#!/bin/sh # This is a shell archive echo x misc/libuuid mkdir -p misc/libuuid > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x misc/libuuid/pkg-descr sed 's/^X//' > misc/libuuid/pkg-descr << 'SHAR_END' XThe UUID library is used to generate unique identifiers for objects Xthat may be accessible beyond the local system. This library Xgenerates UUIDs compatible with those created by the Open Software XFoundation (OSF) Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) utility Xuuidgen. X XThe UUIDs generated by this library can be reasonably expected to be Xunique within a system, and unique across all systems. They could Xbe used, for instance, to generate unique HTTP cookies across multiple Xweb servers without communication between the servers, and without fear Xof a name clash. X SHAR_END echo x misc/libuuid/distinfo sed 's/^X//' > misc/libuuid/distinfo << 'SHAR_END' XTIMESTAMP = 1579594852 XSHA256 (util-linux-2.34.tar.xz) = 743f9d0c7252b6db246b659c1e1ce0bd45d8d4508b4dfa427bbb4a3e9b9f62b5 XSIZE (util-linux-2.34.tar.xz) = 4974812 SHAR_END echo x misc/libuuid/Makefile sed 's/^X//' > misc/libuuid/Makefile << 'SHAR_END' X# $FreeBSD$ X XPORTNAME= libuuid XPORTVERSION= 2.34 XCATEGORIES= misc XMASTER_SITES= https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/v${PORTVERSION}/ XDISTNAME= util-linux-${PORTVERSION} X XMAINTAINER= bapt@FreeBSD.org XCOMMENT= Library generates and parses 128-bit Universally Unique IDs (UUIDs) X XLICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE XLICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/Documentation/licenses/COPYING.BSD-3-Clause X XUSES= libtool tar:xz X XGNU_CONFIGURE= yes XCONFIGURE_ARGS= --disable-all-programs \ X --disable-bash-completion \ X --without-ncurses \ X --without-ncursesw \ X --disable-nls \ X --disable-uuidgen \ X --enable-libuuid \ X Xpost-install: X ${RMDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/bash-completion/completions \ X ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/bash-completion/ X X.include SHAR_END echo x misc/libuuid/pkg-plist sed 's/^X//' > misc/libuuid/pkg-plist << 'SHAR_END' Xinclude/uuid/uuid.h Xlib/libuuid.a Xlib/libuuid.so Xlib/libuuid.so.1 Xlib/libuuid.so.1.3.0 Xlibdata/pkgconfig/uuid.pc Xman/man3/uuid.3.gz Xman/man3/uuid_clear.3.gz Xman/man3/uuid_compare.3.gz Xman/man3/uuid_copy.3.gz Xman/man3/uuid_generate.3.gz Xman/man3/uuid_generate_random.3.gz Xman/man3/uuid_generate_time.3.gz Xman/man3/uuid_generate_time_safe.3.gz Xman/man3/uuid_is_null.3.gz Xman/man3/uuid_parse.3.gz Xman/man3/uuid_time.3.gz Xman/man3/uuid_unparse.3.gz Xman/man5/terminal-colors.d.5.gz SHAR_END exit