John Henry Aughey
Feel free to contact me. I can be reached at:
"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate"
"Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora"
Occam's razor is a logical principle attributed to William of Occam,
although it was used by some scholastic philosophers prior to him.
The principle states that a person should not increase, beyond what
is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything,
or that the person should not make more assumptions than the minimum
needed. This principle is often called the principle of parsimony.
Since the Middle Ages it has played an important role in eliminating
fictitious or unnecessary elements from explanations. In the
development of logic, logicians such as Bertrand Russel removed
traditional metaphysical concepts by applying Occam's razor.
-- The Academic American Encyclopedia
IRTC Animation
I received first place in the Internet Ray Tracing Competition for the
animation contest. The topic was "Toys" and I created an animation of
a marble rolling down a wire track. Take a look at the
IRTC web page to view it.
Cool waste of time
I generated a wav file that produces a 440Hz stereo tone with the right
channel 180 degrees out of phase of the left channel. If you add these
two channels together, the resulting wave form is silence. If you play
this wav file and place your speakers facing each other, what you should
hear is a very quiet tone. phase.wav
Lessons I've learned while working on my house:
- Do not sand drywall while wearing a black shirt.
- You should not stand on the 3 rung on a ladder while painting an eight foot ceiling.
- It is difficult to get paint out of hair.
Current interests
- Online Homilies - I've installed FreeBSD on a dual-homed machine that serves as a firewall and NAT for the Washington University Catholic Student Center. This machine also records the weekly homilies and makes them available as MP3 files automatically. This is an ever growing project. There is technical information in the FAQ.
- ACE - I'm working on a Masters Project at Washington University on the ACE Framework. This is a MUST for any OO software developer working on networking or multi-threaded applications.
- XFree86 - I am a member of the XFree86 development team working specifically on the AGP Matrox Millennium II video card. Currently working on providing some hardware acceleration for the GLX extension.
- Distriuted Interactive Simulation - This is a program which allows you to passively monitor a virtual battle which uses the DIS protocol.
- VPN (Virtual Private Network) - I was working on a software to create
a Virtual Private Network between two isolated networks. This project has been depreciated because of the capabilities of FreeBSD Release 4.0
in the FreeBSD operating system to look for security holes.
- Simon and Sydney are our 2 siamese cats.
- many more not listed...If you have some spare time and are looking for a project to work on, I'd be happy to give you something to work on.