--- Log opened Tue Jan 26 00:00:39 2010 10:16 -!- k23z__ [n=k23z__@] has joined #taskwarrior 10:17 < k23z__> hey 10:17 < k23z__> anyone up ? 10:20 < gahr> k23z__: yep 10:20 < k23z__> hey 10:21 < k23z__> nice to see there's someone else up 10:21 < k23z__> I'm using task warrior 10:21 < gahr> great 10:21 < k23z__> I want to write a cheatsheet for it in LaTeX then compile it to pdf 10:21 < k23z__> and then send it to you guys 10:21 < k23z__> but first I need to fill in on some gaps in my knowledge 10:21 < k23z__> how do I mark a task as recurring monthly ? 10:21 < k23z__> by id 10:21 < k23z__> for example 10:22 < k23z__> and shouldn't it show in the calendar on each month if it's recurring ? 10:25 < gahr> for recurring tasks, you see the next due date 10:25 < k23z__> I don't understand 10:25 < k23z__> can you explain ? 10:25 < gahr> ok 10:26 < gahr> > task add due:tomorrow recur:monthly Some monthly due 10:26 < gahr> you create a task like this. It's recurring each 27th 10:26 < k23z__> also why I am I getting "Waiting for file lock..." 10:26 < k23z__> and then I wait forever for it to acquire the file lock ? 10:26 < k23z__> gahr, can I modify a task to be recurring after I made it ? 10:26 < gahr> yes 10:26 < gahr> task recur:monthly 10:27 < k23z__> why doesn't recurring show up on calendar and neither on list ? 10:28 < k23z__> and when I type recurring I don't get any match 10:28 < k23z__> although I have made one of them recurring 10:28 < gahr> in the calendar, the _next_ instance of the task is shown 10:28 < gahr> let me explain 10:28 < gahr> for recurring tasks, you have a fixed "master" entry, and in turn "children" entries are created for each recurrence 10:28 < gahr> but only one at a time 10:29 < k23z__> ok 10:29 < k23z__> now I'm in task shell 10:29 < k23z__> and I type recurring 10:29 < k23z__> and I see nothing 10:29 < gahr> it works here 10:30 < gahr> quit the task shell, and type 'task recur' at your shell 10:30 < k23z__> also did this 10:30 < k23z__> $ task 2 recur:monthly 10:30 < k23z__> You cannot remove the due date from a recurring task. 10:30 < k23z__> why ? 10:30 < k23z__> can I take the date off first/ 10:30 < k23z__> ? 10:30 < gahr> how not? 10:30 < k23z__> ok so I get that error 10:30 < k23z__> how do I get rid of that error ? 10:31 < gahr> yep, recurring tasks need a due date 10:31 < gahr> the due date is the recurrence date 10:31 < k23z__> ok how do I change that date ? 10:31 < gahr> ok there's a bug here. 10:32 < gahr> you can change the date of a recurring task 10:32 < gahr> task due: 10:33 < gahr> http://taskwarrior.org/issues/show/360 10:35 < k23z__> that's nice 10:36 < k23z__> if I export all my stuff can I import it afterwards ? 10:37 < k23z__> can add adnotations to tasks ? 10:37 < gahr> yes, there's an import feature 10:37 < gahr> annotations.. uhm.. you can tag tasks 10:37 < gahr> or you can add descriptions 10:38 < gahr> there's a an "annotate" command as weell 10:38 < gahr> well 10:38 < gahr> annotations show up in the task list with a date when you added thos 10:39 < k23z__> here's another thing 10:40 < k23z__> http://pastie.org/794790 10:40 < k23z__> check this out 10:40 < k23z__> I told it to delete task 7 10:40 < k23z__> and it asked me "Do you want to delete all pending recurrences of this same task?" 10:40 < k23z__> and I told it yes 10:40 < k23z__> and it deleted all recurring task with a recurring day on that day 10:40 < k23z__> that's a bug also no ? 10:41 < gahr> lemme se 10:41 < k23z__> can you confirm it's a bug please ? 10:42 < gahr> can you show me how you create those tasks? I can't reproduce it, as I understood it 10:43 < k23z__> make 2 tasks that have the same due day 10:43 < k23z__> and are recurring on a monthly basis 10:43 < k23z__> delete one of 'em 10:43 < k23z__> you'll be asked a quesiton, say yes 10:43 < k23z__> the other one will also be deleted 10:44 < k23z__> can you confirm ? 10:44 < gahr> sorry, I can't reproduce 10:45 < gahr> try this out please 10:45 < k23z__> yes 10:45 < gahr> task add due:today recur:weekly "First recurring" 10:45 < gahr> task recur 10:45 < gahr> task add due:today recur:weekly "Second recurring" 10:45 < gahr> task delete 10:50 < k23z__> gahr, on task recur I see both it and the exactly next recurring date, I think that's ok 10:50 < k23z__> and they have different IDs 10:51 < k23z__> so ids 6,7 indicate to the same task, but on different recurring dates which are 1 week apart 10:51 < k23z__> which is ... normal ? 10:53 < k23z__> this is pretty much ok right now 10:54 < k23z__> gahr, how are tags different from projects ? 10:56 < k23z__> can I merge two tags ? 10:56 < k23z__> like merging stuff , say ... 10:56 < k23z__> task merge +computer_books +books 10:56 < k23z__> it would be useful 10:58 < k23z__> I see I can't have newline characters ... 10:59 < k23z__> can I use this somehow to track how much I've worked for someone 10:59 < k23z__> ? 11:03 < gahr> sorry I'm a bit short on time right now 11:06 < gahr> yes it is normal that you get different IDs for different occurrences of the same task 11:06 < k23z__> ok 11:07 < gahr> well, tags and projects can be quite mixed up 11:07 < gahr> it depends on how you perceive things and how you're used to work 11:08 < gahr> I tend to have a limited number of projects which are somewhat fixed and stable 11:08 < gahr> and play much more with tags 11:08 < gahr> which come and go on the fly, kind of a scatchpad.. 11:10 < gahr> for what concerns the "how much I've worked for" question, I don't have an answer right now.. you could use the due date and added date to compute how many days a task lasts.. 11:16 < k23z__> can an item be in 2 projects at the same time ? 11:16 * k23z__ is going to write this in his paper on taskwriter ( I'm writing it as a cheatsheet for myself primarily and will publish it ) 11:18 < gahr> I don't think a task can be in two projects at the time 11:18 < gahr> k23z__: great! 11:27 < k23z__> ok 11:27 < k23z__> can I do stuff like 11:27 < k23z__> due:+2 days ? 11:28 < gahr> nope 11:41 < k23z__> why not ? 11:41 < k23z__> btw this project is very good 11:42 < k23z__> I think it's a very thought out project 11:42 < k23z__> I am here because I took all console TODO/gtd type projects from sourceforge.net and tried to find something good 11:42 < k23z__> and taskwarrior was pretty good I mean there's a lot of development 11:42 < k23z__> active bug list, people reporting/fixing stuff up , even if it has bugs ... 11:43 < k23z__> there's also a roadmap which I think is very good because you guys actually know where you're headed 11:43 < k23z__> and you know and have planned up things for time to come, maybe years 11:43 < k23z__> and after all CLI is much better than console 11:54 < gahr> thanks, actually I'm not the most active in the team.. I've just fixed a few things 11:55 < gahr> I was about to start developing some time ago, but then free time turned 0.. 12:15 < k23z__> I have a big big wish 12:15 < k23z__> I would like taskwarrior to remain compilable on cygwin on windos 12:15 < k23z__> *windows 12:15 < k23z__> because that's where i'm running it from now 12:16 < k23z__> and in the future as well and I'm planning on using it for a long time from now 12:18 < gahr> I don't do cygwin, but there's someone doing it 12:52 < k23z__> I hope somewhere along the way you guys will make it compile on native windows also 13:16 < k23z__> gahr, you have an emai; ? 13:39 < gahr> yep, why? 14:06 < k23z__> wanna send you what I wrote so far .pdf 14:07 < gahr> post it to the forums, you might get a broader audience: http://taskwarrior.org/projects/taskwarrior/boards 14:08 < gahr> as I said, I'm a bit short in time and I don't think I'll get to taskwarrior in the next weeks 14:14 < pbeckingham> Hi @k23z__ - can I help? 14:17 < gahr> yeah, here comes the master! Hi paul, how's life? 14:20 < pbeckingham> Hi @gahr, life is good. How are you? 14:21 < pbeckingham> @gahr, you don't have a transcript of your conversation with @k23z__ do you? I see 79 lines of it, but there's more. Looks like there are a couple of questions there, and suggestions too. Suggestions are gold. 14:23 < gahr> pbeckingham: yep, hold on