Random Musings

O for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention!

running OpenAFS on OpenBSD

Saturday, 24 Nov 2007 Tags: openafsopenbsd

I’ve had trouble getting OpenAFS to run recently (since 1.4.5 I think) on OpenBSD; I am still using my 4.0 binaries on 4.1 (I know, I know…) but here’s a few notes that may help you get started.

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.openafs.org:/cvs login anonymous
cvs -z9 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.openafs.org:/cvs co -PA openafs# update
cd /usr/ports/local/openafs && cvs -Rvz9 update -Pd
chgrp -R wsrc .
find . -type d | xargs chmod 775
find . -type f | xargs chmod 664

./configure --enable-shared --enable-fast-restart --enable-bitmap-later \
 --quiet --enable-debug --enable-bos-new-config --enable-supergroups \
 --enable-namei-fileserver --enable-largefile-fileserver \
 --disable-kernel-module --with-afs-sysname=i386_obsd40 \

make && make install DESTDIR=/tmp/openafs-1.4.4
cd /tmp/openafs-1.4.4 && tar cvzf /usr/ports/local/openafs-1.4.4_obsd40.tar.gz .
make && make install DESTDIR=/tmp/openafs-1.5.15

cd /tmp/openafs-1.5.15 && tar cvzf /usr/ports/local/openafs-1.5.15_obsd40.tar.gz .
rm -rf /usr/local/lib/afs/ /usr/local/libexec/openafs/ /usr/local/include/rx/ /usr/local/include/afs/
rm /usr/local/include/{des.h,des_conf.h,des_odd.h,des_prototypes.h,lock.h,lwp.h,mit-cpyright.h,potpourri.h,preempt.h}
rm /usr/local/include/{timer.h,ubik.h,ubik_int.h}
rm /usr/local/lib/{libafsauthent.a,libafsrpc.a,libdes.a,liblwp.a,librx.a,librxkad.a,librxstat.a,libubik.a}
rm /usr/local/bin/{afsmonitor,bos,cmdebug,compile_et,dlog,dpass,fs,klog,klog.krb,knfs,kpasswd,kpwvalid,livesys,pagsh,pagsh.krb,pts,rxgen,scout,sys,tokens,tokens.krb,translate_et,udebug,unlog,up,xstat_cm_test,xstat_fs_test}
rm /usr/local/sbin/{afsd,backup,bos_util,bosserver,butc,copyauth,fms,fstrace,kadb_check,kas,kdb,kdump/kdump-build,kpwvalid,kseal,prdb_check,pt_util,read_tape,restorevol,rmtsysd,rxdebug,uss,vldb_check,vldb_convert,voldump,volinfo,vos,vsys}

Setting up the OpenAFS client

  • install openafs-1.*.tgz package
  • setup krb5.conf as usual
  • set up afs.conf as usual


/sbin/modload /usr/local/lib/openafs/libafs.o


# start OpenAFSD client
if [ ';X${openafsd}'; != X';NO'; ]; then
 echo -n 'starting OpenAFS client...';
 mkdir -p -m 0755 /afs
 mkdir -p /var/openafs/cache
 /usr/local/sbin/afsd -stat 4000 -dcache 4000 -daemons 6 -volumes 256 -files 50000 \
         -afsdb -fakestat -nosettime
 echo 'done!'


#start OpenAFS client
openafsd = YES
# set up for next reboot


# start ARLA client
# add '--dynroot' on non-AFSDB servers
echo afs=YES>> /etc/rc.conf.local
echo afsd_flags=\';--log=/var/log/arlad.log --cpu-usage --check-consistency\';>> /etc/rc.conf.local
# edit ntpd.conf for time.muse.net.nz
# install client configuration
cd /tmp && ftp ftp://gremlin.muse.net.nz/OpenAFS/openafs_obsd39.tar.gz
cd / && tar xvzpf /tmp/openafs_obsd39.tar.gz
mkdir -p -m 0755 /afs
echo -n 'unmounting afs:'
pkill afsd > /dev/null 2>&1
rm -rf /var/spool/afs
umount /afs
rm /var/log/arlad.log
pgrep afsd && echo FAIL unable to shut down existing instance

echo -n 'mounting afs:'
mount -t xfs /dev/xfs0 /afs
/usr/libexec/afsd --log=/var/log/arlad.log --recover --cpu-usage --check-consistency
ls /afs

tweak /etc/rc*

A number of changes are required on the OpenAFS server in various /etc/rc* files:


# start OpenAFSD server
if [ ';X${openafs}'; = X';YES'; ]; then
 echo -n 'starting OpenAFS daemons...';
 /usr/afs/bin/bosserver ${openafsd_flags}
 echo 'done!'


# OpenAFS server
openafsd_flags=';-log -auditlog /var/log/boss.log -syslog -enable_peer_stats -enable_process_stats';


echo -n 'stopping OpenAFS daemons...';
/usr/afs/bin/bos shutdown localhost -localauth -wait
/usr/afs/bin/bos status localhost -localauth
echo 'done!'

start up OpenAFS

/usr/afs/bin/bosserver -log -auditlog /var/log/boss.log -syslog \
 -enable_peer_stats -enable_process_stats

Enabling AFSDB in DNS:


sendai                  A       10.0.0.x                 ; afsdb1
muse.net.nz        .    3600    IN AFSDB 1      sendai

Validate config:

dig -t AFSDB muse.net.nz
muse.net.nz.            3600    IN      AFSDB   1 straylight.muse.net.nz.
muse.net.nz.            3600    IN      AFSDB   1 sendai.muse.net.nz.
muse.net.nz.            3600    IN      AFSDB   1 wintermute.muse.net.nz.

straylight.muse.net.nz  259200  IN      A
sendai.muse.net.nz      259200  IN      A
wintermute.muse.net.nz  259200  IN      A

Create AFS Service Accounts

See dementia for further information.

kadmin -p admin/krb
kadmin> add --random-key --use-defaults afs/muse.net.nz
kadmin> del_enctype afs/muse.net.nz des3-cbc-sha1
kadmin> del_enctype afs/muse.net.nz aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96
kadmin> del_enctype afs/muse.net.nz arcfour-hmac-md5
kadmin> list *afs*
kadmin> get afs/muse.net.nz@MUSE.NET.NZ
            Principal: afs/muse.net.nz@MUSE.NET.NZ
    Principal expires: never
     Password expires: never
 Last password change: never
      Max ticket life: 1 day
   Max renewable life: 1 week
                 Kvno: 1
                Mkvno: 0
Last successful login: never
    Last failed login: never
   Failed login count: 0
        Last modified: 2007-03-12 04:28:42 UTC
             Modifier: kadmin/admin@MUSE.NET.NZ
             Keytypes: des-cbc-md5(pw-salt), des-cbc-md4(pw-salt), des-cbc-crc(pw-salt)
kadmin> ext -k /etc/afskeytabfile.krb5 afs/muse.net.nz
kadmin> quit

Check keytab

root@ice:/ $ ktutil -k /etc/afskeytabfile.krb5 list


Vno  Type         Principal
   1  des-cbc-md5  afs/muse.net.nz@MUSE.NET.NZ
   1  des-cbc-md4  afs/muse.net.nz@MUSE.NET.NZ
   1  des-cbc-crc  afs/muse.net.nz@MUSE.NET.NZ

Wire up AFS client

root@ice:/ $ mkdir -p /usr/afs/etc
root@ice:/ $ ln -s /etc/afs/ThisCell /usr/afs/etc/ThisCell

root@ice:/ $ cat /etc/afs/ThisCell

root@ice:/ $ ktutil copy FILE:/etc/afskeytabfile.krb5 AFSKEYFILE:/usr/afs/etc/KeyFile

## may need to mkdir -p /usr/afs/etc/;
## ln -s /etc/afs/ThisCell /usr/afs/etc/ThisCell
## mkdir -m 700 p /etc/openafs/server

## oldversion: ktutil -v copy /tmp/afsv5key AFSKEYFILE:/etc/openafs/server/KeyFile
## ktutil -v copy /tmp/afsv5key AFSKEYFILE:/etc/openafs/server/KeyFile
/usr/afs/bin/bosserver -syslog -noauth
/usr/afs/bin/bos listkeys -noauth afsdb.muse.net.nz
/usr/afs/bin/bos setcellname afsdb.muse.net.nz muse.net.nz -noauth
#chmod this appropriately!

The next set of tips are basically harvested and tested all from:

Set up client

mkdir -p -m 700 /usr/afs/db
mkdir -p m 755  /var/openafs/{local,server,cache,logs}
/bin/echo ';/afs:/var/openafs/cache:198112'; > /etc/openafs/cacheinfo
/bin/echo muse.net.nz> /etc/afs/ThisCell
/bin/echo ';>muse.net.nz            #where great ideas come together';>> /etc/afs/CellServDB
/bin/echo ';    #afsdb.muse.net.nz';>> /etc/afs/CellServDB
mkdir -p /usr/vice/etc
mkdir -p /usr/afs/etc
scp afsdb.muse.net.nz:/etc/openafs/server/KeyFile /etc/afs/
ln -s /etc/afs/KeyFile /usr/afs/etc/KeyFile
ln -s /etc/afs/ThisCell /usr/vice/etc/ThisCell
ln -s /etc/afs/CellServDB /usr/vice/etc/CellServDB
ln -s /etc/afs/CellServDB /usr/afs/etc/CellServDB
ln -s /etc/afs/ThisCell /usr/afs/etc/ThisCell
ln -s /etc/afs/CellServDB /etc/openafs/CellServDB
ln -s /etc/afs/ThisCell /etc/openafs/ThisCell
ln -s /etc/afs/CellServDB /etc/openafs/server/CellServDB
ln -s /etc/afs/ThisCell /etc/openafs/server/ThisCell
ln -s /etc/openafs/server/KeyFile /etc/openafs/KeyFile
mv /usr/sbin/fs /usr/sbin/fs.arla
mv /usr/sbin/bos /usr/sbin/bos.arla
mv /usr/sbin/vos /usr/sbin/vos.arla
mv /usr/sbin/pts /usr/sbin/pts.arla
mkdir -p /usr/afs/local
echo admin.afs>/usr/afs/etc/UserList

When vice isn’t a separate volume

If you’re not using a separate mount point for vicepXX

touch /vicepa/AlwaysAttach

Set up daemons

alias pafs='ps aux | grep afs'
/usr/afs/bin/bosserver -log -syslog -noauth
/usr/afs/bin/bos setcellname afsdb.muse.net.nz muse.net.nz -noauth
/usr/afs/bin/bos adduser afsdb.muse.net.nz admin.afs -noauth
more /etc/afs/ThisCell
more /etc/afs/CellServDB
>muse.net.nz    #Cell name
[]        #afsdb.muse.net.nz
/usr/afs/bin/bos listhosts afsdb.muse.net.nz -noauth
/usr/afs/bin/bos create afsdb.muse.net.nz \
 buserver simple /usr/afs/bin/buserver \
 -cell muse.net.nz -noauth
/usr/afs/bin/bos create afsdb.muse.net.nz \
 ptserver simple /usr/afs/bin/ptserver  \
 -cell muse.net.nz -noauth
/usr/afs/bin/bos create afsdb.muse.net.nz \
 vlserver simple /usr/afs/bin/vlserver  \
 -cell muse.net.nz -noauth

Grant krb admins afs rights

/usr/afs/bin/pts createuser -name admin.afs -cell muse.net.nz -noauth
/usr/afs/bin/pts adduser admin.afs system:administrators -cell muse.net.nz -noauth
/usr/afs/bin/pts createuser -name dave -cell muse.net.nz -noauth
/usr/afs/bin/pts createuser -name pk -cell muse.net.nz -noauth
/usr/afs/bin/pts createuser -name veronika -cell muse.net.nz -noauth
## /usr/afs/bin/pts adduser dave system:administrators -cell muse.net.nz -noauth
/usr/afs/bin/pts mem system:administrators -cell muse.net.nz -noauth
/usr/afs/bin/bos listkeys afsdb.muse.net.nz -cell muse.net.nz -noauth

restart BOS with authentication

/usr/afs/bin/bos shutdown afsdb.muse.net.nz -cell muse.net.nz -localauth -wait
/usr/afs/bin/bos status afsdb.muse.net.nz -cell muse.net.nz -localauth -long
pkill -HUP bosserver
### mount /vicepa
### kinit admin/afs to get afs privileged tokens & make sure you have arla running
/usr/afs/bin/bosserver -log -syslog -enable_peer_stats -enable_process_stats
/usr/afs/bin/bos restart afsdb.muse.net.nz -all -cell muse.net.nz

create FS instance

/usr/afs/bin/bos create afsdb.muse.net.nz fs fs \
 /usr/afs/bin/fileserver \
 /usr/afs/bin/volserver \
 /usr/afs/bin/salvager \
 -cell muse.net.nz -localauth

create AFS root volume

/usr/afs/bin/vos listpart afsdb.muse.net.nz
/usr/afs/bin/vos create afsdb.muse.net.nz /vicepa root.afs \
 -cell muse.net.nz -verbose
/usr/afs/bin/vos create afsdb.muse.net.nz /vicepa root.cell \
 -cell muse.net.nz -verbose
/usr/afs/bin/vos listvol -server afsdb.muse.net.nz

Set up the cell root volumes

#fix up ln -s stuff
#identify correct paths for bins
#move KeyFile to continuity
fs setacl /afs system:administrators rlidwka
fs setacl /afs system:anyuser rl
fs mkmount /afs/muse.net.nz root.cell
dir /afs/muse.net.nz
fs setacl /afs/muse.net.nz system:administrators rlidwka
fs setacl /afs/muse.net.nz system:anyuser rl
fs mkmount /afs/.muse.net.nz root.cell -rw
dir /afs/.muse.net.nz
fs setacl /afs/.muse.net.nz system:administrators rlidwka
fs setacl /afs/.muse.net.nz system:anyuser rl
fs mkmount -dir /afs/su.se -vol root.cell -cell su.se -fast
fs mkmount -dir /afs/openafs.org -vol root.cell -cell openafs.org -fast
fs mkmount -dir /afs/stacken.kth.se -vol root.cell -cell stacken.kth.se -fast
/usr/afs/bin/pts removeuser dave system:administrators -cell muse.net.nz

replicate root volumes and increase their quot

/usr/afs/bin/vos addsite afs1.muse.net.nz /vicepa root.cell
/usr/afs/bin/vos addsite afs1.muse.net.nz /vicepa root.afs
/usr/afs/bin/vos addsite afs1.muse.net.nz /vicepa root.home
/usr/afs/bin/vos listvol -server afs1.muse.net.nz
/usr/afs/bin/vos release root.afs -verbose
/usr/afs/bin/vos release root.cell -verbose
/usr/afs/bin/vos release root.home -verbose
/usr/afs/bin/vos listvol -server afs1.muse.net.nz
/usr/afs/bin/vos examine root.cell -format
/usr/afs/bin/vos examine root.afs -extended
/usr/afs/bin/vos setfields root.cell -maxquota 100000
/usr/afs/bin/vos setfields root.afs -maxquota 10000
/usr/afs/bin/vos examine root.cell
/usr/afs/bin/vos release root.cell -verbose
/usr/afs/bin/vos listvol -server afs1.muse.net.nz

create basic structure

/usr/afs/bin/vos create afs.muse.net.nz /vicepa root.home -verbose
fs setacl /afs/.muse.net.nz system:authuser rl
fs mkmount /afs/.muse.net.nz/home root.home -rw
/usr/afs/bin/vos release root.cell -verbose
ll  /afs/.muse.net.nz/home/dave
fs setacl /afs/.muse.net.nz/home system:authuser rl
fs setacl /afs/.muse.net.nz/home system:administrators rlidwka
vos examine root.home -format
/usr/afs/bin/vos release root.cell -verbose

create a single person

/usr/afs/bin/vos listpart afs.muse.net.nz
/usr/afs/bin/vos create afs.muse.net.nz /vicepa home.dave -verbose
fs mkmount /afs/.muse.net.nz/home/pk home.pk -rw
/usr/afs/bin/vos listvol -server finn
/usr/afs/bin/vos examine home.pk -format
/usr/afs/bin/vos setfields home.pk -maxquota 500000
/usr/afs/bin/vos release root.home
ll  /afs/.muse.net.nz/home/pk
/usr/afs/bin/pts createuser pk
fs setacl /afs/.muse.net.nz/home/pk system:administrators rlidwka
fs setacl /afs/.muse.net.nz/home/pk pk write
/usr/afs/bin/vos release root.cell -verbose
dir /afs/muse.net.nz/home/dave

add your new FS & IP to DNS as AFSDB

Duplicate to new fileserver

 bin:        /usr/afs/bin
 bin:        /usr/vice/etc/libafs.o
  /etc/kerberosV except krb5.keytab

Create KeyTab

create a new krb5.keytab for this host in /etc/kerberosV/krb5.keytab

sudo -s
kadmin -p dave/admin
 add --random-key host/continuity.muse.net.nz
 ext --keytab=/etc/kerberosV/krb5.keytab host/continuity.muse.net.nz
ktutil  -k /etc/kerberosV/krb5.keytab list
chmod 0400 /etc/kerberosV/krb5.keytab
/usr/afs/bin/bosserver -log -syslog -enable_peer_stats -enable_process_stats
/usr/afs/bin/bos listhosts afs1.muse.net.nz -localauth

grant admin rights on local fileserver if not done above

/usr/afs/bin/bos adduser afs1.muse.net.nz dave.afs -localauth
/usr/afs/bin/bos listkeys afs1.muse.net.nz -localauth
kinit --afslog admin/afs
/usr/afs/bin/bos restart afs1.muse.net.nz -all
/usr/afs/bin/bos create afs1.muse.net.nz fs fs \
 /usr/afs/bin/fileserver \
 /usr/afs/bin/volserver \
 /usr/afs/bin/salvager \
 -cell muse.net.nz
/usr/afs/bin/vos listpart afs1.muse.net.nz
/usr/afs/bin/vos listvol -server afs1.muse.net.nz

add RO replicas

/usr/afs/bin/vos addsite afs1.muse.net.nz /vicepa root.cell
/usr/afs/bin/vos addsite afs1.muse.net.nz /vicepa root.afs
/usr/afs/bin/vos listvol -server afs1.muse.net.nz
/usr/afs/bin/vos release -verbose root.cell
/usr/afs/bin/vos listvol -server afs1.muse.net.nz
/usr/afs/bin/vos release -verbose root.afs
/usr/afs/bin/vos listvol -server afs1.muse.net.nz

/usr/afs/bin/vos create finn /vicepa root.public -verbose
/usr/afs/bin/vos addsite finn /vicepa root.public -verbose
/usr/afs/bin/vos release root.public
/usr/afs/bin/vos listvol -server finn
fs mkmount /afs/.muse.net.nz/pub root.public -rw
/usr/afs/bin/vos release root.cell --verbose
ll /afs/.muse.net.nz/pub
fs setacl /afs/.muse.net.nz/pub system:anyuser rl
dir /afs/muse.net.nz/pub
/usr/afs/bin/vos create finn /vicepa public.openbsd37 -verbose
/usr/afs/bin/vos setfields public.openbsd37  -maxquota 1000000
/usr/afs/bin/vos addsite finn /vicepa public.openbsd37 -verbose
/usr/afs/bin/vos release public.openbsd37
/usr/afs/bin/vos listvol -server finn
mkdir /afs/.muse.net.nz/pub/OpenBSD/
fs listacl /afs/.muse.net.nz/pub/OpenBSD
fs mkmount /afs/.muse.net.nz/pub/OpenBSD/3.7 public.openbsd37 -rw
fs listacl /afs/.muse.net.nz/pub/OpenBSD/3.7
fs setacl /afs/.muse.net.nz/pub/OpenBSD/3.7 system:anyuser rl
/usr/afs/bin/vos release root.public
dir /afs/muse.net.nz/public
/usr/afs/bin/vos addsite wintermute /vicepa root.public -verbose
/usr/afs/bin/vos addsite wintermute /vicepa public.openbsd37 -verbose
/usr/afs/bin/vos release root.public
/usr/afs/bin/vos release public.openbsd37
/usr/afs/bin/vos listvol -server wintermute

/usr/afs/bin/vos create finn /vicepa public.distfiles -verbose
fs mkmount /afs/.muse.net.nz/pub/distfiles public.distfiles -rw
fs sa /afs/.muse.net.nz/pub/distfiles system:anyuser rl
fs sa /afs/.muse.net.nz/pub/distfiles dave write

/usr/afs/bin/vos listpart wintermute.muse.net.nz
/usr/afs/bin/vos create afs.muse.net.nz /vicepa home.pk -verbose
fs mkmount /afs/.muse.net.nz/home/pk home.pk -rw
/usr/afs/bin/vos listvol -server wintermute
/usr/afs/bin/vos setfields home.pk -maxquota 500000
/usr/afs/bin/pts createuser -name pk
fs setacl /afs/.muse.net.nz/home/pk system:administrators rlidwka
fs setacl /afs/.muse.net.nz/home/pk pk write
/usr/afs/bin/vos release root.home
dir /afs/muse.net.nz/home/pk

/usr/afs/bin/pts creategroup system:servers system:administrators
/usr/afs/bin/pts creategroup system:wsrc system:administrators
/usr/afs/bin/pts listent -g
/usr/afs/bin/pts listent -u
/usr/afs/bin/pts createuser
/usr/afs/bin/pts createuser
/usr/afs/bin/pts add system:servers
/usr/afs/bin/pts add system:servers
/usr/afs/bin/pts mem system:servers
/usr/afs/bin/pts add dave system:wsrc
/usr/afs/bin/pts mem system:wsrc

example of setting up wsrc

fs la /afs/.muse.net.nz/i386_obsd37
 Access list for /afs/.muse.net.nz/i386_obsd37 is
 Normal rights:
   system:wsrc rlidwk
   system:servers rl
   system:administrators rlidwka
   system:authuser rl

A useful debugging tip is to run boss in the foreground, bosserver -log -enable_peer_stats -enable_process_stats -nofork


>muse.net.nz                # dave & veronika
>ualberta.ca                # University of Alberta
>stacken.kth.se             # Royal Institute of Technology Computer Club
>su.se                      # Stockholm University
>openafs.org                #




# n/a


muse.net.nz        muse


high_vnodes        12000
low_vnodes          9000
high_bytes          6000M
low_bytes           1000M
numcreds             100
numconns             100
numvols              100
fetch_block            4M


CellServDB -> /usr/afs/etc/CellServDB
KeyFile -> /usr/afs/etc/KeyFile
ThisCell -> /usr/afs/etc/ThisCell


CellServDB -> /usr/afs/etc/CellServDB
SuidCells -> /usr/afs/etc/SuidCells
ThisCell -> /usr/afs/etc/ThisCell
afsd.conf -> /usr/afs/etc/afsd.conf


ddb.panic=0 # 0=Do not drop into ddb on a kernel panic kern.maxfiles=102400 # increase maximum files



tar cvzf /tmp/openafs.muse.cfg.tar.gz /etc/openafs /etc/kerberosV/krb5.conf /var/openafs /etc/afs
mkdir -m 700 /var/openafs /usr/afs/db
mkdir -m 755  /etc/openafs /etc/openafs/server /var/openafs/{local,server,cache}
/bin/echo ';/afs:/var/openafs/cache:198112'; > /etc/openafs/cacheinfo
/bin/echo muse.net.nz> /etc/afs/ThisCell
/bin/echo ';>muse.net.nz            #where great ideas come together';>> /etc/afs/CellServDB
ln -s /etc/afs/CellServDB /usr/afs/etc/CellServDB
ln -s /etc/afs/ThisCell /usr/afs/etc/ThisCell
ln -s /etc/afs/CellServDB /usr/afs/CellServDB
ln -s /etc/afs/ThisCell /usr/vice/etc/ThisCell
ln -s /etc/openafs/server/KeyFile /etc/openafs/KeyFile
mv /usr/sbin/fs /usr/sbin/fs.arla
mv /usr/sbin/bos /usr/sbin/bos.arla
mv /usr/sbin/vos /usr/sbin/vos.arla
mv /usr/sbin/pts /usr/sbin/pts.arla
scp continuity:/etc/openafs/server/KeyFile /etc/openafs/server/
pgrep boss

grant admin rights on local fileserver if not done above

/usr/afs/bin/bos adduser afs.muse.net.nz dave.afs -localauth
/usr/afs/bin/bos listkeys afs.muse.net.nz -localauth
/usr/afs/bin/bos restart afs.muse.net.nz -all -localauth
/usr/afs/bin/bos create afs.muse.net.nz fs fs \
 /usr/afs/bin/fileserver \
 /usr/afs/bin/volserver \
 /usr/afs/bin/salvager \
/usr/afs/bin/vos listpart afs.muse.net.nz
/usr/afs/bin/vos listvol -server afs.muse.net.nz
/usr/afs/bin/bos shutdown afs.muse.net.nz -localauth
/usr/afs/bin/bos restart afs.muse.net.nz -all