data; assert (!NILP (data)); TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT (LISP_STRING, XCAR (XCDR (XCDR (data))), C_STRING_ALLOCA, ext_data, Qbinary); xbm_instantiate_1 (image_instance, instantiator, pointer_fg, pointer_bg, dest_mask, XINT (XCAR (data)), XINT (XCAR (XCDR (data))), ext_data); } #ifdef HAVE_XFACE /********************************************************************** * X-Face * **********************************************************************/ #if defined(EXTERN) /* This is about to get redefined! */ #undef EXTERN #endif /* We have to define SYSV32 so that compface.h includes string.h instead of strings.h. */ #define SYSV32 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef __STDC__ /* Needed to avoid prototype warnings */ #define __STDC__ #endif #include #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* JMP_BUF cannot be used here because if it doesn't get defined to jmp_buf we end up with a conflicting type error with the definition in compface.h */ extern jmp_buf comp_env; #undef SYSV32 static void mswindows_xface_instantiate (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object domain) { Lisp_Object data = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_data); int i, stattis; char *p, *bits, *bp; const char * volatile emsg = 0; const char * volatile dstring; assert (!NILP (data)); TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT (LISP_STRING, data, C_STRING_ALLOCA, dstring, Qbinary); if ((p = strchr (dstring, ':'))) { dstring = p + 1; } /* Must use setjmp not SETJMP because we used jmp_buf above not JMP_BUF */ if (!(stattis = setjmp (comp_env))) { UnCompAll ((char *) dstring); UnGenFace (); } switch (stattis) { case -2: emsg = "uncompface: internal error"; break; case -1: emsg = "uncompface: insufficient or invalid data"; break; case 1: emsg = "uncompface: excess data ignored"; break; } if (emsg) signal_simple_error_2 (emsg, data, Qimage); bp = bits = (char *) alloca (PIXELS / 8); /* the compface library exports char F[], which uses a single byte per pixel to represent a 48x48 bitmap. Yuck. */ for (i = 0, p = F; i < (PIXELS / 8); ++i) { int n, b; /* reverse the bit order of each byte... */ for (b = n = 0; b < 8; ++b) { n |= ((*p++) << b); } *bp++ = (char) n; } xbm_instantiate_1 (image_instance, instantiator, pointer_fg, pointer_bg, dest_mask, 48, 48, bits); } #endif /* HAVE_XFACE */ /************************************************************************/ /* image instance methods */ /************************************************************************/ static void mswindows_print_image_instance (Lisp_Image_Instance *p, Lisp_Object printcharfun, int escapeflag) { char buf[100]; switch (IMAGE_INSTANCE_TYPE (p)) { case IMAGE_MONO_PIXMAP: case IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP: case IMAGE_POINTER: sprintf (buf, " (0x%lx", (unsigned long) IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (p)); write_c_string (buf, printcharfun); if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_MASK (p)) { sprintf (buf, "/0x%lx", (unsigned long) IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_MASK (p)); write_c_string (buf, printcharfun); } write_c_string (")", printcharfun); break; default: break; } } #ifdef DEBUG_WIDGETS extern int debug_widget_instances; #endif static void finalize_destroy_window (void *win) { DestroyWindow ((HWND) win); } static void mswindows_finalize_image_instance (Lisp_Image_Instance *p) { if (!p->data) return; if (DEVICE_LIVE_P (XDEVICE (IMAGE_INSTANCE_DEVICE (p)))) { if (image_instance_type_to_mask (IMAGE_INSTANCE_TYPE (p)) & (IMAGE_WIDGET_MASK | IMAGE_SUBWINDOW_MASK)) { #ifdef DEBUG_WIDGETS debug_widget_instances--; stderr_out ("widget destroyed, %d left\n", debug_widget_instances); #endif if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_SUBWINDOW_ID (p)) { /* DestroyWindow is not safe here, as it will send messages to our window proc. */ register_post_gc_action (finalize_destroy_window, (void *) (WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (p))); register_post_gc_action (finalize_destroy_window, (void *) (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_CLIPWINDOW (p))); IMAGE_INSTANCE_SUBWINDOW_ID (p) = 0; } } else if (p->data) { int i; if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_TIMEOUT (p)) disable_glyph_animated_timeout (IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_TIMEOUT (p)); if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_SLICES (p)) { for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_MAXSLICE (p); i++) { if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_SLICE (p, i)) DeleteObject (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_SLICE (p, i)); IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_SLICE (p, i) = 0; } xfree (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_SLICES (p)); IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_SLICES (p) = 0; } if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_MASK (p)) DeleteObject (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_MASK (p)); IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_MASK (p) = 0; if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_ICON (p)) DestroyIcon (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_ICON (p)); IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_ICON (p) = 0; } } if (p->data) { xfree (p->data); p->data = 0; } } /************************************************************************/ /* subwindow and widget support */ /************************************************************************/ static HFONT mswindows_widget_hfont (Lisp_Image_Instance *p, Lisp_Object domain) { Lisp_Object face = IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_FACE (p); int under = FACE_UNDERLINE_P (face, domain); int strike = FACE_STRIKETHRU_P (face, domain); Lisp_Object font = query_string_font (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_TEXT (p), face, domain); return mswindows_get_hfont (XFONT_INSTANCE (font), under, strike); } static HDWP begin_defer_window_pos (struct frame *f) { #ifdef DEFER_WINDOW_POS if (FRAME_MSWINDOWS_DATA (f)->hdwp == 0) FRAME_MSWINDOWS_DATA (f)->hdwp = BeginDeferWindowPos (10); #endif return FRAME_MSWINDOWS_DATA (f)->hdwp; } /* unmap the image if it is a widget. This is used by redisplay via redisplay_unmap_subwindows */ static void mswindows_unmap_subwindow (Lisp_Image_Instance *p) { if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_SUBWINDOW_ID (p)) { #ifdef DEFER_WINDOW_POS struct frame *f = XFRAME (IMAGE_INSTANCE_FRAME (p)); HDWP hdwp = begin_defer_window_pos (f); HDWP new_hdwp; new_hdwp = DeferWindowPos (hdwp, IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_CLIPWINDOW (p), NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER /* Setting this flag causes the call to DeferWindowPos to fail with "Invalid parameter". I don't understand why we bother to try and set this anyway. -- ben */ /* | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING */ ); if (!new_hdwp) mswindows_output_last_error ("unmapping"); else hdwp = new_hdwp; FRAME_MSWINDOWS_DATA (f)->hdwp = hdwp; #else SetWindowPos (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_CLIPWINDOW (p), NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER ); #endif if (GetFocus() == WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (p)) SetFocus (GetParent (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_CLIPWINDOW (p))); } } /* map the subwindow. This is used by redisplay via redisplay_output_subwindow */ static void mswindows_map_subwindow (Lisp_Image_Instance *p, int x, int y, struct display_glyph_area* dga) { #ifdef DEFER_WINDOW_POS struct frame *f = XFRAME (IMAGE_INSTANCE_FRAME (p)); HDWP hdwp = begin_defer_window_pos (f); HDWP new_hdwp; #endif /* move the window before mapping it ... */ SetWindowPos (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_CLIPWINDOW (p), NULL, x, y, dga->width, dga->height, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING); /* ... adjust the child ... */ SetWindowPos (WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (p), NULL, -dga->xoffset, -dga->yoffset, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING); /* ... now map it - we are not allowed to move it at the same time. */ if (!IMAGE_INSTANCE_SUBWINDOW_DISPLAYEDP (p)) { #ifdef DEFER_WINDOW_POS new_hdwp = DeferWindowPos (hdwp, IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_CLIPWINDOW (p), NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW /* | SWP_NOCOPYBITS */ /* Setting this flag causes the call to DeferWindowPos to fail with "Invalid parameter". I don't understand why we bother to try and set this anyway. -- ben */ /* | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING */ | SWP_NOACTIVATE); if (!new_hdwp) mswindows_output_last_error ("mapping"); else hdwp = new_hdwp; FRAME_MSWINDOWS_DATA (f)->hdwp = hdwp; #else SetWindowPos (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_CLIPWINDOW (p), NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOACTIVATE); /* Doing this once does not seem to be enough, for instance when mapping the search dialog this gets called four times. If we only set on the first time through then the subwindow never gets focus as intended. However, doing this everytime doesn't seem so bad, after all we only need to redo this after the focus changes - and if that happens resetting the initial focus doesn't seem so bad. */ if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WANTS_INITIAL_FOCUS (p)) SetFocus (WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (p)); #endif } } /* resize the subwindow instance */ static void mswindows_resize_subwindow (Lisp_Image_Instance* ii, int w, int h) { /* Set the size of the control .... */ if (!SetWindowPos (WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii), NULL, 0, 0, w, h, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING)) mswindows_output_last_error ("resizing"); } /* Simply resize the window here. */ static void mswindows_redisplay_subwindow (Lisp_Image_Instance *p) { mswindows_resize_subwindow (p, IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDTH (p), IMAGE_INSTANCE_HEIGHT (p)); } /* when you click on a widget you may activate another widget this needs to be checked and all appropriate widgets updated */ static void mswindows_redisplay_widget (Lisp_Image_Instance *p) { /* Possibly update the face font and colors. */ if (!NILP (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_TEXT (p)) && (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_FACE_CHANGED (p) || XFRAME (IMAGE_INSTANCE_FRAME (p))->faces_changed || IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEMS_CHANGED (p))) { /* set the widget font from the widget face */ SendMessage (WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (p), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) mswindows_widget_hfont (p, IMAGE_INSTANCE_FRAME (p)), MAKELPARAM (TRUE, 0)); } /* Possibly update the dimensions. */ if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_SIZE_CHANGED (p)) { mswindows_resize_subwindow (p, IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDTH (p), IMAGE_INSTANCE_HEIGHT (p)); } /* Possibly update the text in the widget. */ if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_TEXT_CHANGED (p) && !NILP (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_TEXT (p))) { Extbyte* lparam=0; TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT (LISP_STRING, IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_TEXT (p), C_STRING_ALLOCA, lparam, Qnative); SendMessage (WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (p), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)lparam); } /* Set active state. */ if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEMS_CHANGED (p)) { Lisp_Object item = IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_PENDING_ITEMS (p); LONG style = GetWindowLong (WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (p), GWL_STYLE); if (CONSP (item)) item = XCAR (item); if (gui_item_active_p (item)) SetWindowLong (WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (p), GWL_STYLE, style & ~WS_DISABLED); else SetWindowLong (WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (p), GWL_STYLE, style | WS_DISABLED); } } /* Account for some of the limitations with widget images. */ static int mswindows_widget_border_width (void) { return DEFAULT_WIDGET_BORDER_WIDTH; } /* register widgets into our hashtable so that we can cope with the callbacks. The hashtable is weak so deregistration is handled automatically */ static int mswindows_register_gui_item (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object gui, Lisp_Object domain) { Lisp_Object frame = DOMAIN_FRAME (domain); struct frame* f = XFRAME (frame); int id = gui_item_id_hash (FRAME_MSWINDOWS_WIDGET_HASH_TABLE2 (f), gui, WIDGET_GLYPH_SLOT); Fputhash (make_int (id), image_instance, FRAME_MSWINDOWS_WIDGET_HASH_TABLE1 (f)); Fputhash (make_int (id), XGUI_ITEM (gui)->callback, FRAME_MSWINDOWS_WIDGET_HASH_TABLE2 (f)); Fputhash (make_int (id), XGUI_ITEM (gui)->callback_ex, FRAME_MSWINDOWS_WIDGET_HASH_TABLE3 (f)); return id; } static int mswindows_register_widget_instance (Lisp_Object instance, Lisp_Object domain) { return mswindows_register_gui_item (instance, XIMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEM (instance), domain); } static void mswindows_subwindow_instantiate (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object domain) { Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); Lisp_Object device = IMAGE_INSTANCE_DEVICE (ii); Lisp_Object frame = DOMAIN_FRAME (domain); HWND wnd; CHECK_MSWINDOWS_DEVICE (device); /* have to set the type this late in case there is no device instantiation for a widget */ IMAGE_INSTANCE_TYPE (ii) = IMAGE_SUBWINDOW; /* Allocate space for the clip window */ ii->data = xnew_and_zero (struct mswindows_subwindow_data); if ((IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_CLIPWINDOW (ii) = CreateWindowEx( 0, /* EX flags */ XEMACS_CONTROL_CLASS, 0, /* text */ WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CHILD, 0, /* starting x position */ 0, /* starting y position */ IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_WIDTH (ii), IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_HEIGHT (ii), /* parent window */ FRAME_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (XFRAME (frame)), NULL, /* No menu */ NULL, /* must be null for this class */ NULL)) == NULL) signal_simple_error ("window creation failed with code", make_int (GetLastError())); wnd = CreateWindow( "STATIC", "", WS_CHILD, 0, /* starting x position */ 0, /* starting y position */ IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_WIDTH (ii), IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_HEIGHT (ii), IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_CLIPWINDOW (ii), 0, (HINSTANCE) GetWindowLong (FRAME_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (XFRAME (frame)), GWL_HINSTANCE), NULL); SetWindowLong (wnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)LISP_TO_VOID(image_instance)); IMAGE_INSTANCE_SUBWINDOW_ID (ii) = wnd; } static int mswindows_image_instance_equal (Lisp_Image_Instance *p1, Lisp_Image_Instance *p2, int depth) { switch (IMAGE_INSTANCE_TYPE (p1)) { case IMAGE_MONO_PIXMAP: case IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP: case IMAGE_POINTER: if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (p1) != IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (p2)) return 0; break; default: break; } return 1; } static unsigned long mswindows_image_instance_hash (Lisp_Image_Instance *p, int depth) { switch (IMAGE_INSTANCE_TYPE (p)) { case IMAGE_MONO_PIXMAP: case IMAGE_COLOR_PIXMAP: case IMAGE_POINTER: return (unsigned long) IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (p); default: return 0; } } /* Set all the slots in an image instance structure to reasonable default values. This is used somewhere within an instantiate method. It is assumed that the device slot within the image instance is already set -- this is the case when instantiate methods are called. */ static void mswindows_initialize_dibitmap_image_instance (Lisp_Image_Instance *ii, int slices, enum image_instance_type type) { ii->data = xnew_and_zero (struct mswindows_image_instance_data); IMAGE_INSTANCE_TYPE (ii) = type; IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_FILENAME (ii) = Qnil; IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_MASK_FILENAME (ii) = Qnil; IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_HOTSPOT_X (ii) = Qnil; IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_HOTSPOT_Y (ii) = Qnil; IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_FG (ii) = Qnil; IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_BG (ii) = Qnil; IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_MAXSLICE (ii) = slices; IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP_SLICES (ii) = xnew_array_and_zero (HBITMAP, slices); } #ifdef HAVE_WIDGETS /************************************************************************/ /* widgets */ /************************************************************************/ static void mswindows_widget_instantiate (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object domain, const char* class, int flags, int exflags) { /* this function can call lisp */ Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); Lisp_Object device = IMAGE_INSTANCE_DEVICE (ii), style; Lisp_Object frame = DOMAIN_FRAME (domain); Extbyte* nm=0; HWND wnd; int id = 0xffff; Lisp_Object gui = IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEM (ii); Lisp_Gui_Item* pgui = XGUI_ITEM (gui); CHECK_MSWINDOWS_DEVICE (device); if (!gui_item_active_p (gui)) flags |= WS_DISABLED; style = pgui->style; if (!NILP (pgui->callback) || !NILP (pgui->callback_ex)) { id = mswindows_register_widget_instance (image_instance, domain); } if (!NILP (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_TEXT (ii))) TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT (LISP_STRING, IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_TEXT (ii), C_STRING_ALLOCA, nm, Qnative); /* allocate space for the clip window and then allocate the clip window */ ii->data = xnew_and_zero (struct mswindows_subwindow_data); if ((IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_CLIPWINDOW (ii) = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT, /* EX flags */ XEMACS_CONTROL_CLASS, 0, /* text */ WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CHILD, 0, /* starting x position */ 0, /* starting y position */ IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_WIDTH (ii), IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_HEIGHT (ii), /* parent window */ DOMAIN_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (domain), (HMENU)id, /* No menu */ NULL, /* must be null for this class */ NULL)) == NULL) signal_simple_error ("window creation failed with code", make_int (GetLastError())); if ((wnd = CreateWindowEx( exflags /* | WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY*/, class, nm, flags | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, /* starting x position */ 0, /* starting y position */ IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_WIDTH (ii), IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_HEIGHT (ii), /* parent window */ IMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_CLIPWINDOW (ii), (HMENU)id, /* No menu */ (HINSTANCE) GetWindowLong (FRAME_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (XFRAME (frame)), GWL_HINSTANCE), NULL)) == NULL) signal_simple_error ("window creation failed with code", make_int (GetLastError())); IMAGE_INSTANCE_SUBWINDOW_ID (ii) = wnd; SetWindowLong (wnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)LISP_TO_VOID(image_instance)); /* set the widget font from the widget face */ if (!NILP (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_TEXT (ii))) SendMessage (wnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) mswindows_widget_hfont (ii, domain), MAKELPARAM (TRUE, 0)); } /* Instantiate a native layout widget. */ static void mswindows_native_layout_instantiate (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object domain) { Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); mswindows_widget_instantiate (image_instance, instantiator, pointer_fg, pointer_bg, dest_mask, domain, "STATIC", /* Approximation to styles available with an XEmacs layout. */ (EQ (IMAGE_INSTANCE_LAYOUT_BORDER (ii), Qetched_in) || EQ (IMAGE_INSTANCE_LAYOUT_BORDER (ii), Qetched_out) || GLYPHP (IMAGE_INSTANCE_LAYOUT_BORDER (ii)) ? SS_ETCHEDFRAME : SS_SUNKEN) | DS_CONTROL, 0); } /* Instantiate a button widget. Unfortunately instantiated widgets are particular to a frame since they need to have a parent. It's not like images where you just select the image into the context you want to display it in and BitBlt it. So image instances can have a many-to-one relationship with things you see, whereas widgets can only be one-to-one (i.e. per frame) */ static void mswindows_button_instantiate (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object domain) { /* This function can call lisp */ Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); HWND wnd; int flags = WS_TABSTOP | BS_NOTIFY; /* BS_NOTIFY #### is needed to get exotic feedback only. Since we seem to want nothing beyond BN_CLICK, the style is perhaps not necessary -- kkm */ Lisp_Object style; Lisp_Object gui = IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEM (ii); Lisp_Gui_Item* pgui = XGUI_ITEM (gui); Lisp_Object glyph = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_image); if (!NILP (glyph)) { if (!IMAGE_INSTANCEP (glyph)) glyph = glyph_image_instance (glyph, domain, ERROR_ME, 1); if (IMAGE_INSTANCEP (glyph)) flags |= XIMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (glyph) ? BS_BITMAP : BS_ICON; } style = pgui->style; /* #### consider using the default face for radio and toggle buttons. */ if (EQ (style, Qradio)) { flags |= BS_RADIOBUTTON; } else if (EQ (style, Qtoggle)) { flags |= BS_AUTOCHECKBOX; } else { flags |= BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON; } mswindows_widget_instantiate (image_instance, instantiator, pointer_fg, pointer_bg, dest_mask, domain, "BUTTON", flags, 0); wnd = WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii); /* set the checked state */ if (gui_item_selected_p (gui)) SendMessage (wnd, BM_SETCHECK, (WPARAM)BST_CHECKED, 0); else SendMessage (wnd, BM_SETCHECK, (WPARAM)BST_UNCHECKED, 0); /* add the image if one was given */ if (!NILP (glyph) && IMAGE_INSTANCEP (glyph) && IMAGE_INSTANCE_PIXMAP_TYPE_P (XIMAGE_INSTANCE (glyph))) { SendMessage (wnd, BM_SETIMAGE, (WPARAM) (XIMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (glyph) ? IMAGE_BITMAP : IMAGE_ICON), (XIMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (glyph) ? (LPARAM) XIMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_BITMAP (glyph) : (LPARAM) XIMAGE_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_ICON (glyph))); } } /* Update the state of a button. */ static void mswindows_button_redisplay (Lisp_Object image_instance) { /* This function can GC if IN_REDISPLAY is false. */ Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); /* buttons checked or otherwise */ if (gui_item_selected_p (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEM (ii))) SendMessage (WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii), BM_SETCHECK, (WPARAM)BST_CHECKED, 0); else SendMessage (WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii), BM_SETCHECK, (WPARAM)BST_UNCHECKED, 0); } /* instantiate an edit control */ static void mswindows_edit_field_instantiate (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object domain) { mswindows_widget_instantiate (image_instance, instantiator, pointer_fg, pointer_bg, dest_mask, domain, "EDIT", ES_LEFT | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP | WS_BORDER, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); } /* instantiate a progress gauge */ static void mswindows_progress_gauge_instantiate (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object domain) { HWND wnd; Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); Lisp_Object val; mswindows_widget_instantiate (image_instance, instantiator, pointer_fg, pointer_bg, dest_mask, domain, PROGRESS_CLASS, WS_BORDER | PBS_SMOOTH, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); wnd = WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii); /* set the colors */ #ifdef PBS_SETBKCOLOR SendMessage (wnd, PBS_SETBKCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM) (COLOR_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_COLOR (XCOLOR_INSTANCE (FACE_BACKGROUND (XIMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_FACE (ii), XIMAGE_INSTANCE_FRAME (ii)))))); #endif #ifdef PBS_SETBARCOLOR SendMessage (wnd, PBS_SETBARCOLOR, 0, (L:PARAM) (COLOR_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_COLOR (XCOLOR_INSTANCE (FACE_FOREGROUND (XIMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_FACE (ii), XIMAGE_INSTANCE_FRAME (ii)))))); #endif val = XGUI_ITEM (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEMS (ii))->value; CHECK_INT (val); SendMessage (WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii), PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)XINT (val), 0); } /* instantiate a tree view widget */ static HTREEITEM add_tree_item (Lisp_Object image_instance, HWND wnd, HTREEITEM parent, Lisp_Object item, int children, Lisp_Object domain) { TV_INSERTSTRUCT tvitem; HTREEITEM ret; tvitem.hParent = parent; tvitem.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST; tvitem.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_CHILDREN; tvitem.item.cChildren = children; if (GUI_ITEMP (item)) { tvitem.item.lParam = mswindows_register_gui_item (image_instance, item, domain); tvitem.item.mask |= TVIF_PARAM; TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT (LISP_STRING, XGUI_ITEM (item)->name, C_STRING_ALLOCA, tvitem.item.pszText, Qnative); } else TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT (LISP_STRING, item, C_STRING_ALLOCA, tvitem.item.pszText, Qnative); tvitem.item.cchTextMax = strlen (tvitem.item.pszText); if ((ret = (HTREEITEM)SendMessage (wnd, TVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&tvitem)) == 0) signal_simple_error ("error adding tree view entry", item); return ret; } static void add_tree_item_list (Lisp_Object image_instance, HWND wnd, HTREEITEM parent, Lisp_Object list, Lisp_Object domain) { Lisp_Object rest; /* get the first item */ parent = add_tree_item (image_instance, wnd, parent, XCAR (list), TRUE, domain); /* recursively add items to the tree view */ LIST_LOOP (rest, XCDR (list)) { if (LISTP (XCAR (rest))) add_tree_item_list (image_instance, wnd, parent, XCAR (rest), domain); else add_tree_item (image_instance, wnd, parent, XCAR (rest), FALSE, domain); } } static void mswindows_tree_view_instantiate (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object domain) { Lisp_Object rest; HWND wnd; HTREEITEM parent; Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); mswindows_widget_instantiate (image_instance, instantiator, pointer_fg, pointer_bg, dest_mask, domain, WC_TREEVIEW, WS_TABSTOP | WS_BORDER | PBS_SMOOTH | TVS_HASLINES | TVS_HASBUTTONS, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); wnd = WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii); /* define a root */ parent = add_tree_item (image_instance, wnd, NULL, XCAR (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEMS (ii)), TRUE, domain); /* recursively add items to the tree view */ /* add items to the tab */ LIST_LOOP (rest, XCDR (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEMS (ii))) { if (LISTP (XCAR (rest))) add_tree_item_list (image_instance, wnd, parent, XCAR (rest), domain); else add_tree_item (image_instance, wnd, parent, XCAR (rest), FALSE, domain); } } /* Set the properties of a tree view. */ static void mswindows_tree_view_redisplay (Lisp_Object image_instance) { /* This function can GC if IN_REDISPLAY is false. */ Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEMS_CHANGED (ii)) { HWND wnd = WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii); Lisp_Object rest; HTREEITEM parent; /* Delete previous items. */ SendMessage (wnd, TVM_DELETEITEM, 0, (LPARAM)TVI_ROOT); /* define a root */ parent = add_tree_item (image_instance, wnd, NULL, XCAR (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_PENDING_ITEMS (ii)), TRUE, IMAGE_INSTANCE_DOMAIN (ii)); /* recursively add items to the tree view */ /* add items to the tab */ LIST_LOOP (rest, XCDR (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_PENDING_ITEMS (ii))) { if (LISTP (XCAR (rest))) add_tree_item_list (image_instance, wnd, parent, XCAR (rest), IMAGE_INSTANCE_DOMAIN (ii)); else add_tree_item (image_instance, wnd, parent, XCAR (rest), FALSE, IMAGE_INSTANCE_DOMAIN (ii)); } } } /* instantiate a tab control */ static int add_tab_item (Lisp_Object image_instance, HWND wnd, Lisp_Object item, Lisp_Object domain, int i) { TC_ITEM tvitem; int ret = 0; tvitem.mask = TCIF_TEXT; if (GUI_ITEMP (item)) { tvitem.lParam = mswindows_register_gui_item (image_instance, item, domain); tvitem.mask |= TCIF_PARAM; TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT (LISP_STRING, XGUI_ITEM (item)->name, C_STRING_ALLOCA, tvitem.pszText, Qnative); } else { CHECK_STRING (item); TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT (LISP_STRING, item, C_STRING_ALLOCA, tvitem.pszText, Qnative); } tvitem.cchTextMax = strlen (tvitem.pszText); if ((ret = SendMessage (wnd, TCM_INSERTITEM, i, (LPARAM)&tvitem)) < 0) signal_simple_error ("error adding tab entry", item); return ret; } static void mswindows_tab_control_instantiate (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object domain) { /* This function can call lisp */ Lisp_Object rest; HWND wnd; int i = 0, selected = 0; Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); Lisp_Object orient = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_orientation); unsigned int flags = WS_TABSTOP; if (EQ (orient, Qleft) || EQ (orient, Qright)) { flags |= TCS_VERTICAL | TCS_MULTILINE; } if (EQ (orient, Qright) || EQ (orient, Qbottom)) { flags |= TCS_BOTTOM; } mswindows_widget_instantiate (image_instance, instantiator, pointer_fg, pointer_bg, dest_mask, domain, WC_TABCONTROL, /* borders don't suit tabs so well */ flags, 0); wnd = WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii); /* add items to the tab */ LIST_LOOP (rest, XCDR (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEMS (ii))) { int idx = add_tab_item (image_instance, wnd, XCAR (rest), domain, i); assert (idx == i); if (gui_item_selected_p (XCAR (rest))) selected = i; i++; } SendMessage (wnd, TCM_SETCURSEL, selected, 0); } /* Set the properties of a tab control. */ static void mswindows_tab_control_redisplay (Lisp_Object image_instance) { /* This function can GC if IN_REDISPLAY is false. */ Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); #ifdef DEBUG_WIDGET_OUTPUT stderr_out ("tab control %p redisplayed\n", IMAGE_INSTANCE_SUBWINDOW_ID (ii)); #endif if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEMS_CHANGED (ii) || IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ACTION_OCCURRED (ii)) { HWND wnd = WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii); int i = 0, selected_idx = 0; Lisp_Object rest; assert (!NILP (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEMS (ii))); /* If only the order has changed then simply select the first one. This stops horrendous rebuilding of the tabs each time you click on one. */ if (tab_control_order_only_changed (image_instance)) { Lisp_Object selected = gui_item_list_find_selected (NILP (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_PENDING_ITEMS (ii)) ? XCDR (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEMS (ii)) : XCDR (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_PENDING_ITEMS (ii))); LIST_LOOP (rest, XCDR (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEMS (ii))) { if (gui_item_equal_sans_selected (XCAR (rest), selected, 0)) { Lisp_Object old_selected = gui_item_list_find_selected (XCDR (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEMS (ii))); /* Pick up the new selected item. */ XGUI_ITEM (old_selected)->selected = XGUI_ITEM (XCAR (rest))->selected; XGUI_ITEM (XCAR (rest))->selected = XGUI_ITEM (selected)->selected; /* We're not actually changing the items. */ IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEMS_CHANGED (ii) = 0; IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_PENDING_ITEMS (ii) = Qnil; SendMessage (wnd, TCM_SETCURSEL, i, 0); #ifdef DEBUG_WIDGET_OUTPUT stderr_out ("tab control %p selected item %d\n", IMAGE_INSTANCE_SUBWINDOW_ID (ii), i); #endif break; } i++; } } else { /* delete the pre-existing items */ SendMessage (wnd, TCM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0); /* add items to the tab */ LIST_LOOP (rest, XCDR (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_PENDING_ITEMS (ii))) { add_tab_item (image_instance, wnd, XCAR (rest), IMAGE_INSTANCE_FRAME (ii), i); if (gui_item_selected_p (XCAR (rest))) selected_idx = i; i++; } SendMessage (wnd, TCM_SETCURSEL, selected_idx, 0); } } } /* instantiate a static control possible for putting other things in */ static void mswindows_label_instantiate (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object domain) { mswindows_widget_instantiate (image_instance, instantiator, pointer_fg, pointer_bg, dest_mask, domain, "STATIC", 0, WS_EX_STATICEDGE); } /* instantiate a scrollbar control */ static void mswindows_scrollbar_instantiate (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object domain) { mswindows_widget_instantiate (image_instance, instantiator, pointer_fg, pointer_bg, dest_mask, domain, "SCROLLBAR", WS_TABSTOP, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); } /* instantiate a combo control */ static void mswindows_combo_box_instantiate (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object instantiator, Lisp_Object pointer_fg, Lisp_Object pointer_bg, int dest_mask, Lisp_Object domain) { Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); HWND wnd; Lisp_Object rest; Lisp_Object items = find_keyword_in_vector (instantiator, Q_items); int len, height; /* Maybe ought to generalise this more but it may be very windows specific. In windows the window height of a combo box is the height when the combo box is open. Thus we need to set the height before creating the window and then reset it to a single line after the window is created so that redisplay does the right thing. */ widget_instantiate (image_instance, instantiator, pointer_fg, pointer_bg, dest_mask, domain); /* We now have everything right apart from the height. */ default_face_font_info (domain, 0, 0, &height, 0, 0); GET_LIST_LENGTH (items, len); height = (height + DEFAULT_WIDGET_BORDER_WIDTH * 2 ) * len; IMAGE_INSTANCE_HEIGHT (ii) = height; /* Now create the widget. */ mswindows_widget_instantiate (image_instance, instantiator, pointer_fg, pointer_bg, dest_mask, domain, "COMBOBOX", WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | CBS_DROPDOWN | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | CBS_HASSTRINGS | WS_VSCROLL, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); /* Reset the height. layout will probably do this safely, but better make sure. */ image_instance_layout (image_instance, IMAGE_UNSPECIFIED_GEOMETRY, IMAGE_UNSPECIFIED_GEOMETRY, IMAGE_UNCHANGED_GEOMETRY, IMAGE_UNCHANGED_GEOMETRY, domain); wnd = WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii); /* add items to the combo box */ SendMessage (wnd, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); LIST_LOOP (rest, items) { Extbyte* lparam; TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT (LISP_STRING, XCAR (rest), C_STRING_ALLOCA, lparam, Qnative); if (SendMessage (wnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)lparam) == CB_ERR) signal_simple_error ("error adding combo entries", instantiator); } } /* get properties of a control */ static Lisp_Object mswindows_widget_property (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object prop) { Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); HWND wnd = WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii); /* get the text from a control */ if (EQ (prop, Q_text)) { Extcount len = SendMessage (wnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0); Extbyte *buf = (Extbyte*) alloca (len+1); SendMessage (wnd, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)len+1, (LPARAM) buf); return build_ext_string (buf, Qnative); } return Qunbound; } /* get properties of a button */ static Lisp_Object mswindows_button_property (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object prop) { Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); HWND wnd = WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii); /* check the state of a button */ if (EQ (prop, Q_selected)) { if (SendMessage (wnd, BM_GETSTATE, 0, 0) & BST_CHECKED) return Qt; else return Qnil; } return Qunbound; } /* get properties of a combo box */ static Lisp_Object mswindows_combo_box_property (Lisp_Object image_instance, Lisp_Object prop) { Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); HWND wnd = WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii); /* get the text from a control */ if (EQ (prop, Q_text)) { long item = SendMessage (wnd, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); Extcount len = SendMessage (wnd, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, (WPARAM)item, 0); Extbyte* buf = (Extbyte*) alloca (len+1); SendMessage (wnd, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)item, (LPARAM)buf); return build_ext_string (buf, Qnative); } return Qunbound; } /* set the properties of a progress gauge */ static void mswindows_progress_gauge_redisplay (Lisp_Object image_instance) { Lisp_Image_Instance *ii = XIMAGE_INSTANCE (image_instance); if (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_ITEMS_CHANGED (ii)) { Lisp_Object val; #ifdef ERROR_CHECK_GLYPHS assert (GUI_ITEMP (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_PENDING_ITEMS (ii))); #endif val = XGUI_ITEM (IMAGE_INSTANCE_WIDGET_PENDING_ITEMS (ii))->value; #ifdef DEBUG_WIDGET_OUTPUT stderr_out ("progress gauge displayed value on %p updated to %ld\n", WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii), XINT(val)); #endif CHECK_INT (val); SendMessage (WIDGET_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HANDLE (ii), PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)XINT (val), 0); } } LRESULT WINAPI mswindows_control_wnd_proc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_NOTIFY: case WM_COMMAND: case WM_CTLCOLORBTN: case WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX: case WM_CTLCOLOREDIT: case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: case WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR: return mswindows_wnd_proc (GetParent (hwnd), msg, wParam, lParam); default: return DefWindowProc (hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } } #endif /* HAVE_WIDGETS */ /************************************************************************/ /* initialization */ /************************************************************************/ void syms_of_glyphs_mswindows (void) { defkeyword (&Q_resource_id, ":resource-id"); defkeyword (&Q_resource_type, ":resource-type"); } void console_type_create_glyphs_mswindows (void) { /* image methods - display */ CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, print_image_instance); CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, finalize_image_instance); CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, unmap_subwindow); CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, map_subwindow); CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, redisplay_subwindow); CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, resize_subwindow); CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, redisplay_widget); CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, image_instance_equal); CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, image_instance_hash); CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, init_image_instance_from_eimage); CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, locate_pixmap_file); CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, widget_border_width); /* image methods - printer */ CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, print_image_instance); CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, finalize_image_instance); CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, image_instance_equal); CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, image_instance_hash); CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, init_image_instance_from_eimage); CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, locate_pixmap_file); } void image_instantiator_format_create_glyphs_mswindows (void) { IIFORMAT_VALID_CONSOLE2 (mswindows, msprinter, nothing); IIFORMAT_VALID_CONSOLE2 (mswindows, msprinter, string); IIFORMAT_VALID_CONSOLE2 (mswindows, msprinter, formatted_string); IIFORMAT_VALID_CONSOLE2 (mswindows, msprinter, inherit); /* image-instantiator types */ INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, xbm); INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (msprinter, xbm); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, xbm, instantiate); IIFORMAT_INHERITS_DEVMETHOD (msprinter, mswindows, xbm, instantiate); #ifdef HAVE_XPM INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, xpm); INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (msprinter, xpm); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, xpm, instantiate); IIFORMAT_INHERITS_DEVMETHOD (msprinter, mswindows, xpm, instantiate); #endif #ifdef HAVE_XFACE INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, xface); INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (msprinter, xface); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, xface, instantiate); IIFORMAT_INHERITS_DEVMETHOD (msprinter, mswindows, xface, instantiate); #endif #ifdef HAVE_JPEG IIFORMAT_VALID_CONSOLE2 (mswindows, msprinter, jpeg); #endif #ifdef HAVE_TIFF IIFORMAT_VALID_CONSOLE2 (mswindows, msprinter, tiff); #endif #ifdef HAVE_PNG IIFORMAT_VALID_CONSOLE2 (mswindows, msprinter, png); #endif #ifdef HAVE_GIF IIFORMAT_VALID_CONSOLE2 (mswindows, msprinter, gif); #endif #ifdef HAVE_WIDGETS INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, widget); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, widget, property); /* layout widget */ IIFORMAT_VALID_CONSOLE (mswindows, layout); INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, native_layout); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, native_layout, instantiate); /* button widget */ INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, button); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, button, property); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, button, instantiate); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, button, redisplay); /* edit-field widget */ INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, edit_field); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, edit_field, instantiate); /* subwindow */ INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, subwindow); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, subwindow, instantiate); /* label */ INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, label); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, label, instantiate); /* combo box */ INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, combo_box); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, combo_box, property); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, combo_box, instantiate); /* scrollbar */ INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, scrollbar); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, scrollbar, instantiate); /* progress gauge */ INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, progress_gauge); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, progress_gauge, redisplay); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, progress_gauge, instantiate); /* tree view widget */ INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, tree_view); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, tree_view, instantiate); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, tree_view, redisplay); /* tab control widget */ INITIALIZE_DEVICE_IIFORMAT (mswindows, tab_control); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, tab_control, instantiate); IIFORMAT_HAS_DEVMETHOD (mswindows, tab_control, redisplay); #endif /* windows bitmap format */ INITIALIZE_IMAGE_INSTANTIATOR_FORMAT (bmp, "bmp"); IIFORMAT_HAS_METHOD (bmp, validate); IIFORMAT_HAS_METHOD (bmp, normalize); IIFORMAT_HAS_METHOD (bmp, possible_dest_types); IIFORMAT_HAS_METHOD (bmp, instantiate); IIFORMAT_VALID_KEYWORD (bmp, Q_data, check_valid_string); IIFORMAT_VALID_KEYWORD (bmp, Q_file, check_valid_string); IIFORMAT_VALID_CONSOLE2 (mswindows, msprinter, bmp); /* mswindows resources */ INITIALIZE_IMAGE_INSTANTIATOR_FORMAT (mswindows_resource, "mswindows-resource"); IIFORMAT_HAS_METHOD (mswindows_resource, validate); IIFORMAT_HAS_METHOD (mswindows_resource, normalize); IIFORMAT_HAS_METHOD (mswindows_resource, possible_dest_types); IIFORMAT_HAS_METHOD (mswindows_resource, instantiate); IIFORMAT_VALID_KEYWORD (mswindows_resource, Q_resource_type, check_valid_resource_symbol); IIFORMAT_VALID_KEYWORD (mswindows_resource, Q_resource_id, check_valid_resource_id); IIFORMAT_VALID_KEYWORD (mswindows_resource, Q_file, check_valid_string); IIFORMAT_VALID_CONSOLE2 (mswindows, msprinter, mswindows_resource); } void vars_of_glyphs_mswindows (void) { DEFVAR_LISP ("mswindows-bitmap-file-path", &Vmswindows_bitmap_file_path /* A list of the directories in which mswindows bitmap files may be found. This is used by the `make-image-instance' function. */ ); Vmswindows_bitmap_file_path = Qnil; } void complex_vars_of_glyphs_mswindows (void) { }