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Problems Presented by Concurrent Access to the Kernel

Multiple threads of execution within a BSD kernel have always presented a problem. Data structures are generally manipulated in groups of operations. If two concurrent threads attempt to modify the same shared data structure, then they can corrupt that data structure. Similarly, if a thread is interrupted and another thread accesses or manipulates a data structure that the first thread was accessing or manipulating, corruption can result. Traditional BSD did not need to address the first case, so it simply had to manage the second case using the following three methods:

With the advent of MP systems, however, these methods are not sufficient to cover both problematic cases. Not allowing threads in the kernel to be preempted does nothing to prevent two threads on different CPUs from accessing the same shared data structure concurrently. Interrupt masking only affects the current CPU, thus an interrupt on one CPU could corrupt data structures being used on another CPU. The third method is not completely broken since the locks are sufficient to protect the data they protected originally. However, race conditions on the locking and unlocking thread itself can lead to temporary hangs of threads. For a more detailed explanation see Chapter 8 of [Schimmel94] and Section 7.2 of [Vahalia96]. For an explanation of how these protections were implemented in 4.4BSD and derivatives see [McKusick96].

The pre-SMPng kernel addressed this situation on SMP systems by only allowing one processor to execute in the kernel at a time. This preserved the UP model for the kernel at the expense of disallowing any concurrent access to the kernel.

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