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neon format string vulnerabilities


Greuff reports that the neon WebDAV client library contains several format string bugs within error reporting code. A malicious server may exploit these bugs by sending specially crafted PROPFIND or PROPPATCH responses.

Although several applications include neon, such as cadaver and subversion, the FreeBSD Ports of these applications are not impacted. They are specifically configured to NOT use the included neon. Only packages listed as affected in this notice are believed to be impacted.



portaudit: neon format string vulnerabilities

Disclaimer: The data contained on this page is derived from the VuXML document, please refer to the the original document for copyright information. The author of portaudit makes no claim of authorship or ownership of any of the information contained herein.

If you have found a vulnerability in a FreeBSD port not listed in the database, please contact the FreeBSD Security Officer. Refer to "FreeBSD Security Information" for more information.

Oliver Eikemeier <>