: RcDaemon Manual : About
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1.1. About

RcDaemon is a collection of Unix programs that use inexpensive hardware to control lights, appliances, video/audio equipment, etc. There are currently 2 control daemons, x10d and ird.

The x10d daemon is used to control and monitor X-10 based equipment. The primary hardware components used are X-10 PowerHouse controller/modules (aka. Radio Shack Plug 'n Power).

The ird daemon allows users to control infrared devices such as stereo and tv equipment. There is support for several different infrared controllers.

The mld daemon allows users to monitor temperature of various points in a building. It can also be used to monitor temperature in a piece of equipment such as a computer.

The hcs2d daemon controls the Circuit Cellar Inc. (tm) HCS2D Supervisory Controller.

Daemons communicate with clients, as well as other daemons thru Unix Domain Sockets. A planned extension will use TCP Sockets, allowing daemons to be spread across a network. Each daemon knows only about the hardware it controls. If a daemon wants to control a device handled by another daemon it sends a message to the controlling daemon.

Future daemons will include the ability to handle voice input.

: RcDaemon Manual : About
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