Random Musings

O for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention!

Oracle Cloud Partner Image creation

Friday, 30 Aug 2024 Tags: ocioracle

This post is only relevant to Oracle Cloud partners. If you’re not a partner, you can stop reading now. Oracle’s marketplace is aimed more at companies that want to sell their software on the Oracle Cloud. This includes functionality like sales lead generation, conversion tracking, and a lot less of “I want to give away my software for free”.

Assuming you’ve gone through the process of becoming a partner, you’ll need to create a “product listing” first, and go through the performative absurdity of getting it approved. This is a process that involves a lot of people who have no idea what all the other people are doing, and who are continually being replaced by other people who also have no idea what the previous people are doing. It’s a bit like a Kafka novel, but with a less satisfying ending.

Once you’ve got your product listing approved, start off with a Private URL. This URL can be provided to people for testing, but it’s not publically visible yet.

private url

The next step is to create an image, from an existing compute image OCID. For this to work, you need to configure your OCI tenancy to enable the marketplace to access it.

config tenancy

create artifact

wait for approval stuff

Updating The Listing

Now that the artifact has been approved, you can update the listing to make it publically available.

  • open listings and choose edit on the appropriate FreeBSD version
  • select App Install Package

Console Publishing Workflow

This section needs to be expanded once API access and information is made available from Oracle.

  • upload the artefact as usual
  • clone the latest FreeBSD 14 or similar listing
  • edit Version Details, and release notes incl updating internal URLs
  • submit the new release for approval - it can take a few days
  • now you can app install package its only avilable once per listing
  • choose create package
