PAM Activity Report

ThinkSec AS

April 2002

Table of Contents

1. Summary
2. Achievements
2.1. OpenPAM
2.2. FreeBSD PAM Modules
2.3. FreeBSD Userland
2.4. Ports Collection
3. Planning Ahead

This report covers the period from April 9th, 2002 to May 8th, 2002. A total of 62 hours were spent on PAM work during this period. A large majority of this time was spent on PAM conversion of the r* daemons and password-related utilities. Some time was spent cleaning up PAM modules and improving OpenPAM.

All work this period was performed by Dag-Erling Smørgrav.

The following is a list of some of the major remaining tasks:

In addition, the following task was added to the contract on May 2, 2002, extending it by 40 hours:

This list is essentially unchanged from last month.

To date, 263.5 of the 615 contracted hours have been spent. There remain 351.5 hours to perform the tasks listed above.