Common libraries to 4.x and 5.x are: Explanation of errors: 1) will cause runtime failures with LD_BIND_NOW=20 2), 3) will cause runtime failures if an old binary references the symbol and is run with the new libraries 4) will cause runtime failures if an old binary references the symbol and is not linked against > Comparing symbols in 2) packetAliasMode removed with no replacement 2) skinnyPort removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 2) scsi_sense_key_text removed with no replacement 2) scsi_interpret_sense removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 2) Blowfish_decipher removed with no replacement 2) Blowfish_encipher removed with no replacement 2) bcrypt_gensalt removed with no replacement 2) blf_cbc_decrypt removed with no replacement 2) blf_cbc_encrypt removed with no replacement 2) blf_dec removed with no replacement 2) blf_ecb_decrypt removed with no replacement 2) blf_ecb_encrypt removed with no replacement 2) blf_key removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 2) cleanse_ctr removed with no replacement 2) p_CSwift_AcquireAccContext removed with no replacement 2) p_CSwift_AttachKeyParam removed with no replacement 2) p_CSwift_ReleaseAccContext removed with no replacement 2) p_CSwift_SimpleRequest removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 2) __G77_LIBF77_VERSION__ removed with no replacement 2) __G77_LIBI77_VERSION__ removed with no replacement 2) __G77_LIBU77_VERSION__ removed with no replacement 2) g77__ivers__ removed with no replacement 2) g77__uvers__ removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 2) re_syntax_options removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 1) mbrlen reference added to new version of common libraries but is unresol= ved within common libraries 1) mbrtowc reference added to new version of common libraries but is unreso= lved within common libraries 2) history_comment_char removed with no replacement 2) history_quotes_inhibit_expansion removed with no replacement 2) history_search_delimiter_chars removed with no replacement 2) get_env_value removed with no replacement 2) get_home_dir removed with no replacement 2) set_lines_and_columns removed with no replacement 2) single_quote removed with no replacement 2) unset_nodelay_mode removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 2) __libipsecyyin removed with no replacement 2) __libipsecyyout removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 1) pselect reference added to new version of common libraries but is unreso= lved within common libraries > Comparing symbols in 2) __arch___ieee754_acos removed with no replacement 2) __arch___ieee754_asin removed with no replacement 2) __arch___ieee754_atan2 removed with no replacement 2) __arch___ieee754_exp removed with no replacement 2) __arch___ieee754_fmod removed with no replacement 2) __arch___ieee754_log removed with no replacement 2) __arch___ieee754_log10 removed with no replacement 2) __arch___ieee754_remainder removed with no replacement 2) __arch___ieee754_scalb removed with no replacement 2) __arch___ieee754_sqrt removed with no replacement 2) __arch_atan removed with no replacement 2) __arch_ceil removed with no replacement 2) __arch_copysign removed with no replacement 2) __arch_cos removed with no replacement 2) __arch_finite removed with no replacement 2) __arch_floor removed with no replacement 2) __arch_ilogb removed with no replacement 2) __arch_logb removed with no replacement 2) __arch_rint removed with no replacement 2) __arch_scalbn removed with no replacement 2) __arch_significand removed with no replacement 2) __arch_sin removed with no replacement 2) __arch_tan removed with no replacement 2) signgam removed with no replacement 2) __generic___ieee754_acos removed with no replacement 2) __generic___ieee754_asin removed with no replacement 2) __generic___ieee754_atan2 removed with no replacement 2) __generic___ieee754_exp removed with no replacement 2) __generic___ieee754_fmod removed with no replacement 2) __generic___ieee754_log removed with no replacement 2) __generic___ieee754_log10 removed with no replacement 2) __generic___ieee754_remainder removed with no replacement 2) __generic___ieee754_scalb removed with no replacement 2) __generic___ieee754_sqrt removed with no replacement 2) __generic_atan removed with no replacement 2) __generic_ceil removed with no replacement 2) __generic_copysign removed with no replacement 2) __generic_cos removed with no replacement 2) __generic_finite removed with no replacement 2) __generic_floor removed with no replacement 2) __generic_ilogb removed with no replacement 2) __generic_logb removed with no replacement 2) __generic_rint removed with no replacement 2) __generic_scalbn removed with no replacement 2) __generic_significand removed with no replacement 2) __generic_sin removed with no replacement 2) __generic_tan removed with no replacement 2) __get_hw_float removed with no replacement 2) __i387___ieee754_acos removed with no replacement 2) __i387___ieee754_asin removed with no replacement 2) __i387___ieee754_atan2 removed with no replacement 2) __i387___ieee754_exp removed with no replacement 2) __i387___ieee754_fmod removed with no replacement 2) __i387___ieee754_log removed with no replacement 2) __i387___ieee754_log10 removed with no replacement 2) __i387___ieee754_remainder removed with no replacement 2) __i387___ieee754_scalb removed with no replacement 2) __i387___ieee754_sqrt removed with no replacement 2) __i387_atan removed with no replacement 2) __i387_ceil removed with no replacement 2) __i387_copysign removed with no replacement 2) __i387_cos removed with no replacement 2) __i387_finite removed with no replacement 2) __i387_floor removed with no replacement 2) __i387_ilogb removed with no replacement 2) __i387_logb removed with no replacement 2) __i387_rint removed with no replacement 2) __i387_scalbn removed with no replacement 2) __i387_significand removed with no replacement 2) __i387_sin removed with no replacement 2) __i387_tan removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 1) _getprogname reference added to new version of common libraries but is u= nresolved within common libraries 2) sysentoffset removed with no replacement 2) ncp_rc removed with no replacement 2) sap_sendto_func removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 2) BC removed with no replacement 2) COLORS removed with no replacement 2) COLOR_PAIRS removed with no replacement 2) COLS removed with no replacement 2) LINES removed with no replacement 2) PC removed with no replacement 2) SP removed with no replacement 2) TABSIZE removed with no replacement 2) UP removed with no replacement 2) _nc_comment_end removed with no replacement 2) _nc_comment_start removed with no replacement 2) _nc_curr_col removed with no replacement 2) _nc_curr_file_pos removed with no replacement 2) _nc_curr_line removed with no replacement 2) _nc_curr_token removed with no replacement 2) _nc_disable_period removed with no replacement 2) _nc_head removed with no replacement 2) _nc_nulls_sent removed with no replacement 2) _nc_oldnums removed with no replacement 2) _nc_screen_chain removed with no replacement 2) _nc_slk_format removed with no replacement 2) _nc_start_line removed with no replacement 2) _nc_suppress_warnings removed with no replacement 2) _nc_syntax removed with no replacement 2) _nc_tail removed with no replacement 2) _nc_tracing removed with no replacement 2) acs_map removed with no replacement 2) cur_term removed with no replacement 2) curscr removed with no replacement 2) newscr removed with no replacement 2) ospeed removed with no replacement 2) stdscr removed with no replacement 2) _nc_background removed with no replacement 2) _nc_lib_traceatr removed with no replacement 2) _nc_lib_tracechr removed with no replacement 2) _nc_lib_tracedmp removed with no replacement 2) _nc_lib_tracemouse removed with no replacement 2) _nc_trace_buf removed with no replacement 2) _nc_trace_tries removed with no replacement 2) _nc_trace_xnames removed with no replacement 2) _nc_tracebits removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 2) _gNgDebugLevel removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 1) __xuname reference added to new version of common libraries but is unres= olved within common libraries 2) __opie_lockrefcount removed with no replacement 2) opielogin removed with no replacement 2) opielogwtmp removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 1) __xuname reference added to new version of common libraries but is unres= olved within common libraries 2) pcap_lval removed with no replacement 2) yychar removed with no replacement 2) yydebug removed with no replacement 2) yyerrflag removed with no replacement 2) yyleng removed with no replacement 2) yynerrs removed with no replacement 2) yyss removed with no replacement 2) yysslim removed with no replacement 2) yyssp removed with no replacement 2) yystacksize removed with no replacement 2) yytext removed with no replacement 2) yyval removed with no replacement 2) yyvs removed with no replacement 2) yyvsp removed with no replacement 2) n_errors removed with no replacement 2) yyin removed with no replacement 2) yyout removed with no replacement 2) yy_create_buffer removed with no replacement 2) yy_delete_buffer removed with no replacement 2) yy_flush_buffer removed with no replacement 2) yy_init_buffer removed with no replacement 2) yy_load_buffer_state removed with no replacement 2) yy_scan_buffer removed with no replacement 2) yy_scan_bytes removed with no replacement 2) yy_scan_string removed with no replacement 2) yy_switch_to_buffer removed with no replacement 2) yylex removed with no replacement 2) yyparse removed with no replacement 2) yyrestart removed with no replacement 2) yywrap removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 1) mbrlen reference added to new version of common libraries but is unresol= ved within common libraries 1) mbrtowc reference added to new version of common libraries but is unreso= lved within common libraries 2) screenchars removed with no replacement 2) screenheight removed with no replacement 2) screenwidth removed with no replacement 2) term_DC removed with no replacement 2) term_IC removed with no replacement 2) term_backspace removed with no replacement 2) term_clreol removed with no replacement 2) term_clrpag removed with no replacement 2) term_cr removed with no replacement 2) term_dc removed with no replacement 2) term_ei removed with no replacement 2) term_goto removed with no replacement 2) term_ic removed with no replacement 2) term_im removed with no replacement 2) term_ip removed with no replacement 2) term_pc removed with no replacement 2) term_up removed with no replacement 2) _rl_allow_pathname_alphabetic_chars removed with no replacement 2) _rl_complete_show_all removed with no replacement 2) _rl_defining_kbd_macro removed with no replacement 2) _rl_doing_an_undo removed with no replacement 2) _rl_executing_macro removed with no replacement 2) _rl_horizontal_scroll_mode removed with no replacement 2) _rl_isearch_terminators removed with no replacement 2) _rl_last_c_pos removed with no replacement 2) _rl_last_command_was_kill removed with no replacement 2) _rl_last_v_pos removed with no replacement 2) _rl_mark_modified_lines removed with no replacement 2) _rl_meta_flag removed with no replacement 2) _rl_output_meta_chars removed with no replacement 2) _rl_parsing_conditionalized_out removed with no replacement 2) _rl_suppress_redisplay removed with no replacement 2) _rl_undo_group_level removed with no replacement 2) _rl_vis_botlin removed with no replacement 2) history_comment_char removed with no replacement 2) history_quotes_inhibit_expansion removed with no replacement 2) history_search_delimiter_chars removed with no replacement 2) possible_control_prefixes removed with no replacement 2) possible_meta_prefixes removed with no replacement 2) readline_echoing_p removed with no replacement 2) rl_already_prompted removed with no replacement 2) rl_attempted_completion_function removed with no replacement 2) rl_attempted_completion_over removed with no replacement 2) rl_char_is_quoted_p removed with no replacement 2) rl_complete_with_tilde_expansion removed with no replacement 2) rl_completer_quote_characters removed with no replacement 2) rl_completer_word_break_characters removed with no replacement 2) rl_completion_display_matches_hook removed with no replacement 2) rl_completion_entry_function removed with no replacement 2) rl_completion_type removed with no replacement 2) rl_directory_completion_hook removed with no replacement 2) rl_display_fixed removed with no replacement 2) rl_display_prompt removed with no replacement 2) rl_erase_empty_line removed with no replacement 2) rl_event_hook removed with no replacement 2) rl_explicit_arg removed with no replacement 2) rl_filename_completion_desired removed with no replacement 2) rl_filename_dequoting_function removed with no replacement 2) rl_filename_quote_characters removed with no replacement 2) rl_ignore_some_completions_function removed with no replacement 2) rl_instream removed with no replacement 2) rl_key_sequence_length removed with no replacement 2) rl_last_func removed with no replacement 2) rl_line_buffer removed with no replacement 2) rl_line_buffer_len removed with no replacement 2) rl_outstream removed with no replacement 2) rl_pending_input removed with no replacement 2) rl_pre_input_hook removed with no replacement 2) rl_special_prefixes removed with no replacement 2) rl_startup_hook removed with no replacement 2) rl_terminal_name removed with no replacement 2) rl_undo_list removed with no replacement 2) rl_visible_prompt_length removed with no replacement 2) rl_visible_stats removed with no replacement 2) saved_line_for_history removed with no replacement 2) terminal_can_insert removed with no replacement 2) tilde_expansion_failure_hook removed with no replacement 2) tilde_expansion_preexpansion_hook removed with no replacement 2) get_env_value removed with no replacement 2) get_home_dir removed with no replacement 2) set_lines_and_columns removed with no replacement 2) single_quote removed with no replacement 2) unset_nodelay_mode removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 1) ___res reference added to new version of common libraries but is unresol= ved within common libraries 1) __h_error reference added to new version of common libraries but is unre= solved within common libraries 2) pmonitor removed with no replacement 2) use_privsep removed with no replacement 2) compat13 removed with no replacement 2) compat20 removed with no replacement 2) datafellows removed with no replacement 2) auth_input_open_request removed with no replacement 2) debug removed with no replacement 2) debug2 removed with no replacement 2) debug3 removed with no replacement 2) error removed with no replacement 2) fatal removed with no replacement 2) fatal_add_cleanup removed with no replacement 2) fatal_cleanup removed with no replacement 2) fatal_remove_all_cleanups removed with no replacement 2) fatal_remove_cleanup removed with no replacement 2) get_progname removed with no replacement 2) kexdh removed with no replacement 2) kexgex removed with no replacement 4) log removed with no replacement which is not a common library 2) mm_auth2_read_banner removed with no replacement 2) mm_auth_password removed with no replacement 2) mm_auth_rhosts_rsa_key_allowed removed with no replacement 2) mm_auth_rsa_generate_challenge removed with no replacement 2) mm_auth_rsa_key_allowed removed with no replacement 2) mm_auth_rsa_verify_response removed with no replacement 2) mm_bsdauth_query removed with no replacement 2) mm_bsdauth_respond removed with no replacement 2) mm_choose_dh removed with no replacement 2) mm_getpwnamallow removed with no replacement 2) mm_hostbased_key_allowed removed with no replacement 2) mm_inform_authserv removed with no replacement 2) mm_key_allowed removed with no replacement 2) mm_key_sign removed with no replacement 2) mm_key_verify removed with no replacement 2) mm_newkeys_from_blob removed with no replacement 2) mm_newkeys_to_blob removed with no replacement 2) mm_pam_free_ctx removed with no replacement 2) mm_pam_init_ctx removed with no replacement 2) mm_pam_query removed with no replacement 2) mm_pam_respond removed with no replacement 2) mm_pty_allocate removed with no replacement 2) mm_receive_fd removed with no replacement 2) mm_request_receive removed with no replacement 2) mm_request_receive_expect removed with no replacement 2) mm_request_send removed with no replacement 2) mm_send_fd removed with no replacement 2) mm_send_keystate removed with no replacement 2) mm_session_pty_cleanup2 removed with no replacement 2) mm_ssh1_session_id removed with no replacement 2) mm_ssh1_session_key removed with no replacement 2) mm_start_pam removed with no replacement 2) mm_terminate removed with no replacement 2) mm_user_key_allowed removed with no replacement 2) packet_get_seqnr removed with no replacement 2) packet_set_seqnr removed with no replacement 2) verbose removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 2) dry_run removed with no replacement 2) hosts_access_verbose removed with no replacement > Comparing symbols in 2) inflate_mask removed with no replacement 2) inflate_blocks removed with no replacement 2) inflate_blocks_free removed with no replacement 2) inflate_blocks_new removed with no replacement 2) inflate_blocks_reset removed with no replacement 2) inflate_blocks_sync_point removed with no replacement 2) inflate_codes removed with no replacement 2) inflate_codes_free removed with no replacement 2) inflate_codes_new removed with no replacement 2) inflate_flush removed with no replacement 2) inflate_set_dictionary removed with no replacement 2) inflate_trees_bits removed with no replacement 2) inflate_trees_dynamic removed with no replacement 2) inflate_trees_fixed removed with no replacement