dup05 blocked by fifoor (killed with -9) fcntl07B blocked by fifoor (killed with -9) kill02 killed orphaned process kill12 killed orphaned process lseek04 blocked by fifoor (killed with -9) lseek10 blocked by fifoor (killed with -9) mknod02 blocked by fifoor (killed with -9) mknod03 blocked by fifoor (killed with -9) mknod04 blocked by fifoor (killed with -9) mknod05 blocked by fifoor (killed with -9) mknod06 blocked by fifoor (killed with -9) mknod08 blocked by fifoor (killed with -9) mknod09 blocked by fifoor (killed with -9) msgctl07 killed orphaned process msgrcv01 two processes blocked by wait/msgwait (killed) msgrcv03 blocked by msgwait (killed) msgrcv04 blocked by msgwait (killed) msgrcv06 two processes blocked by wait/msgwait (killed) msgsnd06 two processes blocked by wait/msgwait (killed) nanosleep04 two processes blocked by wait/nanslp (killed) read03 blocked by fifoor (killed with -9) rename14 killed orphaned process select03 blocked by fifoor (killed with -9) waitpid10 killed orphaned processes write04 blocked by fifoor (killed with -9) mtest01 killed orphaned process mtest01w killed orphaned process