LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - home/h/core/forks/m4-libzmq/src - epoll.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: zeromq-4.2.0 Code Coverage Lines: 84 86 97.7 %
Date: 2016-05-09 Functions: 14 14 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :     Copyright (c) 2007-2016 Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file
       3             : 
       4             :     This file is part of libzmq, the ZeroMQ core engine in C++.
       5             : 
       6             :     libzmq is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
       7             :     the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
       8             :     by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
       9             :     (at your option) any later version.
      10             : 
      11             :     As a special exception, the Contributors give you permission to link
      12             :     this library with independent modules to produce an executable,
      13             :     regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to
      14             :     copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
      15             :     provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the
      16             :     terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent
      17             :     module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library.
      18             :     If you modify this library, you must extend this exception to your
      19             :     version of the library.
      20             : 
      21             :     libzmq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      22             :     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      23             :     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
      24             :     License for more details.
      25             : 
      26             :     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
      27             :     along with this program.  If not, see <>.
      28             : */
      29             : 
      30             : #include "precompiled.hpp"
      31             : #include "epoll.hpp"
      32             : #if defined ZMQ_USE_EPOLL
      33             : 
      34             : #include <sys/epoll.h>
      35             : #include <stdlib.h>
      36             : #include <string.h>
      37             : #include <unistd.h>
      38             : #include <algorithm>
      39             : #include <new>
      40             : 
      41             : #include "macros.hpp"
      42             : #include "epoll.hpp"
      43             : #include "err.hpp"
      44             : #include "config.hpp"
      45             : #include "i_poll_events.hpp"
      46             : 
      47        1026 : zmq::epoll_t::epoll_t (const zmq::ctx_t &ctx_) :
      48             :     ctx(ctx_),
      49        2052 :     stopping (false)
      50             : {
      51        1026 :     epoll_fd = epoll_create (1);
      52        1026 :     errno_assert (epoll_fd != -1);
      53        1026 : }
      54             : 
      55        4104 : zmq::epoll_t::~epoll_t ()
      56             : {
      57             :     //  Wait till the worker thread exits.
      58        1026 :     worker.stop ();
      59             : 
      60        1026 :     close (epoll_fd);
      61        5130 :     for (retired_t::iterator it = retired.begin (); it != retired.end (); ++it) {
      62           0 :         LIBZMQ_DELETE(*it);
      63             :     }
      64        2052 : }
      65             : 
      66       23116 : zmq::epoll_t::handle_t zmq::epoll_t::add_fd (fd_t fd_, i_poll_events *events_)
      67             : {
      68       23116 :     poll_entry_t *pe = new (std::nothrow) poll_entry_t;
      69       23115 :     alloc_assert (pe);
      70             : 
      71             :     //  The memset is not actually needed. It's here to prevent debugging
      72             :     //  tools to complain about using uninitialised memory.
      73             :     memset (pe, 0, sizeof (poll_entry_t));
      74             : 
      75       23115 :     pe->fd = fd_;
      76       23115 :     pe-> = 0;
      77       23115 :     pe-> = pe;
      78       23115 :     pe->events = events_;
      79             : 
      80       23115 :     int rc = epoll_ctl (epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd_, &pe->ev);
      81       23116 :     errno_assert (rc != -1);
      82             : 
      83             :     //  Increase the load metric of the thread.
      84       23116 :     adjust_load (1);
      85             : 
      86       23116 :     return pe;
      87             : }
      88             : 
      89       23112 : void zmq::epoll_t::rm_fd (handle_t handle_)
      90             : {
      91       23112 :     poll_entry_t *pe = (poll_entry_t*) handle_;
      92       23112 :     int rc = epoll_ctl (epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, pe->fd, &pe->ev);
      93       23112 :     errno_assert (rc != -1);
      94       23112 :     pe->fd = retired_fd;
      95       23112 :     retired.push_back (pe);
      96             : 
      97             :     //  Decrease the load metric of the thread.
      98       23110 :     adjust_load (-1);
      99       23116 : }
     100             : 
     101       19489 : void zmq::epoll_t::set_pollin (handle_t handle_)
     102             : {
     103       19489 :     poll_entry_t *pe = (poll_entry_t*) handle_;
     104       19489 :     pe-> |= EPOLLIN;
     105       19489 :     int rc = epoll_ctl (epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, pe->fd, &pe->ev);
     106       19490 :     errno_assert (rc != -1);
     107       19490 : }
     108             : 
     109         239 : void zmq::epoll_t::reset_pollin (handle_t handle_)
     110             : {
     111         239 :     poll_entry_t *pe = (poll_entry_t*) handle_;
     112         239 :     pe-> &= ~((short) EPOLLIN);
     113         239 :     int rc = epoll_ctl (epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, pe->fd, &pe->ev);
     114         239 :     errno_assert (rc != -1);
     115         239 : }
     116             : 
     117       22998 : void zmq::epoll_t::set_pollout (handle_t handle_)
     118             : {
     119       22998 :     poll_entry_t *pe = (poll_entry_t*) handle_;
     120       22998 :     pe-> |= EPOLLOUT;
     121       22998 :     int rc = epoll_ctl (epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, pe->fd, &pe->ev);
     122       22997 :     errno_assert (rc != -1);
     123       22997 : }
     124             : 
     125       17954 : void zmq::epoll_t::reset_pollout (handle_t handle_)
     126             : {
     127       17954 :     poll_entry_t *pe = (poll_entry_t*) handle_;
     128       17954 :     pe-> &= ~((short) EPOLLOUT);
     129       17954 :     int rc = epoll_ctl (epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, pe->fd, &pe->ev);
     130       17956 :     errno_assert (rc != -1);
     131       17956 : }
     132             : 
     133        1026 : void zmq::epoll_t::start ()
     134             : {
     135        1026 :     ctx.start_thread (worker, worker_routine, this);
     136        1026 : }
     137             : 
     138        1026 : void zmq::epoll_t::stop ()
     139             : {
     140        1026 :     stopping = true;
     141        1026 : }
     142             : 
     143         858 : int zmq::epoll_t::max_fds ()
     144             : {
     145         858 :     return -1;
     146             : }
     147             : 
     148        1026 : void zmq::epoll_t::loop ()
     149             : {
     150             :     epoll_event ev_buf [max_io_events];
     151             : 
     152       36066 :     while (!stopping) {
     153             : 
     154             :         //  Execute any due timers.
     155       34014 :         int timeout = (int) execute_timers ();
     156             : 
     157             :         //  Wait for events.
     158             :         int n = epoll_wait (epoll_fd, &ev_buf [0], max_io_events,
     159       34018 :             timeout ? timeout : -1);
     160       34010 :         if (n == -1) {
     161           0 :             errno_assert (errno == EINTR);
     162             :             continue;
     163             :         }
     164             : 
     165       68374 :         for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
     166       68370 :             poll_entry_t *pe = ((poll_entry_t*) ev_buf [i].data.ptr);
     167             : 
     168       68370 :             if (pe->fd == retired_fd)
     169             :                 continue;
     170       67338 :             if (ev_buf [i].events & (EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP))
     171         733 :                 pe->events->in_event ();
     172       67340 :             if (pe->fd == retired_fd)
     173             :                continue;
     174       66692 :             if (ev_buf [i].events & EPOLLOUT)
     175       23788 :                 pe->events->out_event ();
     176       66696 :             if (pe->fd == retired_fd)
     177             :                 continue;
     178       63512 :             if (ev_buf [i].events & EPOLLIN)
     179       43680 :                 pe->events->in_event ();
     180             :         }
     181             : 
     182             :         //  Destroy retired event sources.
     183      239415 :         for (retired_t::iterator it = retired.begin (); it != retired.end (); ++it) {
     184       23115 :             LIBZMQ_DELETE(*it);
     185             :         }
     186       34014 :         retired.clear ();
     187             :     }
     188        1026 : }
     189             : 
     190        1026 : void zmq::epoll_t::worker_routine (void *arg_)
     191             : {
     192        1026 :     ((epoll_t*) arg_)->loop ();
     193        1026 : }
     194             : 
     195             : #endif

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10