Future extensions to the pkg-data format

After we have a pkg-data file and the program(s) to take advantage of it, then there a wide variety of ways which we might want extend the format. What follows is just some random blue-sky ideas of additional sections that we might want to add. I am not claiming that these are all good ideas, but I just wanted to list a few ideas I had for possible extensions. This is mainly meant as a springboard for discussion.

Right now we (Darren and I) have no plans to include any of the following in the initial implementation of the pkg-data support. However, if any of the following generate a lot of interest, we will see if we can implement those ideas in the time we have available.

Here are some possible extensions:


After we have ports which are using pkg-data files, we could also (perhaps) recognize different pkg-data files for "stable" vs "test" versions of a port. In general there would only be the "stable" version of any port, but sometimes you might want to distribute an alternate version of a port for people to test, even though that it has not been tested enough to make it the "stable production version" of that port. My feeling is that this would be handled by a separate pkg-data file in the directory for that port. Perhaps name the file "pkg-testdata". By having it a separate file, you know that you can not be disrupting the stable-production version of the port. Users who want to use the alternate-version of the port would have to take some special action to get the right pkg-data file.


There were a number of other ideas that I had for future extensions, but they were lost when my initial "Wiki" pages were lost. If I remember them, I will add them to this page.

Comments can be sent to:   drosih@rpi.edu
Web page last on updated:  Apr 12/2004