pointyhat web layout

This is the layout of the webfiles served from pointyhat as of 201004.

Notes: directories are shown in blue; individual files, in brown. Also, when you see -full in the dirnames, it's really a historical misnomer for -previous.

Here is the overall layout:


As it turns out, the sizes of the *.html files and the files in ganglia/ and images/ are small compared to all the others, so we won't discuss them further. (One more wrinkle: they are the only files that are served from pointyhat's disk; the rest, below, are all served from two partitions on dumpster.)

Here is the detailed layout of the individual arch directories:


A large part of the size is taken up by the individual arch directories. Let's look more deeply at one:


As of 201004 for amd64, the totals are:

log.*:  714 MB
a.*:  151505 MB
e.*:  14592 MB

Thus, the web footprint of an arch is about 167 GB.

Here is the detailed layout of the individual buildenv directories:


The rest of the size is taken up by the individual buildenv directories. Let's look more deeply at one:


Therefore, the web footprint of a buildenv, if it has all its packages, is about 68GB. (e.g. this will only be true for previous or latest.)

Here is an illustration of the current buildenvs as of 201004:

arch 6 7 8 9
-previous -latest -exp -previous -latest -exp -previous -latest -exp -previous -latest -exp