Test case: lib/libc/stdio/printbasic_test:int_within_limits


Standard output

Test case did not write anything to stdout.

Standard error

*** Expected check failure: the %t qualifier is broken on 32-bit platforms where there's a mismatch between ptrdiff_t and uintmax_t's type width; bug # 191674: /usr/src/lib/libc/tests/stdio/printbasic_test.c:83: printf("%tu", (size_t)-1) ==> [18446744073709551615], expected [4294967295]
*** Expected check failure: the %t qualifier is broken on 32-bit platforms where there's a mismatch between ptrdiff_t and uintmax_t's type width; bug # 191674: /usr/src/lib/libc/tests/stdio/printbasic_test.c:92: wprintf("%tu", (size_t)-1) ==> [18446744073709551615], expected [4294967295]