power consumption at ISC (watt figures are "average watts") baytech-a2 1410W 85.1F 20080705 11pm off: java-stable, hammer4 baytech-a2 1458W 85.1F 20080705 11pm off: java-stable, hammer4 baytech-a2 1859W 87.8F 20080705 11pm off: java-stable (hammer4 just on) baytech-a2 1808W 90.5F 20080705 11pm off: java-stable baytech-a2 1557W 90.5F 20080705 11pm off: hammer4 (java-stable just on) baytech-a2 1517W 90.5F 20080705 11pm off: hammer4 baytech-a2 1480W 90.5F 20080705 11pm off: hammer4 baytech-a2 1603W 85.1F 20090718 9pm off: hammer4 (figure 3 Celesticas * 350W, 2 PowerEdge 2850 * 150W, 200W for cs1 and netgear?) (max with hammer4: 1900W) (20100111 measured with hammer1-3 gone: 500W) ------------ baytech-a3 653W 89.6F 20080705 11pm off: netra2, deo-ultra5, panther*, hammer5, hammer7, ref4, netra6-9 baytech-a3 730W 93.2F 20080705 11pm flip netra2 baytech-a3 740W 93.2F 20080705 11pm flip netra9 (figure 4 netras * 75W, 350W for danner, hammer6, rockport) baytech-a3 1074W 92.3F 20090718 9pm off: netra2458, deo-ultra5, panther*, ref4; on: fif0, fif1, hammer5, hammer7 (figure 2 hammers @ 120W: gives 2 soekris * 40W) (max with all netras: 1370W) baytech-a3 1090W 96.8F 20091014 3pm off: netra3, deo*, panther*, hammer5; ref4 disconnected (20100111 measured switch, danner, all netras, hammer5-7, rockport, fif0/1: 1390W) ------------ baytech-b2 553W 88.7F 20080705 11pm off: hammer9-11 baytech-b2 514W 88.7F 20080705 11pm off: hammer9-11, thunder1 baytech-b2 499W 88.7F 20080705 11pm off: hammer9-11, thunder1 baytech-b2 486W 88.7F 20080705 11pm off: hammer9-11, thunder1 (figure 5 thunders * 50W = 250W, hammer8 = 300W) baytech-b2 798W 95.0F 20090717 9pm on: thunder1235, hobson123, dgs; off: hammer8-11, thunder4 baytech-b2 686W 95.0F 20090717 9pm on: thunder1235, hobson12, dgs; off: hammer8-11, thunder4 baytech-b2 558W 95.0F 20090717 9pm on: thunder1235, hobson1, dgs; off: hammer8-11, thunder4 baytech-b2 481W 95.9F 20090717 9pm on: thunder1235, hobson1, dgs; off: hammer8-11, thunder34 (figure 3 dell 1750s * 130W = 390W) (XXX this indicates thunders are 75W?) (calculated max with 3 1750s, 5 thunders, hammer8 fully going: 1000W) baytech-b2 1330W 99.5F 20090810 4pm on: thunder12345, hobson12369, dgs, enet2; off: hammer*, hobson34578 baytech-b2 1540W 99.5F 20090810 4pm on: thunder12345, hobson123679, dgs, enet2; off: hammer*, hobson3458 Xi systems: 200-220W (calculated max with 3 1750s, 4 Xi, 5 thunders, hammer* fully going: 2080W) (calculated max with 4 1750s, 5 Xi, 5 thunders, hammer* gone: 1620W) (20100111 measured thunder3-4, hobson1356789, 2 switches, all under load: 1650W-1857W; 1785W nominal) (that's 2 * 75W, 3 * 130W, 4 * 220W = 1420W, leaves 230W for switches? can't be right.) (20100111 toggle on hobson2: 1874W-2013W; 1960W nominal) 1960-1785 = 175 now try 2 * 75W, 4 * 175W, 4 * 220W = 1730, leaves 235W for switches, now less believable than before??? now try 2 * 75W, 4 * 175W, 4 * 250W = 1850, leaves 110W for switches, much more believable. I'm not willing to cycle hobsons unless someone is on-site to press the button -- just in case. (perhaps this is only a problem with the 1750s?) So, measure power later. calculated max with 5 thunders, 4 1750s, 5 Xi, switches: 2435 so, partition. thunders, switches, hobson987: 1160 hobson65321: 1025 ------------ Celestica 300-350W hammer rackmount 120W PowerEdge 1750 130W XXX now believed to be 175W under load PowerEdge 2850 150W netra 75W thunder 50-75W Xi 220W ------------ minimum: 680W usual total: 4217W max total: 5350W XXX MCL 20100731 a website http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jErq4gWOOSM measures 2950s at 240W idle, 315W fully loaded. assuming we scrap thunderN and hammerN, and give 4x Xi systems to secteam, we have: (2*pe2950)-(5*thunder)-(3*hammer) -105 net savings of 105W takes us down from current theoretical max of 4235, to 4130