The CVE exports (e.g. allitems.csv) is a great source to enrich our VuXML entries. For starters, we can try to find CVE names for existing that are missing in our VuXML by comparing references. On the other hand, we can use the CVE names in our documents to compare and update the reference sections of vulnerabilities. This directory contains a few hacks in order to update existing VuXML entries with new information. Current status: - The scripts can detect and merge missing CVE names - 334 missing CVE entries were initially detected - 2010-05-02: 34 merged into 24 VuXML entries (290 remaining) - 2010-05-04: 72 merged into 48 VuXML entries (252 remaining) - 2010-05-12: 109 merged into 60 VuXML entries (129 remaining)