Tools needed
Here's the tools I used:
- FreeBSD
- The following packages/ports
(you might need more, I alread have about 400 packages installed):
- textproc/resume
- textproc/fop
- java/xalan-j
- java/j2sdkee13
- java/jdk13
- devel/gmake
- Some skill with gmake(1) (Makefile here)
- Some skill with xml (Resume source)
- And a little css (CSS source)
Now what?
Well, you should just be able to stick the xml and make files in the
same directory and type "make" to get your spiffy resume out.
If you get errors then drop be an email, I might be able to help.
$Id: index.html,v 1.2 2003/12/29 11:55:41 bright Exp $