#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # $Id: process_svn_mail.pl,v 1.3 2008/12/17 03:14:24 dan Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2001-2003 DVL Software # # Process incoming mail from cvs-all mailing list at freebsd.org # and convert it to XML output according to the FreshPorts DTD. # use strict; use Date::Parse; use XML::Writer; use constants; use utilities; &main; exit; ##### # Main Processing Routine ##### sub main { # Get the message my ($message) = &GetMessage; # Get the data my ($Data_ref) = &GetData($message); # Create the XML &WriteXML($Data_ref); # Done! Woo woo! exit; } ##### # GetMessage - Get the actual email from STDIN ##### sub GetMessage { my ($message); while (<>) { $message .= $_; } return $message; } ##### # GetData - Generate and return the data structure ##### sub GetData { my ($message) = shift; my (@Data); my $Message_Subject; my $Log; my $EncodingLosses = 'false'; $Message_Subject = &GetMessage_Subject($message); $Log = &GetLog($message); if ($Log eq '') { $Log = $Message_Subject; } my $MessageID = &GetMessage_Id($message); if (!defined($MessageID)) { FreshPorts::Utilities::ReportErrorEmailNoPrint('err', "No message ID found for this commit message (" . $Message_Subject . ").\n\nIs this a corrupted commit or email?", 1) } @Data = [ 'UPDATES', [ { Version => '' }, 'UPDATE', [ {}, 'DATE', [ &GetDate($message) ], 'TIME', [ &GetTime($message) ], 'OS', [ { Id => &GetOS_Id, Branch => &GetOS_Branch($message) } ], 'LOG', [ {}, 0, $Log ], 'PEOPLE', [ {}, &GetPeople($message) ], 'MESSAGE', [ { Id => $MessageID, Subject => $Message_Subject, EncodingLosses => $EncodingLosses }, 'DATE', [ &GetMessage_Date($message) ], 'TIME', [ &GetMessage_Time($message) ], 'REPOSITORY', [ {}, 0, &GetFreeBSDRepository($message) ], &GetMessage_To($message) ], 'FILES', [ {}, &GetFiles($message) ] ] ] ]; my ($PR) = &GetPR($message); if ($PR) { push @{$Data[0]->[1][2]}, 'PR', [ { Id => $PR } ]; } return @Data; } ##### # WriteXML - Convert the data into XML and print ##### sub WriteXML { my ($data_ref) = shift; # Use XML::Writer to create the XML my ($writer) = new XML::Writer( DATA_INDENT => 4, DATA_MODE => 1 ); # Add the main XML tag $writer->xmlDecl("ISO-8859-1"); # Add the XML Document Type $writer->doctype('UPDATES','-//FreshPorts//DTD FreshPorts 2.0//EN', 'http://www.freshports.org/docs/fp-updates.dtd'); # Convert the data into XML &DataToXML($writer, $data_ref); # No more XML $writer->end; } ##### # DataToXML - Convert the data into XML; tends to call itself ##### sub DataToXML { my ($writer) = shift; my ($data_ref) = shift; my ($count) = $#{$data_ref}; for (my ($i) = 0; $i < $count; $i += 2) { my ($element_name) = shift @{$data_ref}; my ($element_content) = shift @{$data_ref}; if ($element_name eq '0') { $writer->characters($element_content); } else { my ($element_attributes) = shift @{$element_content}; $writer->startTag($element_name, %$element_attributes); &DataToXML($writer, $element_content); $writer->endTag($element_name); } } } #################################################################### ##### Functions to actually retrieve the data from the message ##### #################################################################### sub GetPR { my ($message) = @_; my ($PR); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); for (@lines) { my ($line) = $_; if ($line =~ /^ PR:/i) { $PR = (split(" ", $line, 2))[1]; last; } } return $PR; } sub GetPeople { my ($message) = shift; my (@people); push @people, 'UPDATER', [ { Handle => &GetUpdater_Handle($message) } ]; my ($submitter) = &GetSubmitter($message); if ($submitter) { push @people, 'SUBMITTER', [ {}, 0, $submitter ]; } my ($reviewer) = &GetReviewer($message); if ($reviewer) { push @people, 'REVIEWER', [ {}, 0, $reviewer ]; } my ($approver) = &GetApprover($message); if ($approver) { push @people, 'APPROVER', [ {}, 0, $approver ]; } my ($obtainedfrom) = &GetObtainedFrom($message); if ($obtainedfrom) { push @people, 'OBTAINEDFROM', [ {}, 0, $obtainedfrom ]; } return @people; } sub GetFreeBSDRepository { my ($message) = @_; my ($FreeBSDRepository) = 'src'; # blank! # It's only src that in svn at the moment return $FreeBSDRepository; } sub GetObtainedFrom { my ($message) = @_; my ($ObtainedFrom); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); for (@lines) { my ($line) = $_; if ($line =~ /^ Obtained from:/i) { $ObtainedFrom = (split(" ", $line, 3))[2]; last; } } return $ObtainedFrom; } sub GetApprover { my ($message) = @_; my ($Approver); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); for (@lines) { my ($line) = $_; if ($line =~ /^ Approved by:/i) { $Approver = (split(" ", $line, 3))[2]; last; } } return $Approver; } sub GetReviewer { my ($message) = @_; my ($Reviewer); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); for (@lines) { my ($line) = $_; if ($line =~ /^ Reviewed by:/i) { $Reviewer = (split(" ", $line, 3))[2]; last; } } return $Reviewer; } sub GetSubmitter { my ($message) = @_; my ($Submitter); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); for (@lines) { my ($line) = $_; if ($line =~ /^ Submitted by:/i) { $Submitter = (split(" ", $line, 3))[2]; last; } } return $Submitter; } sub IsDirectoryProvided($) { # # see whether or not we have a directory on this incoming $line. # we assume that if the first 20 characters are all blanks, # there is no directory. my ($line) = shift; my ($dir) = substr($line, 0, 20); $dir =~ s/\s*$//; # # if non-zero, there's a directory. otherwise, none. # return length($dir) } sub GetFiles { my ($message) = shift; my (@files); my ($revision, $action, $path); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); # Modified Files my ($found) = 0; for (@lines) { my ($line) = $_; $revision = $1 if (/New Revision:\s+(\d+)/); # # see also GetLog for use of Revision. # if ($line =~ /^Modified:/) { $found = 1; $action = $FreshPorts::Constants::MODIFY; next; } elsif ($line =~ /^Replaced:/) { $found = 1; $action = $FreshPorts::Constants::MODIFY; next; } elsif ($line =~ /^Added:/) { $found = 1; $action = $FreshPorts::Constants::ADD; next; } elsif ($line =~ /^Deleted:/) { $found = 1; $action = $FreshPorts::Constants::REMOVE; next; } next unless $found == 1; $path = $line; next if($path =~ /\s+-\s+/); # skip messages about file origin $path =~ s/^\s+(head\/|stable\/\d+\/|vendor\/)//; # remove info about what changed $path =~ s/\s+\(.*\)//; # stop on either action change, empty string or minimalist signature last if (length($line) == 0 || ($line =~ /^(Added|Deleted|Modified|Replaced): /) || ($line =~ /^_+$/)); push @files, 'FILE', [ { Action => $action, Revision => $revision, Path => $path } ]; } if (scalar(@files) == 0) { @files = GetFilesImported($message); } return @files; } sub GetFilesImported { my ($message) = shift; my (@files); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); my $EndOfFiles = 'by this import'; my %TrackDuplicates; # Modified Files my ($found) = 0; for (@lines) { my ($line) = $_; # # see also GetLog for use of Revision. # if ($line =~ /^ Release Tags:/i) { $found = 1; next; } next unless $found == 1; $line = FreshPorts::Utilities::trim($line); # immediately after the Release Tags line is a blank line next if ($line eq ''); last if ($line =~ /by this import/i); my ($action, $path) = split(" ", $line); # we discard the $action obtained above as it is not needed $action = $FreshPorts::Constants::ADD; my $revision = ''; my $changes1 = '0'; my $changes2 = '0'; if (defined($TrackDuplicates{$path})) { FreshPorts::Utilities::ReportErrorEmailNoPrint('err', "Duplicate file name ('$path') found in commit message (" . GetMessage_Id($message) . ").\n\nIs this a corrupted commit or email?", 0) } else { $TrackDuplicates{$path} = 1; } push @files, 'FILE', [ { Action => $action, Revision => $revision, Changes => "$changes1 $changes2", Path => $path } ]; } return @files; } sub GetOS_Id { my ($message) = shift; return 'FreeBSD'; } sub GetOS_Branch { my ($message) = @_; my ($branch); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); for (@lines) { next unless ($_ =~ /^Subject: /i); if (m@\s+head/@) { $branch = "HEAD"; } elsif (m@\s+stable/(\d+)@) { $branch = "RELENG_$1"; } elsif (m@\s+vendor/@) { $branch = "VENDOR"; } else { $branch = "UNKNOWN"; } last; } return $branch; } sub GetLog { my ($message) = @_; my ($log) = ''; my ($log_done) = 0; # # List of phrases marking the end of the log # see also GetFiles for use of Revision # my (@log_endings) = ( 'Modified:', 'Added:', 'Deleted:', 'Replaced:' ); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); my ($log_found) = 0; for (@lines) { my ($line) = $_; # remove trailing spaces. # $line =~ s/ +$//; # $line .= "\n"; if ($line =~ /^Log:/i) { $log_found = 1; next; } next unless ($log_found == 1); # XXX: Let's stick with this simple QP parser $line =~ s/=([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/chr hex $1/ge; $line =~ s/=[\n\r]+$//; # print $line; # Check to see if we've gone too far for (@log_endings) { if ($line =~ /^$_/) { $log_done = 1; }; } last if ($log_done == 1); # here we remove the two spaces at the start of the log which are added # by the email composing script if (length($line) >= 2) { $log .= substr($line,2) . "\n"; } else { $log .= $line . "\n"; } } # and we remove any trailing space in the log message $log =~ s/\s+$//; return $log; } sub GetUpdater_Handle { my ($message) = @_; my ($handle); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); my ($newline_found) = 0; for (@lines) { next unless (/^Author:\s+(.*)/); $handle = $1; last; } return $handle; } sub GetDate { my ($message) = @_; my ($date, $year, $month, $day); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); my ($newline_found) = 0; for (@lines) { # e.g. Tue, 7 Oct 2008 20:57:55 +0000 (UTC) next unless (/^Date:\s+(.*)/); (undef, undef, undef, $day, $month, $year, undef) = strptime($1); $year += 1900; $month++; last; } $date = { Year => $year, Month => int($month), Day => int($day) }; return $date; } sub GetTime { my ($message) = @_; my ($time, $hour, $minute, $second, $timezone); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); my ($newline_found) = 0; for (@lines) { # e.g. Tue, 7 Oct 2008 20:57:55 +0000 (UTC) next unless (/^Date:\s+(.*)/); ($second, $minute, $hour, undef, undef, undef, undef) = strptime($1); # extract zone part $timezone = $1 if (m/.*\(([A-Z0-9]+)\)/); last; } if (!defined($timezone)) { $timezone = ''; } $time = { Hour => int($hour), Minute => int($minute), Second => int($second), Timezone => $timezone }; return $time; } sub GetMessage_Date { my ($message) = @_; my ($date, $year, $month, $day); my (%months) = ( 'Jan' => 1, 'Feb' => 2, 'Mar' => 3, 'Apr' => 4, 'May' => 5, 'Jun' => 6, 'Jul' => 7, 'Aug' => 8, 'Sep' => 9, 'Oct' => 10, 'Nov' => 11, 'Dec' => 12 ); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); for (@lines) { my ($line) = $_; if ($line =~ /^Date: /i) { ($day, $month, $year) = (split(/\s+/, $line))[2..4]; last; } } $date = { Year => $year, Month => int($months{$month}), Day => int($day) }; return $date; } sub GetMessage_Time { my ($message) = @_; my ($time, $hour, $minute, $second, $timezone); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); for (@lines) { my ($line) = $_; if ($line =~ /^Date: /i) { ($time, $timezone) = (split(/\s+/, $line))[5,7]; ($hour, $minute, $second) = split(/:/, $time); if (!defined($timezone)) { $timezone = ''; } if ($timezone =~ m/\S/) { $timezone = substr($timezone, 1, 3); } last; } } if (!defined($timezone)) { $timezone = ''; } $time = { Hour => int($hour), Minute => int($minute), Second => int($second), Timezone => $timezone }; return $time; } sub GetMessage_Id { my ($message) = @_; my ($Id); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); for (@lines) { my ($line) = $_; if ($line =~ /^Message-Id:/i) { $line =~ /\<(.*?)\>/g; $Id = $1; last; } } return $Id; } sub GetMessage_To { my ($message) = @_; my ($data, $to); my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); for (@lines) { my ($line) = $_; if ($line =~ /^To: /i) { $data = (split/: /, $line, 2)[1]; last; } } my (@data) = split(/, /, $data); my (@to) = (); for (@data) { push @to, 'TO'; push @to, [{ 'Email' => $_ } ]; } return @to; } sub GetMessage_Subject { # # This obtains the subject from the raw email. # It assumes the email has this format or similar: # Subject: cvs commit: CVSROOT modules ports/math Makefile ports/math/py-mpz # Makefile distinfo pkg-comment pkg-descr pkg-plist # ports/math/py-mpz/files setup.py # # 123456789 # This assumes 9 spaces there... # my ($message) = @_; my ($Subject); my ($FoundSubject) = 0; my (@lines) = split("\n", $message); for (@lines) { my ($line) = $_; if ($FoundSubject) { if ($line =~ /^ /) { $Subject .= ' ' . (split/ /, $line, 2)[1]; next; } else { last; } } else { if ($line =~ /^Subject:/i) { $Subject = (split/: /, $line, 2)[1]; $FoundSubject = 1; } } } return $Subject; }